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®<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> MAGAZINE MARCH 2013<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COMIN THIS ISSUE:FRENCH WINEAND CHEESESAND MORE!KEEPING WOMEN CONNECTED<strong>GABRIELLA</strong><strong>BIEDINGER</strong>TRAVELING THE ROAD TO <strong>HER</strong> DREAM

When you partner with Sutter Health, youpartner with the most advanced intensivecare nurseries and a health care systemthat delivers more babies than any other inNorthern California. It’s how we plus you.sutterhealth.org2 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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Q:With gas prices soaring at the pump and being sounpredictable, is there anything I can do to improve thegas mileage of my current vehicle?A :Yes, there are some basic maintenance services thatwill help keep your vehicle in top performance when itcomes to gas mileage. First, check your tire pressure.Under-inflated tires can drastically affect your vehicle’sperformance and overall safety. Second, be sure yourvehicle is up-to-date with the oil and filter change.Changing the oil at recommended intervals can increasethe longevity of your vehicle, but it also can affect yourvehicle’s performance, including gas mileage, in apositive way. Lastly, watch your lead foot. Driving thespeed limit and not racing between lights is safe for youand your family, but you also will see the results at thepump!TalkingwithTaliaQ:A :I am considering buying a new vehicle. Any advice onwhy I should consider a hybrid?The search for a new vehicle is exciting and should befun. Comfort, fuel efficiency and the environment usuallyare considerations in our decision-making. For manypeople, reducing their carbon footprint and maintaininga “green image” are important factors. Consider yourcommute as well. Some hybrid and electric vehiclesqualify for the “Access OK” sticker in California, whichallows you to drive in the carpool lane whether youare driving solo or not. Reducing your carbon footprintand saving time and money at the pump are the mostcommon reasons drivers choose a hybrid. The hybridtechnology has come a long way in the past decade.If performance is something you are hesitant about ina hybrid, take a test drive. You will be surprised by thepower and zip behind the Chevy lineup of hybrid andelectric vehicles.Talia Ferraiolo is the Marketing and Social Media Director for Chase Chevrolet. In addition to marketing,Talia is responsible for bringing events to Chase Chevrolet, like the 10 Things Every Woman Needs toKnow About Her Vehicle event held last Fall. Talia encourages our <strong>HER</strong>Life readers to learn more abouttheir vehicles. Please email your questions to Talia@chasechevrolet.com.

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<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 7

herlife | contentsGabriella BiedingerA long and winding road took Gabriella Biedinger to the inspiration for LaPink Boutique, the Central Valley’s first fashion truck. A job change, a fewpity parties and creative thinking about her love of fashion pointed her inthe direction of this unique boutique on wheels.22“The rule of three is an extremelyeasy way to eathealthier without having to befocused totally on food to theexclusion of other priorities inone’s life.”14Define ClothingMcHenry Village,Modesto(209) 545-288538Paying attention to our budgetis an important part of householdmanagement. However,just because funds are limiteddoesn’t mean you have to skipyour much-needed and desiredgetaways.58contents10 Welcome14 Health16 Spotlight18 Beauty20 Cosmetic Surgery22 Inspirations26 Integrative Medicine28 Cravings30 Culinary32 Recipes34 Wine36 Spotlight38 Trendsetter44 Mother’s Perspective46 Working Women48 Finance52 Green Living54 Prime56 Home58 Travel60 Spotlight62 Bridal64 She Said Yes66 Tie the Knot70 Scene And Be Seen76 In the Valley8 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | welcomeSpring aheadAs Daylight Savings Time approaches and signs of spring begin to bud all around us, it feelsas though in the blink of an eye we are already well into 2013. As we prepare to “springahead” for Daylight Savings, I am amazed at how quickly time passes as my family celebratesJackson’s fourth birthday. I feel as though someone has pressed the fast forwardbutton on my life. From baby to boy, I have watched him grow, and now in a state of purepanic I search for the pause button in an effort to catch my breath and enjoy the ride.When you become a new mom, friends and family offer adviceand words of wisdom. While some of the advice may be unwanted, Iremember several friends warning me about how quickly the time wouldpass. As a new mom struggling to find balance between sleep, mybaby’s sleep, nursing and the occasional diaper blow-out, there weretimes when I had hoped those days would pass quickly and I couldblink my eyes into the future of restful nights and a potty-trained son.Four years later, as Jackson sleeps through the night (most nights) andis successfully potty-trained, I am desperate for the time to pass slowly.Time does heal all wounds, and my memories of Jackson as a babyare filled with happiness. I seem to have forgotten the stress, the panickedphone calls to my mother, the tears and the sleepless nights. Moms mustbe designed to remember the joyful times of raising our children.Happy Birthday, Jackson! As I watch you grow and learn, I realizethat I am the one doing the learning. You are a great teacher as I learnto be patient, to love and to forgive.photo by studio mohsohLike <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> on Facebook to stay current on great discounts, special events and behind-the-scenes details!10 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM


®Staff and ContactsEditor-in-ChiefKimberly Mullenkimberly@herlifemagazine.com209-224-8810Account ExecutivesRenee Snellrenee@herlifemagazine.com209-329-4500Stacy VasquezStacy@herlifemagazine.com209-324-7972EditorMarilyn IsamingerCreative DirectorAshleigh Thomsonashleigh@herlifemagazine.comDesign and ProductionTodd Granthamtodd@herlifemagazine.comArt DirectorElana Bellelana@herlifemagazine.comContributing AuthorsBeth Blair, Chandra, Blackwell, Adriana Brogger,Joseph R. Burlin, M.D., Ann E. Butenas, Lisa Taranto Butler,Marisa Manna Ferrell, Sherry L. Granader, Dr. Lisa Hunt,Marilyn Isaminger, Kathleen M. Krueger, Heather Noble,Linda R. Price, Candi Smith, VeryCulinary.comContributing PhotographersBre Baszler, Briggs Photography, Kristoffer Heacox,Dawn Kelly, Studio Mohsoh, VeryCulinary.com, Dee YatesTo contact <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> ® <strong>Magazine</strong>:2715 W. Kettleman Lane, Suite 203-156Lodi, CA 95242For advertising call (209) 224-8810 or (209) 327-3797Fax (866) 665-4499www.herlifemagazine.com© 2013 by <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> ® <strong>Magazine</strong> of Central Valley is operated locally by Kimstry,LLC, an independently owned and operated franchisee of <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong>,LLC. To reach national headquarters, call 913-402-6994.© 2013 by <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> ® <strong>Magazine</strong>. All rights reserved. Although some parts of thispublication may be reproduced and reprinted, we require that prior permissionbe obtained in writing.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> ® <strong>Magazine</strong> is owned by Kimstry, LLC and is a free publication distributedlocally and is supported by our advertisers. It is available in selectedspecialty stores, doctor and dental offices, medical spas, hair and nail salons,tanning salons, public libraries and numerous other high traffic locations. Pleasecall for a location near you or if you would like copies placed at your business.We do not necessarily endorse the views expressed in the articles and advertisements,nor are we responsible for the products and services advertised. Wewelcome your ideas, articles and feedback.SUBSCRIPTIONSSubscriptions are available for $20 (for 12 issues).Please go to www.herlifemagazine.comor mail a check made out to <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> ® <strong>Magazine</strong> to the above address.12 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | healthMakingHealthy Food ChoicesUsing the Rule of Threeby linda r. priceIf you answer the following three questions, you have one of the easiestdiets around. It uses the rule of three to determine healthy foodchoices: Is it fun for me or good for me? Is it low-fat or low-carb?Is it fast food or good food? By following the three rules above, youeliminate the necessity to focus on food, diets and dieting. In otherwords, you can get on with your life.Carla D. Spencer, MBA, RD, LD, CN, explains it this way: “Therule of three is an extremely easy way to eat healthier without having tobe focused totally on food to the exclusion of other priorities in one’slife. Because the rule of three states that every time you eat, you musteat one portion each from three different food groups with one choicerequired to be from the protein group and the other two being eithervegetable, fruit, sweets or grains, this approach becomes easily integratedinto everyday living.” This approach has a primary advantage inits ability to avoid making sacrifices in preferences, family choice, mealssettings, cooking requirements, socioeconomic status, educational levelor many other factors that frequently are quoted as the reasons peoplefail when they attempt to eat healthier. For example, it is possible to eateven at McDonald’s and be successful with a hamburger (protein), onehalfbun (grain) and small salad. The key is to eat single portions and toeat across many food groups.So, let’s look at the three questions. First, “Is it fun for me or goodfor me?” We all know that a milk chocolate candy bar and cheesecakeare not really good for us. They are too full of sugars and fats. However,they are both so fun for me. Often these foods have no nutritional valueand should be limited in a healthy diet. Thus, if I indulge in these treats, Ishould also indulge in a really good protein and one veggie, fruit or grain. Ican live with that.The second question: “Is it low-fat or low-carb?” Low-fat and lowcarbmeans fewer calories and probably more nutrients than high-fat andhigh-carb foods. A good trick here is to avoid refined, white foods suchas breads and potatoes. Pizza, doughnuts, potato chips and white rice donot fall into the low-fat, low-carb category.If you stick to whole grains such as barley, brown rice, buckwheat,bulgur, quinoa, oats and corn, and legumes such as beans, lentils, driedpeas and peanuts, you are getting low-fat, low-carb foods. Low-fat milk,yogurt, cheese and other dairy products are wise choices to get all theprotein and calcium needed in our daily diet. Fruits are considered low-fat,low-carb choices. They are simple carbohydrates that are easily digested.They are loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber to fill us up. All of thesefoods are packed with nutrients and fiber that help us feel full.Our third question: “Is it fast food or good food?” McDonald’s Big14 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

“The rule of three is an extremelyeasy way to eat healthier withouthaving to be focused totally onfood to the exclusion of otherpriorities in one’s life. Because therule of three states that every timeyou eat, you must eat one portioneach from three different foodgroups with one choice requiredto be from the protein groupand the other two being eithervegetable, fruit, sweets or grains,this approach becomes easilyintegrated into everyday living.”Mac with a side order of fries and a soda are not good for us. They are fastfoods full of fats and carbs, and we all know it. Good food is brightly colored(carrots, oranges, plums, pumpkins, squash, bell peppers and beans).Choose fruits and vegetables from a rainbow of colors. What micronutrientsone doesn’t have, the other probably does.Good food need not take forever to prepare. One of my favoritesources for really good food that can be prepared in less than 15 minutes isin a magazine produced by a major weight loss program readily available atsupermarkets. If you live alone, you have the added advantage of preparinga big pot of chili or soup, freezing the extra portions and cooking only once.Even if you lose weight by following the diet, a good idea is to get ina little extra exercise, especially if you give in to your weaknesses. No onewants flabby upper arms or muffin tops. We need the exercise to tone upthe flab. Exercise will also boost our metabolism (helping us lose weight),stabilize our blood sugar and reduce stress.The Rule of Three diet has its advantages. It’s easy to follow and easyto understand. It doesn’t require you to track points, calories or portion size.You can do these things, if you have the time and the desire to do so, butit’s not necessary. Since it relieves the stress of tracking what you put inyour mouth and time needed to do so, you are freer to enjoy life and moreimportantly, food—glorious food. ■Sources: Livestrong.com,loose-weight.readabout.net.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 15

herlife | spotlightLodi Healthby ann e. butenas | photos by bre baszlerLodi Memorial Hospital has come a long way since it firstopened its doors in 1952, and this year is shaping up tobe one of its best years yet! This private, not-for-profithospital is growing by leaps and bounds with respect tothe services it offers the City of Lodi and the surroundingcommunities, holding true to its original mission of providing the bestin quality services and personal care.Effective this year, Lodi Memorial Hospital will change its nameto Lodi Health, which is owned by the non-profit Lodi MemorialHospital Association. Even though its name has changed, its commitmentto providing quality medical care via best-practice medicine andsophisticated technology, education and support services remains infull effect.According to Carol Farron, community development director,significant changes are coming to Lodi Health in 2013, and one of themost exciting comes in the form of available advanced technologieswith overall patient care in mind, most specifically, robotic technology.Over the years, Lodi Health has consistently invested in advancedtechnologies to provide the best care for its patients, and the recentacquisition of robotic-assisted surgeries is indicative of their commitmentto that end.Lodi Health remains on the leading edge of such innovations, andin November of 2012 became the first in the county to offer roboticassistedtechnology for use in general surgical procedures, such asurological, gynecological and general surgeries. With exciting 3-Dcapabilities, the surgeon can perform less-invasive procedures withfar more precision and accuracy. For the patient, this translates to lessscarring and better outcomes.“Bear in mind these robots do not actually perform the surgeriesbut are merely designed to assist the surgeons by providing greatercontrol and precision, even in the most intricate of surgeries,” notedCarol. “Several of our surgeons are currently using this technologywith tremendous results.”In fact, the robotic arms can actually filter minute tremors ofthe human hand, allowing for a greater degree of steadiness. “Thedoctors look at images in their viewfinders and on screens to see everythingfrom a 3-D perspective, giving the same effect as if they wereactually in the body, but they are doing so with teeny, tiny incisions ina very precise fashion,” explained Carol.Through the use of robotic-assisted surgeries, patients will experienceminimal pain, enjoy faster recovery times, decreased hospitalstays, less blood loss, reduced risk of infection, less anesthesia and aquicker return to normal daily activities.To put this in perspective, the long-standing procedure of a hys-16 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

