Latest Fastnet Company Investor Presentation (PDF - 5.2MB)

Latest Fastnet Company Investor Presentation (PDF - 5.2MB)

Latest Fastnet Company Investor Presentation (PDF - 5.2MB)


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Tendrara Independent Resource Estimates: November 2013• New study by specialist Houston-based NuTech petrophysical team quantifies reservoir properties for theTriassic TAGI Sand consistent with good potential gas flow rates from a gross gas-bearing interval in TE-5of 82.2 meters• New reservoir engineering study by John Tingas PhD, MSc, Independent Petroleum Engineer, supportsrobust development cases, subject to a successful validation of flow rates in an appraisal well to the TE-5discovery and a step-out appraisal well to the northeast of the TE-5 discovery• New Independent Resources Estimates by SLR Consulting, based on these desk top studies and a reviewof historical published estimates, that were not previously validated by an independent Competent PersonsReport, give resource estimates, based on a 65% recovery factor, as follows:TE5-Lakbir Structure: Gross and Net Contingent ResourcesLOW BEST HIGH ESTIMATERecoverable BCF (100%) 30.1 310.5 891.9Recoverable BCF (37.5% Net) 11.3 116.4 334.5Chance of Success (%) 29 22 14NPV per BCF (US$mm) 2.29Risked Value (ENPV US$mm) 58.3Source: SLR CPR November 2013• Running Room has also been identified in five additional gas prospectswww.fastnetoilandgas.com 18

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