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Global Broadcast Service (GBS)Volume VI – Model Contract – Attachment 3<strong>SRD</strong> ID <strong>SRD</strong> Requirement ORD Req # ORD Requirementcoalition, allied or Top Secret compartmented security enclave(s), separate add-on configuration orseparate transit case shall be available to support each additional security enclave. A minimum oftwo additional add-on security enclaves shall be accommodated (Block-2 Threshold). Req 103:Receive Terminals shall be scalable to include configurations capable of using one or moreseparately procured interchangeable feed horn and amplifier assemblies to handle polarization andfrequency across the space segment downlink frequency bands to receive: (see sub requirements)10702107051100011101112001130011400The GBS System shall provide a minimum 95 percentstatistical assurance of receipt of all broadcast information(measured from the point where the broadcast information isreceived in the SBM and delivered at the interface between theRS’s RBM and the attached LAN). [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 10702]. 19The GBS system shall meet the Quasi-Error Free (QEF)condition under clear weather conditions, equivalent to lessthan one (1) uncorrected error event per transport stream hour(corresponds to a BER between 10^-10 and 10^-11). [<strong>SRD</strong> ID10705] 18, 20The BDA shall use the uplink encapsulator(s) and modulator(s)at the Satellite uplink facilities (i.e., Teleports and PIPs). [<strong>SRD</strong>ID 11000] 4The BDA shall support content broadcast to an RBM that isreceiving from one, and up to six (6), uplink modulators. [<strong>SRD</strong>ID 11101] 4For all data services, the BDA shall use unique multicastaddresses for each satellite downlink, as described in Figure 5.[<strong>SRD</strong> ID 11200] 15, 37The BDA shall organize broadcast content as associated witheach RBM receiver Terminal size (e.g. small, medium, large)and assign multicast addresses that are consistent with theDVB-S2 VCM capability of the JIPM Hub. [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 11300] 15The BDA shall not allow transmission of content to the RBMsystem root (i.e., “ C:\”). [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 11400] 8, 2030 March 2009 • Contract Number: FA8726-09-C-0006Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposalVolume VI-5.0-186Req 19: The System shall have the ability to provide minimum 90 percent (Threshold) and 95percent (Objective) statistical assurance of receipt of all broadcast information (measured from thepoint where the broadcast information is received in the SBM or TSBM and delivered at theinterface between the RS’s RBM and the attached LAN). The system must also provide flexibility toensure Combatant Commander selected information is delivered with a range of statisticalconfidences approaching guaranteed assurance of receipt (Block-2 Threshold). When a TRS ornetworked reachback connectivity is available, the return path functionality shall be used to providereliable file product transmission between the SBM and RBM (Block-3 Threshold).Req 18: The GBS System shall provide a Bit Error Ratio (BER) of no greater than 10-10 underclear weather conditions with link margin to maintain specified end-to-end link availability (seeparagraph (Threshold). Req 20: As an element of the GIG, the GBS System shallmaintain and guarantee during transport the integrity of file-based data that it stores and processes toenable user confidence; information integrity shall be 99.99% (Threshold) and 99.999% (Objective).Req 4: The GBS System shall support the passing of information ranging in classifications fromUnclassified up to and including Top Secret and Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS & SCI)(KPP –Threshold). The system shall not compromise information need-to-know access (medical,personnel, mission sensitive information, including access to Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU),Allied, Coalition, non-DoD, or other compartmented releasable products) (KPP – Threshold).Req 4: The GBS System shall support the passing of information ranging in classifications fromUnclassified up to and including Top Secret and Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS & SCI)(KPP –Threshold). The system shall not compromise information need-to-know access (medical,personnel, mission sensitive information, including access to Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU),Allied, Coalition, non-DoD, or other compartmented releasable products) (KPP – Threshold).Req 15: The GBS system shall be capable of generating unique broadcast streams at variable datarates up to a minimum system capacity of 305 Mbps (Block-1) and 600 Mbps (Block-2) worldwidewith nominal per satellite uplink capacity of: 94 Mbps into each GBS UFO satellite (Block-1); 94Mbps into each WGS satellite (Block-2); maximum downlink capacity that meets link performancerequirements for each Commercial Augmentation leased transponder (Block-1) (Threshold). Req37: The SBM shall manage the broadcast content for WGS coverage areas based upon a single spotbeam’s coverage for each unique broadcast injected (Block-2 Threshold), or be capable of usingWGS satellite features to duplicate the same uplink broadcast stream into multiple downlinkcoverage areas simultaneously (Block-3 Threshold, Block-2 Objective).Req 15: The GBS system shall be capable of generating unique broadcast streams at variable datarates up to a minimum system capacity of 305 Mbps (Block-1) and 600 Mbps (Block-2) worldwidewith nominal per satellite uplink capacity of: 94 Mbps into each GBS UFO satellite (Block-1); 94Mbps into each WGS satellite (Block-2); maximum downlink capacity that meets link performancerequirements for each Commercial Augmentation leased transponder (Block-1) (Threshold).Req 8: With the exception of unclassified video (limited to public domain non-DoD derived andnon-national security related information used in fulfillment of military or intelligence missions), allinformation shall be protected from exploitation during transmission over satellites (Block-2Threshold). Req 20: As an element of the GIG, the GBS System shall maintain and guaranteeduring transport the integrity of file-based data that it stores and processes to enable user confidence;information integrity shall be 99.99% (Threshold) and 99.999% (Objective).

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