Evaluation document, KoF11 Part A: Strategic aspects on research ...

Evaluation document, KoF11 Part A: Strategic aspects on research ... Evaluation document, KoF11 Part A: Strategic aspects on research ...


Uppsala University 4ong>KoF11ong>The department is also engaged in the program Modernisation and Mobilisation: State,Nation and Gender in Europe 1600-2000, which is a research and higher-education programfinanced by STINT and Uppsala University in close connection with the Faculty of ModernHistory at Oxford University. The OXFORD-UPPSALA PROGRAMME began in 2008 andends up in 2011, hopefully with a continuation. The topic is to investigate, in a longcomparative perspective, how the countries in Europe were created and developed.iiThe research on the development of big business in Sweden has from the start been closelyconnected to similar research projects in other European countries. Currently we co-operatewith the following universities: University of Helsinki, Copenhagen Business School,University of Geneva, London School of Economics, University of Barcelona, BocconiUniversity in Milan, University of Bergen, University of Grenoble and University ofAntwerp. Our research has focused on several ong>aspectsong> of the development of big business, asfor example the industrial structure, the degree of internationalisation, ownership structureand the relationship between owners and managers. We are currently planning a publication atOxford University Press analysing the development of performance between large companiesin different countries. In this research area UCBH definitely is at the forefront of internationalresearch.The SALTSA programme (a research programme including the National institute of WorkingLife, and the union confederations of LO, TCO and Saco. Since July 2007 it is hosted by theDepartment of Economic History, Uppsala University. Researchers at the department havecooperated with researchers from IRES, France, London School of Economics, OSE,Belgium, ETUI-REHS, Belgium, the European University Institute, Italy, and the universitiesin Copenhagen, Aalborg, Helsinki, Warwick, Amstedam, Utrecht, Dublin, Milan,Stellenbosch, Wisconsin and Wisconsin-Madison.“Challenges and Opportunities in Ageing Society, University of TokyoUppsala STS has an exchange with all large STS environments in Sweden and most large STSenvironments in Europe and has had visiting researchers at among others Stanford University,Harvard University and Tokyo University. The STB-group, “Science, Technology Business”,is also deeply involved in an international research network on business interdependencies,the IMP Group. Starting as a reaction against prevailing market theory, the IMP Group hasemerged into a research network, based on the engagement of some three hundred researchersfrom all over the world. The work of the IMP Group is reported in some dozens books, about2000 papers and about 140 PhD studies. (See www.impgroup.org.)The KultEko network includes – among others –researchers from the following institutions:Centre of Fashion Studies, Stockholm University; Cultural Geography, Uppsala University;Economic History, Stockholm University; Tema Q, Linköping University; Nordiska Museet,Research department; Department of History of Science and Technology, KTH RoyalInstitute of Technology.Oxford Uppsala programme, The Faculty of Modern History at Oxford University.2011-02-28 Dept of Economic History v 1.0

Uppsala University 5ong>KoF11ong>A3. Describe the most promising research directions for the department in aperspective of 5-10 years. Give an account for how the accomplishment of successfulpursuit of these research directions would be attained, and what indicators would berelevant, e.g. in terms of proportion between different categories of researchers andother personnel.In a five or ten year perspective the department will have developed and strengthened itsresearch base, especially with regard to the fields that were mentioned under A1. Besideskeeping up a wide research agenda that still includes a variety of different subjects, especiallyperhaps development studies, gender relations, the history of economic ideas, studies onagriculture and early industrialization, etc., the department will have further strengthened itsexpertise especially in relation to international research in five different areas. As noted in A1this development with regard to several of these five areas will be enhanced in relation to thecross-disciplinary centres that have been established at the department. The ordering below ofthe five different themes does not imply any order of priority between them.First, the department will continue to develop research in business and financial history with abase in UCBH, which to some extent was a result of the last KOF. Within this field furtherresearch on Swedish big business in the 20 th century as well on the changes taking place in theSwedish financial markets since 1945 – in comparison with other countries – can beenvisaged. So far research within UCBH and at the department has mainly concentrated onSwedish topics. However, at the moment there is a strong emphasis on increasingcollaboration with international research mileus, including the Nordic countries, Switzerland,Italy and the UK. This will be further developed in the coming years.Secondly, the department will enhance its research activities concerning working life and thelabour market. Also in this field attempts will be made to establish a cross-disciplinaryresearch seminar as well as projects together with other disciplines within the Faculty ofSocial Sciences as well as with researchers within the Faculties of Medicine andPharmacology. The department’s continued research expertise concerning the effects of EUregulations and international trends for the development of labour markets and welfaresystems will be strengthened. Here research activities can also build on different crossdisciplinaryprojects and programs that have existed at the department since the late 1990’s,especially within the SALTSA-programme and the doctoral school “Swedish model intransition”. The department hosts one of the major international journals concerning workinglife and work organization, Economic and Industrial Economy. In the future this will providea stable foundation for our own activities at the department. In connection with this, one canalso note the collaboration developed between Uppsala University and other Swedish majorresearch centres with the University of Tokyo on the Ageing Society which the departmenthosts. The issue of ageing includes ong>aspectsong> such as the future of the present welfare systemsboth in Sweden and globally, as well as how the labour market will be organised in the futuregiven the dramatic demographic changes that will occur.2011-02-28 Dept of Economic History v 1.0