terectomy meant a four- to six- inch incision along the pubic bone,followed by the removal of the uterus and other related parts. The patientwould then be sewn up, spend a couple of days in the hospitaland most likely endure six weeks of recuperation.“With the robotic technology, there are only small incisions, nolonger than one quarter of an inch, and instead of using stitches, thedoctors need only place sterile strips on the surgical site,” said Carol.“For surgical procedures on cancer patients, this also means a fargreater chance of getting all of the cancer.”In addition to providing this fabulous new technology, LodiMemorial Hospital is undergoing a tremendous rebranding crusadeas it unveils its new name this year. “We are excited about the manyprograms and services we now offer the community,” expressedCarol. “Over the past 28 years, we have evolved into more of a healthsystem that boasts nearly 60 separate businesses, including the hospital,various medical practices and numerous multi-specialties andout-patient programs.”With exciting 3-D capabilities, thesurgeon can perform less-invasiveprocedures with far more precisionand accuracy. For the patient, thistranslates to less scarring andbetter outcomes.Lodi Health also offers a wealth of community services, such asa home health agency, an outpatient pharmacy, a fitness center, apreschool center, a durable medical equipment company, several outpatientrehabilitation services for heart, stroke and COPD patients, 17medical practices and numerous joint ventures, including two outpatientsurgery centers, an endoscopy center, and an advanced imagingcenter. Additionally, there is a free clinic for the uninsured.Lodi Health provides free health screenings at public eventsthroughout the year and offers speakers who are available to presentat community groups upon request. “We want our community membersto know that we have a broad scope of programs and servicesavailable and that we also provide an exceptional continuum of care,”emphasized Carol. “We are so excited about our new brand, our newlook, and all that we have offer.”You are invited to experience the best choice in health care atLodi Health. ■For more information on Lodi Health, visit them at975 S.Fairmont Ave., Lodi, call 209-334-3411, or go onlineat lodihealth.org.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 17

herlife | beautyFind the Perfect Haircutfor Your Face Shapeby beth blairIf you feel like your hairstyle is in a rut,maybe it’s time for a fresh look. Butwhen you do make a change, takeyour face shape into consideration toaccomplish the most flattering style foryou. Hairstylist and makeup artist AmandaShackleton said, “There are definite rules inplace about what cuts work on different faceshapes, but be careful not to take them tooliterally. Most people are a combination ofdifferent shapes so it’s not an exact science.What we try to achieve is a balanced look.”“For example, if you have a long face,our goal would be to shorten the face byadding volume on the sides. I would suggeststaying away from straight, one-lengthhaircuts parted down the middle. This willonly lengthen the face. Go for a style that’sparted on the side with shorter layers startingjust below the ears. Adding a little extra bodywith a few waves directed away from theface will lighten and lift the sides. Proportionally,it would be the best way to go.” If you’reinterested in some more suggestions, hereare some cues from other experts.Oval FaceWavy or curly hair is ideal for flatteringan oval face shape, said Gavert Atelier’s styledirector, Mika Fowler. “The great thing aboutoval-shaped faces is that they can prettymuch pull off any style and a bang isn’talways necessary.”“Some stylists say oval is the perfectface shape because you can do just aboutanything hair-wise with it,” shared celebrityhairstylist Nelson Vercher, who also suggestsasking for a long-layered haircut that giveslots of body with short bits around the face.Square Face“The square shape can be tricky, so youhave to be careful to make sure your haircut18 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

hits your face in the right place, as the sides of the jawline can be aproblem,” said Nelson. “Request a short, choppy pixie cut with lots oftexture cut into it and a softness around the face.”Mika chimed in that wavy hair that is not too straight or curlyflatters the square-shaped face. “Someone who has a square-shapedface needs fringe around the hairline in order to create a softerjawline. You never want to do a heavy bang for this face shape as itonly exaggerates the face shape. When asking a stylist, it’s best torequest a dry-cut,” Mika said. “You want to see the hair in its naturalform, how it falls off the head and where the appropriate cut will takeplace that has an organic, less shapely feel. Also, if you’re into color,I recommend light color around the cheekbone area as it adds moresoftness around the lower section of the face.”As for keeping the style, Mika has a secret she recommends.“Most people are not too familiar with dry spray waxes and I live bythese. They are the perfect product for styles like these as they createdimension and shape without it looking forced or too tamed,” shesaid. “The way to pull this look off is always to go for a laid-back feelthat is not polished.”Round FaceThe round face shape can be hard if you don’t get your lengthright,” said Nelson. “It will make your face look rounder if you haveshort layers on top or too much length on the bottom. Ask for a midlengthcut with shorter layers on top for volume.”“If you have a round face, straight or wavy hair works best andcurly if you want to really work those arm muscles with the blowdryer,” said Mika. “You want to make sure that the bangs you areasking for are not heavy bangs but more of a side sweep bang,” shecontinued. “To fully achieve this look, you want to make sure there isheight on top of the head so the recommended product for this is aroot volumizer.”Heart-Shaped Face“All hair types work with a heart-shaped face,” shared Mika.Although Nelson pointed out, “Heart-shaped faces can get lostin hair fast, so it’s very important to have a mid- to short-look asa haircut. Ask for a mid-length layered bob with bangs that can beswept to the side.”“When aiming to flatter a heart-shaped face, consider a mediumlengthside fringe coming up behind the cheekbone area to give thechin support for a dramatic style,” recommended Mika. “In addition, thedrastic fringe takes less attention away from the cheekbones, creatingmore on the lower section of the face to even out the look entirely.”Amanda also suggested longer side-swept bangs for heartshapedfaces. “This will disguise a larger forehead and bring it inproportion to your jaw.” ■Sources: mikabeverlyhills.com, amandashackleton.com andtwitter.com/nelsonvercher.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 19

herlife | cosmetic surgeryQ: The cost of Juvéderm tissue fillers can vary greatly from one doctor’soffice to another. Why is that?A: The costs associated with Juvéderm treatments depend on two keyelements: the doctor’s cost of the product, and the skill of the person whois injecting it into your skin. Juvéderm and other types of tissue fillers arewidely available to doctors and prices are pretty much the same for everyone.The actual experience of the injector, however, can vary greatly fromoffice to office, and even within a single office. Since the final cosmeticresults (and thus the ultimate happiness of the patient) depend so much onthe artistic eye and steady hand of the injector, it only makes sense thatoffices with highly trained and experienced injectors will be more likely tocharge slightly higher fees for their services.Q: We read about individuals who are addicted to plastic surgery. Canyou explain how and why this happens?A: The overwhelming majority of patients seeking cosmetic surgery arenormal, sane, well-adjusted individuals who seek to improve or correct abody part that, to them, is abnormal or unattractive. Numerous psychologicalstudies have shown that when such improvements are made, thepatient’s self-image and self-esteem soar. However, there are people whopursue plastic surgery not to improve their appearance in a way that otherswould say is justifiable, but rather to “fix” some imagined deformity thatonly they can see. These patients focus pathologically on their imagineddefects, and it commonly disrupts their ability to function normally. Theyfocus entirely on the “fix,” and undergo multiple plastic surgery proceduresin order to get “back to normal.” Such patients are totally preoccupiedwith some trivial or insignificant flaw in their appearance. This preoccupationoften results in significant distress to the patient, and often impairmentin socialization behavior. Most plastic surgeons are trained to identify thispsychological condition, often referred to as “body dysmorphic disorder(BDD), and strive to avoid performing any form of elective cosmetic surgeryon them. Such patients are far better served by refusing to operate on themand referring to a psychiatrist trained in BDD.Q: I am very embarrassed about the way my nipples stick out so far. Ihave to wear band-aids over them all the time. Is there anything that can bedone to fix this problem?A: Hyper-projection of the nipples is a relatively common problem. Theconclusion that the nipples stick out “too far” is, of course, a personal decisionmade by the patient. There are a number of very straightforwardand simple procedures, easily performed in the office, which can reduceand balance the size and projection of the nipples. Since the treatmentcould interfere with the passage of milk through the nipples, I typicallyrecommend that patients defer any treatment until they have completelyfinished breast feeding.Q: I have been told that if I get a facelift, I must continue to get additionalfacelift surgery in the future or I will look worse than if I never had afacelift at all. Is that true?A: This is one of the most common and least accurate concerns aboutfacelift surgery that pa-tients mention to me at consultation. In point offact, nothing could be further from the truth. The most impressive clinicalstudies about the long-term effects of facelift surgery come from thesurgical experience with identical twins. It is commonly held that identicaltwins will age in a very similar manner over time. When one identical twinundergoes facelift surgery, of course, in the short term of two to sevenyears thereafter, the twin who had the surgery will look substantially betterthan the twin who did not have the surgery. That finding was expected. Itis important to understand that facelift surgery does “set the clock back,”but it does not stop the ticking. In other words, facelift surgery can reversemany of the effects of aging, but it cannot stop the aging processitself. Going back to the studies of identical twins, researchers found thatthe twin who had the facelift forever looked better than the twin counterpartwho did not have surgery at all. Thus, even though the overall longtermresults of facelift surgery will slowly diminish over time, patients whodo undergo facelift surgery will always look better than if they never hadthe facelift surgery at all.Q: My sister had the fat bags under her eyelids removed via a no-scarsurgery. How is that pos-sible?A: If patients have marked puffiness (“bags”) of the lower eyelids ANDthey do not have much in the way of loose, wrinkled skin, there is a wayto remove the fat without the need for making an incision in the skin. Ofcourse, there must be an incision in order to access the fat and to removeit. In the appropriate patient, fat can be removed from the lowereyelids by making an incision in the crease behind the eyelid (transconjunctivalapproach). Healing is usually very rapid because there are novisible incisions.If you have questions or would like to hear about a certain topic relating to cosmetic surgery or skin care,please email your questions to Kimberly@herlifemagazine.com20 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | inspirationsGabriellaBiedingerTraveling the Road to Her Dreamby ann e. butenasphotos by bre baszlerhair and makeup by sidney lewardrobe by la pink boutiqueWhen you first meet Oakdale resident GabriellaBiedinger, 28, if you sense an out-going, funloving,upbeat and spirited young woman, pleasedon’t waver from that initial conclusion. She is allthat and more. And when it comes to making aprofessional name for herself, driven is a way of life for her….literally.As founder and owner of La Pink Boutique, the Central Valley’s firstfashion truck, she is literally and figuratively rolling right along with herunique and inspiring business model. The road she has traveled to getto this point is replete with a few twists and turns, but it has definitelytaken her right where she is supposed to be.When she was just 19 years old, Gabriella was forging a fastpacedcareer for herself in the escrow business, working for a builderwithin a subdivision. She was thrilled to have a career she absolutelyloved. After about five years, however, as the economy turned southand the housing market took an appreciable nosedive, Gabriella waslaid off from her position.She had what she described as the proverbial pity party, butquickly pulled herself up by her bootstraps and told herself she had toget it together. Prior to becoming involved in real estate, she had beenattending school but never completed that endeavor. So, she enrolledin Humphreys College in Modesto and began pursuing a degree inlegal studies with the intention of advancing to law school.During her academic career, she and her husband, Justin,welcomed a baby girl named Savanna, who will turn three this year,born shortly before Gabriella graduated. True to her tenacious nature,Gabriella remained on full-throttle and immediately applied for themaster’s degree program at CSU-Stanislaus but had barely startedtaking classes when she had a sudden change of heart.“I decided instead to apply for a job in the government sector,”she recalled. “It was a dream job but would require a move to the Bayarea. The hours would be long, however, keeping me away from myfamily.” Even though she beat out 250 other applicants, she still felt inher heart it was just not the right thing to do, so she declined the offer.Again, she stood at a crossroads and welcomed the familiar,yet brief, pity party. “I cried for a day and felt like I had really blown itby turning down that job, but my heart was just not in it,” she noted.“Even though I had given up that opportunity and had given up themaster’s program, I was still eager to do something. I still had thatdrive and was pushing myself to find what it was. I loved being a stayat-homemom, but I wanted to do something more.”Tapping into her life-long love of fashion and clothes, she began22 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

