Design of Machine Elements -II

Design of Machine Elements -II Design of Machine Elements -II


Sixth semester MechanicalDesign of Machine Elements -IIDESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS -IIWORK BOOK CUM LECTURE NOTES(FOR SIXTH SEMESTER MECHANICAL STUDENTS)(FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY)Part - AJAGADEESHA TAssociate ProfessorMechanical Engineering DepartmentST. JOSEPH ENGINEERING COLLEGEVAMANJOOR, MANGALORE – 575 028,Jagadeesha T, Associate Professor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>DESIGN OF MACHINE ELEMENTS -<strong>II</strong>WORK BOOK CUM LECTURE NOTES(FOR SIXTH SEMESTER MECHANICAL STUDENTS)(FOR PRIVATE CIRCULATION ONLY)Part - AJAGADEESHA TAssociate Pr<strong>of</strong>essorMechanical Engineering DepartmentST. JOSEPH ENGINEERING COLLEGEVAMANJOOR, MANGALORE – 575 028,Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>CHAPTER 1: CURVED BEAMSLEARNING OBJECTIVES Introduction to curved beams Discuss the stress distribution pattern in curved beams when compared tostraight beam with sketches To derive the expression for the normal stress due to bending at the extremefibers <strong>of</strong> a curved beam To design curved beams for different cross sections To study and design stresses in closed rings.Curved BeamA beam in which the neutral axis in the unloaded condition is curved instead <strong>of</strong>straight. Or if the beam is originally curved before applying the bending moment, aretermed as “Curved BeamsCurved beams find applications in many machine members such as c – clampers,crane hooks, frames <strong>of</strong> presses, chains, links, and ringsStraight BeamA beam is a straight structural member subjected to a system <strong>of</strong> external forcesacting at right angles to its axis1. If a member is fixed or built in one end while its otherend is free, the member is called cantilever beam.2. If the ends <strong>of</strong> the beam are made to freely rest onsupports the beam is called a freely or simplysupported beam.3. If a beam is fixed at both its, it is called as built-in orfixed beam.4. A beam which is provided with more than twosupports is called as continuous beam.Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>A beam is said to be statically determinate beam, if its reaction components can bedetermined by using equations <strong>of</strong> static equilibrium only. Commonly encounteredstatically determinate beams are cantilever beams, SS beam and over hangingbeams. Beams are subjected to transverse loads such as concentrated load, UDL,UVL & applied moments. Beam transfer applied load to supports, the beam developresistance to moments & transverse shear forces at all its cross-sections.Differences between Straight Beams & Curved BeamsStraight Beams1 Neutral axis <strong>of</strong> the cross-sectionpasses through the centroid <strong>of</strong>the section.2 The variation <strong>of</strong> bending stressis linear, magnitude beingproportional to the distance <strong>of</strong>a fiber from the neutral axis.Curved BeamsNeutral axis does not coincide with thecross-section, but is shifted towards thecentre <strong>of</strong> curvature <strong>of</strong> the beam.The distribution <strong>of</strong> the stress in the case <strong>of</strong>curved beam is non- linear (Hyper- bolic)because <strong>of</strong> the neutral axis is initially curved.3 No stress concentration Stress concentration is higher at the innerfibers4 Neutral axis remains undisturbed Neutral axis always shifts towards the centrealong the CG.<strong>of</strong> curvature.5 We use Euler equation toMc Mciocalculate bending stressWe use σ = or σ = toioM/I = F/Y=E/RAeR AeRooM Mcalculate inner /outer fibre stressσ = =ICZDerive the expression for the normal stress due to bending at the extreme fibers <strong>of</strong> acurved beam.Assumptions:-1. The beam is subjected to pure bending.2. Material <strong>of</strong> the beam is isotropic & homogeneous & obeys hook’s law.3. Plane sections perpendicular to the axis <strong>of</strong> the beam remain plane even afterbending.Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>4. The stress induced do not exceed elastic limit.5. Each layer <strong>of</strong> the beam is free to expand OR contract, independent <strong>of</strong> thelayer above or below it.6. Young’s modulus is same in tension &compression.Let us use following standard symbols.F =LoadM =Applied bending moment, N –mme = distance from the centroidal axis to the neutralaxis, measured towards centre <strong>of</strong> curvature, mmC i = distance from neutral axis to inner fiber(radius) mmC o = distance from neutral axis to outerfiber (radius) mm.R i = inner radius <strong>of</strong> curvature, mmR o = outer radius <strong>of</strong> curvature, mmR n = Radius <strong>of</strong> neutral axis, mmR (R c ) = Radius <strong>of</strong> centroidal axis, mmA = area <strong>of</strong> section, mm 2σ i = Stress in the inner fiber, N/mm 2σ o = Stress in the outer fiber, N/mm 2Consider a part <strong>of</strong> the curved beam between two radial planes ab & cd subtendingan angle ‘θ’ at the centre <strong>of</strong> curvature when the beam is subjected to bendingmoment.