High Level Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report 2012 ...

High Level Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report 2012 ...

High Level Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report 2012 ...


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London Borough of Hammersmith & FulhamOVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY BOARD29 th January 2013TITLE OF REPORT<strong>2012</strong>/13 <strong>High</strong> <strong>Level</strong> <strong>Revenue</strong> And <strong>Capital</strong> <strong>Budget</strong> <strong>Monitoring</strong> Quarter 2 <strong>Report</strong><strong>Report</strong> of the Executive Director of Finance <strong>and</strong> Corporate ServicesOpen <strong>Report</strong>Classification - For Scrutiny Review & CommentKey Decision: NoWards Affected: AllAccountable Executive Director:Executive Director of Finance & Corporate Governance)<strong>Report</strong> Author:• Gary Ironmonger – Finance Manager StrategicPlanning <strong>and</strong> <strong>Monitoring</strong>• Jade Cheung - Finance Manager - <strong>Capital</strong>Corporate Accountancy <strong>and</strong> <strong>Capital</strong> TeamContact Details:Tel: 020 8753 2109E-mail: gary.ironmonger@lbhf.gov.ukTelephone number: 0208 753 3374Email: jade.cheung@lbhf.gov.uk1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY1.1 This report sets out the <strong>Revenue</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Capital</strong> Outturn <strong>2012</strong>/13 forecast as at Quarter2.REVENUE1.2 The General Fund is forecast to underspend by £2.1m in <strong>2012</strong>/13. The majority ofthe underspend is accounted for by Adult Social Care (£1.7m) <strong>and</strong> CentrallyManaged <strong>Budget</strong>s (£0.6m). Only Transport & Technical Services (£0.1m) <strong>and</strong>Controlled Parking (£0.2m) are forecasting overspends.1.3 The Housing <strong>Revenue</strong> Account (HRA) is forecast to underspend by £0.1m. As aresult of invest to save projects outside of day to day operations of £1.1m the HRAbalance is forecast to fall by £0.9m to £4.2m.CAPITAL1.4 The forecast closing debt position for the General Fund as measured by the <strong>Capital</strong>Financing Requirement (CFR) for <strong>2012</strong>/13 at quarter 2 is £94.4m.

1.5 At quarter 2, the annual General Fund usable capital receipts surplus for <strong>2012</strong>/13 isforecast to be £3.1m. The cumulative surplus in capital receipts by 2015/16 is nowforecast to be £26.6m. It is anticipated, in accordance with the Council’s debtreduction strategy, that this surplus will be set aside to repay debt. The DecentNeighbourhoods cumulative surplus in resources for quarter 2 is £18.1m <strong>and</strong> isprojected to be £13.4m by 2015/16.1.6 The capital receipts forecast for quarter 2 is £20.7m for <strong>2012</strong>/13 (compared with£28.9m for quarter 1).1.7 The <strong>2012</strong>/13 quarter 2 General Fund capital programme has been revised to abudget of £57.8m (from £100.9m at quarter 1), the Decent Neighbourhoodsprogramme has been revised to £12.6m (from £6.1m at quarter 1), <strong>and</strong> the Housingcapital programme (HRA) is £32.2m (from £36.7m at quarter 1).2. RECOMMENDATIONS2.1 To note the contents of the report.3. REVENUE FORECAST – GENERAL FUND3.1 The second quarter revenue outturn forecast for <strong>2012</strong>/13 shows an underspend of£2.158m. The details are summarised in Table 1 <strong>and</strong> exp<strong>and</strong>ed on in Appendix 1.Table 1: General Fund Forecast Outturn <strong>2012</strong>/13DepartmentRevised<strong>Budget</strong>Quarter 2ForecastVarianceQuarter 2ForecastVarianceQuarter 1£m £m £mAdult Social Care 76.709 (1.696) (1.595)Children’s Services 55.953 0 0Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking1.519 0 0ChildrenEnvironment, Leisure & Residents35.037 0 0ServicesFinance <strong>and</strong> Corporate Services 15.069 (0.060) 0Housing & Regeneration 7.233 (0.023) (0.061)Transport & Technical Services 18.897 0.098 0.196Controlled Parking Account (20.543) 0.183 0.021Centrally Managed <strong>Budget</strong>s 33.823 (0.660) (0.583)Net Operating Expenditure 223.697 (2.158) (2.022)** Note that figures in brackets represent underspends3.2 The most significant underspend is in Adult Social Care (£1.7m). The favourablevariance in the Operations Division (£0.75m) mainly relates to the projecteddecrease in client numbers in Older People <strong>and</strong> Physical Disabilities. However, theunderspend has reduced since last reported due to 10 new clients in Older people<strong>and</strong> physical disabilities. The underspend in the Provided Service Division(£0.46m) is mainly due to the early achievement of a Mental Health efficiency(£0.2m) <strong>and</strong> a projected underspend (£0.26m) in the mental health placement

