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herlife | healthMakingHealthy Food ChoicesUsing the Rule of Threeby linda r. priceIf you answer the following three questions, you have one of the easiestdiets around. It uses the rule of three to determine healthy foodchoices: Is it fun for me or good for me? Is it low-fat or low-carb?Is it fast food or good food? By following the three rules above, youeliminate the necessity to focus on food, diets and dieting. In otherwords, you can get on with your life.Carla D. Spencer, MBA, RD, LD, CN, explains it this way: “Therule of three is an extremely easy way to eat healthier without having tobe focused totally on food to the exclusion of other priorities in one’slife. Because the rule of three states that every time you eat, you musteat one portion each from three different food groups with one choicerequired to be from the protein group and the other two being eithervegetable, fruit, sweets or grains, this approach becomes easily integratedinto everyday living.” This approach has a primary advantage inits ability to avoid making sacrifices in preferences, family choice, mealssettings, cooking requirements, socioeconomic status, educational levelor many other factors that frequently are quoted as the reasons peoplefail when they attempt to eat healthier. For example, it is possible to eateven at McDonald’s and be successful with a hamburger (protein), onehalfbun (grain) and small salad. The key is to eat single portions and toeat across many food groups.So, let’s look at the three questions. First, “Is it fun for me or goodfor me?” We all know that a milk chocolate candy bar and cheesecakeare not really good for us. They are too full of sugars and fats. However,they are both so fun for me. Often these foods have no nutritional valueand should be limited in a healthy diet. Thus, if I indulge in these treats, Ishould also indulge in a really good protein and one veggie, fruit or grain. Ican live with that.The second question: “Is it low-fat or low-carb?” Low-fat and lowcarbmeans fewer calories and probably more nutrients than high-fat andhigh-carb foods. A good trick here is to avoid refined, white foods suchas breads and potatoes. Pizza, doughnuts, potato chips and white rice donot fall into the low-fat, low-carb category.If you stick to whole grains such as barley, brown rice, buckwheat,bulgur, quinoa, oats and corn, and legumes such as beans, lentils, driedpeas and peanuts, you are getting low-fat, low-carb foods. Low-fat milk,yogurt, cheese and other dairy products are wise choices to get all theprotein and calcium needed in our daily diet. Fruits are considered low-fat,low-carb choices. They are simple carbohydrates that are easily digested.They are loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber to fill us up. All of thesefoods are packed with nutrients and fiber that help us feel full.Our third question: “Is it fast food or good food?” McDonald’s Big14 HERLIFEMAGAZINE.COM

“The rule of three is an extremelyeasy way to eat healthier withouthaving to be focused totally onfood to the exclusion of otherpriorities in one’s life. Because therule of three states that every timeyou eat, you must eat one portioneach from three different foodgroups with one choice requiredto be from the protein groupand the other two being eithervegetable, fruit, sweets or grains,this approach becomes easilyintegrated into everyday living.”Mac with a side order of fries and a soda are not good for us. They are fastfoods full of fats and carbs, and we all know it. Good food is brightly colored(carrots, oranges, plums, pumpkins, squash, bell peppers and beans).Choose fruits and vegetables from a rainbow of colors. What micronutrientsone doesn’t have, the other probably does.Good food need not take forever to prepare. One of my favoritesources for really good food that can be prepared in less than 15 minutes isin a magazine produced by a major weight loss program readily available atsupermarkets. If you live alone, you have the added advantage of preparinga big pot of chili or soup, freezing the extra portions and cooking only once.Even if you lose weight by following the diet, a good idea is to get ina little extra exercise, especially if you give in to your weaknesses. No onewants flabby upper arms or muffin tops. We need the exercise to tone upthe flab. Exercise will also boost our metabolism (helping us lose weight),stabilize our blood sugar and reduce stress.The Rule of Three diet has its advantages. It’s easy to follow and easyto understand. It doesn’t require you to track points, calories or portion size.You can do these things, if you have the time and the desire to do so, butit’s not necessary. Since it relieves the stress of tracking what you put inyour mouth and time needed to do so, you are freer to enjoy life and moreimportantly, food—glorious food. ■Sources:, 15

“The rule of three is an extremelyeasy way to eat healthier withouthaving to be focused totally onfood to the exclusion of otherpriorities in one’s life. Because therule of three states that every timeyou eat, you must eat one portioneach from three different foodgroups with one choice requiredto be from the protein groupand the other two being eithervegetable, fruit, sweets or grains,this approach becomes easilyintegrated into everyday living.”Mac with a side order of fries and a soda are not good for us. They are fastfoods full of fats and carbs, and we all know it. Good food is brightly colored(carrots, oranges, plums, pumpkins, squash, bell peppers and beans).Choose fruits and vegetables from a rainbow of colors. What micronutrientsone doesn’t have, the other probably does.Good food need not take forever to prepare. One of my favoritesources for really good food that can be prepared in less than 15 minutes isin a magazine produced by a major weight loss program readily available atsupermarkets. If you live alone, you have the added advantage of preparinga big pot of chili or soup, freezing the extra portions and cooking only once.Even if you lose weight by following the diet, a good idea is to get ina little extra exercise, especially if you give in to your weaknesses. No onewants flabby upper arms or muffin tops. We need the exercise to tone upthe flab. Exercise will also boost our metabolism (helping us lose weight),stabilize our blood sugar and reduce stress.The Rule of Three diet has its advantages. It’s easy to follow and easyto understand. It doesn’t require you to track points, calories or portion size.You can do these things, if you have the time and the desire to do so, butit’s not necessary. Since it relieves the stress of tracking what you put inyour mouth and time needed to do so, you are freer to enjoy life and moreimportantly, food—glorious food. ■Sources:,<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 15

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