‘M’ as shown in fig, the plane ‘cd’ rotates with respect to ‘ab’ through an angle ‘θ’ &takes new position ‘fg’. The outer fiber are slanted due to compression and innerfibre are elongated due to tension. Now, consider a fiber <strong>of</strong> depth ‘dy’ & crosssectionalarea ‘dA’ at a distance ‘y’ from the neutral axis. The original length <strong>of</strong> stripat a distance ‘y’ from the neutral axis is (R n + y)θ. It is shortened by an amount ydθ.Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>The strain across cross section dA would beStress in the fibre is given by σ α Є within elastic limitor σ = E Є E- Young’s modulusJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>At the outer fiber,σ o = - MC oA e R oAt inner fibreσ i = + M b C iare the required equations.A e R iShow that, for a thick curved beam <strong>of</strong> circular cross-section 2 √ rd = √ ri + √ roWhere rd mean reciprocal radius rd.Problem 1. The section <strong>of</strong> a crane hook is rectangular in shape whose width is30mm & depth is 60mm. The centre <strong>of</strong> curvature <strong>of</strong> the section is at a distance <strong>of</strong>125mm from the inside section & the load line is 100mm from the same point. Findthe capacity <strong>of</strong> the hook if the allowable stress in tension is 75 N/mm 2Ans : 8480 N is the capacity <strong>of</strong> hook.Problem 2. A crane hook <strong>of</strong> trapezoidal crosssectionhas an inner fiber width = 120mm, depth= 100mm & inner radius = 120mm. Calculatethe width if stresses are numerically equal atinner & outer fibers. Also determine thecapacity <strong>of</strong> the hook, if the permissible stress is100MPa.Ans : width = 28mmCapacity <strong>of</strong> hook =Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>Problem 3. A crane hook shown in figure below is made <strong>of</strong> 30mm diameter steelrod. The distance between the centroidal axis <strong>of</strong> the rod & the centre <strong>of</strong> curvature <strong>of</strong>the hook is 50mm. Determine the load ‘F’ so that the maximum stress in the rod isnot to exceed 40 N/mm 2 .Ans : Capacity <strong>of</strong> F = 1557 NProblem 4. . A crane hook has trapezoidal cross-section. The maximum tensilestress occurs at point P as shown in figure. Determine i) the distance <strong>of</strong> centre <strong>of</strong>curvature to centroidal axis. ii) B M for section AA iii) Distance from centre <strong>of</strong>curvature to the neutral axis. iv) Area v) Maximum tensile stress ( point P) vi)maximum stress at point Q.Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>Problem 5. A section <strong>of</strong> frame for a punch press is shown in figure below.Determine the capacity <strong>of</strong> the press if the maximum tensile stresses in the frameis not to exceed 60MPa.Problem 6. A section <strong>of</strong> a C clamp is shown in figure. What force F can beexerted by the screw if the max tensile stress in clamp is limited to 140 MPa.Problem 7 A portable hydraulic inverter has amaximum riveting force <strong>of</strong> 70 kN. The U frameis made cast steel with an ultimate stress <strong>of</strong>480 MPa and a yield point in tension <strong>of</strong> 240MPa. Consider only the secion AA anddetermine the following1. Bending moment2, Distance from centroidal axis to neutral axis3. Direct tensile force4, Maximum tensile force and location5. Maximum shear stress and locationJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>Problem 8 The C frame <strong>of</strong> a 100 KN capacity press is shown in figure. The material<strong>of</strong> frame is grey cast iron whose ultimate tensile stress is 200 MPA and FOS =3.Determine the maximum stress at both inner fibre and outer fibre.Problem 9.Ring is made from a 75mm diabar. The inside dia <strong>of</strong> the ring is 100mm. ifthe load acting on the ring is 20kN as shownin figure. calculate the maximum shearstress and its location.Problem 10 : An <strong>of</strong>f set bar is loaded as shown in figure.The weight <strong>of</strong> the bar can be neglected what is themaximum <strong>of</strong>fset ( dimension x) if the allowable stress intension is limited to 70 MPa. Where will the maximumtensile and shear stress occur.Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>Problem 11: A supporting structure for amovable crane has dimensions shown . Find theload P <strong>of</strong> the crane , if the maximum stress incritical section AA is not to exceed 35 MPa.Problem 12: same as problem 11. TakeP=10000N determine the maximum stress.Problem 13: same as problem 11. Take circularcross section <strong>of</strong> dia 100,mm instead <strong>of</strong>rectangular cross section.Problem 14: An S link <strong>of</strong> unequal radii is made from20mm diameter and it is loaded as shown. Determinethe location and magnitude <strong>of</strong> maximum tensile andshear stress. Mean radius <strong>of</strong> small radii is 80mm andthat <strong>of</strong> bigger loop is 100mm.2000 N80 mmDrill Press20mm100 mmProblem 15: Figure indicates the section <strong>of</strong> a frame <strong>of</strong> a drill press, indicating themagnitude <strong>of</strong> the force F that can be exerted if the maximum tensile stress is 80MPa. In section XX.Problem 16 The G-clamp illustratedabove is made froma steel whosedesign stress is 50MPa. It is supposedto sustain a force, P,<strong>of</strong> 750 N. Can it ?2000 NJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>CHAPTER 2LEARNING OBJECTIVES Introduction to different types <strong>of</strong> spring used Discuss the applications <strong>of</strong> springs To derive the expression for the shear stress and direct shear stress To derive the expression for deflection <strong>of</strong> helical springs To design compression and tension helical springs To design springs for fluctuating loads To design concentric springs To design leaf spring and concept <strong>of</strong> equalized stress in leaf springsIntroductionA spring is defined as an elastic body, whose function is to distort when loaded andto recover its original shape when the load is removed. A spring is a mechanicaldevice which is used for efficient storage and release <strong>of</strong> energy.Application <strong>of</strong> springs To absorb or control energy due to either shock or vibration as inautomotives, railways, aircrafts, landing gears and vibration dampers etc. To apply forces, as in brakes, clutches and spring loaded valves , springwatches. It is used to return the mechanical part to its orginal position , when it hastemporarily displaced like springs used in valves, clutches and linkages. To control motion by maintaining control between two elements as in CAMS &followers. To measure forces as in spring balances and engine indicators. To store energy as in watches, toys movie cameras.TYPES OF SPRINGS1.HELICAL SPRINGSHelical springs are made <strong>of</strong> wirecoiled in the form <strong>of</strong> helix and areprimarily intended forcompressive or tensile loads. Thecross-section <strong>of</strong> wire from whichthe spring is made may becircular, square or rectangular.The two forms <strong>of</strong> helical springsare compression helical springand tension helical spring asshown in figure.Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>Helical springs are said to be closely coiled, when the helix angle is very small (< 10 o ),where as in open coil helical spring the helix angle is largeAdvantages. These springs are easy to manufacture. They are available in wide range. They are highly reliable. They have constant spring rates. Their performance can be predicted more accurately. There characteristics can be varied by changing dimensions.2. Conical and Volute springsThe conical and volute spring shown in the figure are used in special applications where thespring rate increases in increase in load. Another feature <strong>of</strong> these types <strong>of</strong> springs is thedecreasing number <strong>of</strong> coils results in an increasing spring rate. This characteristic issome times utilized in vibrations problems where springs are used to support to body thathave varying mass.3. Torsion springsThese springs may be <strong>of</strong> helical or spiral type asshown in figure. Helical types <strong>of</strong> springs are usedwhere the load tends to wind up the springs and areused in electrical mechanisms. Spiral type is usedwhere the loads tends to increase the number <strong>of</strong>coils and are used in watches and clocks.4. Laminated or Leaf springs .The laminated or leaf spring (also known as flatspring) consists <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> flat plates (knownas leaves) <strong>of</strong> varying lengths held together bymeans <strong>of</strong> clamps and bolts. These types <strong>of</strong> springsare most used in automobiles.5. Disc springsThese springs consists <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> conical discs heldtogether by a central bolt or tube as shown in figure. Thesesprings are used in applications where high spring rates andcompact spring units are requiredJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>TERMS USED IN COMPRESSION SPRINGSSolid length: When the springs are compressed until the coils come in contact with eachother, then the spring is said to be solid. The solid length <strong>of</strong> a spring is the product <strong>of</strong> totalnumber <strong>of</strong> coils & the diameter <strong>of</strong> the wire. Mathematically,Solid length =Free length Free length <strong>of</strong> acompression spring is the length <strong>of</strong>the spring in the free or unloadedcondition & is equal to the solidlength plus the maximum deflectionor compression <strong>of</strong> the spring & theclearance between the adjacentcoils.Free length - Lf = solid length + max. Deflection + clearance between adjacent coils.Spring indexIt is defined as the ratio <strong>of</strong> the man diameter <strong>of</strong> the coil toSpring index = C = D/dthe diameter <strong>of</strong> the wire.Spring Rate spring rate (stiffness/spring constant) is the defined as the load required perunit deflection <strong>of</strong> the spring.Spring Rate, K= F/ δ F- load, Nδ - Defection, mmPitch: Pitch <strong>of</strong> the coils is defined as the axial distance between adjacent coils in uncompressed state.STRESS IN HELICAL SPRING AND CIRCULAR WIRE.Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>Consider a helical compression spring made <strong>of</strong> circular wire & subjected to an axial load F,as shown in figure.Let,D = Mean diameter <strong>of</strong> the coild = Diameter <strong>of</strong> the spring wire,n = number <strong>of</strong> active coils,G = Modulus <strong>of</strong> Rigidity for the spring material,F = Axial load on the spring,τ = Max. Shear stress induced in the wire,C = spring index = D/dp = pitch <strong>of</strong> the coilsδ = deflection <strong>of</strong> the spring.Consider a point <strong>of</strong> the spring shown in fig (b). The load ‘F’ tends to rotate the wire & as aresult twisting moment (T) is developed in the wire, & thus torsional shear stress is induced in the wire.Let us consider that part <strong>of</strong> spring is in equilibrium under the action <strong>of</strong> two forces ‘F’ &twisting ‘T’.In addition to the torsional shear stress (τ1) induced in the wire, the following stresses alsoact on the wire. Direct stress due to the load. F, & Stress due to curvature <strong>of</strong> wireShear stress = 8FD .Kπd 3Where K = 4C - 1 + 0.6154C - 4C; Wahl stress Conc. FactorJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>Deflection <strong>of</strong> helical springs <strong>of</strong> circular wire.Let l = total active length <strong>of</strong> wire = πD × nθ = Angular deflection <strong>of</strong> the wire due to Torque t.Therefore, Axial deflection <strong>of</strong> the spring δ = θ × D/2 ----------- (1)Also from the Torsion equation, we have,Therefore δ = 8FD 3 n = 8FC 3 nGd 4G.dwhere n is the number <strong>of</strong> active coils.<strong>Design</strong> Procedure for Helical Springs.Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>1. Diameter <strong>of</strong> the wire:2. Mean diameter <strong>of</strong> the coil:(a) Outer diameter <strong>of</strong> the coil:(b) Inner diameter <strong>of</strong> the coil:3. Number <strong>of</strong> coils:4. Free length5. Stiffness or Spring Rate6. Pitch:PROBLEMS(1) <strong>Design</strong> a helical compression spring to support an axial load <strong>of</strong> N. The deflection underload is limited to 60 mm. The spring index is 6. The spring is made <strong>of</strong> chrome-vanadiumsteel & FOS = 2.Spring specifications(i) Wire diameter(ii) Mean diameter(iii) Free length(iv) Total no <strong>of</strong> coils –(v) Style <strong>of</strong> ends = squared & ground(vi) Pitch - p –(vii)Spring rate –(viii)Material – Chrome- vanadium(2) <strong>Design</strong> a helical compression spring for a max. load <strong>of</strong> 1000N for a deflection <strong>of</strong> 25mmusing the spring index as 5. the max permissible shear stress for spring wire is 420 N/mm 2 &G = 84×10 3 N/mm 2Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>(3) A railway carriage weighing 40KN & moving at 8km/hr is to be brought to rest by 2 buffersprings. The compression between the coils must be twice the wire diameter. Assume springindex as 8. And allowable shear stress for the spring material = 450N/mm. Take G = 0.8 * 10N/mm. <strong>Design</strong> the spring?(4) A railway carriage weighing 20KN & moving at 2.5 km/hr is to be brought to rest by buffersprings. Find how many springs each <strong>of</strong> 15 coils will be required to store the energy <strong>of</strong>motion during a compression <strong>of</strong> 150mm. The available size <strong>of</strong> wire is 20mm. The meanradius <strong>of</strong> coil is 100mm.(5) A bumper spring consists <strong>of</strong> 2 helical steel springs <strong>of</strong> square cross section brings to rest arailway carriage weighing 50KN & moving at 1.5 km/hr. In doing so the springs arecompressed by 200mm. The mean diameter <strong>of</strong> coil is 6 times the side <strong>of</strong> square section.<strong>Design</strong> the spring if the permissible shear stress is 345 MPa and Modulus <strong>of</strong> rigidity is 78MPa.6) A loaded narrow cart weighing 7.5 kN and moving with a velocity <strong>of</strong> 1m/second is broughtto rest by a bumper consisting <strong>of</strong> 2 helical steel springs <strong>of</strong> square section. The mean coildiameter <strong>of</strong> spring is 6 times the side <strong>of</strong> square . the spring are compressed by 150mm.While bringing the car to rest. The permissible shear stress in spring is not to exceed 400MPa. Find the followingMean load on each springSide <strong>of</strong> square section <strong>of</strong> wireMean dia <strong>of</strong> coilNo <strong>of</strong> active coils, take G = 82 Gpa.7) A load <strong>of</strong> 2KN is dropped axially on a helical spring from a height <strong>of</strong> 