Uppsala University 5<str<strong>on</strong>g>KoF11</str<strong>on</strong>g>A3. Describe the most promising <strong>research</strong> directi<strong>on</strong>s for the department in aperspective of 5-10 years. Give an account for how the accomplishment of successfulpursuit of these <strong>research</strong> directi<strong>on</strong>s would be attained, and what indicators would berelevant, e.g. in terms of proporti<strong>on</strong> between different categories of <strong>research</strong>ers andother pers<strong>on</strong>nel.In a five or ten year perspective the department will have developed and strengthened its<strong>research</strong> base, especially with regard to the fields that were menti<strong>on</strong>ed under A1. Besideskeeping up a wide <strong>research</strong> agenda that still includes a variety of different subjects, especiallyperhaps development studies, gender relati<strong>on</strong>s, the history of ec<strong>on</strong>omic ideas, studies <strong>on</strong>agriculture and early industrializati<strong>on</strong>, etc., the department will have further strengthened itsexpertise especially in relati<strong>on</strong> to internati<strong>on</strong>al <strong>research</strong> in five different areas. As noted in A1this development with regard to several of these five areas will be enhanced in relati<strong>on</strong> to thecross-disciplinary centres that have been established at the department. The ordering below ofthe five different themes does not imply any order of priority between them.First, the department will c<strong>on</strong>tinue to develop <strong>research</strong> in business and financial history with abase in UCBH, which to some extent was a result of the last KOF. Within this field further<strong>research</strong> <strong>on</strong> Swedish big business in the 20 th century as well <strong>on</strong> the changes taking place in theSwedish financial markets since 1945 – in comparis<strong>on</strong> with other countries – can beenvisaged. So far <strong>research</strong> within UCBH and at the department has mainly c<strong>on</strong>centrated <strong>on</strong>Swedish topics. However, at the moment there is a str<strong>on</strong>g emphasis <strong>on</strong> increasingcollaborati<strong>on</strong> with internati<strong>on</strong>al <strong>research</strong> mileus, including the Nordic countries, Switzerland,Italy and the UK. This will be further developed in the coming years.Sec<strong>on</strong>dly, the department will enhance its <strong>research</strong> activities c<strong>on</strong>cerning working life and thelabour market. Also in this field attempts will be made to establish a cross-disciplinary<strong>research</strong> seminar as well as projects together with other disciplines within the Faculty ofSocial Sciences as well as with <strong>research</strong>ers within the Faculties of Medicine andPharmacology. The department’s c<strong>on</strong>tinued <strong>research</strong> expertise c<strong>on</strong>cerning the effects of EUregulati<strong>on</strong>s and internati<strong>on</strong>al trends for the development of labour markets and welfaresystems will be strengthened. Here <strong>research</strong> activities can also build <strong>on</strong> different crossdisciplinaryprojects and programs that have existed at the department since the late 1990’s,especially within the SALTSA-programme and the doctoral school “Swedish model intransiti<strong>on</strong>”. The department hosts <strong>on</strong>e of the major internati<strong>on</strong>al journals c<strong>on</strong>cerning workinglife and work organizati<strong>on</strong>, Ec<strong>on</strong>omic and Industrial Ec<strong>on</strong>omy. In the future this will providea stable foundati<strong>on</strong> for our own activities at the department. In c<strong>on</strong>necti<strong>on</strong> with this, <strong>on</strong>e canalso note the collaborati<strong>on</strong> developed between Uppsala University and other Swedish major<strong>research</strong> centres with the University of Tokyo <strong>on</strong> the Ageing Society which the departmenthosts. The issue of ageing includes <str<strong>on</strong>g>aspects</str<strong>on</strong>g> such as the future of the present welfare systemsboth in Sweden and globally, as well as how the labour market will be organised in the futuregiven the dramatic demographic changes that will occur.2011-02-28 Dept of Ec<strong>on</strong>omic History v 1.0

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