High Level Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report 2012 ...

High Level Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report 2012 ... High Level Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report 2012 ...

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ENVIRONMENT, LEISURE AND RESIDENTS SERVICES1. Variance by Departmental DivisionDepartmental DivisionRevised BudgetQuarter 1VarianceQuarter 2VarianceQuarter 1£000s £000s £000sCleaner, Greener & Cultural Services 27,225 (92) (124)Safer Neighbourhoods 6,470 166 124Customer & Business Development 91 96 0Director’s Office 1,252 (170) 0Total 35,037 0 02. Variance Analysis of Significant ItemsDepartmentalDivisionCleaner, Greener &Cultural ServicesSaferNeighbourhoodsCustomer &BusinessDevelopmentVariance£000s(92)16696Director’s Office (170)Total 0Explanation & Action PlansThe overspend in Safer Neighbourhoods is mainly dueto temporary business disruption due to the relocation ofthe registrars service from Fulham Town Hall toHammersmith Town Hall (58k) and an income shortfallcreated by the reduction of the Council’s transport fleetand reduced demand for vehicle works and repairs (88k)with other minor variances of £40k.Part year saving due to early implementation of sharedsenior management with RBKC. Included in the MTFSfrom 2013/14.

FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES1. Variance by Departmental DivisionDepartmental DivisionRevised BudgetQuarter 1VarianceQuarter 2VarianceQuarter 1£000s £000s £000sH&F Direct 18,557 0 0Organisational Development 275 (150) 0Legal & Democratic Services (1,702) 200 0Communications 363 0 0Finance (283) (60) 0Procurement & IT Strategy (1,307) 0 0Executive Services (690) 100 0Corporate Human Resources (150) (150) 0Contingencies & Provisions (6) 0 0Total 15,069 (60) 02. Variance Analysis of Significant ItemsDepartmental Division Variance£000sH&F Direct 0OrganisationalDevelopmentLegal & DemocraticServices(150)200Communications 0Finance (60)Procurement & ITStrategy0Executive Services 100Corporate HumanResources(150)Explanation & Action PlansSalary underspend as a result of posts becomingvacant and others being held vacant pending a BiBorough reorganisation.The loss of several key staff has resulted in lowertrading account activity, further costs have beenincurred from management charges for RBKC staffmanaging the Property and Employment functions.The overspend has been mitigated by underspendsin both Councillor’s Services and Electoral Services.The overspend represents the balance of the MTFSefficiency saving for the Business Support Review.The underspend is as result of vacancymanagement and lower supplies and servicesexpenditure.Contingencies &Provisions0Total (60)

ENVIRONMENT, LEISURE AND RESIDENTS SERVICES1. Variance by Departmental DivisionDepartmental DivisionRevised <strong>Budget</strong>Quarter 1VarianceQuarter 2VarianceQuarter 1£000s £000s £000sCleaner, Greener & Cultural Services 27,225 (92) (124)Safer Neighbourhoods 6,470 166 124Customer & Business Development 91 96 0Director’s Office 1,252 (170) 0Total 35,037 0 02. Variance Analysis of Significant ItemsDepartmentalDivisionCleaner, Greener &Cultural ServicesSaferNeighbourhoodsCustomer &BusinessDevelopmentVariance£000s(92)16696Director’s Office (170)Total 0Explanation & Action PlansThe overspend in Safer Neighbourhoods is mainly dueto temporary business disruption due to the relocation ofthe registrars service from Fulham Town Hall toHammersmith Town Hall (58k) <strong>and</strong> an income shortfallcreated by the reduction of the Council’s transport fleet<strong>and</strong> reduced dem<strong>and</strong> for vehicle works <strong>and</strong> repairs (88k)with other minor variances of £40k.Part year saving due to early implementation of sharedsenior management with RBKC. Included in the MTFSfrom 2013/14.

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