udget. The underspend in the Commissioning Division (£0.45m) is due to afavourable variance in the Supporting People budget (£0.3m) due to two contractswith lower level of activities than planned. The community investment fast trackbudget is on course to underspend by (£0.1m).4. REVENUE FORECAST - HOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT (HRA)4.1 The HRA is projected to underspend by £0.093m (Appendix 2). A £0.904mreduction in HRA balances was budgeted for in <strong>2012</strong>/1. This results in a projectedbalance of £4.218m for March 2013 (illustrated in table 2 below):Table 2: Movement in the Housing <strong>Revenue</strong> Account Balance 2013/14Housing <strong>Revenue</strong> Account £mBalance as at 31 March <strong>2012</strong> (5.029)Less: <strong>Budget</strong>ed Appropriation from Balances 0.904Add: Underspend (0.093)Projected Balance as at 31st March 2013 (4.218)5. CAPITAL PROGRAMME OUTTURN FORECAST <strong>2012</strong>/135.1 This report sets out the latest <strong>2012</strong>/13 quarter 2 capital monitoring position for theCouncil’s debt reduction programme, the General Fund, Decent Neighbourhoods<strong>and</strong> the Housing capital programmes.General Fund Debt Reduction5.2 The forecast closing General Fund debt as measured by the <strong>Capital</strong> FinancingRequirement (CFR) for <strong>2012</strong>/13 at quarter 2 is £94.4m (in quarter 1 £90.5m), asshown in table 3 below. This change from the previous quarter, primarily resultsfrom an updated capital receipts forecast of £20.7m for <strong>2012</strong>/13, which hasreduced from quarter 1’s projection due to asset disposal slippage into future years(details in table 6 <strong>and</strong> appendix 5).Table 3 - Forecast Movement in the <strong>Capital</strong> Financing Requirement (CFR)<strong>2012</strong>/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16£m £m £m £mOpening <strong>Capital</strong> Financing Requirement(CFR)99.8 94.4 79.1 70.2Closing CFR 94.4 79.1 70.2 71.7Net Movement from £99.8m (5.4) (20.7) (29.6) (28.1)Quarter 1 CFR 90.5 76.0 74.6 76.4<strong>Budget</strong> Council CFR 94.0 77.7 77.7 77.7

Decent Neighbourhoods Programme5.3 Table 4 summarises the <strong>2012</strong>/13 Decent Neighbourhoods capital programme forquarter 2 with details shown in appendix 3. The programme objectives are theregeneration of housing estates <strong>and</strong> the creation of sustainable communities.Specific housing capital receipts such as expensive dwelling voids <strong>and</strong> HRA shopsare earmarked to fund this capital programme.LineTable 4 - Decent Neighbourhoods ProgrammeDecent NeighbourhoodsSummary<strong>2012</strong>/13Quarter 2Revised<strong>Budget</strong>2013/14<strong>Budget</strong>2014/15<strong>Budget</strong>2015/16<strong>Budget</strong>£m £m £m £m1 Forecast expenditure budget 12.6 16.3 2.9 2.9 A2 Net total resources (28.0) (29.4) (18.1) (18.2) I3(1+2)Annual (surplus)/deficit(approved schemes only)4 Schemes under consideration:Forecast expenditureAppx3 Ref(15.4) (13.1) (15.2) (15.3) J2.4 12.9 19.8 15.6 K5 (3+4) Annual (Surplus)/deficit (13.0) (0.2) 4.6 0.3 L6 Balance brought forward (5.1) (18.1) (18.3) (13.7) B7 (5+6) Cumulative Total (Surplus)/deficit (18.1) (18.3) (13.7) (13.4) M5.4 The quarter 2 revised expenditure budget for approved schemes is £12.6m(compared with quarter 1 at £6.1m, <strong>and</strong> original budget of £13m). There is anoverall forecast cumulative surplus in resources of £13.4m by 2015/16.General Fund Programme5.5 The annual surplus in capital receipts for <strong>2012</strong>/13 is forecast to be £3.1m. Thecumulative surplus in capital receipts by 2015/16 is now forecast to be £26.6m. Itis anticipated, in accordance with the Council’s debt reduction strategy, that thissurplus will be set aside to repay debt.5.6 The quarter 2 position is summarised in table 5, with details in appendices 3, 4 <strong>and</strong>5.

