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mama me-timeHer Highness Sheikha Jawaher BintMohammed Al QassimiChairperson of the Supreme Council for Family AffairsHonorary President of Friends Of Cancer Patientsby Stephanie McGuinnessUAE based ‘Pink Caravan’ is aunique campaign that focuses ona series of programmes to spreadawareness and screenings on breast cancer.Since its commencement in 2011 they havereached approximately 10,000 screeningsamongst UAE residents both male andfemale. In 2012 screenings increased toalmost 17,000 with 6,018 referrals of whicha third were local citizens and 76% werewomen. The results found 11 malignantbreast cancer cases that were detected andsupported by the foundation.‘Pink Caravan’ strives to provide the lateststate of the art early screening technology tobe accessible to as many women as possibleand placing a large focus on rural areaswhere awareness is at times non-existent.As a community outreach programme, theyalso offer extensive support networks foranyone diagnosed with the disease withthe ambition to raise 15 million Dirhams tocontinue expanding on their work. To furthertheir initiative, ‘Pink Caravan’ works towardsengaging all breast cancer related NGO’sin conjunction with their UAE awarenessefforts.Pink Caravan works as part of the “KASHF”program which is designed to raiseawareness across the country in the earlydetection of cancer. KASHF dedicates itself tothe causes of breast cancer, cervical cancer,prostate, melanoma, and colon cancer.“For more than a decade, Friends ofCancer patients has been able to providefinancial and emotional support to hundredsof patients across the UAE. We want toexpand on what we have already built byempowering women and in turn their familiesthrough health promotion, and throughproviding a wider access to early detection. Itis our hope that this campaign will motivateother organizations and individuals to givegenerously for a cause which affects the livesof everyone around us.” Says Her HighnessSheikha Jawaher Bint Mohammed AlQassimi Her Highness Sheikha Jawaher BintMohammed Al QassimiFor more information, log on towww.pinkcaravan.ae. If you are interested injoining a campaign please emailinfo@pinkcaravan.ae89mother, baby & child october 2013

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