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the new family | Eid Al AdhaAll over theworld, Eid Al Adhais celebrated differently,but one thing remainsconstant; it is a joyous occasionwhere people wear their fanciestclothes, eat delicious food, andgive gifts and love to their friendsand family, and thanks to God.In Pakistan, for example, Muslimscelebrate for 4 days. During thistime, Muslims attend morning‘Eid prayers’ and attend sermons.Some families will sacrifice ananimal (if they are financially able)and they will share it with theirfriends, family and those who areless fortunate.In Egypt, Eid Al-Adha is alsocalled as ‘Eid El-Kbeer’ or the‘Big Eid’ and they refer to theEid Al-Fitr (which comes afterRamadan) as ‘Eid El-Sgheer’ orthe ‘Small Eid’. Other MiddleEastern countries also refer tothe two festivals in the sameway. In Egypt, Muslims also go toEid prayers in the morning, andattend celebratory feasts duringthe day. It is important to give tothe poor during this holiday.In Morocco,Muslims celebrate forthree days, and it is similarto other Muslim countries withmorning prayers, animal sacrificeand sharing their food with thoseless fortunate. In Bangladesh,however, it is absolutely mandatorythat an animal is sacrificed, andeven the animal’s age and healthmakes a difference when theanimal is chosen. The sacrificesstart the first day of Eid during themorning prayers, and continue forthree days.Although in some countries thecelebrations may differ, the clothesmay not be the same and somethings are more important thanothers, all Muslims who celebratedo so joyously and with ultimatedevotion.Eid Mubarak! May the blessings ofthis joyous festival shower you withlove wealth and eternal happiness!Source:Hudatv.commother, baby & child october 201358Eid Al AdhaOctober 14

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