Table 5 - <strong>2012</strong>/13 to 2015/16 General Fund <strong>Capital</strong> ProgrammeLine General Fund <strong>2012</strong>/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 Appendix£m £m £m £m RefExpenditure:Children's Services 31.3 42.3 8.0 2.5 4.1Adult Social Care 1.4 1.4 0.5 0.5 4.2Transport & Technical Services 15.9 7.6 6.5 5.3 4.3Finance <strong>and</strong> Corporate Services 2.1 0.8 0.8 0.8 4.4Environment, Leisure &Residents Services7.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 4.51 Total 57.8 52.6 16.3 9.5Resources:General Fund Receipts 20.7 28.7 17.3 6.3 5Deferred Cost of Disposal (0.7)Transfer from DecentNeighbourhood receipts 25%8.9 3Reimbursement of HRA <strong>and</strong>Decent Neighbourhood receipts(13.2) 12 Net capital receipts 15.8 28.7 17.3 6.33 Specific or other funding 45.1 37.2 9.2 3.24 (2+3) Total 60.9 65.9 26.5 9.55 (1-4) Annual (surplus)/deficit (3.1) (13.3) (10.2) 0.0Cumulative (surplus)/deficit (3.1) (16.4) (26.6) (26.6)5.7 Table 6 below shows the anticipated capital receipts at quarter 2 with detailsshown in appendix 5.Table 6 – General Fund Anticipated <strong>Capital</strong> ReceiptsYear ForecastOutturnQuarter 1£mForecastOutturnQuarter 2£mVariance£m<strong>2012</strong>/13 28.9 20.7 (8.2)2013/14 23.5 28.7 5.22014/15 9.5 17.3 7.82015/16 5.3 6.3 1.05.8 The revised <strong>2012</strong>/13 quarter 2 capital programme for the Decent Neighbourhoodsprogramme is £12.6m (quarter 1 £6.1m), General Fund is £57.8m (quarter 1£100.9m), <strong>and</strong> the Housing capital programme is £32.2m (quarter 1 £36.7m).These are detailed in appendices 3, 4 <strong>and</strong> 6.Housing <strong>Capital</strong> Programme (HRA)5.9 The Housing <strong>Revenue</strong> Account <strong>Capital</strong> Programme seeks to meet the ongoinginvestment needs of the Council’s owned <strong>and</strong> managed housing stock, it does notinclude specific programmes such as Earls Court or the Local Housing Company,

which are included in the Decent Neighbourhoods Fund. The current year positionof the Housing capital programme is summarised in Table 7.Table 7 – Summary of the <strong>2012</strong>/13 Housing <strong>Capital</strong> ProgrammeQuarter 1Revised<strong>Budget</strong><strong>2012</strong>/13£mQuarter 2Revised<strong>Budget</strong><strong>2012</strong>/13£mVariance£mExpenditure 36.7 32.2 (4.5)Resources (36.7) (32.2) 4.5Forecast (Surplus) /Deficit0 0 05.10 The reduction in the total value of the programme has been primarily driven by areduction in the forecast available resources, primarily as a result of the re-profilingto 2013/14 of anticipated receipts.5.11 Members have previously been notified that the realisation of leasehold income isnot straight-forward <strong>and</strong> there continues to be a risk that income targets will not bemet. Given this risk Finance <strong>and</strong> Corporate Services are liaising with Housing <strong>and</strong>Regeneration Department to regularly review <strong>and</strong> monitor the level of leaseholdcontributions generated.5.12 Appendix 6 provides a more detailed breakdown of the expenditure programme<strong>and</strong> resource assumptions.6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF FINANCE AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCECOMMENTS6.1 The General Fund is forecast to underspend by £2.158m in <strong>2012</strong>/13.6.2 The HRA is forecasting an underspend of £0.093m. As a result of invest to saveprojects of £1.128m outside of day to day operations the HRA balance is forecast tofall by £0.811m to £4.218m.6.3 <strong>Capital</strong> financial comments are contained within section 5 of this report.LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 2000LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS USED IN PREPARING THIS REPORTNo.Description ofBackground PapersName/Extfile/copyof holder ofDepartment/Location1. None

APPENDIX 1:DEPARTMENTAL ANALYSIS - BUDGET REVENUE MONITORING <strong>2012</strong>-13QUARTER 1 FORECASTADULT SOCIAL CARE (ASC)1. Variance by Departmental DivisionRevised<strong>Budget</strong>Quarter 1VarianceQuarter 2VarianceQuarter 1Departmental Division£000s £000s £000sOperations 45,806 (751) (1,641)Provided Service <strong>and</strong> Mental Health13,026 (460) 311PartnershipCommissioning 16,027 (447) (259)Procurement <strong>and</strong> Business Intelligence (35) (21) (13)Finance 1,462 7 7Directorate 323 (24) 0Total 76,709 (1,696) (1,595)2. Variance Analysis of Significant ItemsDepartmentalDivisionOperationsProvidedService <strong>and</strong>Mental HealthPartnershipCommissioningVariance£000s(751)(460)(447)Procurement (21)<strong>and</strong> BusinessIntelligenceFinance 7Directorate (24)Total (1,696)Explanation & Action PlansThis favourable position in the Operations Division mainlyrelates to the projected decrease in client numbers inOlder People <strong>and</strong> Physical Disabilities. However, inAugust, the underspend reduced due to 10 new clients inOlder people <strong>and</strong> physical disabilities.The underspend in the Provided Service Division is mainlydue to the early achievement of Mental Health efficiency of(£200k) <strong>and</strong> a projected underspend of (£260k) in themental health placement budget.In the Supporting People budget there is a favourableprojected variance of (£296k) due to two contracts withlower level of activities than planned. The communityinvestment fast track budget is on course to underspendby (£118k). There are other minor divisional underspendsof £33k.

