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Global Broadcast Service (GBS)Volume VI – Model Contract – Attachment 37 APPENDIX A: <strong>SRD</strong> to ORD Requirements Trace (Child-to-Parent)<strong>SRD</strong> ID <strong>SRD</strong> Requirement ORD Req # ORD Requirement1010010201102021030010400The GBS System shall provide the core functionalities,contained herein this specification’s Table 3 (Column“Function”), to address the needs of the user/operator(s)designated for area. [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 10100] 30The GBS System shall be in compliance with DoD mandatedNet-Ready Key Performance Parameters, including satisfying100% of all the specified Joint integrated architecturerequirements designated enterprise-level or critical activityinterfaces; services; policy-enforcement controls; data-sharing,data availability, data correctness, data processing andinformation assurance accreditation requirements in the Net-Centric Operations and Warfare Reference Model (NCOW-RM) plus GIG-Key Interface Profiles (KIPs). [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 10201] 1, 1-1The GBS System shall be in compliance with the DODmandated Net-Ready Key Performance Parameters (KPP),including meeting GIG interoperability standards (CJCSI3170.01C, CJCSI 6212.01D, DoDI 4630.5, and DoDI 4630.8)for the interfaces, protocols, and equipment required to receiveand disseminate video and data from existing systems. [<strong>SRD</strong>ID 10202] 2,3The GBS system shall satisfy 100 percent of the top-levelInformation Exchange Requirements (IER) designated criticalto the standards specified in the IER Matrix, defined in theGBS Operational Requirements Document (KPP). [<strong>SRD</strong> ID10300] 25The GBS system shall accommodate scaling, both up to 200%increases and up to 50% decreases, of the following factorsincluding but not limited to: satellites, antennas, uplinkmodulators, RBMs, security enclaves, broadcast load, totalproducts, and number of each end-to-end service types. [<strong>SRD</strong>ID 10400]4-3, 80, 91,98, 103Req 30: The SBM and TSBM (using reachback connectivity) shall provide an automated interfacethat provides GBS status information (including receive suite (and associated user) coverage statusand product delivery status and broadcast queue status) to various privileged information providers,including IDM, in order for information providers to make intelligent decisions about routing datavia GBS or via alternate means (Block-2 Threshold). This GBS status information should also beavailable to information sources, GBS users, and TIMs (Block-3, Threshold).Req 1: Net Ready: 100% of all the specified Joint integrated architecture requirements designatedenterprise-level or critical activity interfaces; services; policy-enforcement controls; data-sharing,data availability, data correctness, data processing and information assurance accreditationrequirements in the Net-Centric Operations and Warfare Reference Model (NCOW-RM) plus GIG-Key Interface Profiles (KIPs) shall be satisfied (KPP – Block-3 Threshold), including all non-criticaland non- enterprise activities (Block-2 Objective, Block-3 Objective). Req 1-1: The GBS System ispart of the GIG and shall meet GIG interoperability standards for the interfaces, protocols, andequipment required to receive and disseminate video and data from existing systems (Threshold).Req 2: The GBS System shall be compliant with the GIG and Network Centric Enterprise Services(Threshold). Req 3: The GBS Software that is provided to operate on platforms outside the GBSsystem shall be compliant with Level 5 of the GIG COE Integration and Runtime Specification(I&RTS), Version 4.1, 3 October 2000 and subsequent revisions as deemed appropriate by ServiceAcquisition Executive (SAE) at program reviews or milestone decisions (Threshold).Req 25: 100 percent of top-level Information Exchange Requirements (IER) designated criticalshall be satisfied to the standards specified in the IER Matrix (KPP – Threshold). All top-level IERsshall be satisfied to the standards Specified in the IER Matrix for the indicated IOC Block(Objective).Req 4-3: The system shall use scalable and interoperable means in order to handle multiple andvaried compartmented information sources and a scalable and interoperable means to provide theinformation to the user beyond the receive suite (Block-2 Threshold). Req 80: GBS shall use spacesegment capabilities to support the dynamic nature of modern warfare through using multiplecoverage areas, using responsive, independently steerable or fixed coverage areas to locations withinthe satellite’s field of view (Threshold). Req 91: Receive Suites shall be scaleable and configurableto satisfy a variety of user installations and broadcast receive requirements (Threshold). Scaleableand configurable configurations beyond basic receive suite configurations shall be separatelyprocured and accompanied with training and maintenance addendums to include at a minimum thefollowing: (see sub requirements 91-x). Req 98: In order for receive suites to support eithercoalition, allied or Top Secret compartmented security enclave(s), separate add-on configuration orseparate transit case shall be available to support each additional security enclave. A minimum oftwo additional add-on security enclaves shall be accommodated (Block-2 Threshold). Req 103:Receive Terminals shall be scalable to include configurations capable of using one or moreseparately procured interchangeable feed horn and amplifier assemblies to handle polarization andfrequency across the space segment downlink frequency bands to receive: (see sub requirements)30 March 2009 • Contract Number: FA8726-09-C-0006Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposalVolume VI-5.0-184

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