This oneof-a-kindboutiqueon wheelsalso boastsa hot rodtransmission,all shiny andpolished, providinga striking contrastto the otherwisewhimsical feminineappeal of the vehicle.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 23

to consider what that industry might hold for her. “When I was a kid, Iwould save my birthday money and buy fashion magazines, and I wouldcut out the models in them and use them as paper dolls, dressing themin clothing I would cut out of the magazines,” Gabriella laughed.As she began to inquire of her soul what truly made her happy,she went back to the basics and just asked herself what made herspirit sing and for what she seemed to have a natural knack: fashion.She decided she would open her own boutique.Well, that idea was not without its challenges. “The lease prices onspaces were crazy!” she commented. “I realized that getting into somethinglike this in a down economy was probably not the best idea.”One late night while browsing the internet changed that thinking ina heartbeat. “I saw an article about a truck in New York that had beenconverted into a store and thought that was a brilliant idea. I wonderedhow I could do something like that. It was fun, different, and certainlythere was nothing like it in Central Valley, except for the occasionalfood truck,” Gabriella smiled.That auspicious moment was in the spring of 2012, almost a yearto the day after she had turned down the Bay area job offer. She laterdiscovered that there was another truck in Los Angeles similar to theone in New York, so she did what any eager entrepreneur would do.She called the owners of the truck and asked them for their advice onhow she could do the same thing in Central Valley. That initial contactprovided her with some amazing information and insight, as the twoladies who owned the truck were more than happy to share with Gabriellasome pointers and advice.Three days later, as Gabriella was driving through Escalon, shehappened to see an empty yellow electrical truck on the side of theroad, clearly worse for the wear. “It was hideous, actually,” she said. “Ipulled over and looked it over. It had a ‘For Sale’ sign on it so I calledthe number and before I knew it, I was the proud owner of that truck.”Of course, a few upgrades, changes, modifications and more werein order, including changing it from a stick shift to an automatic, but herinitial investment of $1,700 for this 1972 Chevy Van was just the steppingstone she needed to get her new business up and running, er, driving!With the help of a friend who works on custom hot rods, thetruck was fully converted and, at Gabriella’s request, stripped of itsoriginal color and upgraded to a more suitable shade called “PinkPanther,” a choice that was initially met with some resistance byfriends and family, but Gabriella knew otherwise. “It was the perfectcolor choice,” she beamed.This one-of-a-kind boutique on wheels also boasts a hot rod24 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

“I saw an article about atruck in New York thathad been convertedinto a store and thoughtthat was a brilliant idea.I wondered how I coulddo something like that.It was fun, different,and certainly there wasnothing like it in CentralValley, except for theoccasional food truck.”transmission, all shiny and polished, providing a striking contrast to theotherwise whimsical feminine appeal of the vehicle.After her father-in-law spent several months remodeling the insideof the truck, turning it into the most fabulous and chic boutique everseen on wheels, La Pink Boutique debuted at the end of October 2012and was met with grand applause.Once a few other kinks were workedout, such as figuring out how to keep things from falling off the racksand shelves when she was driving, Gabriella was ready to take theretail world by storm.Inside the truck are several racks of clothes with a few shelvessporting various accessories. There is one private fitting area, too,along with a full-size mirror. But, most importantly, despite the cozyspace, this fashion truck never runs out of room for good times, funand laughter.Even though it’s just been a few months since La Pink Boutiquehas hit the streets, Gabriella is busier than ever. She loves to hostprivate parties at people’s homes. She just pulls the truck up, opensthe door, and lets the ladies go to town. Gabriella also participates invarious events throughout the city, such as the Wine Stroll in Lodi, andshe has partnered with a salon in Tracy, parking her truck outside theshop on a pre-determined schedule for a few hours.With apparel that is more Los Angeles chic and somewhat outsidethe-boxfor Central Valley, Gabriella finds she can barely keep thingsin stock. Her truck is filled with women’s clothing, handmade jewelry,handmade baby items, purses, belts and a variety of accessories.Now that the pity parties are well behind her, Gabriella enjoyshosting parties of another kind, and her docket is growing daily. Ofcourse, her mom is very proud and her father, who recently passedaway, is smiling down from Heaven for sure.When not embracing her business, Gabriella loves to shop (“I get alot of my inspiration from the malls in the Bay area.”), relax on the beachand indulge her creative side through crafts, cooking and baking.Still, just as the wheels on her truck keep spinning, so are theideas in her head. “I am very driven and am always looking for ways todo more,” she noted. “When your heart speaks to you, listen…even ifothers might think you are crazy. Don’t be afraid to follow your dream. Iknow this one is a dream come true for me.” ■For more information on La Pink Boutique, visit them online atlapinkboutique.com or catch all the latest news and specials ontheir Facebook page at facebook.com/lapinkboutique. You mayalso call 209-872-6606.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 25

herlife | integrative medicineDetoxificationby dr. lisa hunt | photo by dawn kellyDetoxification is the most exciting tool in natural medicinedue to its simplicity, low cost and superior results. It’sactually fun to participate and you’ll feel results almostimmediately.Our bodies detoxify continuously as a natural function.It’s only when our detox mechanisms become overloaded thatthe process becomes less efficient and symptoms may occur. Toxinsmay be internal or external in origin. Pollution or pesticides in ourfood sources may put undue stress on our detox organs, the kidneyand liver. Improper digestion and imbalanced gut ecology provide internalforms of toxins in the way of metabolic by-products stemmingfrom certain bacteria that have toxic side effects and therefore impactnegatively on overall health by compromising detox pathways.It has been suggested that toxic overload contributes to moreserious conditions such as autoimmune diseases, inflammatory/rheumatoidarthritis and neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s andAlzheimer’s. The goal of this program is to slowly and gently cleanseyour body of toxins that add an extra burden so serious diseaseslike this can be avoided. This program should turn your liver into ahealthy, cleansing machine.Symptoms that may be relieved by following a detox programinclude digestive problems, bad breath, fatigue, skin rashes, itchyskin, irritability, constipation, headaches, joint pain and weight lossresistance.A carefully planned detox program can offer improvementsincluding anti-aging effects, clearer skin and eyes, weight loss, increasedproductivity and reduction of allergic symptoms.For more information ondetoxification, please visit DrLisaHunt.com.Dr. Lisa HuntLisa J. Hunt, D.O., is the Medical Director of Valley Wellness Center in Modesto whose mission “is to build on every level of yourhealth to achieve the best quality of life.” She is Board certified in Family Medicine and Holistic and Integrative Medicine. Shespecializes in anti-aging treatment, natural thyroid replacement, menopause/andropause therapy (including bio-identical hormonereplacement), strengthening the immune system, neurotransmitter analysis/replacement and nutritional support guidance.26 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | cravingsby adriana brogger | photos by bre baszlerThe first official day of spring this year is March 20th. Did yourheart just beat a little faster? Don’t worry; mine did too. Becausewe all know what that means: summer is just around the corner.So why are we talking about food? Because I’ve been to GreensTable and have met owner Ann Endsley. The Greens Table approachto food is encouraging to all. Ann believes healthy eating promoteshealthy living and stronger bodies. That translates to eating well at GreensTable and still being ready for that summer dress!Located at 501 Bangs Ave. in Modesto, Greens Table is an expansionof Greens Market. The new location offers more customer seating. The relocationto Bangs Avenue means there is now an on-site kitchen to preparemeals. Ultimately, this means you and I can enjoy more of the scrumptiousfarm-to-fork food the Greens brand has become known for.When I first walked in, I noticed the fresh and inviting decor. The sunwas shining brightly through the big windows. It’s an enjoyable environment.I love big, rustic, wooden tables. There are lots of those big tables atGreens Table. They silently call you to sit a while and enjoy the food. “Evenwith the name, Greens Table, we want to communicate: Come to our table,bring your family to the table, take our food back to your table. We offer thatcommunal element that goes back to basics,” Ann said.If you are uninitiated to the culinary fabulousness that is Greens,let me get you up to speed. The brand is committed to creating honest,clean foods from scratch, at an affordable price. But it’s not as simple as itsounds. They actually grow most of their own produce on a massive farmand obtain additional produce from other local farms. Fresh eggs, check.Fresh milk, check. Grass-fed beef, check. Local specialty items, check.There are no preservatives, canned goods or pre-made anything at GreensTable. It’s just honest food that speaks for itself.My first bite of Greens food was the crazy-good French onion soup.Ann has made this recipe for “many, many, many years.” If the old adage“practice makes perfect” is applied here, her method and recipe equalperfection. If you don’t believe me, taste the soup! The recipe calls for amarathon three-day process. The first day is spent slow-roasting grass-fedbeef bones and vegetables to make a rich, dark beautiful stock. The stockcooks for an entire day, is then boiled down to reduce it, making it evenmore flavorful. Day Two is spent caramelizing onions for five to six hoursand skimming fat. Finally, on the third day you can make the soup! Can youimagine the heart and respect that goes into that process? The result iseasily the best French onion soup I have ever had. It’s topped with a nice,thick crouton and brie cheese. HEAVEN!I also had a phenomenal burger. Fresh bread, great beef, pesticide-freeveggies: it was a burger plucked from the earth. That may sound silly, but tryit and then tell me if that description doesn’t match up. The lovely aforementionedburger came with a side of homemade potato chips—delish!We also indulged in some naughtier fare: nutty sticky buns, bright andbeautiful macaroons, chocolate and peanut butter mousse, tasty Meyerlemon tarts, luscious crème brûlées. Oh! The things I do for you HerLifereaders! My professional assessment of the dessert offerings: Mmmm!Ann said, “We truly hand-make everything. That’s hard to find inour area. We have a commitment to source locally. We think people carewhat’s in their food.”I completely agree. Lots of us do care. We want to know that our foodis actually going to be good for our bodies, and be the fuel we need it to be.My husband is a Cross fitter/ Paleo guy. He has lost 40 lbs. in six monthsby paying attention to what he eats and his level of physical exercise. Ihaven’t made the commitment to be as strict as he is, but I am enjoying myown improved health. Food can be good and good for you. If you have anydoubt, eat at Greens Table. They offer Paleo, vegan, gluten-free and otherdiet-specific foods that all taste great.For Ann Endsley, the commitment to healthy eating is a lifestyle. Shewas diagnosed with lupus 17 years ago. “I became very aware of howclean, healthy eating affects us. I became more knowledgeable and I wantto share that,” Ann said. “I just believe we should eat what’s being grownaround us. Our bodies respond to that. I understand the health reasons foreating well.” Aren’t we lucky that she wants to share that with us?Greens Table also offers take-away meals and specialty food andgrocery items. They can host private parties and even offer evening cookingclasses. Greens Central at 953 K Street in Modesto is open for those in thedowntown area. ■Greens Table, 501 Bangs Ave in Modesto, is open seven days aweek for breakfast and lunch. For more information about GreensTable, Greens Central and Greens Catering, visit online atgreensmarket.net or call them at 209-579-9090.28 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

My first bite of Greens food was the crazy-goodFrench onion soup. Ann has made this recipefor “many, many, many years.” If the old adage“practice makes perfect” is applied here, hermethod and recipe equal perfection.One of the Central Valley’s leading proponents of all things multimedia, Adriana Brogger has worked as a reporter,blogger, producer, host/emcee, writer and actress/performer in local media for more than ten years. Sheteaches Multimedia Production at San Joaquin Delta College and loves it! Born in the year of the monkey, Adrianahas a clever wit and a magnetic personality. Seriously though, she enjoys good comedy, spending time withher hubby and four cute boys, and of course, great food. If you know of a local restaurant that would welcomea visit by Adriana, please contact Kimberly Mullen at Kimberly@herlifemagazine.com.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 29