CHIDRENS SERVICES DEPARTMENT1. Variance by Departmental DivisionRevised<strong>Budget</strong>Quarter 1VarianceQuarter 2VarianceQuarter 1Departmental Division£000s £000s £000sTri-Borough Education Service 6,731 (289) (200)Family Services 33,990 (28) 200Children’s Commissioning 7,618 59 0Finance & Resources 7,243 258 0Dedicated School Grant & Schools213 0 0FundingEmployee Lead Mutual 158 0 0Total 55,953 0 02. Variance Analysis of Significant ItemsDepartmentalDivisionTri-BoroughEducationServiceVariance£000s(289)FamilyServices(28)Children’sCommissioning59Finance &Resource258DedicatedSchool Grant &Schools0FundingEmployee LeadMutual0Total 0Explanation & Action PlansThe favourable variance is due to vacant posts as a resultof tri borough reorganisations still in progress <strong>and</strong> earlydelivery of some <strong>2012</strong>/13 savings.The adverse variance is due IT & legal overspends basedon 11/12 rates & current pro-rata’d spend to date.

UNACCOMPAINED ASYLUM SEEKING CHILDREN1. Variance by Departmental DivisionRevised<strong>Budget</strong>Quarter 1VarianceQuarter 2VarianceQuarter 1Departmental Division£000s £000s £000sUnaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children 1,519 0 0Total 1,519 0 02. Variance Analysis of Significant ItemsDepartmental VarianceDivision £000sUnaccompanied 0Asylum SeekingChildrenTotal 0Explanation & Action Plans

ENVIRONMENT, LEISURE AND RESIDENTS SERVICES1. Variance by Departmental DivisionDepartmental DivisionRevised <strong>Budget</strong>Quarter 1VarianceQuarter 2VarianceQuarter 1£000s £000s £000sCleaner, Greener & Cultural Services 27,225 (92) (124)Safer Neighbourhoods 6,470 166 124Customer & Business Development 91 96 0Director’s Office 1,252 (170) 0Total 35,037 0 02. Variance Analysis of Significant ItemsDepartmentalDivisionCleaner, Greener &Cultural ServicesSaferNeighbourhoodsCustomer &BusinessDevelopmentVariance£000s(92)16696Director’s Office (170)Total 0Explanation & Action PlansThe overspend in Safer Neighbourhoods is mainly dueto temporary business disruption due to the relocation ofthe registrars service from Fulham Town Hall toHammersmith Town Hall (58k) <strong>and</strong> an income shortfallcreated by the reduction of the Council’s transport fleet<strong>and</strong> reduced dem<strong>and</strong> for vehicle works <strong>and</strong> repairs (88k)with other minor variances of £40k.Part year saving due to early implementation of sharedsenior management with RBKC. Included in the MTFSfrom 2013/14.

FINANCE AND CORPORATE SERVICES1. Variance by Departmental DivisionDepartmental DivisionRevised <strong>Budget</strong>Quarter 1VarianceQuarter 2VarianceQuarter 1£000s £000s £000sH&F Direct 18,557 0 0Organisational Development 275 (150) 0Legal & Democratic Services (1,702) 200 0Communications 363 0 0Finance (283) (60) 0Procurement & IT Strategy (1,307) 0 0Executive Services (690) 100 0Corporate Human Resources (150) (150) 0Contingencies & Provisions (6) 0 0Total 15,069 (60) 02. Variance Analysis of Significant ItemsDepartmental Division Variance£000sH&F Direct 0OrganisationalDevelopmentLegal & DemocraticServices(150)200Communications 0Finance (60)Procurement & ITStrategy0Executive Services 100Corporate HumanResources(150)Explanation & Action PlansSalary underspend as a result of posts becomingvacant <strong>and</strong> others being held vacant pending a BiBorough reorganisation.The loss of several key staff has resulted in lowertrading account activity, further costs have beenincurred from management charges for RBKC staffmanaging the Property <strong>and</strong> Employment functions.The overspend has been mitigated by underspendsin both Councillor’s Services <strong>and</strong> Electoral Services.The overspend represents the balance of the MTFSefficiency saving for the Business Support Review.The underspend is as result of vacancymanagement <strong>and</strong> lower supplies <strong>and</strong> servicesexpenditure.Contingencies &Provisions0Total (60)

HOUSING & REGENERATION DEPARTMENT1. Variance by Departmental DivisionDepartmental DivisionRevised <strong>Budget</strong>Quarter 1VarianceQuarter 2VarianceQuarter 1£000s £000s £000sHousing Options, Skills & Economic6,706 (72) (61)DevelopmentRegeneration 30 0Housing Services 47 (19) 0Finance & Resources 450 68 0Total 7,233 (23) (61)2. Variance Analysis of Significant ItemsDepartmental DivisionHousing Options, Skills& EconomicDevelopmentVariance£000s(72)Regeneration 0Housing Services (19)Finance & Resources 68Total (23)Explanation & Action Plans

