Evaluation document, KoF11 Part A: Strategic aspects on research ...

Evaluation document, KoF11 Part A: Strategic aspects on research ... Evaluation document, KoF11 Part A: Strategic aspects on research ...


Uppsala University 9ong>KoF11ong>EntrepreneurshipOne particularly successful research program concerns processes of technological renewaland the diffusion of technological capabilities within the multinational corporation. Ongoingresearch efforts explore the conditions and processes that explain the emergence of“superstar” foreign subsidiaries, as well as largely neglected longitudinal trends in theemergence and diffusion of new technological capabilities across advanced foreignsubsidiaries of the multinational network.As for the Department as a whole, our ambition is to remain among the very top departmentsof Företagsekonomi in the Nordic countries.A3.IntroductionWe believe that promising future research directions will be found in each of the areas wherethe Department has developed a critical mass of research and special competence. Research atthe Department is governed by five principles that have successfully been applied so far andthat will continue to guide our future work.First, in an era where there is a strong belief that quality can easily be translated into quantity,we strive for true quality in research. Our ambition is to provide genuinely new knowledgethat is of high theoretical and societal relevance. We emphasize innovativeness – we put moreemphasis on the task of bringing new perspectives into various fields of research than onrefining existing perspectives. Although this strategy leads to a reasonable number of highqualitytexts being published in widely distributed media, we are aware that the strategy isprobably not the optimal one should the purpose be to score high on popular quantitativemetrics of research success.Second, we believe in concentration and a long-term perspective. We believe that quality andinnovativeness are fostered by investments in large and long-term research efforts onparticular issues. We organize for long-term teamwork on carefully selected researchproblems.Third, we emphasize the importance of deep and extensive empirical studies as the main basisfor theory development. Such empirical studies tend to be time-consuming but they arecrucial for developing high-quality research.Fourth, we think that it is important to exploit the fact that research in the Department coversa broad range of issues. Although we build on specialized research teams, we endeavour tocontinue keeping the existing high level of interaction and dialogue among these teams. Suchdialogue favours both quality and innovativeness and often leads to new research projectswhere knowledge and competence from various subfields are combined in a fruitful way.Finally, our aim is not only to produce high-quality research but also to develop highlyqualified scholars, whether they remain at our department or complete their careers elsewhere.Such efforts are directed not only at our doctoral students but also at our young faculty. Wewish to recruit excellent scholars who can strongly contribute to our research themes andmissions – excellence per se is not enough.2011-02-28 Dept of Business Studies v 1.0

Uppsala University 10ong>KoF11ong>Several groups at the Department of Business Studies have recently started exploring theconsequences of fundamental transformations within their respective fields of research. Insome cases, these transformations reflect the stagnation of traditional areas of research and theassociated need for exploration of new and additional paths of research. They also find theirorigins in ongoing and sometimes radical changes in the empirical domain, necessitating there-examination of traditional concepts and assumptions in the established literatures.Typically, breaking new paths in established and mature fields of research is an uncertain andlong-term endeavour. From this perspective, collegial support and the sharing of experiencesfrom attempts to change often ingrained notions provide an important strength in ongoing andfuture research efforts.The aim of our research groups is to continue to conduct research within the successful areasdiscussed in the sections A1-A2. However, over the next 5-10 years we recognize interestingopportunities to initiate research programmes that span across our existing research themes.We discuss below some research issues that would be included in such programmes.Global transformationThe Department has historically made important contributions to our understanding ofprocesses of internationalization and globalization. Such processes are still very much infocus for current research activities. Globalization is a highly dynamic phenomenon thatcomes in ever-new forms. It tends to affect and even transform all kinds of organizations. Toa great extent, globalization is the result of activities of a growing number of MNCs andinternational organizations. Furthermore, transnational activities such as standardization,ranking and accreditation can be described as organizing activities in themselves andfruitfully be analysed with the help of organizational concepts.We also recognize that we know very little about the dynamics caused by theinternationalization of companies originating from countries with rapid industrial expansion,for example India and China. Are these companies internationalizing and conducting theirmarket activities differently as compared to western companies, and are they dealing with thesame obstacles and adopting the same type of solutions as compared to companies that startedtheir international market expansion many decades ago? Moreover, what is the relativeimportance of business with companies in those countries; what roles do they play ininternational financial crises, and the development of daily business? Another area concernsthe areas of management control and corporate governance. Interesting ong>aspectsong> are the role ofthe control system and the governance regime, and how these affect the relationship betweenthe headquarters and the subsidiaries, and how companies that originate from rapidlyindustrializing countries are managed and governed as they establish into more advancedeconomies. Another intriguing issue concerns the role of experience in the management ofsuch companies, which has played a main role in traditional research within internationalbusiness literature.While a large part of the world’s domestic economies are in transition from state planning andownership to a more capitalistic market society, similar trends can also be observed in anumber of western countries. Through privatizations or decentralization in sectors such ashealthcare or higher education, new markets emerge for global competition; there is anincreasing interest for practices such as “branding”, “reputation management” and “strategic2011-02-28 Dept of Business Studies v 1.0

