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Global Broadcast Service (GBS)Volume VI – Model Contract – Attachment 3<strong>SRD</strong> ID <strong>SRD</strong> Requirement ORD Req # ORD Requirementthrough a PIP to an SBM, and then to the DISN. For a given receive suite this shall include (Block-3Threshold):(1) Terminal: either a Transmit-capable Receive Terminal (TRT) or a separate common transmitterminal with a suitable interface to receive the return channel signal from the RBM and transmit thesignal with satisfactory performance; and(2) RBM: any RBM suitably modified to include the necessary software and hardware to generatethe return channel signal.60100The 2-way capability of the GBS Transmit Receive Suites shallbe supported by the DECC architecture . [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 60100] 13, 159Req 13: A Transmit-Receive Suite (TRS) shall be capable of transmitting “user pull” data to GBSspace segments with a Return Channel Satellite (RCS) having connectivity to DISN (Block-3Threshold). Req 159: A TRS shall be comprised of any GBS Receive Suite suitably modified toinclude the necessary transmit capability to support GBS User Pull using GBS RCS reachbackconnectivity directly through a PIP to an SBM, and then to the DISN. For a given receive suite thisshall include (Block-3 Threshold):(1) Terminal: either a Transmit-capable Receive Terminal (TRT) or a separate common transmitterminal with a suitable interface to receive the return channel signal from the RBM and transmit thesignal with satisfactory performance; and(2) RBM: any RBM suitably modified to include the necessary software and hardware to generatethe return channel signal.6020160202605006055061000The SBM software shall support the GBS TRS capability oftransmitting and receiving 2-way data between the RBM, viathe GBS space segments with an RCS having connectivity tothe DISN . [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 60201] 13The RBM software shall support the GBS TRS capability oftransmitting and receiving 2-way data between the SBM, viathe GBS space segments with an RCS having connectivity tothe DISN . [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 60202] 13The GBS system shall include an additional IA approved SCIbroadcast enclave, designated for SCI content only, with thesame capabilities defined for the ROKUS enclave. [<strong>SRD</strong> ID60500] 98, 161The GBS systems shall include an additional IA approvedCoalition broadcast enclave, designated for Coalition contentonly, with the same capabilities defined for the ROKUSenclave. (Objective) [<strong>SRD</strong> ID 60550] 98, 161The Ground Mobile Receive Suites (GMRS) shall incorporateall common receive suite requirements, such as being capableof receiving and processing the GBS downlink while on themove, requiring no special tools/processes/skills to move fromone tactical vehicle to another, and being capable of survivingthe rigors of tactical cross-country vehicular travel. (Objective)[<strong>SRD</strong> ID 61000]123, 123-1,123-2, 123-3Req 13: A Transmit-Receive Suite (TRS) shall be capable of transmitting “user pull” data to GBSspace segments with a Return Channel Satellite (RCS) having connectivity to DISN (Block-3Threshold).Req 13: A Transmit-Receive Suite (TRS) shall be capable of transmitting “user pull” data to GBSspace segments with a Return Channel Satellite (RCS) having connectivity to DISN (Block-3Threshold).Req 98: In order for receive suites to support either coalition, allied or Top Secret compartmentedsecurity enclave(s), separate add-on configuration or separate transit case shall be available tosupport each additional security enclave. A minimum of two additional add-on security enclavesshall be accommodated (Block-2 Threshold). Req 161: BMS shall permit compartment and aboveUS Secret information providers to control the broadcast stream based on user pull across SCInetworks (Block-3 Threshold).Req 98: In order for receive suites to support either coalition, allied or Top Secret compartmentedsecurity enclave(s), separate add-on configuration or separate transit case shall be available tosupport each additional security enclave. A minimum of two additional add-on security enclavesshall be accommodated (Block-2 Threshold). Req 161: BMS shall permit compartment and aboveUS Secret information providers to control the broadcast stream based on user pull across SCInetworks (Block-3 Threshold).Req 123: The GMRS should incorporate all common receive suite requirements (Block-3Threshold). Req 123-1: The GMRS shall be capable of receiving and processing the GBS downlinkwhile on the move (Block-3 Threshold). Req 123-2: The GMRS shall require no special tools,processes or skills to move from one tactical vehicle to another (Block-3 Threshold). Req 123-3:The GMRS must be capable of surviving the rigors of tactical cross-country vehicular travel. TheReceive Terminal must be low profile and designed to withstand the rigors and external forces of anexternal vehicular mounting during travel (Block-3 Threshold).30 March 2009 • Contract Number: FA8726-09-C-0006Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposalVolume VI-5.0-233

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