TRANSPORT & TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT1. Variance by Departmental DivisionRevised<strong>Budget</strong>Quarter 1VarianceQuarter2VarianceQuarter 1Departmental Division£000s £000s £000sBuilding & Property Management (496) 201 184Transport & <strong>High</strong>ways 13,114 (270) (251)Planning 2,500 156 324Environmental Health 3,509 (66) (100)Support Services 270 77 38Total 18,897 98 1962. . Variance Analysis of Significant ItemsDepartmentalDivisionBuilding &PropertyManagementTransport &<strong>High</strong>waysVariance£000s201(270)Planning 156EnvironmentalHealth(66)Explanation & Action PlansAn adverse variance of £344k due to Building Controlincome shortfalls due to continuing low activity levels <strong>and</strong>increased market penetration by approved inspectors.Remedial plans to offset the shortfall include seekingfurther income on developments carried out without properbuilding controls <strong>and</strong> applications, improving marketingstrategy <strong>and</strong> implementing internal cost reduction.In addition the Council has decided to retainaccommodation previously earmarked for disposal for useby the new Tri-Borough services leading to an adversevariance of £233k. Savings which would have beendelivered as a result of the disposals are now notachievable in <strong>2012</strong>/13. Discussions are underway to leasesome empty space in the Town Hall to the new GPCommissioners to generate additional income to helpmitigate the impact of some of these pressures.These overspends are balanced by favourable variancesin Facilities Management from underspends of (£180k) inthe Civic Cleaning contract, (£52k) in Mail <strong>and</strong> Logistics,<strong>and</strong> (£104k) in carbon allowances <strong>and</strong> £40k of other minorunderspends.The planned <strong>and</strong> general maintenance expenditure isbeing managed to produce an underspend to support thefinancial position of TTS as a whole.Following the acceleration of applications last year (to beatthe introduction of the Mayor’s CIL charge), the number ofMajor applications has reduced leading to lower incomethan budgeted.

DepartmentalDivisionVariance£000sSupportServices77Total 98Explanation & Action Plans

CONTROLLED PARKING ACCOUNTS (CPA)1. Variance by Departmental DivisionDepartmental DivisionRevised <strong>Budget</strong>Quarter 1VarianceQuarter 2VarianceQuarter 1£000s £000s £000sPay & Display (12,949) 792 745Permits (4,690) (6) (98)CEO Issued PCN (6,864) 160 137Bailiff Recovery 0 (651) (651)Bus Lane PCN (115) (828) (752)CCTV PCN (616) 84 (130)Moving Traffic PCN's (6,183) 1,086 317Parking Bay Suspensions (917) (438) (236)Towaways / Removals (852) 493 372Expenditure 12,645 (509) 317Total (20,543) 183 212. Variance Analysis of Significant ItemsDepartmentalDivisionPay & DisplayParkingChargesVariance£000s792Permits (6)CEO issuedPCNs160Bailiff Recovery (651)Bus Lane PCN (828)CCTV PCN 84Moving TrafficPenalty ChargeNotices (PCNs)1,086Explanation & Action PlansA lower level of cash collected to date in <strong>2012</strong>-13, ascompared to the same period in 2011/12. There was afurther decrease in parking activity in August, due to theOlympics.Despite a slight increase on the previous years issuenumbers, income from CEO issued PCNs is expected tobe under the budgeted income target.This is the debt recovered by bailiffs relating to PCNsissued in previous financial years. The income willdecrease as the year goes on, as more of the debt passedto the bailiff will relate to the current year. It is shownseparately because it relates to income from previousyears.Enforcement is focused on the bus lane in the centre ofShepherds Bush Road. The relevant camera was nonoperationalfor much of the previous year.The new CCTV control room became operational in midJuly. However, it is not currently running at full capacity,with new cameras awaiting approval <strong>and</strong> the recruitment ofadditional staff to match the workload.

DepartmentalDivisionParking BaySuspensionTowaways /RemovalsVariance£000s(438)493Expenditure (509)Total 183Explanation & Action PlansA continued high level of income from parking baysuspensions means they are forecast to be better thanbudget. This is due to an increase in price in 2010 <strong>and</strong> anincrease in the volume of suspensions.A 45% reduction in the volume of vehicles being towed, ascompared to the same period last year, has resulted in aforecast of £493k less than budget. The use of tow-awayhas been greatly reduced as a matter of policy (as it isincreasingly difficult to justify) with members’ agreement.The forecast spend on cash collection <strong>and</strong> removals is£145k more than budget, offset by an underspend due tovacancies in parking enforcement <strong>and</strong> office posts.CCTV enforcement posts are not expected to be filled untilOctober, but the full year’s budget has been madeavailable.