herlife | culinaryMAKING A SPLENDID“SPOT” OF TEAby sherry l. granaderIf you ever have the opportunity to visit England or entertainsomeone from the UK, you will soon realize that, for the English,tea is both a beverage and a meal. I was raised in the U.S. byparents from England and Scotland, and afternoon tea was adaily ritual in our home. It was always an opportunity for my parentsto sit down and enjoy a delicious, hot cup of tea with cookies ortea sandwiches while catching up over the events of the day. Teatimeis one of life’s simple pleasures that help us retreat from the pressuresof the outside world and simply to enjoy each other.In the 19th century, Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, createdthe ‘first tea’ because dinner was typically served fashionablylate. The British were known for eating a hearty breakfast followedby a light lunch, and did not return to the dinner table for the rest ofthe day. The duchess would ask for a small meal to be served in herprivate quarters in the late afternoon, eventually inviting friends overto join her.The ritual, ceremony and tradition of this specialized meal are apleasant solution to an increasingly frantic pace of today’s way of life.Afternoon tea is a mini-meal consisting of sweets, breads and smallsandwiches, plus a perfectly made hot pot of tea. High tea occurredat the end of a workday with a hearty spread of roasted meats,savory pies, pudding or custard and cakes. Although a traditional teausually consists of crustless sandwiches, finger foods and petit fourson a tiered stand of fine china, it’s a wonderful opportunity to blendfamiliar, well-loved tea dishes with the best of contemporary cuisine.There is nothing more delightful than grazing on small bites of delicious,yummy foods that incorporate non-traditional ingredientspresented in unexpected ways with a great cup of tea.In some of the most lavish, innovative restaurants in this country,restaurants and hotels are offering afternoon tea featuring the freshestingredients from local growers and suppliers. Sandwiches andtarts are garnished with fresh-picked produce such as raspberries,strawberries, enoki mushrooms, kiwi and daikon sprouts. Chefs areserving grilled shrimp or fish sprinkled with colorful edible flowers.Menu offerings for afternoon tea include an international mix thatreflects an increased interest in regional and ethnic foods.“Teatime” in the afternoon can be as simple as a great cup oftea, or a multicourse meal from casual to formal, for 2 persons to acrowd of 200. It can include elaborate dishes or just a cup of tea withsome sweets, informal sandwiches, scones and muffins. A teatimemeal can be flexible and reflect your personal style. Start with afreshly brewed, perfect pot of tea. It doesn’t matter if you pour it froma gold service set or a simple pottery teapot, the result is the same:mind, body and spirit are renewed and refreshed.Preparing a perfect pot of tea requires brewing the tea for justthe right amount of time, usually three to five minutes, so that tanninsare not released which can make the tea taste bitter. The English havealways enjoyed tea with fresh, cold milk, usually added to the cupfirst before adding the hot tea. Lemon, sugar or honey is optional.Use afternoon tea to mark a celebration, note the change in seasonsor simply to spend time with friends or family. Expand or varythe menu depending on the type of tea or time of day. Bring the traditionof afternoon tea to your home for family and friends to enjoy. ■Source: Teatime Celebrations by Patricia Gentry30 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Here are directions formaking a perfect pot of tea:• Start with cold water in a kettle and bring to a rolling boil. Assoon as the water reaches the boiling point, add it to the teain a teapot. If water is boiled for too long, it loses oxygen andcan affect the taste of the tea.• Rinse the teapot with hot water to preheat it. Do not use ametal pot made of aluminum or it will create an odd taste inthe tea.• Loose tea is best for the richest flavor. A good rule of thumbis one teaspoon of loose tea per cup, plus one teaspoon forthe pot.• Pour the boiling water over the tea in the teapot and stir.Place the lid on the teapot and let stand for at least three tofive minutes. Brewed teas vary in color; however, brewingtime should be your guide, not the color.• To serve, remove the tea bags from the pot or use a strainerto pour for each cup of tea. Bone china, silver or any nonreactivematerial works best for tea.• Cover the pot with a ‘tea cozy’ to keep the remaining tea warm.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 31

herlife | recipesBaked maple-mustard chickenrecipes and photography by veryculinary.comServes 4Prep time: 5 minutesCook time: 40 minutesIngredients:¾ cup Dijon mustard½ cup maple syrup2 Tablespoons rice wine vinegar1 ½ pounds boneless, skinlesschicken thighsChopped rosemary (optional)Directions:1. Preheat your oven to 450 degrees.2. In a small bowl, mix together the mustard, maple syrup and rice winevinegar.3. Coat a 9 x 13 baking dish with cooking spray. Place chicken in a singlelayer and season with salt and pepper. Pour the maple mustard mixtureover chicken, turning the thighs in the mixture so they are fully coated.4. Bake for 40 minutes or until a meat thermometer reads 165ºF. Baste thetops of the chicken with more sauce halfway through. Let the chicken restfor 5 minutes before serving.5. Serve over mashed potatoes and spoon extra sauce over the top.Sprinkle with some chopped fresh rosemary. ■32 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Beef gyrosServes 6Prep time: 20 minutesTotal time: 30 minutesIngredients:½ cup plain yogurt¼ cup chopped cucumber1 Tablespoon chopped onion½ teaspoon chopped fresh mint¼ teaspoon salt1 pound sirloin, cut into thin one-inch strips2 teaspoons Greek seasoning1 Tablespoon vegetable oil6 soft pita breads, warmed1 cup cherry tomatoes, quartered1 large cucumber, juliennedLettuce leaves (optional)Directions:1. For the sauce, combine yogurt, chopped cucumber, onion, mint and salt in amedium bowl. Set aside.2. Toss sirloin with the Greek seasoning. In a large skillet, heat oil over medium-high.Add sirloin and cook, stirring, about 3 minutes or until cooked through.3. Divide sirloin strips among the warmed pitas. Top with tomato, cucumber and lettuce(if using). Drizzle the sauce over the top. Serve immediately. ■<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 33

herlife | wineFRENCH WINE AND CHEESESby sherry l. granaderNothing goes together better than French food and wine, acombination rooted in the tradition of savory flavors pairedwith the perfect wine for an incredible meal. The French arenotorious for enjoying a glass of wine with meals, somethingthat is often enjoyed on a daily basis for a little bit of luxury.The pleasure of sipping wine enhances the dining experience, whether inFrance or anywhere in the world.The rule of drinking red wine with meat or white wine with seafood orchicken dishes has gone by the wayside. Simply enjoy your favorite winewith French food for a special meal and forget the strict guidelines. Thesecret is to understand the basics of wine tasting for pairing a variety ofwine with food, especially French food. Here are some factors to considerwhen choosing wines.Aroma – the ‘bouquet’ of the wine is how it smells when poured intoa glass. It can be nutty, floral, earthy or fruity, to name a few. Sometimesthe bouquet can be a combination of aromas that create a wonderful wine.Acid – wine offers sharp and sour notes that determine the level ofacidity. Think of biting into a sour apple and how that feels on your tongue.Here are some suggestions to considerwhen creating French foods:• Sauternes with bleu cheese.• Chardonnay with chicken, scallops, lobster and brie.• Sauvignon Blanc with shrimp, acidic pork, oysters and whitefish.• Pinot Noir with salmon, fatty fish and duck.• Zinfandel or red/white Burgundy with turkey, pheasant and quail.• Red Bordeaux with lamb.• Beaujolais with traditional pork.• Cabernet Sauvignon with beef, venison and grilled meat.• Burgundy with braised meat and game.• Of course, champagne goes well with everything from appetizersto desserts.in Julia Child’s cookbook Mastering The Art Of French Cooking. It is truly adelightful movie.If you have the opportunity to visit France, it is impossible to avoidthe endless window displays of mouth-watering sweet delights and pastries.The French love to eat desserts after lunch, dinner or simply enjoyBody – can be light, heavy or creamy when you taste it and is reallya matter of personal taste and opinion.Flavor – aromas determine the flavor of the wine. For example,a nutty aroma in a wine often develops into a chocolate-coffee note offlavor. The aroma and flavor are closely related.Even though the rules of pairing wines with French food may soundcomplicated, it is much easier than you think. A good rule of thumb is topair a wine with food that matches its intensity and flavor. For example, aspicy white wine goes well with a flavorful chicken dish and a strong, fullbodiedred wine goes well with steak in a decadent sauce.Julia Child has shared the splendor of French food in this countrythrough her extensive cookbooks and cooking shows, bringing hardwork and delicious creativity and fun to every endeavor. The movie Julieand Julia documents her start in the cooking profession in France, withChild played by Meryl Streep. Child’s story is intertwined with thatof blogger Julie Powell, who decides to spice up her uneventfullife as she challenges herself to cook all 524 recipes34 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

them in the afternoon. Among the most popular desserts are French fruittarts, beignets, or a doughnut filled with comfiture, a confection, fruit orjam. Try them all.To create the best meals in French cooking, it is important to use thefreshest ingredients available. The best food in France can be found inrestaurants using local ingredients that are in season and cooked to perfection.The best French cooking is regional, so when traveling through Francefind a restaurant that serves local produce. Southern France features foodscooked in olive oil, fresh tomatoes and other flavors of the Mediterranean.The area of Normandy offers dishes cooked in butter and cream. Saucesare made with wines from the area for a local flavor, whether it is meatystew or a light, delicate dish.Pairing food and wine is like a good marriage, as each strengthensand enhances the other for an amazing dining experience. The best matchis what pleases your palate based on your personal preferences. There areno rules to follow when choosing your favorite wines and recipes. Enjoy thewide variety of flavors and aromas of different wines, keeping in mind thatthe food can both complement and contradict your wine selections.However, if a dish is ‘light’ in nature, then a white wine usually goeswell with the flavors while a steak and potato dish does well with a fullbodiedred wine. However, it still boils down to personal preference. EnjoyFrench food and wine whenever you have the opportunity. Bon appétit! ■Source: The Joy Of Eating French Food: GreatFrench Dishes Made Easy, by Renny Darling<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 35

herlife | spotlightby ann e. butenasphotos by kristoffer heacox lemonbread photographyDr.WilliamHuiras,DDSGoing to the dentist can actually be a fun and excitingthing to do, especially if you are a patient ofDr. William Huiras, DDS. When you make an appointmentwith this experienced, knowledgeableand above all, compassionate dentist, you canput your fears and anxieties aside and rest in the comfort of knowingthat you are in the best of hands when it comes to your complete oralhealth care and your smile.Dr. Huiras’ interest in his profession grew naturally out of hisinnate desire to help others. He enjoys spending time with each ofhis patients, ensuring their dental care needs are met comfortablyin an honest and completely professional environment. A graduateof Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Dr. Huiras subsequently completed hisdental training at the Dental School at the University of California atSan Francisco, from which he graduated in 1992. Since that time, hehas continued to advance his education through his affiliation withvarious study clubs and professional associations, including the PrideInstitute, the ADA, the CDA, the Seattle Study Club and the Academyof General Dentistry.“It is important to me to keep on top of all the latest techniquesand treatments available in our industry, and I strive to find ways toincorporate those into my practice with the patient’s best interest inmind, offering only what has proven to be effective and efficient,” henoted. “It is important to me to provide the best care possible.”As a general dentist practicing in his hometown of Lodi, Dr.Huiras provides every type of dental service, including preventivedental care, extractions, implants, whitening, bonding, crowns,bridges, fillings and laser dentistry and works with patients of allages. Although he does not provide any orthodontics, he hopes to doso in the future.“That is my next challenge,” he smiled, true to his commitmentto always remain an eager student of the profession as well as adedicated clinician.For those cases where perhaps a specialist is required, Dr.Huiras relies upon a strong network of trusted practitioners to whomhe can confidently refer his patients.“I have the ability to offer what modern technology can offer,but I do refer patients to certain specialists as the need arises when Ifeel that the case would be better treated through such a referral,” heemphasized.More than anything, Dr. Huiras and his staff endeavor to makeeach visit to the office a fun, educational and positive experience,and that is especially true for those patients just getting a firm graspon the benefits of obtaining exceptional dental care.“We have parents bring in their children to see us who are as36 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

young as two years of age,” explained Dr. Huiras. “At that age, however,it is more of a ‘show and tell’ experience where we teach themabout dental health. We also talk to the parents about good habits forhome dental care and helping the child keep healthy teeth and gums.”Parents will also love the fact that modern technology allows Dr.Huiras to catch cavities early and by using an air abrasion machine,decay can be easily removed without pain to the child and no injectionsare necessary to numb the area.And for patients who still have some anxieties about going to thedentist, Dr. Huiras does offer sedation dentistry, either administeredorally or inhaled, allowing the patient to relax safely and comfortablywhile the necessary procedures can be accomplished.Dr. Huiras also extends his arm of service to more than just hispatients. His commitment to serving others can also be seen in anyParents will also love the fact thatmodern technology allows Dr. Huirasto catch cavities early and by usingan air abrasion machine, decaycan be easily removed without painto the child and no injections arenecessary to numb the area.number of his volunteer efforts in the community.“I belong to a network of dentists and dental labs that twiceeach year provides services on a pro bono basis to individuals whoare disabled physically and/or mentally,” he commented. “It is sucha rewarding feeling to be able to help these people who might nototherwise receive the dental care they need.”Dr. Huiras is also a keen educator and makes it a point to discusseach treatment and case thoroughly with patients before theyundergo any treatments.“We have a very traditional style of dental care here. This is nota clinic. I like to spend time with my patients and really do enjoy thatperson-to-person interaction,” smiled Dr. Huiras.Of course, Dr. Huiras stands firmly on the foundation of goodpreventive oral care and recommends that patients receive a routinecleaning and dental exam every six months. For those who have moderateto severe gum disease, he suggests they come in more often, assuch individuals can be susceptible to additional dental problems. ■For more information on Dr. Huiras, visit him at 322 West LodiAvenue, Lodi, call him at 209-333-8016, or go online atmylodidentist.com.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 37