Uppsala University 9<str<strong>on</strong>g>KoF11</str<strong>on</strong>g>EntrepreneurshipOne particularly successful <strong>research</strong> program c<strong>on</strong>cerns processes of technological renewaland the diffusi<strong>on</strong> of technological capabilities within the multinati<strong>on</strong>al corporati<strong>on</strong>. Ongoing<strong>research</strong> efforts explore the c<strong>on</strong>diti<strong>on</strong>s and processes that explain the emergence of“superstar” foreign subsidiaries, as well as largely neglected l<strong>on</strong>gitudinal trends in theemergence and diffusi<strong>on</strong> of new technological capabilities across advanced foreignsubsidiaries of the multinati<strong>on</strong>al network.As for the Department as a whole, our ambiti<strong>on</strong> is to remain am<strong>on</strong>g the very top departmentsof Företagsek<strong>on</strong>omi in the Nordic countries.A3.Introducti<strong>on</strong>We believe that promising future <strong>research</strong> directi<strong>on</strong>s will be found in each of the areas wherethe Department has developed a critical mass of <strong>research</strong> and special competence. Research atthe Department is governed by five principles that have successfully been applied so far andthat will c<strong>on</strong>tinue to guide our future work.First, in an era where there is a str<strong>on</strong>g belief that quality can easily be translated into quantity,we strive for true quality in <strong>research</strong>. Our ambiti<strong>on</strong> is to provide genuinely new knowledgethat is of high theoretical and societal relevance. We emphasize innovativeness – we put moreemphasis <strong>on</strong> the task of bringing new perspectives into various fields of <strong>research</strong> than <strong>on</strong>refining existing perspectives. Although this strategy leads to a reas<strong>on</strong>able number of highqualitytexts being published in widely distributed media, we are aware that the strategy isprobably not the optimal <strong>on</strong>e should the purpose be to score high <strong>on</strong> popular quantitativemetrics of <strong>research</strong> success.Sec<strong>on</strong>d, we believe in c<strong>on</strong>centrati<strong>on</strong> and a l<strong>on</strong>g-term perspective. We believe that quality andinnovativeness are fostered by investments in large and l<strong>on</strong>g-term <strong>research</strong> efforts <strong>on</strong>particular issues. We organize for l<strong>on</strong>g-term teamwork <strong>on</strong> carefully selected <strong>research</strong>problems.Third, we emphasize the importance of deep and extensive empirical studies as the main basisfor theory development. Such empirical studies tend to be time-c<strong>on</strong>suming but they arecrucial for developing high-quality <strong>research</strong>.Fourth, we think that it is important to exploit the fact that <strong>research</strong> in the Department coversa broad range of issues. Although we build <strong>on</strong> specialized <strong>research</strong> teams, we endeavour toc<strong>on</strong>tinue keeping the existing high level of interacti<strong>on</strong> and dialogue am<strong>on</strong>g these teams. Suchdialogue favours both quality and innovativeness and often leads to new <strong>research</strong> projectswhere knowledge and competence from various subfields are combined in a fruitful way.Finally, our aim is not <strong>on</strong>ly to produce high-quality <strong>research</strong> but also to develop highlyqualified scholars, whether they remain at our department or complete their careers elsewhere.Such efforts are directed not <strong>on</strong>ly at our doctoral students but also at our young faculty. Wewish to recruit excellent scholars who can str<strong>on</strong>gly c<strong>on</strong>tribute to our <strong>research</strong> themes andmissi<strong>on</strong>s – excellence per se is not enough.2011-02-28 Dept of Business Studies v 1.0

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