1. Variance by Departmental DivisionCENTRALLY MANAGED BUDGETSRevised<strong>Budget</strong>Quarter 1VarianceQuarter 2VarianceQuarter 1Departmental Division£000s £000s £000sPensions/ Redundancy 10,714 0 0Corporate & Democratic Core 6,093 (150) (63)Housing <strong>and</strong> Council Tax Benefits 469 0 0Net Cost of Borrowing 6,206 0 0Levies 1,716 (120) (120)Other Corporate Items (Includes8,625 (390) (400)Contingencies, Insurance, L<strong>and</strong> Charges)Total 33,823 (660) (583)2. Variance Analysis of Significant ItemsDepartmental Variance Explanation & Action PlansDivision£000sPensions/ 0RedundancyCorporate &Democratic Core(150) This underspend is due to reduced External Auditfees.Housing <strong>and</strong> 0Council TaxBenefitsNet Cost of 0BorrowingLevies (120) Expected increase in Pension Fund Levy notrealised.Other CorporateItems (IncludesContingencies,(390) Expected over achievement of L<strong>and</strong> chargesincome of (841k) as compared to a budget of(£451k).Insurance, L<strong>and</strong>Charges)Total (660)

APPENDIX 2:DEPARTMENTAL ANALYSIS - BUDGET REVENUE MONITORING 2011-12OUTTURNHOUSING REVENUE ACCOUNT1. Variance by Departmental DivisionRevised<strong>Budget</strong>Quarter 1VarianceQuarter 2VarianceQuarter 1Departmental Division£000s £000s £000sFinance <strong>and</strong> Resources 12,377 (123) (60)Housing Services 12,299 (69) 0Commissioning <strong>and</strong> Quality Assurance 1,305 (2) 0Property Services 2,068 22 0Housing Repairs 14,098 0 0Housing Income (71,139) (43) 0Housing Options 667 (34) 0Adult Social Care 48 0 0Housing Strategy 277 0 0Regeneration 521 (70) 0Safer Neighbourhoods 725 0 0Housing <strong>Capital</strong> 27,658 226 0Invest to save withdrawal from HRAGeneral Reserve(Contribution to)/ AppropriationFrom HRA General Reserve2. Variance Analysis of Significant Items(1,128) 0 0(224) (93) (60)DepartmentalDivisionFinance <strong>and</strong>ResourcesVariance£000s(123)Housing Services (69)Commissioning<strong>and</strong> Quality(2)AssuranceProperty Services 22Housing Repairs 0Housing Income (43)Housing Options (34)Adult Social Care 0Housing Strategy 0Explanation & Action PlansThis relates mainly to a revision to the expected costsof IT applications <strong>and</strong> variable SLA charges of (£35k)<strong>and</strong> IT project costs of (£77k), underspends onstaffing costs (£23k) <strong>and</strong> communication recharges of(£53k) offset by HMRC tax <strong>and</strong> NI liabilities of £83k<strong>and</strong> other minor net underspends of (£18k).

DepartmentalDivisionRegenerationSaferNeighbourhoodsVariance£000sHousing <strong>Capital</strong> 226Invest to savewithdrawal from0HRA GeneralReserveTotal (93)Explanation & Action PlansThis relates to a charge for non-dwellingsdepreciation for plant <strong>and</strong> equipment followingclarification by CIPFA that transitional protectionresulting from HRA reform did not apply to this classof assets. This variance had previously beenrecognised as a risk.

<strong>Capital</strong> <strong>Budget</strong> <strong>Monitoring</strong> <strong>and</strong> Financing Information:Appendix 3 - Decent Neighbourhoods Programme (Housing & Regeneration)Appendix 4.1 to 4.5 - General Fund: Children’s Services, Adult Social Care, Transport &Technical Services, Finance <strong>and</strong> Corporate Services, Environment, Leisure <strong>and</strong>Residents ServicesAppendix 5 - General Fund – Anticipated capital receiptsAppendix 6 - Housing <strong>Capital</strong> Programme (HRA)Brief description ofbackground papers<strong>Capital</strong> <strong>Budget</strong><strong>Monitoring</strong>DocumentsName/ext. of holder of filesJade Cheung ext. 3374DepartmentFinance Dept.,2 nd Floor, Town HallExtension