herlife | trendsetterDefineClothingmchenry village, #54modesto(209) 545-2885photography by dee yatesstyling by liz rose kramerhair and makeup by melissa holter and jessica van ruitenof perfect balance day spamodels tilly andrade and diane boydshot on location at oak farm vineyards, lodi38 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | mother’s perspectiveMaking Music withYour Childrenby heather l. noble, ph.d.You do what you can to encourage children to eat healthyfoods and have a balanced diet. After all, today’s food choicesfoster growth for the days, weeks and even years to come.Feeding the mind is equally important, and research hasrepeatedly shown that music is a powerful fuel source forchildren, with countless benefits reaching into adulthood.For many children, music is a point of entry into the world of sounds,which ultimately leads to language development. When children hearmusic, they try to decode the sounds and words. The left side of thebrain is stimulated, which is directly involved in processing language. Thebrain’s circuits are then wired to reflect the variety of sounds encountered,in addition to supporting the child’s flexibility with self-expression skills.A child learns how intonation, rhythm and volume vary. These skills arefoundational for social competence.Music is also an appropriate outlet for emotion. Children learn howto express themselves, through creating their own music, in additionto understanding others’ emotions when listening to others’ creations.Children then appreciate the value for communication, both expressiveand receptive. Listening skills are especially valuable for discerning others’emotional states from their speech and any other sounds they mightchoose to make. Music is then known as a tool to convey emotion, butalso it can be appreciated as a powerful method for impacting others’emotions. It can lift one’s spirits or calm one’s fears.Some research studies have actually measured an increase in IQpoints for elementary school-age children who attend weekly music lessons.Their minds are stimulated for curiosity and the enjoyment of learning.Studies in neuroscience have evidenced that children who participatein learning and making music have larger development in neural activityas compared to others who do not train in music. Inherently, if you arecreating music, this activity requires greater use of the brain. So, extensiveneural circuits are built, fine-tuned and repeatedly used.Music also provides ample opportunity to build and practice concentrationand memory. Music training requires an adept focus for learning,creating and appreciating all the sounds made. Sounds are then storedin memory and recalled at later times, such as the lyrics or melody of asong. There is ample opportunity to practice effective memory storageand retrieval.The intellectual skills used for music transfer to many achievementrelatedskills as well. The understanding of music assists children toconsider how many pieces fit together to form a whole, and how multistepproblems might be examined and pieced together to find solutions.These are required skills for the academic arena, including mathematics,engineering, science, the arts and working with computers.Music is of value at any age. The key to including it in children’slives, and having it benefit them, is to be mindful of any and all expectationsfor those involved. There is a growing amount of evidence thatbirth to age nine is an optimal “window of opportunity” for develop-44 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

ing musical appreciation and skills. During this time, children’s mentalcapacities are ripe for such opportunities.Infants can first be exposed to music by way of their parents whohum and sing while swaying and swinging the baby to soothe. Musicalgames might be incorporated, and simple instruments that are purchasedor homemade can be explored. Simple routines, such as bathtime, could be accompanied by a created song with the child’s nameincluded. Musical expertise is not necessary—simply the enjoymentof music is of value. Parents can serve as role models for enjoying theThe intellectual skills used for musictransfer to many achievementrelatedskills as well. Theunderstanding of music assistschildren to consider how manypieces fit together to form a whole,and how multi-step problems mightbe examined and pieced togetherto find solutions.process by singing and dancing.As children become toddlers, they are increasingly able to identifybeats and melodies, along with instruments. Informally, children can beencouraged to choose songs of their liking for listening, alternated withparents or others also choosing songs for variety. This also might bean appropriate time for attending classes. Programs to explore includeKindermusik and Gymboree classes. By age five, children are increasinglyadept at following formalized lessons. Nevertheless, likely through thisage, the overarching expectations should continue to be greater exposureto and understanding of music rather than honing any particular skill.By about ages six through ten, children have developed greaterphysical strength and stamina. Skill development with a particular instrumentmay take a focus. At this time, the goal of any music lessons mayshift from simply exposure to actually improving performance ability.Regardless of how involved children may become with creatingtheir own music, many benefits come from having access to a wide varietyof tunes. Parents can be a powerful part of the learning process,attending concerts with families and discussing tastes for differentartists and genres. Just as you wouldn’t want a child eating peanutbutter and jelly sandwiches at all meals, ensure variety in music. Serveup a “buffet” of different rhythms, tonalities, keys and cultures to bestnurture development. ■Sources: pbs.org, parenthood.com, kindermusik.com andgymboreeclasses.com<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 45

herlife | working womenMatching a Career to Your Personalityby heather noble, ph.d.Is your work a source of satisfaction and fulfillment, or does it feelmore like a drain on you that you dread? If you work full time, youspend more than 2,000 hours a year doing it. Since work takesup so much of your time, there is value to carefully consideringwhat kind of work will truly bring you joy. People who feel the mostfulfilled are doing work that matches the unique traits of their personality.Do what you enjoy and what comes naturally, but also importantly,try to avoid or at least minimize the kinds of work that will inherently bean uphill battle for you. It is true that some occupations are much bettersuited for you than others.One way to consider this further is through a popular and wellfoundedtheory that matches careers with personality types, developedby the late psychologist Dr. John Holland. He identified six categories or“types,” and as you read each one described below, consider whetherone or more of these fit your personality.Are you known for your creativity, imagination and self-expression?If you appreciate aesthetics and originality, you may also have a passionfor working with music, writing, performance and other forms ofart. Some careers that best fit such interests include composer, writer,interior decorator, editor and actor/actress. Careers that are less likelyto appeal entail routine and rule-following. You will not likely be content,long-term, by sitting behind a desk and doing clerical work.Consider being practical, following rules and having concreteaccomplishments, and enjoying physical activity. Is that for you? If so,do you also have mechanical abilities and enjoy using tools? Someoccupations that match this personality include carpenter, truck driver,mechanic, farmer and electrician. This kind of work places less emphasisupon interacting with others, and in fact, socializing may be less thanappealing to you anyway.Are you analytical, scholarly and intellectually-driven with a passionfor in-depth learning through reading, studying and investigating? In otherwords, if given the choice, would you like to be a perpetual student?If so, you might enjoy using your scientific and mathematical skills fortrouble-shooting, in addition to relishing how you create and apply yourknowledge. Careers to top your list include biologist, chemist, physicist,psychologist and medical technologist. You are less inclined to enjoy46 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Since work takes up so much ofyour time, there is value to carefullyconsidering what kind of work willtruly bring you joy. People who feelthe most fulfilled are doing workthat matches the unique traits oftheir personality.persuading others or selling them things. These factors may actually runcounter to your personality.Do you view yourself as empathic, helpful, patient and sociable?Maybe you find it fulfilling, if not essential to your well-being, to interactwith and serve the needs of others through a helping, teaching orcounseling role. If humanitarianism is a value inherent to you, occupationsfor consideration include teacher, counselor, clergy member orbeing a treatment provider in the medical or mental health field. Watchout for work that entails mechanical or technical skills. This is lesslikely your cup of tea.It’s also possible you are sociable but with a penchant for persuadingor directing others. You have natural skills in leading others toseek and attain goals for personal and organizational success. Seen byothers as responsible and taking appropriate and calculated risks, youknow how to apply your shrewd and ambitious traits. Careers that mightmatch include attorney, business executive, salesperson, manager, televisionproducer and sports promoter. On the flipside, scientific inquiryand learning are less likely to appeal, so there may be no need to ensureit has any part in the work you do.How about deriving satisfaction from following orderly routinesand meeting clear standards? Have others ever said you are efficient,conscientious, practical and highly dependable? If so, you might enjoyutilizing clerical skills or working with information or office equipment tomeet specific standards. Corresponding occupations include bookkeeper,stenographer, financial analyst, banker, tax expert, clerk or productioneditor. What to avoid? Work with unclear directions and expectationsbecause that runs counter to your grain.So what do you think? Do any of these descriptions fit for you? Itmay be helpful to keep in mind that your work is not likely to fulfill allof your unique needs and desires, and in that case, it’s also helpful toconsider what you do with your interests, activities and hobbies outsideof work. Be social, engage in self-expression, do something requiringorderliness, enjoy learning something new, take on a leadership role ordo something “hands-on” outdoors! ■Sources: self-directed-search.com,usnews.com.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 47

herlife | financeCheapChic :Sites and Apps toHelp You Save Cashby lisa taranto butlerTechnology is ever-evolving at a Google Fiber pace. Fasterand better, rapid innovation is leaving old school shoppingin the dust. Can you even remember the last time youthumbed through a phone book to search for a plumber orwalked inside a bank to make a deposit? These days,mobile and media devices allow us to do our business atthe touch of our fingertips. But with the economystill uneasy, savvy shoppers want to makesure they are saving money as well masteringtheir devices.You don’t have to be a super techie orprofessional tweeter to discover great dealsthrough websites and apps. Everything fromretail sales to reward apps can be foundquickly and easily with just a few clicks. Hereare some smartphone ideas and laptop sitesthat keep the cash in your pocket and great dealscoming to your door.48 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Shop SavvyTry this barcode scanner to find the best deals either online or atyour local stores. Not only will you see price comparisons but dealscan be bought just by clicking on retailers’ links like Target, Walmartand Best Buy. To test the app, go to a retail outlet, scan the barcodeof a product you’re considering and then compare prices to other localstores. If the price is cheaper online, click your phone and have itdelivered to your door. The app also features a “wish list” that tracksfavorite products and reviews from other customers.Not only will you see pricecomparisons but deals can bebought just by clicking on retailers’links like Target, Walmart andBest Buy. To test the app, go to aretail outlet, scan the barcode of aproduct you’re considering and thencompare prices to other local stores.Retailmenot.comThis fairly new source for online discounts, coupons andpromotional codes is earning points with coupon clipping shopperseverywhere. Look for codes of participating retailers on the Retail-MeNot website, and simply enter the code when checking out onlineto get the savings instantly. Search for coupons by favorite retaileror item. Sign up for email alerts to get the latest scoop and couponnotifications.Cheapism.comIf you like cheapism.com, you are not considered a cheapskate,but a cheapist—a much more flattering term coined by the site forsomeone who likes to save money. As a result of practicing cheapismregularly, cheapists manage to save their money to use for otherpurposes.“Cheap is Chic” at Cheapism.com, where consumers canbuy goods and services at a relatively low cost compared to othersources. Sign up and the site will do a lot of work for you, includingidentifying all the cheap products you are interested in, researching“must have” features, reading product performance reviews andtelling you where to buy the goods. We may be living in uncertainfinancial times, but most of us still want the best available products inour specific budget, and this site seems to answer the call.Continued on page 50<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 49

Walletpop.comA personal finance site that provides guidance on everythingfrom saving on your monthly water bill to scoring the best deals onpet food, Walletpop.com offers financial help with saving, spending,investing and planning. Easy-to-follow tips on its website, Facebookpage and Twitter account make saving cash easy to follow andsimple enough for just about anyone to see success.A personal finance site thatprovides guidance on everythingfrom saving on your monthly waterbill to scoring the best deals onpet food, Walletpop.com offersfinancial help with saving, spending,investing and planning.Key RingApps make the world go round and what better way to conquerthe world than to save money with a hip, free app. Try Key Ring foryour Android, iPhone, iPad or Blackberry to save some cash and freeup space on your key chain. Say goodbye to carrying those annoyinglittle plastic loyalty cards. Key Ring lets you store the informationon your phone rather than clunking up your purse or pocket. Gettingrewarded for shopping at your favorite stores is as easy as taking aphoto of your ID number, or just entering the digits on your phoneand saving the information to your app.CardStarShow your devotion to your most adored merchants by puttingall of your loyalty cards in the palm of your hand. CardStar is anothersimple and free app that is available for most smartphones. By readingthe barcodes on your cards and storing them safely and easily onyour phone, you can leave the checkout counter without ever havingto search and fumble for your plastic cards. CardStar also notifiesyou of special deals and sales at your favorite retailers and gives youthe scoop on available coupons.You don’t have to be a web developer to develop a crush ondeal-saving apps and websites. Easy to use and easy on the pocketbook,you’ll be a savvy shopper (and a little richer) just by picking upthe phone. ■Sources: money.cnn.com, cheapism.comand dailyfinance.com.50 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM


herlife | green livingMembership in ACommunitySupportedAgriculture(CSA)by kathleen m. kruegerAs food prices climb and families become more concernedwith the impact of their eating habits on the environment,the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) movement isskyrocketing in popularity. CSA shares make it significantlyeasier for families to eat local, genetically unmodifiedfood while making a commitment to sustainability and greenliving. For some households, the idea of CSA shares is appealing, butconfusion regarding how the process works is enough to deter themfrom joining in.member that you’re not contracting to buy a specified amount of aparticular product with your contributions. In most cases, the farmersthemselves will put together the CSA boxes that go out for pickup, soyou’ll be receiving what’s in season among the crops that have donewell. Droughts and other unforeseeable environmental conditionsmay affect the viability of certain crops, which will affect your farm’sability to supply those items. Many farms also require shareholders ormembers to help, either with weeding and planting duties, or with thegathering and distribution of produce during the harvest.What is a CSA Membership?When you join a CSA collective or purchase a membership froma local farm, you’ll almost always be entering into a shared risk andreward agreement. When you purchase a share, you’ll be agreeingto accept the weekly bounty, whether it’s great or small. Your CSAfarmer will send what is in season and ripe—very rarely do CSAshares entitle a member to a specified weight or amount of food.You’re contributing directly to the budget of the farm as a whole, andreaping the rewards in terms of fresh, wholesome and usually organicproduce. Because contributions from CSA shareholders allow farmersto concentrate their time and effort on producing high-quality cropsrather than financing and marketing during the busy harvest season,small independent farms are able to sustain themselves.Before entering into a CSA agreement, it’s important to re-How Do I Get My Food?In most cases, CSA farmers will designate one drop-off pointfor everyone, or invite shareholders to pick up their own boxes at thefarm. Very rarely do farmers deliver boxes straight to shareholders’homes due to both time constraints and the costs related to maintainingfull delivery routes on a weekly basis.Learning to Eat SeasonallyTransitioning from buying the bulk of your produce in the grocerystore year-round to working with what’s seasonal and on hand inyour CSA box can be a challenge for some families, especially thosewho have never eaten seasonally before. Your CSA box won’t havesquash in June because squash isn’t actually in season so early.Being able to buy any vegetable or fruit item you like at the grocery52 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

store regardless of season is a possibility because those items aren’tgrown locally, may be genetically modified and are rarely organic.Your CSA box may also contain produce items that you’re unfamiliarwith, meaning that you’ll have the opportunity to expand your foodpreparation horizons in order to make use of some of the things inyour share each week.Your CSA box may also containproduce items that you’re unfamiliarwith, meaning that you’ll have theopportunity to expand your foodpreparation horizons in order tomake use of some of the things inyour share each week.Be RealisticIf you purchase the right share to accommodate your family’seating habits, you should have enough food each week for severalmeals. However, you almost certainly won’t have enough fruit tomeet recommended daily allowances, especially if you have growingchildren. Some CSA farms don’t cultivate tree fruits so you maynot receive apples, peaches or other orchard fruits at all. Your CSAshare helps you to eat local, in-season produce more easily, but won’teliminate the necessity of shopping for food at the market. Many ofthe families that find a CSA arrangement disappointing do so becausethey have slightly unrealistic expectations at the outset.It’s also important to remember that your first few CSA boxeswill come in the late spring or early summer, meaning that they’llinitially be filled with lighter fare. Peas, baby beets, radishes andsalad greens make up the bulk of most early-season boxes, with theheavier squash, potatoes and broccoli crops coming in late in theseason. Don’t be surprised to find your first few boxes filled mostlywith green items.When a CSA arrangement is approached realistically, it can bea wonderfully rewarding experience. Food will come to your table atthe absolute peak of freshness after being grown in organic conditions,without genetic modification or resulting from questionablefarming practices. Children in the family can visit the farm and helpduring volunteer hours, allowing them to gain a greater understandingof farming and food production, while learning to try new foods withan open mind. The best way to ensure that your CSA experience isa positive one is to talk to the farmer. Most understand that inexperiencednewcomers aren’t sure of what to expect, and are happy toanswer any questions you may have and give you advice. ■Sources for this article are localharvest.org and eatwell.com.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 53

herlife | primeEssentials for EstatePlanning and Planned Givingby candi smithAs you approach the autumn of your lifetime, you should beginto put your financial affairs in order to ensure that you providefor your loved ones you leave behind. However, you alsomight consider a legacy of giving so you can keep on changingthe lives of others in society long after you’ve passed.First, when it comes to estate planning, there are a few must-havedocuments you should establish to ensure that your financial and personalwishes are conveyed.According to Julie Garber, an experienced estate planning attorneyand co-author of Estate Planning Strategies: Collective Wisdom, ProvenTechniques, there are five essential documents that provide an organizedapproach for dealing with your assets if you die or are mentally incapacitated.She recommends you find an attorney in your state versed specificallyin estate planning law.There are two basic types of estate planning—will-based and trustbased.Both estates should be covered by an Advanced Medical Directive,Living Will and Financial Power of Attorney. Additionally, will-basedestates should have a Last Will and Testament, while trust-based estatesshould have a Pour Over Will and Revocable Living Trust.An Advanced Medical Directive (sometimes known as a MedicalPower of Attorney) gives authority either to a guardian, conservator orhealth care agent to make medical decisions if you are declared mentallyincapacitated and unable to make those decisions on your own.A Living Will provides written instructions to a health care agentabout whether or not you want life-sustaining procedures if you havebeen diagnosed with a terminal illness or are in a vegetative state. Italso instructs family members on how to manage your quality of life incase of terminal illness.A Financial Power of Attorney delegates a person to manage yourfinancial assets (those titled in your name, including retirement plans) inthe instance that you are either deceased or have been declared mentallyunable to make decisions on your own. It can also be used to move moniesinto a Revocable Living Trust if you are incapacitated before the trusthas been fully funded. There are two forms of Financial Power of Attorney:Durable (which goes into effect immediately upon your signature) andSpringing (which goes into effect after you’ve been declared mentallyincapacitated).Trust-based estates are bound by a Revocable Living Trust whichcontains detailed instructions covering three important phases of your life:what happens when you are alive and well; what happens if you becomementally incapacitated; and what happens after you die. By putting yourassets into a Revocable Living Trust, you avoid having them tied up inprobate court (a process where your state court system determines howyour assets will be divided).For will-based estates, a Last Will and Testament contains detailedinstructions for how to handle your assets upon your death. And if youhave minor children, it will also contain provisions for designating a guardian.For trust-based estates, a Pour Over Will acts as a “safety net” for anyassets that you might have missed when you were setting up your trust. Itdoesn’t contain much detail since your main instructions are contained inyour Revocable Living Trust.You may also consider setting up planned giving, usually done tobenefit a nonprofit organization. Planned giving (also known as deferredgiving or gift planning) allows you to leave money/assets to a nonprofit54 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

upon your death, or to invest money so that you receive benefits duringyour life and then bequeath the remaining funds to the nonprofit afteryour death. Most nonprofits have a planned giving department that canhelp you with either of these options, which also can help offset your taxliability each year.Additionally, authors Charles Bronfman and Jeffrey Solomon suggestin their book The Art of Giving: Where the Soul Meets a Business Plan thatdonors consider ways to help that leverage their contributions for greaterimpact. Some of the key ways they believe a donor can accelerate theirplanned gifts is by: supporting advocacy (funding some measure that haslong-range goals with major impact such as societal changes); targetinga gift to support marketing (which is a much-needed component of anonprofit to reach new supporters, donors and clients, and can be verypowerful in that it might actually generate many times its cost in new revenue);supporting infrastructure (where your gift enhances the capabilitiesof an organization to do its job more effectively such as new computers,database management, etc.); and, funding a prize (a very popular way tostimulate research or spur innovation by offering fellowships and grants topeople in the field who show the promise of great societal contributionsand creativity).By planning how your money will be used now, you leave a legacy ofthoughtfulness that will always be remembered. ■Sources: AllBusiness.comNonprofit.about.com&PRESENTED BY THEWORLD OF WONDERS SCIENCE MUSEUMand Hospice of San joaquinDust off yer’ cowboy boots, don yourcowpoke attire and wander over toenjoy wagon rides, a chuck wagonBBQ, a raffle and live auction!This fundraiser is for folks 21 and olderTICKETS AVAILABLE AT:World of Wonders Museum2 North Sacramento StreetLodi, CA 95240Hospice of San Joaquin3888 Pacific AvenueStockton, CA 95204or online atwww.hospicesj.org<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 55

herlife | homeHeapin’ Helpin’ of Hospitality:by chandra blackwellCreatinga GreatGuest Roomthe difference is all in the details. The things you choose mostly dependon how much you enjoy having overnight guests—and how longyou want them to stay.It usually starts with a futon. The simple, no-frills means of providingovernight accommodations for visiting friends is both affordableand functional (it’s a sofa and a bed!). Once upon a time, itspresence in your living room was your fledgling foray into AdultLiving. From there, maybe you moved to a Jennifer Convertible(mine was red), and then to the next level of adulthood: a spare roomthat served to give your sleepover guests the privacy of a closed doorwhile also serving as your home office/weight room/craft room. Thenone day, it happened—you moved from Adulthood Lite into full-on,grown-up mode as evidenced by one key accoutrement in your life: afully dedicated guest room.But there are guest rooms and then there are guest rooms, andThe Basics (For the One-Night Host)Aside from a bed, there are a few basic items that will make sureyour guests feel comfortable in your home. You may choose to havetowels set aside specifically for guests, or provide their bath timeprovisions from your own stock. But at any rate, towels that are cleanand do not double as sandpaper should suffice. Have an ample stockof bathroom basics. There’s nothing worse than running out of toiletpaper—except for running out of someone else’s toilet paper. Makesure your guests have plenty, as well as a handy supply of otherstaples such as tissues, cotton swabs, etc. Chances that a guest willforget his or her toothbrush are slim—but there is still a chance so itcouldn’t hurt to keep a spare handy (it’s a great use for the “freebies”you get from the dentist). In the rare event of a forgotten toothbrush,you’ll be the hero. And while it’s true that almost everyone these dayssleeps with a smartphone on the nightstand, it’s still a good idea tohave an alarm clock in the room in case the phone battery doesn’tmake it through the night. And some guests do prefer more “oldschool” methods of making sure they get up on time (but you haveour permission to draw the line at providing a live rooster).The Three-Star (For the Three-Night Host)If you still consider guests enjoyable after the first day and wantto up the ante a little, you can include (in addition to the amenitieslisted above) some nice, homey touches that invite them to linger fora couple more days. Consider leaving a small carafe filled daily withfresh water (add cucumber or lemon slices for an added spa-like56 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Since airplane travel doesn’t providemuch in the way of sustenancethese days, it’s a nice idea to havesome snacks awaiting the arrival ofyour visitors. A simple cheese andfruit tray, or a plate of fresh-bakedcookies, will instantly make themglad they came.touch) on the nightstand. Gone are the times when people traveled bywagon for days on end and arrived weary, dusty and starving. Sinceairplane travel doesn’t provide much in the way of sustenance thesedays, it’s a nice idea to have some snacks awaiting the arrival ofyour visitors. A simple cheese and fruit tray, or a plate of fresh-bakedcookies, will instantly make them glad they came. As valiantly as ahost may strive to make a guest feel at home, it’s harder to convincea guest’s psyche that it’s at home, and psyches tend to cause insomnia.In that event, supplying a variety of magazines is always nice,if only because it keeps sleepless guests entertained sufficiently toavoid waking you up at 2:00 a.m. to play Crazy Eights.Puttin’ on the Ritz (For the Stay-Awhile Host)If you so love having houseguests that people affectionatelycall you “Five-Star,” you’ve got luxury linens, fluffy pillows and cozyatmosphere down pat. But here are a few additional ideas to keepyour guests coming back. Though humankind has bravely soldieredthrough the last decade’s crackdown on carry-on liquids, even the mostseasoned traveler surely harbors occasional fantasies about arrivingat a magical place where all grooming needs are anticipated. You canmake those dreams come true by assembling a basket of bathing andhand washing supplies that will keep your guests feeling clean, happyand loved. Nothing says “I’m glad you’re here” like loungewear. A cozyrobe awaiting your guest’s arrival is the ultimate in VIP treatment—thatis, unless you’re willing to throw in a massage and a pedicure. Take yourwelcome snacks to the next level by equipping your guest room witha fridge full of goodies for a midnight snackstravaganza (drinks, fruits,sandwiches and bon bons) without the exorbitant fees of a hotel fridge.Although your guests will probably sleep like babies in the comfort ofyour luxurious accommodations, it never hurts to ensure a peacefulnight with the soothing sounds of a rainforest, babbling brook or rollingsea using a white noise machine. Throw in a sleep mask and bedtimetea/hot chocolate service, and your houseguests may turn into roommates.Lastly, don’t forget a comment card because how else will youimprove your service?Happy Hosting! ■<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 57

