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in focus: mumstages) and realizing that it is actually thetreatments that make you sick was odd.Dealing with death was perhaps the mostchallenging, as there are so many aspectsof life that you also think about. I felt for mydaughter in particular as she was a teenagerjust finishing school, and I really wantedto be around for her in her future so I dideverything I could to co-operate with thetreatment recommended.Awareness is the key to prevention.In Honour of Breast Cancer Awareness thismonth, here is Tracey Johnson’s inspiringsurvival story.“At 42, I was a joyful wife and mother of two.I enjoyed working, horse riding, dinners withfamily friends. Happy and healthy, I indulgedin my passion for the outdoors and painting.Breast cancer did not run in my family sonever did I think that at this stage I would beface-to-face with my own mortality.At a doctor’s consultation for a broken foot,I casually mentioned a lump. My breastshad always been lumpy so I never thoughtanything of it. Immediately I was sent offfor a mammogram and ultrasound. My lifeautomatically fast-forwarded to a biopsyfollowed by surgery, chemotherapy, radiationand hormone treatment. The urgency fortreatment hazed my reality as I saw myselflying face up on a fast moving conveyer belt.It felt more like a painful dream with so muchinformation to digest.Once experiencing cancer, sorting betweenthe confusion of not feeling sick (in the earlyI was lucky to survive the psychological aswell as physical effects of cancer. Awarenesscampaigns and a great medical systemin Australia were a great support. Theexperience changed my life as I made adecision to be inspired with whatever timeI have left. I left a job I was unhappy withand decided to pursue my life and career asan artist. I completed my Master in VisualArts and now cherish everymoment with my familyand friends. I got toattend my daughter’swedding last year andmy career as an artistis only just taking off.I am aware that thecancer could returnat any time but amprepared for that. Myadvice would be forwomen would benot to forget to takethe time out to carefor your self. Makewhatever changes youneed to make to love your life. Nothing elsematters really.”Breast CancerAwareness Month39mother, baby & child october 2013

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