250mm. the springhas 20 turns, & it is made <strong>of</strong> 25mm diameter wire. The spring index is 8. Find the max.Shear stress induced in the spring 7 the amount <strong>of</strong> compression produced. Take G =82.7GN/mm8) <strong>Design</strong> a helical spring for a spring loaded safety valve for the following conditions:(i) Diameter <strong>of</strong> the valve = 65mm(ii)Operating pressure = 0.7N/mm2(iii) Max. Pressure on the valve = 0.75N/mm2(iv) Max. lift <strong>of</strong> the valve when pressure = 3.5mm rises from 0.7 to 0.75 N/mm2(v) Max. Allowable stress = 550MPa(vi) Spring index = 69) The valve spring <strong>of</strong> an I.C Engine is 40mm long, when the valve is open & 48mm longwhen the valve is closed . The spring loads are 250N when the valve is closed & 400n whenthe valve is open. The inside diameter <strong>of</strong> the spring is not to be less than 25mm & take FOSJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>= 2. Assume spring index to be 6 &G = 79.34×103MPa & yield shear stress = 690N/mm2.<strong>Design</strong> the springAssignment Questions(1) A helical spring made from 6.3mm diameter steel wire has an outside diameter <strong>of</strong>57.3mm with squared & ground ends and has 12 coils. The allowable shear stress is827MPa. Determine the following(i) Spring rate(ii) Free length(iii) Pitch(2) The following data refers to the valve <strong>of</strong> a petrol engineLength <strong>of</strong> the spring when the valve is open – 40mmLength <strong>of</strong> the spring when the valve is closed – 48mmSpring load when the valve is closed – 350NSpring load when the valve is open – 220NSpring index – 6.8(3) The maximum shear stress allowed is 150MPa & the modulus <strong>of</strong> rigidity is 84GPa. Theends are squared & ground and the gap between the adjacent coils is 0.1 times the wirediameter. Determine the following(i) Wire dia(ii)Mean dia(iii) Number <strong>of</strong> coils(iv) Free length(v) Pitch<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> springs for fluctuating loadsForce acting on the spring in many applications varies in magnitude in time. Let us considera spring subjected to fluctuating force as shown in the figure. The load varies from F max toF minForceF maxF minThe mean force =TIMEJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>A helical compression spring is subjected to purely compressive forces. In general, thespring wires are subjected to pulsating shear stresses. Let S en be the endurance limit inshear. For cold drawn steel wires S en = 0.21x σ anden τ = 0.42σFor oil hardenedy utempered steel wires S en = 0.22x σ anden τ = 0.45σwhere σ is the ultimate tensiley uenstrength is shown below:The mean stress τ is plotted on the abscissa while the stress amplitudemPoint A will co-ordinate (S2enS,2enτ on the ordinate.a) indicate the failure point <strong>of</strong> spring wire in a pulsatingstress cycle fatigue test. Point B indicates failure under static conditions i.e. when the stressreaches the torsional yield strength τ . The line AB is called the line <strong>of</strong> failure. To consideryτythe effect <strong>of</strong> FOS a line <strong>of</strong> CD is drawn from point B in such a way that =OD. The lineNCD is parallel to AB. The line CD is called design line. Any point on CD such as X representsa situation with the same FOS.Considering the similar triangles XFD and AEB.This is called MODIFIED SODERBERG’S EQUATIONProblem : <strong>Design</strong> a helical coil spring for engine valve to exert force <strong>of</strong> 700 N in the openand 450 N in the closed position. The lift <strong>of</strong> the valve is 16mm. Keep the Outside spring coilJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>diameter between 4 cm and 5cm. The spring ends are square and ground. The allowableshear stress <strong>of</strong> spring material is 450 MPa. For the material <strong>of</strong> the spring τ =700 MPa.S en =365 MPa. Take G= 80 GPa.yHelical tension springsHelical tension springs are usually wound with the coils closed and under initial tension.They are also called closed wound springs. The different styles <strong>of</strong> ends for the helicalsprings are shown in figure.When loops or end hooks are provided the small radius where the hook joins the 1 st coil is aregion <strong>of</strong> highly local stress. The end should be designed in such a way that , the effect <strong>of</strong>stress concentration at the bend is minimum. Sometimes the effect <strong>of</strong> stress concentrationin springs is so severe that the spring body becomes stronger that the end then the failureoccurs in the end coils.For helical extension springs, all coils are active, The number <strong>of</strong> active coils is same as thetotal number <strong>of</strong> coils. Figure 2 shows the relation between the external force and springelongation.External forceF iElongationHere the force F mustexceed the initial tension F i before aJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>deflection y is experienced. The free length l o <strong>of</strong> an extension