herlife | travelChoose your Destination WiselyHow toGet Awayon a SmallTucson-based travel industry insider Kimberly Schmitz suggestspaying attention to the time of year you want to get away. “Travel to yourfavorite destination off-season,” she said. “Resorts like the Westin LaPaloma in Tucson often offer amazing deals to attract off-season visitors.Additionally, there are shorter waits for things like room service, restaurantseating and cabs. The beautiful thing is that the scenery and cultural experiencesare still there no matter the season.”Kimberly also suggested following visitors’ bureaus and resorts in yourdestination cities on Facebook and Twitter. “There are often amazing dealson rooms and attractions posted there,” she said.Budgetby beth blairPaying attention to our budget is an important part of householdmanagement. However, just because funds are limiteddoesn’t mean you have to skip your much-needed anddesired getaways. The magic key is creative planning.Eat Smartly“When you arrive in a city, stop at a local grocery and pick upwater, snacks and even quick breakfast foods,” said Kimberly. “Mostresorts will have refrigerators to store perishables.”Another cash-saving trick is to avoid “trendy” restaurants, saidGail Leicht, creator of SkinnyGuide.com. “A better choice is to findthe places that are ‘tried and true’ and that are unique to a particularcity, someplace that the locals love and frequent. For example, in SanFrancisco, locals love to grab lunch at Swan Oyster Depot, a neighborhoodseafood joint. It’s not fancy and it’s not trendy, but it’s good food.And it’s a great way to get to ‘know’ San Francisco and eat where thelocals eat. And the best part? Grabbing a handful of fresh-from-the-bayoysters is a relatively cheap lunch compared to sitting down at one ofthe more touristy establishments.”Barbara Weibel of holeinthedonut.com spends her life traveling ona small budget and considers herself to be a frugal traveler. “Whether Iam staying in a hostel, a guesthouse or an apartment rental, rather thaneating out at pricey restaurants, I try to prepare my own food as muchas possible. My staples are fresh fruit and yogurt for breakfast, plusfresh baked bread, avocado, tomato, cheese, lettuce, pesto and pastaand/or rice, which provides for two or three days of dinners. While I dosome shopping in grocery stores, I find that real bargains are more likelyto be found at the fresh markets, especially night markets, which offerspecialties such as marinated olives or sun-dried tomatoes to preparepasta or rice in a multitude of ways.”Barbara continued, “I’m just finishing up three months in France andSpain, which was a challenge budget-wise. However, I’ve discovered waysto eat cheaply but well by frequenting the bakeries (boulangeries in Franceand panaderias in Spain). Both have cheap eats in the form of quiche orpies that resemble deep-dish pizza. Two slices, each around $2, more thanfill me up, and there are endless varieties from which to choose such aseggplant, broccoli and onion, leek, olive, etc.”Airfare AdviceGail Leicht also suggested checking out “alternate” airports for betterfares. “For example, most people think O’Hare when flying to Chicago. Inactuality, Midway is the better choice. It’s closer to downtown, and becauseit caters to smaller airlines, there are better fares to be found.”58 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

If you’re thinking about crossing the Atlantic, Gail reveals one of herfavorite websites. “In Europe, I’ve discovered the website Skypicker (en.skypicker.com), which monitors the cheapest fares around Europe on adaily basis, allowing me to make last-minute plans. I put in my current locationand a date range, and it shows me all the places in Europe I can fly forvery low fares. I can also add a specific destination if I choose, which canbe a country rather than a city.”Alternative LodgingWhile hotels seem like the natural place to stay on a trip, think outsidethe hotel room. Barbara opts for dorm-style hostels. “I look for two-persondorm rooms that allow me to pay for one bed. Most hostels offering thisconfiguration also have larger dorm rooms, and they tend to fill the roomswith more beds first, as guests who opt for dorms with eight or ten bedsalways expect to share. Unless the hostel books up for the night, I often endup with a private room.”Another suggestion is a home swap, said Sara Tetreault, creator of thewebsite GoGingham.com. “You can stay for free in a home with a kitchenand even trade cars. You can cook, pack picnics or bring food, and thoseare also big money savers.” Her family has swapped homes eight times—four in the U.S. and four in Europe. “You live like a local and have a place todo your laundry, too!” ■Sources: westinlapalomaresort.com, skinnyguide.com,holeinthedonut.com and gogingham.com.BE RECOGNIZEDBE ENTERTAININGBE COMFORTABLEBELONG.FIND OUT WHAT SENIOR LIVING WAS MEANT TO BEDale CommonsIndependent andAssisted Living Community3900 Dale RoadModesto, CA 95356209.526.2053www.dalecommons.comRCFE #507004998The Commonson ThorntonIndependent, Assisted Livingand Memory Care Community10711 Thornton RoadStockton, CA 95209209.476.1500www.commonsonthornton.comRCFE # 397005021The Commonsat Union RanchIndependent, Assisted Livingand Memory Care Community2241 N. Union RoadManteca, CA 95336209.463.9100www.commonsatunionranch.comRCFE #397004959Welcome to comfortable, elegant surroundings. Welcome to alevel of service so extraordinary, it has a name: WESTclass.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 59

herlife | spotlighttheon Thorntonby ann e. butenas | photos by kristoffer heacox lemonbread photographyRetirement. It’s not just another phase in life. It’s the gloriousafternoon of life, where you discover once again who youare, what inspires you, and how you can inspire others.It’s the continuing journey through which you create thedesired story of your life. The Commons on Thornton understandsthis and recognizes that no one has to grow older. They cansimply grow better.This decidedly unique and state-of-the-art assisted senior living centerin Stockton, established in 2004, is an exciting oasis of fun, laughter,good times and unexpected surprises; it’s the place where even the mostordinary of moments can be redefined as extraordinary events. It’s yourhome. It’s your family. It’s where life takes center stage with you as the star.According to Marie Arbios, General Manager, The Commons onThornton is a place where compassion resides and its residents thrive.“We believe in supporting a place that promotes dignity, independenceand the privacy ofour residents,” she emphasized.“We welcomethem as family and striveto continually endeavor to meet their needs. Our entire staff and managementteam are fully committed to make every day special for our residents.At The Commons on Thornton, our focus is fully on our residents and givingthem the choices they desire for the quality of life they deserve.”The Commons on Thornton readily accommodates up to 128 residents,which also includes their attached memory care community calledRenaissance. Residents can choose from a variety of studio, one bedroomand two bedroom apartments which they may furnish and decorate toreflect their own personal tastes and lifestyle.In addition to the affordable elegance found at The Commons onThornton, residents enjoy three chef-prepared meals daily, chosen froma mouth-watering menu of delectable delights. From cheeseburgers topork chops with sautéed apples or roasted turkey with cranberry sauce orthe incredible “catch of the day,” no detail is overlooked when it comes topresenting unique and savory culinary delights on a daily basis. Served ina restaurant-style setting complete with white linen table cloths and fullytrainedservers, dining at The Commons is like a five-star experience eachand every meal.There is also a cozy country kitchen where fresh fruit, popcorn and60 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

cookies stand at the ready for that mid-afternoon craving. Modified dietsare also available for those who must adhere to certain medically-directeddiets as prescribed by a physician.Additionally, residents have access to transportation to and fromappointments, shopping, and more. It’s world class service delivered in ahome-like environment. No matter what you desire, the staff works tirelesslyto deliver. Enjoy weekly housekeeping service, medication management,a relaxing massage, pedicure or manicure. From all of their personalcare services to a wealth of exciting activities from which to choose, TheCommons on Thornton is sure to have what you want when you want it.This is the place where quality, personalized care meets your independenceand sense of empowerment.“We provide a well-rounded, wellness experience for our residents,focusing on all aspects of their lives, from social to emotional to spiritual,”noted Marie. “In short, we give them a new lease on life through a veryfavorable and positive experience.”Keep your calendar at the ready, too, as there is always somethingexciting brewing on this beautiful campus. “We have numerous celebrationsall year long,” smiled Marie.Among such events include the crab feed, a celebration of Elvis’birthday, a car show that boasts antique collectibles from the 1920s –1950s, and a week-long, activity-filled week each September as theyhonor National Assisted Living Week. “We also have monthly brunchesfor residents and their families and we tailor each of these events with acertain theme,” explained Marie. “For example, in February our brunchtheme was the Chinese New Year. It’s our goal and commitment to makeeverything fun and entertaining for our residents.”The Commons on Thornton is not just an assisted living facility. It istruly a place where residents feel like unique individuals again, where theycan spend time with their peers, nurturing friendships and creating newones along the way. It’s a place where living becomes exceptional, not ordinaryor routine. It’s a place where everyone knows your name and makesyou feel right at home.“Every single staff member is fully-trained to compassionately meetthe needs of our residents,” stated Marie. “At The Commons on Thornton,we offer choices and we consistently and happily deliver those with careand respect.” ■For more information on The Commons on Thornton, visit themat 10711 Thornton Road, Stockton, call 209-476-1500, or goonline at commonsonthornton.com.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 61

<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> | bridalMostForgottenItems on YourBig Day…by marisa manna ferrellYour wedding day will be one of the most special days ofyour life—and it could also be one of the most stressful!Here’s a checklist for some of those items that will makethis day one of relaxation that you will always remember.1Enjoy your day (let your wedding planner handle all the details)8910Choose a cake knife and server (the smart planner keeps a setin her “emergency toolbox”)Wear the correct undergarments for your dressPlan ahead to save the bride’s bouquet and use a “tossbouquet” or a bridesmaid’s bouquet2Be sure to tell family about the “Reserved” seating for theceremony11Drink plenty of water and eat both before and after theceremony34567Decide where and with whom the gifts, cards, alcohol,leftovers, extra favors, etc… go after the reception?Think about tips for vendorsRemember the ringsSupply pens for guest bookFeed your bridal party before the wedding festivities1213141516Be sure to sign within the box of the marriage licensePack your cell phone chargerSelect a pretty hanger for your dress photosPack a complete “wedding night bag”Have a gracious thank-youspeech prewritten ■Marisa Manna Ferrell is an event planning professional who pays tremendous attention to detail and hasthe training, experience, connections and natural ability to plan any type of event, large or small. Marisa isthe proprietor/owner of So Eventful, a full service wedding & event coordination company in Healdsburg.Contact her at 707.385.9632 or visit the website at soeventful.com.62 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | she said yesLaurenandKyleDate of proposal: November 25, 2011by marilyn isaminger | photos by briggs photographyLauren Knapp and Kyle Torska met on a blind date in Novemberof 2010, arranged by mutual friends who thoughtthe two would have something in common. Neither waslooking for a relationship at the time, but agreed to go onthe date nevertheless. The date went well, unexpectedmagic happened, and Lauren and Kyle have been together ever since.Kyle proposed to Lauren on November 25, 2011, during theThanksgiving holiday.Lauren’s parents and brothers traveled to Phoenix for Thanksgivingin order to spend the holiday with her, Kyle and Kyle’s family. Theday after Thanksgiving, both families went out to dinner and then toZoolights, an annual holiday season event of the Phoenix Zoo. Theentire zoo was decorated with Christmas lights and Christmas musicwas playing through all the speakers. In the center of the zoo thereis a very large lake with a small walkway that follows the lake on oneside. The walkway is lined with overhanging trees, and all the treeswere covered with white icicle lights. Kyle led Lauren down the walkway,away from both of their families, and took her to one of the parkbenches facing the lake to enjoy the view. Once both were seated onthe bench, Kyle mentioned that he would like to take a picture of thelights and the lake. One of Kyle’s hobbies is photography, and he hadbrought his camera bag along with him. He got up off the bench, goton one knee, and reached for his camera bag. He unzipped the bag,and instead of pulling out his camera, he pulled out a ring box, whichcaught Lauren completely off guard. The ring caught all of the twinklelights from the trees, making the ring sparkle like crazy. He asked Laurenthe million dollar question, to which she immediately said “Yes!”He slipped the ring on her finger and they went to find their families toreveal the good news.Lauren reveals what she considers special about the couple’s relationship.“We dated for only a year before we got engaged, which mayseem fast to some, but for us it was all the time we needed to knowthat we were meant to be together for the long haul. When you know,you know! On our wedding day, however, we will have been engagedfor over a year and a half, a year of which was spent in a long-distancesituation. Kyle moved to Georgia for his job and I was in Arizona finishingmy bachelor’s degree. Finally being able to be together in the sameplace permanently is truly something for us to celebrate, and is somethingthat we have wanted for a long time.”The wedding is set for June 15, 2013. Lauren and Kyle currentlylive in Georgia, while their families live in Arizona and California. Laurensays, “Because we live so far away, we do not get to see our families asoften as we would like, and it is very rare for everyone to be in one placeat one time. It’s important to us that we are able to enjoy the time we willhave with everyone because it is such an infrequent thing. We also wantto make sure that all of our guests have a good time. This is the happiestday of our lives and we want everyone to share in our joy.”To the future bride and groom, a wedding is more than just acouple getting married—it is two families becoming one. They will notbe doing the traditional ceremony seating, with the bride’s guests onthe left and the groom’s on the right. Since everyone will be one family,Lauren and Kyle feel that everyone should sit together as one familywould. Also, since Kyle was in a fraternity during his college years, allof his brothers will be serenading Lauren with their “sweetheart song” atthe reception, a tradition that is very meaningful to Kyle and sure to bevery entertaining to all of their guests. ■64 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | tie the knotEmily&EthanTied the KnotAugust 17th, 2012by marilyn isaminger | photos by briggs photographyEmily (Hetzner) Chelli is 31 years old and was born andraised in Lodi. She attended college at UC Davis; after 10years away, she moved back to Lodi without knowing itwould be one of the best decisions of her life.Ethan Chelli is 30 years old and originally from Stockton.Ethan also attended UC Davis, which proved to be serendipitousfor the couple. They currently live in Lodi with their 2 year oldRottweiler, Soga, and could not be happier to be close to family andfriends.Emily and Ethan met in college at UC Davis, although exactly howthey met differs depending on who tells the story. Ethan remembersspotting her across a room and asking a mutual friend, Amy, who shewas, then introducing himself and the two talking throughout the night.As he recalls, they dated for a short time then and started dating againlast year. Emily tells a slightly different version. “We originally metnumerous times at places around Davis, but it took 3 years for Ethanto actually remember my name,” she recalls. The couple dated for ashort time and ended up parting ways, staying in touch, but when onewas available, the other was not. Finally, Emily decided, “Whateverwas supposed to happen between us was simply not meant to be.”That’s when fate stepped in. “Minutes after I had written him off, Amycalled with a warning that we might actually both be available to dateeach other. I laughed because Amy was the one constantly trying toconsole whoever was complaining to her about the other and oftentelling us both to move on and find someone else.”The result was more than either could have hoped or dreamed.66 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

