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Read Online - Mother Baby & Child Magazine

Read Online - Mother Baby & Child Magazine


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in focus: mumHolistic <strong>Mother</strong>hood Tip<strong>Child</strong>ren Don’t Come Here To Learn,They Come To Teachby Sharon Monteiromother, baby & child october 201344Does this sound strange to you?It’s true. Even Paulo Coelhoagrees with this statement !Now let’s take a look at what our childrencan teach us……• To love unconditionally: <strong>Child</strong>ren onlysee the good in people. Somebody oncesaid when you see good in other peopleyou drop your judgment and your criticism.That’s what children do, they see onlygood in other people. That is why it feelsvery uplifting being around young children.• To smile: Even the most negative ordepressed person will be lifted up when achild smiles at them.• To believe: That miracles do happen,otherwise how else can we explain thefeeling we experience the first time wehold our baby.• To forgive: Our children will forgive us foranything. They may be angry with us for a shortspan of time but in the end they will hug usand say “I love you, Mommy.”• To be fearless: <strong>Child</strong>ren have no fear. Theycan do anything. Fly like Batman, swim sevenoceans with the sharks, touch the moon withtheir chubby fingers .So let’s use this time with our children to learnfrom them. And when we do teach them, let usbe careful. Let us ensure that we do not teachthem all our fears and prejudices, our constantwanting for bigger toys, shinier objects that wehope will make us happy temporarily.We look forward to hearing what lessons youhave learned from your child and what you feelwe should not teach our children.Sharon Monteiro believes that all childrenshould be treated as guides to their parentsand she helps parents uncover the lessonstheir children are teaching them. She can becontacted at sharonrose.monteiro@yahoo.com

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