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Global Broadcast Service (GBS)Volume VI – Model Contract – Attachment 34 VERIFICATION AND QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 System Verification4.2 Verification MethodsThis section provides the provisions for Verification of requirements.4.2.1 DemonstrationDemonstration is a variation of test used to verify conformance of functional characteristics to specifiedrequirements by pass/fail criteria without the use of elaborate measurement equipment. Demonstration executesthe functions of the HWCI (hardware configuration item) and CSCI (Computer Software Configuration Item)using data in a controlled situation. Observation of the predicted outputs or results demonstrates verification ofrequirements. Simulated or live data may be used.4.2.2 TestTest exercises portions system hardware and/or software in a controlled manner, to collect the data necessary toevaluate satellite, control, and network or terminal conformance to the specified requirements. Real or simulatedinput is used to exercise specific segments of the system and generate predicted outputs. Data are formallyrecorded in accordance with procedures. Detailed data analysis is performed to determined requirementcompliance. Analysis as described here is an integral part of the test method separate and distinct from theanalysis method above.4.2.3 AnalysisAnalysis is the processing of accumulated data, including the compilation of data obtained from other verificationmethods. Techniques involve interpretation or interpolation / extrapolation of analytical, simulated, or empiricaldata under defined conditions, or reasoning to show compliance with requirements. Verification by computerizedsimulations is included in this method.4.2.4 Examination/InspectionExamination is the visual inspection of an item and the comparison of pertinent characteristics with apredetermined qualitative and quantitative standard. Examination is used to verify compliance with specifiedrequirements by inspection of engineering documentation and products. For example, examination is generallynondestructive and consists of visual and auditory observation, gauging, or simple measurements without the useof precision measurement equipment. The engineering documentation and products include, but are not limited to,flow diagrams, software code, engineering drawings, engineering plans, and design specifications.4.2.5 Qualification by SimilarityRequirements for hardware and software that are similar in design and construction to the hardware and softwareof a previously verified System, for the same or similar application and environment, can be verified bysimilarity. The evaluation is documented to include: the test procedures/reports of the item to which similarity isclaimed; a description of the differences between the items, application, or environment; and the rationale forverification by similarity. This method is also used to show where existing equipment; or commercially available,reusable or GFE software, previously qualified for other applications, have demonstrated compliance to allrequirement. Re-verification for TC may be reduced in scope or deleted completely, depending upon Customerapproval of the similarity.30 March 2009 • Contract Number: FA8726-09-C-0006Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposalVolume VI-5.0-149

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