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Happy Birthday LibraLibra | September 23 - October 23Everything may look great on the surfacethis month dear Libra, but be cautiousof what lies beneath. Don’t try to meetanyone else’s expectations but your own,and make sure you are completely honestwith yourself. Call the babysitter to get somemuch-needed alone time.Scorpio | October 24 - November 23Feeling a little overwhelmed dearestScorpio? Step back and take a breather,and listen to what your heart is tellingyou. If you are in the process of a majorchange, you may feel a mix of emotions. Don’tworry, these feelings are only natural and theyshall pass quickly.horoscopesAries | March 21 - April 19Start fresh this month dear Aries, andleave the past behind as you moveforward. You’ve always had greatintuition so listen to your heart andpay attention to your dreams and you will surelyfind the answer you’re looking for.Taurus | April 20 - May 20Remember dear Taurus, relationshipsare all about give and take. Losingyour balance in a relationship will notonly affect your life, but the lives ofeveryone around you. Try to step back and look atthe big picture rather than focusing on the details.Sagittarius | November 24 -December 22Take a day to yourself dearest Sagittarius,and spend it doing as little as possible.Although you may find yourself hesitantthis month, by clearing your mind and relaxingyour thoughts it will be much easier to find ananswer.Capricorn | December 22 -January 20This is the time to ask for things dearCapricorn, as the universe is rooting inyour favour! If you have been waitingto ask for a raise at work, or speak to your spouseabout a new opportunity, this could very much beyour month. Go for it!Aquarius | January 20 -February 18You always put people first dearestAquarius, but this month, it is youwho needs to be happy. This is themonth for new beginnings! Try to take at leasthalf an hour each day to meditate and focus onyour thoughts; it will allow you to understandyour inner motives.Pisces | February 19 - March 20This month is all about home andfamily dearest Pisces, and you mayfind yourself putting them first morethan usual. This decision will creategreat results in your relationships! A family visit(perhaps from your in-laws) may have you onedge, but don’t worry, it will be very pleasant.Gemini | May 21 - June 21Be careful of jealousy getting thebest of you this month dearestGemini. Try to understand why youfeel the way you do and try to make peace withit. By accepting difficult emotions, you will avoidgetting into a fight with a loved one.Cancer | June 22 - July 22You may find yourself enjoyingthings that you haven’t enjoyed fora long time dearest Cancer. Try toavoid disputes this month by walking away from aproblem; some battles are just not worth fighting.A family member may let you down, so have aback-up plan in order to avoid disappointment.Leo | July 23 - August 22You can accomplish whatever youset your mind to dear Leo, just besure to have a clear goal in mind.Sometimes we can get side-tracked byinsignificant small wins; make sure you keep youreye on the prize, and focus on the bigger picture.Virgo | August 23 - September 22You may find yourself lost in a whirlpoolof endless conversation that does notlead to any sustainable results. Try notto get involved in arguments becauseneither of you will change the other’s mind. If youlay low for a while, this too shall pass.95mother, baby & child october 2013

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