LOCAL BUSINESSES THATSHARED IN THE LOVEBridal gown:The Elizabeth Bridal Salon,LodiBridesmaids’ Gowns:Ann TaylorHair Styling:The Spa at Wine & Roses,LodiPhotography:Briggs PhotographyVideography:ikandi films,StocktonFlorist:The Big Bang Event Design,SacramentoDJ and Photo Booth:Elite Entertainment,StocktonCaterer:Chef Fabrice Dubac,Wine & RosesCake:The Frosted Flour,LodiVenue:Wine & Roses,LodiEmily says, “Ethan is more than the man I ever realized he was and I am so blessed to be able tospend the rest of my life with him. There is nobody I can rely on, lean on, complain to, laugh with, orhave more fun with than Ethan.” Ethan describes their relationship as “the best thing to ever happento me. No matter how things are I can always count on Emily to be there for me, to talk and laughtogether and look forward to each and every day together. She is my one true love.”Ethan surprised Emily with a proposal in the Hideaway Suite at Wine & Roses, with a little helpfrom her friends at work. Her boss asked her to meet a customer and show the hotel rooms locatedin the Inn. She was less than thrilled to do this one minute before going home, and made her wayover to the Inn. The owner, Kathryn, let her know that the customer was already upstairs. Emilysays, “As I walked in the door of the hotel room, Ethan was there and I immediately knew. After hegot down on one knee and asked me I was so choked up I could barely get the yes out of my mouth.He still claims I never said yes. At that point, we popped the champagne and enjoyed some horsd’oeuvres on the balcony.”Continued on page 68Jeweler:Ybarra Jewelers, Inc.,StocktonInvitations & Stationery:Jill Means Design, Inc., Lodi,CEG Invitations, StocktonCalligraphers:Amanda Bondoc, place cards;The Calligraphy Girl, invitationsCeremony Music:Elegance Harp and FluteAfter Party Band:Cold Shot<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 67

The blissful couple tied the knot on August 17th, 2012. Emily’s bridalparty included her three sisters, Jen Hetzner, Anna Hetzer and HilaryHetzner; her best friend, Amy Rosson; and Karina Garcia, Ethan’ssister. Ethan’s five groomsmen were his closest friend and brother,Christian, as best man; and friends Matt Langford, Dave Loring, GregThompson and Eddie Zeiter.Emily and Ethan combined traditional and new elements to maketheir wedding day unique. They kept tradition and did not see each otherbefore the ceremony. Emily says, “This was Ethan’s idea, and I am so gladwe did this. It made the ceremony that much more special and added afun element before the wedding.” Since neither likes cake, they opted fora dessert bar that was full of mini desserts including cookies, cheesecake,fruit tarts, chocolate mousse and cannoli. After the more formal receptionin the Garden Ballroom, the party moved to the Cellar Room at Wine &Roses, decked out with blue and gold for a UC Davis-themed after party.The band Cold Shot, who played at the couple’s favorite bar in Davis,provided the music, and guests were able to enjoy a more relaxed atmospherewith drinks, party games and pizza. Ethan adds, “Our day wasspecial to me for one reason alone, the woman I married. Not only wasthat exciting, she put so much effort and planning into the day to makesure it was special for us both, and it’s a day I will never forget.”Emily and Ethan honeymooned in Cabo San Lucas, since both arebeach bums who love the sunshine, and they were able to enjoy the deliciousall-inclusive food and libations. ■68 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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herlife | scene and be seenPacific Plays Pinkphotography by kristoffer heacoxOn February 2nd, the Men’s and Women’s Basketball Teams at University ofthe Pacific hosted Pacific Plays Pink. Both teams wore pink jerseys in supportof breast cancer awareness. Fans joined in and wore pink to support thePacific teams as they raised money for the St. Joseph’s Foundation for BreastCancer services. For more information, please visit PacificTigers.com.70 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

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Stockton Thunder presents Hockey Has Heart!photography by herlife staffThe Stockton Thunder hosted the 2nd Annual Hockey Has Heart! event onFebruary 1st at the Stockton Arena. Fans enjoyed local vendors on the concourselevel and learned the importance of leading a heart healthy lifestyle.The Thunder continues to partner with the American Heart Association toraise awareness and funds for heart health. Fans wore red to help promotethe Go Red for Women campaign kicking off National Wear Red Day on February 1st.For more information, please visit StocktonThunder.com.72 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

Get Married Modesto!photography by lila imagesModesto area brides-to-be attended a bridal event like no other onJanuary 13th. Future brides visited with the top area vendors, fromDJs to photographers to florists and more! Mira Bridal Couturehosted the fashion show and showcased the newest bridal stylesfor 2013. For more information on the next bridal event, please visitgetmarriedmodesto.com.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 73

Lodi Chamber of Commerce 90th Annual Meetingphotography by herlife staffThe Lodi Chamber of Commerce hosted its 90th Annual Meeting on January24 at Wine & Roses in Lodi. In addition to celebrating the Chamber’s 90years, Bill and Carol Meehleis of Meehleis Modular Buildings were honoredwith the Citizens of the Year Award. For more information on upcomingChamber events or membership, please visit lodichamber.com.74 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

DowntownTracy<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 75

<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong> | in the valleyMARCHDETAILS: The Tracy Women’s Forum Association presents the 15thAnnual Women’s Conference, Let Your Life Take Flight! Join keynotespeaker Vicki Lawrence for a powerful event that brings together themany diverse and dynamic women of Tracy and surrounding communities.It promises a day filled with best practices for making the choicesthat lead to a fulfilling life, whatever your circumstances. Pre-registrationis $50. For more information including table sponsorship or vendor information,call 888-217-2740 or visit tracywomensforum.org.14 A Vintage Bridal Fashion Show andLuncheonDATE: March 14TIME: 11:00am - 2:30pmLOCATION: The Stockton Golf and Country Club, StocktonDETAILS: The Stockton Opera Guild Presents “Remembering the WayWe Were.” The fashion show will feature gowns worn by local womenand guild members. Proceeds from the day will support the 2013 StocktonOpera Association’s production of The Marriage of Figaro, May 17thand 19th at the University of the Pacific. Tickets are $50 per guest, $400for a table of eight. For ticket information, please call 209-463-6957 oremail linley17@comcast.net.Redhead Express & The Walker FamilyDATE: March 14TIME: 7:00pmLOCATION: Hutchins Street Square, Charlene Powers Lange Theatre, LodiDETAILS: Join us for a night of entertainment and high energy music.Redhead Express features a home-grown blend of contemporary country,old-fashioned bluegrass, and Americana while The Walker Familydelights with tight harmonies and hard-driving instrumentals in theirunique acoustic sound. Tickets are $29.00. For more information pleasevisit, hutchinsstreetsquare.com or call the box office 209-333-5550.15 Bee a Good Sport!DATE: March 15TIME: 5:00pm to 9:00pmLOCATION: Stockton Civic Memorial Auditorium, StocktonDETAILS: This is the 22nd Annual Trivia Bee with this year’s theme,“Bee a Good Sport,” and trivia teams are currently being sought toparticipate in this fun-filled event! Tables are also available for groupsof eight, which includes admission, dinner and entry into the tabledecoration contest, all for just $250! For tickets or more information call209-957-7277.15th Annual Women’s ConferenceDATE: March 15TIME: 8:30am to 2:30pmLOCATION: Tracy Community Center, 950 East St., Tracy16 The Camellia Society of Modestopresents the annual Camellia Show!DATE: March 16TIME: 2:00pm to 5:00pmLOCATION: Palm Court in the Gallo Administration Building, 600 YosemiteBoulevard, ModestoDETAILS: This is the Camellia Society’s 52nd year as an organization inModesto. The camellia show, as always, is free and open to the public.For this one annual weekend, the Gallo grounds and the Gallo CamelliaGardens with their 1,000 beautiful camellia plants are open for thepublic to enjoy their beauty. The Modesto show continues to be one ofthe premier camellia shows in the United States. The Camellia Societywill also have over 200 camellia plants in various sizes for sale at theshow, in addition to many beautiful blooms to view. For more information,please call Barbara Bort, 209-537-9945.21 Young Professionals of LodiSpring MixerDATE: March 21TIME: 5:30pmLOCATION: Van Ruiten Family Winery, 340 W Hwy 12, LodiDETAILS: Join the Young Professionals of Lodi for our Spring Mixer. Thisgroup of young professionals is associated with the Lodi Chamber ofCommerce and focuses on bringing young people in the Lodi region togetherfor networking, professional development and mentoring. Pleasejoin us for a great night of networking and fun. For more information orto RSVP, please visit yplodi.com.26 In The MoodDATE: March 26TIME: 7:00pmLOCATION: Hutchins Street Square, Charlene Powers Lange Theatre, LodiDETAILS: The 1940s musical review is returning for an encore performance.Don’t miss singers and dancers appearing with the sensationalString of Pearls Big Band Orchestra. The music and arrangements areas authentic as it gets. Tickets range from $16.50- $43.50 For moreinformation please visit hutchinsstreetsquare.com or call the box office,209-333-5550.76 <strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM

29 Last Chance Crab FeedDATE: March 29TIME: 6:00pm Social Hour, Dinner starts at 7:00pmLOCATION: Lodi Grape Festival Grounds, LodiDETAILS: United Cerebral Palsy will hole their 4th Annual ‘Last Chance’Crab Feed, possibly your last chance to enjoy a crab feed this season!Tickets are $45 per person. Social hour will begin at 6:00pm, followedby dinner, music and dancing. Raffle and Silent Auction items will bepart of the festivities. Please reserve tickets by March 25; for furtherinformation, call 209-956-0290 or visit ucpsj.org/events.SAVE THE DATE!4/6 Mud Run on the Farm!Date: April 6thTime: Waves start at 8:00amLocation: Dell’Osso Family Farm, 501 Manthey Rd, LathropDetails: Get down and dirty at Dell’Osso Family Farm for the 5k MudRun! A portion of the proceeds benefit the American Cancer Society.Get a team together, tell your friends, family and co-workers! Registerearly for the biggest discount, www.mudrunonthefarm.com. For groupdiscounts call Yvonne, (209)969-6048.4/28 2nd Annual Spring of the VineDATE: April 28TIME: 2:00pm to 5:00pmLOCATION: Wine & Roses, 2505 W. Turner Road, LodiDETAILS: A unique New Release Wine Event with cuisine, live music,and an artist showcase set in distinctive surroundings and featuring 24Lodi wineries and their light reds, lights, and rosés. Also, enjoy Springof the Vine Dinner from 6-9pm. Join the winemakers and wineries fora family-style dinner showcasing fun, fresh, seasonal cuisine and asampling of the many Spring of the Vine wines. Wine Tasting ticket priceis $35 per person, which includes cuisine, live music, an artist showcaseand a printed program. Cost at the door is $45 per person. Spring of theVine family-style dinner is $85 per person, and Spring of the Vine winetasting event and dinner, $105. For reservations, call 209-371-6117 oremail sales@winerose.com.All calendar event submissions must be received by February 25th for theApril issue and adhere to our guidelines.E-mail kimberly@herlifemagazine.com for guidelines or to submit entries.<strong>HER</strong><strong>LIFE</strong>MAGAZINE.COM 77

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