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herlife | cravingsby adriana brogger | photos by bre baszlerThe first official day of spring this year is March 20th. Did yourheart just beat a little faster? Don’t worry; mine did too. Becausewe all know what that means: summer is just around the corner.So why are we talking about food? Because I’ve been to GreensTable and have met owner Ann Endsley. The Greens Table approachto food is encouraging to all. Ann believes healthy eating promoteshealthy living and stronger bodies. That translates to eating well at GreensTable and still being ready for that summer dress!Located at 501 Bangs Ave. in Modesto, Greens Table is an expansionof Greens Market. The new location offers more customer seating. The relocationto Bangs Avenue means there is now an on-site kitchen to preparemeals. Ultimately, this means you and I can enjoy more of the scrumptiousfarm-to-fork food the Greens brand has become known for.When I first walked in, I noticed the fresh and inviting decor. The sunwas shining brightly through the big windows. It’s an enjoyable environment.I love big, rustic, wooden tables. There are lots of those big tables atGreens Table. They silently call you to sit a while and enjoy the food. “Evenwith the name, Greens Table, we want to communicate: Come to our table,bring your family to the table, take our food back to your table. We offer thatcommunal element that goes back to basics,” Ann said.If you are uninitiated to the culinary fabulousness that is Greens,let me get you up to speed. The brand is committed to creating honest,clean foods from scratch, at an affordable price. But it’s not as simple as itsounds. They actually grow most of their own produce on a massive farmand obtain additional produce from other local farms. Fresh eggs, check.Fresh milk, check. Grass-fed beef, check. Local specialty items, check.There are no preservatives, canned goods or pre-made anything at GreensTable. It’s just honest food that speaks for itself.My first bite of Greens food was the crazy-good French onion soup.Ann has made this recipe for “many, many, many years.” If the old adage“practice makes perfect” is applied here, her method and recipe equalperfection. If you don’t believe me, taste the soup! The recipe calls for amarathon three-day process. The first day is spent slow-roasting grass-fedbeef bones and vegetables to make a rich, dark beautiful stock. The stockcooks for an entire day, is then boiled down to reduce it, making it evenmore flavorful. Day Two is spent caramelizing onions for five to six hoursand skimming fat. Finally, on the third day you can make the soup! Can youimagine the heart and respect that goes into that process? The result iseasily the best French onion soup I have ever had. It’s topped with a nice,thick crouton and brie cheese. HEAVEN!I also had a phenomenal burger. Fresh bread, great beef, pesticide-freeveggies: it was a burger plucked from the earth. That may sound silly, but tryit and then tell me if that description doesn’t match up. The lovely aforementionedburger came with a side of homemade potato chips—delish!We also indulged in some naughtier fare: nutty sticky buns, bright andbeautiful macaroons, chocolate and peanut butter mousse, tasty Meyerlemon tarts, luscious crème brûlées. Oh! The things I do for you HerLifereaders! My professional assessment of the dessert offerings: Mmmm!Ann said, “We truly hand-make everything. That’s hard to find inour area. We have a commitment to source locally. We think people carewhat’s in their food.”I completely agree. Lots of us do care. We want to know that our foodis actually going to be good for our bodies, and be the fuel we need it to be.My husband is a Cross fitter/ Paleo guy. He has lost 40 lbs. in six monthsby paying attention to what he eats and his level of physical exercise. Ihaven’t made the commitment to be as strict as he is, but I am enjoying myown improved health. Food can be good and good for you. If you have anydoubt, eat at Greens Table. They offer Paleo, vegan, gluten-free and otherdiet-specific foods that all taste great.For Ann Endsley, the commitment to healthy eating is a lifestyle. Shewas diagnosed with lupus 17 years ago. “I became very aware of howclean, healthy eating affects us. I became more knowledgeable and I wantto share that,” Ann said. “I just believe we should eat what’s being grownaround us. Our bodies respond to that. I understand the health reasons foreating well.” Aren’t we lucky that she wants to share that with us?Greens Table also offers take-away meals and specialty food andgrocery items. They can host private parties and even offer evening cookingclasses. Greens Central at 953 K Street in Modesto is open for those in thedowntown area. ■Greens Table, 501 Bangs Ave in Modesto, is open seven days aweek for breakfast and lunch. For more information about GreensTable, Greens Central and Greens Catering, visit online atgreensmarket.net or call them at 209-579-9090.28 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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