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DemonstrationTestAnalysisExamination/InspectionQualify by SimilarityGlobal Broadcast Service (GBS)Volume VI – Model Contract – Attachment 34.3 Verification Matrix<strong>SRD</strong> ID10100RequirementThe GBS System shall provide the core functionalities, contained herein thisspecification’s Table 3 (Column “Function”), to address the needs of theuser/operator(s) designated for area. [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 10100]x10201102021030010400105011050210600The GBS System shall be in compliance with DoD mandated Net-Ready KeyPerformance Parameters, including satisfying 100% of all the specified Jointintegrated architecture requirements designated enterprise-level or critical activityinterfaces; services; policy-enforcement controls; data-sharing, data availability, datacorrectness, data processing and information assurance accreditation requirements inthe Net-Centric Operations and Warfare Reference Model (NCOW-RM) plus GIG-Key Interface Profiles (KIP). [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 10201]The GBS System shall be in compliance with the DOD mandated Net-Ready KeyPerformance Parameters (KPP), including meeting GIG interoperability standards(CJCSI 3170.01C, CJCSI 6212.01D, DoDI 4630.5, and DoDI 4630.8) for theinterfaces, protocols, and equipment required to receive and disseminate video anddata from existing systems. [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 10202]The GBS system shall satisfy 100 percent of the top-level Information ExchangeRequirements (IER) designated critical to the standards specified in the IER Matrix,defined in the GBS Operational Requirements Document (KPP). [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 10300]The GBS system shall accommodate scaling, both up to 200% increases and up to50% decreases, of the following factors including but not limited to: satellites,antennas, uplink modulators, RBMs, security enclaves, broadcast load, total products,and number of each end-to-end service types. [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 10400]The GBS system shall be scalable, both up to 200% increases and up to 50%decreases, and capable to pass multiple and varied compartmented informationsources. [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 10501]The GBS system shall be scalable, both up to 200% increases and up to 50%decreases, to provide information to the user beyond the receive suite. [<strong>SRD</strong> ID10502]The GBS System is part of the GIG and shall meet GIG interoperability standards forthe interfaces, protocols, and equipment required to receive and disseminate video anddata from existing systems (Threshold). [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 10600]xxxxxxx10701The GBS System shall provide a minimum of 90 percent statistical assurance ofreceipt of all broadcast information (measured from the point where the broadcastinformation is received in the SBM and delivered at the interface between the RS’sRBM and the attached LAN). [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 10701]x10702The GBS System shall provide a minimum 95 percent statistical assurance of receiptof all broadcast information (measured from the point where the broadcast informationis received in the SBM and delivered at the interface between the RS’s RBM and theattached LAN). [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 10702]x1070511000The GBS system shall meet the Quasi-Error Free (QEF) condition under clear weatherconditions, equivalent to less than one (1) uncorrected error event per transport streamhour (corresponds to a BER between 10 -10 and 10 -11 ). [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 10705]The BDA shall use the uplink encapsulator(s) and modulator(s) at the Satellite uplinkfacilities (i.e., Teleports and PIPs). [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 11000]Xx30 March 2009 • Contract Number: FA8726-09-C-0006Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposalVolume VI-5.0-150

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