spring is equal to the bodylength + two times the hood distancel o = d( i+1) = body lengthFigure shows safety device operated by a lever and a tension spring. During the normalclosed position <strong>of</strong> the valve the pressure is 0.4 MPa. The maximum lift valve is 4mm at apressure <strong>of</strong> 0.55 Mpa. Diameter <strong>of</strong> the valve is 50mm. take allowable shear stress as 560MPa for the material <strong>of</strong> the spring. Spring Index C=7 and G=80 GPa. <strong>Design</strong> the spring.Spring surge ( critical frequency <strong>of</strong> helical springs)If one end <strong>of</strong> a compression spring is held against in a flat surface and the other end isdisturbed by repeated load, a helical compression wave is created that travels back and forthfrom one end to other end. Surging may occur in spring which is subjected to loads whosefrequency is close to the natural frequency <strong>of</strong> the spring. When the frequency <strong>of</strong> repeatedload is equal to natural frequency <strong>of</strong> spring resonance occur. To avoid this possible it isadvisable that the natural frequency <strong>of</strong> spring is atleast 20 times the frequency <strong>of</strong> theexternal repeated loads. If the frequency is not high enough, the spring should beredesigned to increase the k or decrease w.Natural frequency <strong>of</strong> spring = f n =1o2πF gwHzProblem A disc cam 250mm diameter rotates <strong>of</strong>f centre with eccentricity <strong>of</strong> 20 mm andoperates the roller follower that is carried by the arm as shown in the figure. The follower isheld against the cam by means <strong>of</strong> an extension spring. Assuming that the force between thefollower and the cam is 300 N at the lowest position and 500 N at the highest position <strong>of</strong>follower. The spring index is 6. determine the wire diameter, outside diameter <strong>of</strong> spring andno. <strong>of</strong> active coils. The maximum shear stress may be taken as 250 MPa and Modulus <strong>of</strong>rigidity – 82.7 Gpa.Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>Problem A helical coil spring made from 6.3 diameter steel wire has an outside diameter <strong>of</strong>57.3mm with square and ground ends has 12 coils. The length <strong>of</strong> the spring is such whatwhen it is compressed the torsional stress is 827 MPa. Determine the spring rate , Freelength , critical frequency . The density <strong>of</strong> material is 7800 kg/m 3 and G = 0.8x10 5 MPa.Concentric springsConcentric springs are closed coil helical springsforced one inside the other. They are used toobtain greater load carrying capacity or to obtaincertain load deflection characteristics. Figureshows two springs placed one inside the other.When springs are nested , the mechanismcontnues even if one <strong>of</strong> the springs break. Theconditions to be satisfied by the concentric springas follows.1. when the springs are <strong>of</strong> equal free lengthand made <strong>of</strong> same material, thenmaximum shear stress in the springs areequal.2. The deflection is same for both the springJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>F1F⎛ d⎜⎝⎞⎟⎠21= also F = F1 +F2 , where F is the applied load. F1 is the load taken by2 d2spring 1 and F2 is the load taken by spring 2.Problem : The larger <strong>of</strong> the two concentric springs made <strong>of</strong> 38 mm diameter round bar has amean coil dia <strong>of</strong> 228mm and 6 active coils. The inner spring has a wire <strong>of</strong> 25mm, springindex 5 and no <strong>of</strong> active coils = 9. Free height <strong>of</strong> outer spring is 19mm more than inner; Findthe deflection <strong>of</strong> each spring for a load <strong>of</strong> 90 kN. Take G = 77000 MPa. Calculate the loadcarried by each spring.Problem One helical spring is nested inside the other . The dimensions <strong>of</strong> the spring aretabulated. Both springs have the same free length and carry a total maximum load <strong>of</strong> 2500 NDescriptionNumber <strong>of</strong> active coilsWire diameterMean coil diameterOuter spring Inner spring6 1012.5mm9mm100mm70mmDetermine the maximum load carried by each spring. Total deflection <strong>of</strong> each spring.Maximum stress in 2 springs , take G=83 GPa.Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>Problem A concentric spring for an aircraft engine valve is to exert a maximum for <strong>of</strong> 5000Nunder an axial deflection <strong>of</strong> 40mm. Both springs have same free length and same solidlength and are subjected to equal maximum shear stress <strong>of</strong> 850 MPa. If the spring index forboth the spring is 6 find the load shared by each spring ii) maximum dimension <strong>of</strong> springs iii)No <strong>of</strong> active coils in each. Assume G= 80 and dimensional clearance is equal to differencebetween the wire diameter.Leaf springsThe term flat spring is commonly applied to a wide variety <strong>of</strong> shapes made out <strong>of</strong> flat strip.The advantages <strong>of</strong> flat spring varies over the helical spring is that the end <strong>of</strong> the spring maybe guided along a definite path as it deflects . Thus the spring may act as structural memberas well as an emery absorbing device.Semi Elliptical leaf springs.A multi leaf spring used in automobile is shown in the figure. It is <strong>of</strong> semi elliptical form andhence the name semi elliptical leaf spring . It is built up <strong>of</strong> a number <strong>of</strong> plates known asleaves, The leaves are usually given an initial curvature or cambered.The top leaf is known as the master leaf. The eye is provided for attaching the spring withanother machine member. The amount <strong>of</strong> bend that is given to the spring from the centralline, passing through the eyes, is known as camber. The camber is provided so that even atthe maximum load the deflected spring should not touch the machine member to which it isattached. The camber shown in the figure is known as positive camber. The central clamp isrequired to hold the leaves <strong>of</strong> the spring. However, the bolt holes required to engage thebolts to clamp the leaves weaken the spring to some extent. Rebound clips help to share theload from the master leaf to the graduated leaIf the leaf spring has a shape <strong>of</strong> uniformly varying width (say Lozenge shape) then thebending stress at all section remains uniform. The situation is also identical as before in case<strong>of</strong> varying thickness, the thickness should vary non-uniformly with length to make a beam <strong>of</strong>uniform strength (L/h 2 = constant). These leaves require lesser material, have moreresilience compared to a constant width leaf. These types <strong>of</strong> springs are called leaf springs<strong>of</strong> uniform strength.In general the differential curvature between the master leaf and the next leaves is providedin a laminated spring, where, radius <strong>of</strong> curvature being more for the master leaf. Thisconstruction reduces the stress in the master leaf as compared to the other leaves <strong>of</strong> thespring in a laminated spring. This type <strong>of</strong> constructional feature is termed as nippingJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>To prove that bending stresses in full length leaves are 50% morethan those in graduated leaves.Full length leaves are nothing but leaves <strong>of</strong> uniform cross section. Whereasgraduated leaves are <strong>of</strong> uniform strength.Graduated length leaves can be treated as a triangular plate as shown in figure (a)it is assumed that individual leaves are separated and placed as shown in figure(2) . theleaves are cut longitudinally into two halves each <strong>of</strong> width d/2 and placed on each side. Thebending stress in graduated leaves.( derivation we will do it in class)=Ebt312Fl( 2n + 3n )g3δ is the final required answer.fEqualised stress in the leaf spring ( nipping <strong>of</strong> the leaf spring)longitudinally into two halves each <strong>of</strong> width d/2 and placed on each side. The bending stressin graduated leaves.Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>The stress in the full length leaves are 50 % greater that the stresses in graduated lengthleaf. One <strong>of</strong> the methods <strong>of</strong> equalizing the stress in leaf spring is to pre- stress the spring.The pre stressing is achieved by bending the leaves to different radii <strong>of</strong> curvature before theyare assembled to centre. The full length leaves is given a greater radius <strong>of</strong> curvature than agraduated leaf . The initial gap C between the full length and graduated length leaf beforethe assembling is called nip. Such pre stressing achieved by a difference in radii <strong>of</strong> curvatureis known as nipping. Other ways to reduce the stresses in the master leaves are Master leaf is made <strong>of</strong> stronger material than the other leaves. Master leaf is made thinner than the other leaves. This will reduce the bending stressas evident from stress equation.But common practice is to increase the radius <strong>of</strong> curvature <strong>of</strong> the master leaf than the nextLeaf because it is much easier and economical compared to other two methods.Problem A locomotive spring has an overall length <strong>of</strong> 1100mm, sustains <strong>of</strong> 1kn at its centre.The springs has 3 full length leaves and 15 graduated leaves with a central band <strong>of</strong> 100mmin width. All the leaves are stressed to 420 MPa. When fully loaded. The ratio <strong>of</strong> the totalspring depth to width is 2. Find the breadth and depth b) Initial space that should beprovided between full length and graduated leaf before it is assembledProblem A semi elliptical spring has an effective length <strong>of</strong> 1.2 m . The maximum stress isnot to exceed 400 MPa. The deflection under maximum load <strong>of</strong> 9kN is 100mm. Find thethickness and width <strong>of</strong> leaves ifi) the leaves are