APPENDICES 3, 4, 5, & 6CAPITAL BUDGET MONITOR APPENDICES – QUARTER 2 AS AT 30 TH SEPT <strong>2012</strong>Decent Neighbourhoods Programme Appendix 3DECENT NEIGHBOURHOODS PROGRAMMELine Schemes Quarter 2Revised<strong>Budget</strong><strong>2012</strong>/13<strong>2012</strong>/13Forecast2013/14<strong>Budget</strong>2014/15<strong>Budget</strong>2015/16<strong>Budget</strong>£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000EXPENDITURE:Watermeadow Court (Decanting Costs) 231 231Fulham Court (development including1,714 1,714 1,747Childrens Centre)248 Hammersmith Grove 600 600Hostel Improvements 0 1,321Shop Investments 0 500Edith Summerskill decant costs 1,690 1,690Earls Court costs to signing CLSA 1,941 1,941Earls Court Project Team Costs 627 627 643 659 676Earls Court: Buying back leaseholder <strong>and</strong> 5,000 5,000 9,637freeholder properties including homeloss<strong>and</strong> disturbanceEarls Court: SDLT on leasehold properties 124 124 239(buybacks <strong>and</strong> new properties)Additional costs post cabinet to signing of99 99CLSAOngoing Earls Court project Costs 300 300 205 210 215Earls Court OT assessments 20 20 42 21Earls Court Legal Fees post CLSA (includes 120 120 1,161 1,189 1,219costs of defending challenges)Earls Court CPO costs 0 704 722 740Earls Court Stopping up enquiries 0 51 53 54Earls Court Financial advice (due diligence) 25 25 26 27 27TIS contribution 94 94A Total 12,585 12,585 16,276 2,881 2,931FORECAST RESOURCES:B Brought Forward Resources (2011/12) (5,161) (5,161) 0 0 0C Expensive Dwellings Voids sales (26,000) (26,000) (32,287) (23,639) (24,230)D Other Sales (3,021) (3,021) (10,435) (450) 0E Earls Court (4,230) (4,230) (316)F HRA Shops (2,290) (2,290) (643) 0 0G(C+D+E+F)Total Resources (excl. b/fd & pretransfers)(35,541) (35,541) (43,681) (24,089) (24,230)

DECENT NEIGHBOURHOODS PROGRAMMELine Schemes Quarter 2Revised<strong>Budget</strong><strong>2012</strong>/13<strong>2012</strong>/13Forecast2013/14<strong>Budget</strong>2014/15<strong>Budget</strong>2015/16<strong>Budget</strong>£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000Resource TransfersReimbursement of HRA <strong>and</strong> Decent(13,163) (13,163)Neighbourhoods Receipts<strong>Capital</strong> Investment for existing stock 8,820 8,820Contributions to Jepson House 1,874 1,874 78Contributions to Local Housing Company 1,000 1,000 1,70025% of receipts to General Fund 8,886 8,88625% of receipts awaiting further decisions 0 0 10,920 6,022 6,058Deferred Cost of disposal (max 4%) 0 1,600Grants to Social L<strong>and</strong>lords to improve hostels 128 128H Total Resource Transfers 7,545 7,545 14,298 6,022 6,058I(G+H)Net Total Resources (27,997) (27,997) (29,383) (18,067) (18,173)J(A+I)Annual (surplus)/deficit (approved schemesonly)(15,412) (15,412) (13,107) (15,186) (15,242)SCHEMES UNDER CONSIDERATIONK Total 2,449 2,449 12,844 19,773 15,552L(J+K)M(B+L)Annual (Surplus)/Deficit (12,963) (12,963) (263) 4,587 311Cumulative Total (Surplus)/Deficit (18,124) (18,124) (18,387) (13,799) (13,489)

General Fund: Children’s Services Appendix 4.1CHILDREN'S SERVICES CAPITAL PROGRAMMESchemes Quarter 2Revised<strong>Budget</strong><strong>2012</strong>/13<strong>2012</strong>/13Forecast2013/14<strong>Budget</strong>2014/15<strong>Budget</strong>2015/16<strong>Budget</strong>£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000Lyric Theatre Development 10,474 10,474 1,450 0 0Early Years 0 0 0 0 0Primary <strong>Capital</strong> Programme 355 355 38 0 0Devolved <strong>Capital</strong> to Schools 340 340 0 0 0Other <strong>Capital</strong> Schemes 189 189 0 0 0Schools Organisational Strategy 18,731 18,731 40,854 8,025 2,500Free Schools 1,205 1,205 0 0 0Total 31,294 31,294 42,342 8,025 2,500FINANCING SUMMARY<strong>Capital</strong> receipts 1,285 1,285 9,052 748 0Specific or other funding 30,009 30,009 33,290 7,277 2,500Total 31,294 31,294 42,342 8,025 2,500General Fund: Adult Social Care Services Appendix 4.2ADULT SOCIAL CARE SERVICES CAPITAL PROGRAMMESchemes Quarter 2Revised<strong>Budget</strong><strong>2012</strong>/13<strong>2012</strong>/13Forecast2013/14<strong>Budget</strong>2014/15<strong>Budget</strong>2015/16<strong>Budget</strong>£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000Adult Social Care Grant 158 158 0 0 0Hostel Improvement Grant 128 128 0 0 0Supporting Your Choice -87 87 0 0 0Social Care Reform (DoH)Adults' Personal Social0 0 957 0 0Services GrantWormwood Scrubs Prison 98 98 0 0 0Disabled Facilities Grant 912 912 450 450 450Total 1,383 1,383 1,407 450 450FINANCING SUMMARY<strong>Capital</strong> receipts 578 578 450 450 450Specific or other funding 805 805 957 0 0Total 1,383 1,383 1,407 450 450

