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Read Online - Mother Baby & Child Magazine

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in focus: mumIn the UK Ritalin prescriptions shot up from2,000 to more than 90,000 in six years.ADHD <strong>Child</strong>ren are extremely hyperactiveand find it difficult to concentrate for evenshort periods. They act on impulse and oftenappear to have no sense of danger.An extended hearty laughter improvesblood circulation and flushes the lungsof stale residual air. This helps in betterconcentration, increases learning ability andhelps to enhance academic performance.Academic Pressure: <strong>Child</strong>ren faced witha competitive academic environment fromearly age are being pressured by theirparents and teachers to attain excellentgrades. Schoolwork results in manysymptoms of stress and high social anxiety.As they learn to laugh unconditionally, theybecome adept at handling pressure aslaughter builds self-confidence and theability to handle stress by boosting theimmune system and releasing endorphinsin the brain which ‘kick start’ goodfeelings and reduce stress.to spoil children with gifts to compensate for lack ofquality time with them is just one example.Laughter Promotes Positive Emotions: Groupdynamics establishes a caring-sharing network ofrelationships and emotional bonding. <strong>Child</strong>ren,particularly teenagers learn to indulge in healthygroup play, which alleviates feelings of deprivation andloneliness.Lack of Exercise: Laughter Yoga is a unique workoutregime that oxygenates the blood and other organs,leaving them full of energy and physically fit.Simply Laughter is offering a variety of LaughterYoga Classes to children and parents. For moreinformation go to www.simplylaughter.com or contactJo-Dee Wamsley on jodee@simplylaughter.com.References:www.kidshealth.orgwww.chadd.orgParental Pressure: <strong>Child</strong>ren areconstantly pressurized by parents toperform better. The expectations manytimes lead the children to strive forunrealistic goals, which if unfulfilled canbring on serious stress and prove to bedetrimental to their mental and physicalhealth. A general decrease in parentingskills leaves children deprived of strongmoral and emotional guidance and rolemodels.Lack of Emotional Bonding: Theincrease in broken homes and theconsequent lack of emotional bondingand long-term relationships with parentsor responsible adults combine to causea host of emotional problems. The trendSmitten has everything a fashionista needs…No matter how big or small!D u b a i M a r i n a M a l l , L e v e l 1 | + 9 7 1 4 4 5 1 9 7 7 9i n f o @ s m i t t e n - b o u t i q u e . c o m w w w . s m i t t e n - b o u t i q u e . c o m

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