pre-stressedii) the leaves are not pre-stressedtake no <strong>of</strong> extra full length leaves as 2 and no <strong>of</strong> graduated leaves as 10. E = 200 GPa.Problem The free end <strong>of</strong> a horizontal , uniform strength cantilever beam is directly overand in contact with a vertical coil spring as shown in figure. The width <strong>of</strong> the beam at its fixedend is 600mm . It length is 800mm and its thickness is 12mm. The coil spring has 10 activecoils <strong>of</strong> 12.5mm diameter wire and has an outside diameter <strong>of</strong> 100mm .Take G = 83 GPaand E=200 GPa.a) what force if gradually applied to the end <strong>of</strong> cantilever beam is required to pass adefection <strong>of</strong> 40mm.b) what is the bending stress in beam at a section <strong>of</strong> 400mm from the fixed endc) how much energy is absorbed by the coil spring.Jagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>Problem A semi elliptical leaf spring consists <strong>of</strong> extra length leaves and 15 graduated lenthleaves including the master leaf. The centre to centre distance between the 2 eyes <strong>of</strong> thespring is 1m. The maximum force that can act on the spring is 75 kN. For each leaf the ratio<strong>of</strong> width to thickness is 9:1. The modulus <strong>of</strong> elasticity <strong>of</strong> leaf material is 2x10 5 N/mm 2 . Theleaves are prestressed in such a way that when the force is maximum the stress induced inboth leaves is 450 MPa. Determine the• width and thickness <strong>of</strong> leaves• The initial nip• The initial pre load required to close the gap between the extra full length andgraduated leaves.DISC SPRINGS.These are made up from tapered washers as shown in figure.These springs are used where space is limited and where onerequires high spring rate. These are characterised by non –linearload deflection curves. These springs may be stacked in series,parallel or a combination <strong>of</strong> parallel – series.In series arrangement deflection is proportional to the no <strong>of</strong> discs while springs placed inparallel arrangement load carrying capacity is proportional to the no <strong>of</strong> discs. These springsare cheap and can be replaced after failure. Disc type are used for impact and suddenlyJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>applied loads as in buffers , shearing and drawing machine , supports <strong>of</strong> carriages , They arealso used for frame structures as vibration isolators.The relation between the load F and the axial deflection <strong>of</strong> each disc is given by equation11.44. maximum stress at inner and outer edge is given by equation 11.45a and 11.45bProblem A disc spring is made <strong>of</strong> 3mm sheet steel with an outside dia 125 mm and insidedia <strong>of</strong> 50mm. The spring is dished out by 5mm. the maximum stress is 500 MPa. Determinethe deflection <strong>of</strong> at the load carried by the spring. Take E= 210 GPa and µ = 0. 3HELICAL TORSION SPRINGSHelical torsion spring is used to transmit a torque to a component <strong>of</strong> machine or amechanism . It is used in doors hinges. Brush holders , automobile starters and door locks.The construction <strong>of</strong> helical torsion spring is similar to that <strong>of</strong> compression or extension springexcept that the ends are formed in such a way that spring is loaded by a torque about theaxis <strong>of</strong> the coils as shown in figure.The helical torsion spring resists bending moment (F.r) which winds up the spring. Therforethe primary stresses in these springs are bending stresses. Each individual section <strong>of</strong> torsionsprings is treated as a portion <strong>of</strong> the curved beam.Derivation will be done in class room4EdF =o64DiJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

Sixth semester Mechanical<strong>Design</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Machine</strong> <strong>Elements</strong> -<strong>II</strong>Rubber springsThese springs has 2 functions the first being it acts as spring and second it acts as adamper. Or shock absorber. Rubber springs are difficult to analyse because the behaviour <strong>of</strong>rubber under stress is not linear. The rubber springs are influenced by the kind <strong>of</strong> materialand hardness. Rubber has increasing stiffness with increasing deformation. Rubber springscan be either in compression or in shear.Rubber under compressionA simple rectangular block <strong>of</strong> rubber can beused as spring as shown in figureRubber under shearFigure shows a rubber spring loaded under shear. It comprises <strong>of</strong> two blocks <strong>of</strong> rubbermoulded together with a steel plates.Hooks law for rubber in shear holds fairly well. Hence theshearing deformationγ =shearstressrigidity mod ulusτ=Gτ Fγ =G = for small deflection δ = h γ2AGγδδ =Fh2AGJagadeesha T, Associate Pr<strong>of</strong>essor, St Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Mangalore

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