General Fund: Transport & Technical Services Appendix 4.3TRANSPORT & TECHNICAL SERVICES CAPITAL PROGRAMMESchemes Quarter 2Revised<strong>Budget</strong><strong>2012</strong>/13<strong>2012</strong>/13Forecast2013/14<strong>Budget</strong>2014/15<strong>Budget</strong>2015/16<strong>Budget</strong>£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000Footways <strong>and</strong> Carriageways 2,250 2,250 2,100 2,100 2,100Planned Maintenance/DDAProgramme5,861 5,861 2,500 2,500 2,500River Wall Repairs 40 40 0 0 0Transport For London Schemes 3,702 3,702 2,264 1,230 0Parking Reserve/ <strong>Revenue</strong>319 319 700 700 700ContributionsDeveloper Contribution Funded 3,139 3,139 0 0 0Efficiency Reserve Fund 0 0 0West London Grant 341 341 0 0 0Other <strong>Capital</strong> Schemes 286 286 0 0 0Total 15,938 15,938 7,564 6,530 5,300FINANCING SUMMARY<strong>Capital</strong> receipts 8,151 8,151 4,600 4,600 4,600Specific or other funding 7,787 7,787 2,964 1,930 700Total 15,938 15,938 7,564 6,530 5,300General Fund: Finance <strong>and</strong> Corporate Services Appendix 4.4FINANCE & CORPORATE SERVICES CAPITAL PROGRAMMESchemes Quarter 2Revised<strong>Budget</strong><strong>2012</strong>/13<strong>2012</strong>/13Forecast2013/14<strong>Budget</strong>2014/15<strong>Budget</strong>2015/16<strong>Budget</strong>£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000Contribution to Invest to Save2,133 2,133 750 750 750FundTotal 2,133 2,133 750 750 750FINANCING SUMMARY<strong>Capital</strong> receipts 2,133 2,133 750 750 750Specific or other funding 0 0 0 0 0Total 2,133 2,133 750 750 750

General Fund: Environment, Leisure <strong>and</strong> Residents Services Appendix 4.5ENVIRONMENT, LEISURE AND RESIDENTS SERVICES CAPITAL PROGRAMMESchemes Quarter 2Revised<strong>2012</strong>/13Forecast2013/14<strong>Budget</strong>2014/15<strong>Budget</strong>2015/16<strong>Budget</strong><strong>Budget</strong><strong>2012</strong>/13£'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000Parks Expenditure 1,468 1,468 500 500 500Bishops Park 942 942 0 0 0Shepherds Bush Common2,778 2,778 0 0 0ImprovementsRecycling 87 87 0 0 0Hammersmith Library925 925 0 0 0RefurbishmentCCTV 704 704 0 0 0Linford Christie Stadium156 156 0 0 0RefurbishmentTotal 7,060 7,060 500 500 500FINANCING SUMMARY<strong>Capital</strong> receipts 529 529 500 500 500Specific or other funding 6,531 6,531 0 0 0Total 7,060 7,060 500 500 500

General Fund Anticipated <strong>Capital</strong> Receipts Appendix 5ForecastOutturn atQuarter 2£'000<strong>2012</strong>/13Total <strong>2012</strong>/13 20,6912013/14Total 2013/14 28,6682014/15Total 2014/15 17,2502015/16Total 2015/16 6,269Total All Years 72,878

Housing <strong>Capital</strong> Programme (HRA) Appendix 6HOUSING CAPITAL PROGRAMME (HRA)Schemes Quarter 2Revised<strong>Budget</strong><strong>2012</strong>/13<strong>2012</strong>/13Forecast2013/14<strong>Budget</strong>2014/15<strong>Budget</strong>2015/16<strong>Budget</strong>£ '000 £ '000 £ '000 £ '000 £ '000Supply Initiatives 2,520 2,520 3,000 3,000 3,000Energy Schemes 917 917 2,241 1,990 2,720Lift Schemes 3,152 3,152 1,972 1,456 2,178Kitchen, Bathrooms, 1,527 1,973 2,092Major Refurbishments 8,408 8,408 6,410 4,702 3,289Preventative Planned2,848 2,848 15,375 12,340 9,958MaintenanceMinor Programmes 7,730 7,730 6,328 5,595 5,595Decent Homes Partnering 5,534 5,534 78Total CSD/RSD Managed 1,143 1,143 1,050 1,050 1,050Rephasing <strong>and</strong>(39) (39) (944) (1,079) 821reprogrammingTotal 32,213 32,213 37,037 31,027 30,703FINANCING SUMMARY<strong>Capital</strong> Receipts 9,715 9,715 11,962 2,346 1,907Major Repairs Allowance 15,201 15,201 15,717 16,249 16,796Leasehold Contributions 4,580 4,580 5,758 5,682 3,600<strong>Revenue</strong> Contributions 3,250 6,750 8,400Grants 753 753Other 1,964 1,964 350Total 32,213 32,213 37,037 31,027 30,703

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