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People of the MonthVeronica Smuldersmother, baby & child october 2013Meet the fabulous VeronicaSmulders, the Managing Director& Middle Eastern franchise ownerof Michelle Belau Middle East,the Peruvian fashion brand thatcaters to a variety of women withtight schedules who want to lookeffortlessly great! The collectionsare the perfect solution forwomen on the go, whilst allowingthem to be feminine and stylish atthe same time!Why did you choose Dubai?“Dubai offers a good lifestyle and there aremany conveniences for families with children.Now considered our home, Dubai cannotbe a better place to bring the franchiseof my favourite clothing brand given thenovelty of the concept for the region and theuniqueness of the multicultural population.”“Michelle Belau is one of the most cherishedbrands of women’s clothing in Peru andhas been my personal favourite since it wasfirst launched in 1998. We will start regionaloperation with our first store in the MiddleEast in October.”88How do you juggle being a mum andbeing a successful mumtrepreneur?“I try to balance the day to spend time with myson Daniel every day. It’s challenging at timeswhen there is a crucial deadline, which meansspending more time on work and sacrificingpersonal time. But I try to make a habit not towork over the weekends and to escape on oneweekday to do something alone with my littleone.I must admit I have the help of my fabulousnanny, Iliana, who in a way compensates thelack of extended family support that we wouldhave if we would live in our home country. Wesee her as part of our family and my right handat home.” “My husband also tries to spendas much time with Daniel as possible helpingeach other when one of us has an importantdeadline or commitment. “What advice do you have for futuremumtrepreneurs?“Do not rush! Enjoy motherhood and taketime to live every moment with your child.Those memories are something to treasurefor a lifetime. Once you are comfortable witheverything that involves being a mommy, thenyou will be ready to juggle your other interestand balance them out.”

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