Crystals and crystal growth

Crystals and crystal growth

Crystals and crystal growth


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Internal structure <strong>and</strong> unit cellsMicrographs of virus <strong>crystal</strong>s <strong>Crystals</strong> consist of ordered arrays of objects(molecules, ions .....) The description of <strong>crystal</strong> structures can besimplified using the translational symmetryof the solid <strong>and</strong> breaking it up intotranslationally equivalent unit cellsDefects in <strong>crystal</strong>s Real <strong>crystal</strong>s never contain perfectlyordered arrays of atoms - there are alwaysdefectsThe unit cell Always use a right h<strong>and</strong>ed axis systemThe seven <strong>crystal</strong> systemsCrystal system Unit cellUnit cell Lattice symmetryedge lenghs anglesTriclinic a ° b ° c ° ° ° 90 o -12/mMonoclinic a ° b ° c = = 90 o > 90 oOrthorhombic a ° b ° c = = = 90 o mmmTetragonal a = b ° c = = = 90 o 4/mmmTrigonalrhombohedral latticea = b = c = = ° 90 o -3mHexagonal a = b ° c = = 90 o6/mmm = 120 oCubic a = b = c = = = 90 o m3mCrystal <strong>growth</strong> -theory Initially form a nucleus– this is highly dependent upon the presence ofimpurities <strong>and</strong> vessel surfaces Growth of nucleus– <strong>growth</strong> depends upon the presence of lowenergy surface sites such as steps– low energy faces grow fastest– presence of additives in solution may alterrelative rates for different faces

Crystal <strong>growth</strong> - practice Many techniques are available– choice of method depends upon the material Grow from molten solid Grow from solution– this can include solvents as diverse as water <strong>and</strong>molten PbO! Grow from vapor phaseGrowth from the melt Very important, but not possible for mostmaterials Material must be stable above melting point Phase diagram must allow direct<strong>crystal</strong>lizationLi 2 O - Nb 2 O 5 phase diagramGrowth from the vapor phase Not very common Used for some sublimable compounds Used where a material can be transported bythe addition of an appropriate reagent–ZnS (s) + I 2(g) --- ZnI 2(g) + 1/8S 8(g) (exothermic)Growth from solutionVapor <strong>and</strong> solute diffusion The most common method Based on precipitation from a saturatedsolution Saturation can be achieved in many ways– cool solution– evaporate solvent off– add things to solvent to reduce solubility

Crystal habit The habit of a <strong>crystal</strong> is its external shapeMeasurement of interfacial angles The angles between the external faces of a<strong>crystal</strong> are characteristic of the material Measured using a goniometer External faces are the slowest growing faces Habit depends upon <strong>growth</strong> conditionsDescribing <strong>crystal</strong> facesMiller Indices Crystal faces can be assigned labels calledMiller Indices– derived from how the face cuts the cell axesStereographic projectionsDifferent habits for cubic <strong>crystal</strong>s

Translational symmetryThe lattice Real <strong>crystal</strong>s consist of repeating patterns ofmolecules or ions or clusters ... It is often convenient to separate therepeating pattern from the object that isbeing repeated

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