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Q:With gas prices soaring at the pump and being sounpredictable, is there anything I can do to improve thegas mileage of my current vehicle?A :Yes, there are some basic maintenance services thatwill help keep your vehicle in top performance when itcomes to gas mileage. First, check your tire pressure.Under-inflated tires can drastically affect your vehicle’sperformance and overall safety. Second, be sure yourvehicle is up-to-date with the oil and filter change.Changing the oil at recommended intervals can increasethe longevity of your vehicle, but it also can affect yourvehicle’s performance, including gas mileage, in apositive way. Lastly, watch your lead foot. Driving thespeed limit and not racing between lights is safe for youand your family, but you also will see the results at thepump!TalkingwithTaliaQ:A :I am considering buying a new vehicle. Any advice onwhy I should consider a hybrid?The search for a new vehicle is exciting and should befun. Comfort, fuel efficiency and the environment usuallyare considerations in our decision-making. For manypeople, reducing their carbon footprint and maintaininga “green image” are important factors. Consider yourcommute as well. Some hybrid and electric vehiclesqualify for the “Access OK” sticker in California, whichallows you to drive in the carpool lane whether youare driving solo or not. Reducing your carbon footprintand saving time and money at the pump are the mostcommon reasons drivers choose a hybrid. The hybridtechnology has come a long way in the past decade.If performance is something you are hesitant about ina hybrid, take a test drive. You will be surprised by thepower and zip behind the Chevy lineup of hybrid andelectric vehicles.Talia Ferraiolo is the Marketing and Social Media Director for Chase Chevrolet. In addition to marketing,Talia is responsible for bringing events to Chase Chevrolet, like the 10 Things Every Woman Needs toKnow About Her Vehicle event held last Fall. Talia encourages our HERLife readers to learn more abouttheir vehicles. Please email your questions to

Q:With gas prices soaring at the pump and being sounpredictable, is there anything I can do to improve thegas mileage of my current vehicle?A :Yes, there are some basic maintenance services thatwill help keep your vehicle in top performance when itcomes to gas mileage. First, check your tire pressure.Under-inflated tires can drastically affect your vehicle’sperformance and overall safety. Second, be sure yourvehicle is up-to-date with the oil and filter change.Changing the oil at recommended intervals can increasethe longevity of your vehicle, but it also can affect yourvehicle’s performance, including gas mileage, in apositive way. Lastly, watch your lead foot. Driving thespeed limit and not racing between lights is safe for youand your family, but you also will see the results at thepump!TalkingwithTaliaQ:A :I am considering buying a new vehicle. Any advice onwhy I should consider a hybrid?The search for a new vehicle is exciting and should befun. Comfort, fuel efficiency and the environment usuallyare considerations in our decision-making. For manypeople, reducing their carbon footprint and maintaininga “green image” are important factors. Consider yourcommute as well. Some hybrid and electric vehiclesqualify for the “Access OK” sticker in California, whichallows you to drive in the carpool lane whether youare driving solo or not. Reducing your carbon footprintand saving time and money at the pump are the mostcommon reasons drivers choose a hybrid. The hybridtechnology has come a long way in the past decade.If performance is something you are hesitant about ina hybrid, take a test drive. You will be surprised by thepower and zip behind the Chevy lineup of hybrid andelectric vehicles.Talia Ferraiolo is the Marketing and Social Media Director for Chase Chevrolet. In addition to marketing,Talia is responsible for bringing events to Chase Chevrolet, like the 10 Things Every Woman Needs toKnow About Her Vehicle event held last Fall. Talia encourages our <strong>HER</strong>Life readers to learn more abouttheir vehicles. Please email your questions to

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