Letter to shareholders FY08 - Nobel Biocare Corporate

Letter to shareholders FY08 - Nobel Biocare Corporate

Letter to shareholders FY08 - Nobel Biocare Corporate


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Dear Shareholders,2008 was a year of major economicdisorder, at times on a dramatic scale.Whole industries and many companiesexperienced difficult developments.A number of companies had <strong>to</strong> realignthemselves – including <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong>.<strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> posted revenues ofEUR 619.2 million and net profit ofEUR 109.7 million in 2008. We are notsatisfied with this result, as it came inbelow our original expectations. To alarge extent this result reflects the developmentsof the economy – which alsoimpacted us. But it also reflects theextensive realignment that we embarkedupon last year. The decline in profitabilityis largely attributable <strong>to</strong> the temporarylack of economies of scale; these willbe effective again when sales pick up.However, despite demanding conditions,we strengthened our balance sheetand further improved cash flow. That isespecially important in difficult timeslike these: it demonstrates that yourcompany, <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong>, remains on asolid financial foundation, is profitable,and prepared for the future.The broad realignment we are undertakinghas kept <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong>’s managementand workforce busy in 2008. It hasalready produced some initial results:for example, <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> was able <strong>to</strong>quickly improve its reputation in certainmarkets. Without a doubt, we are ontrack <strong>to</strong> again becoming the benchmarkin the industry, as the leading providerof science-based innovations and excellentproduct quality. The culture of opendialog, much valued by management,is also very well received by cus<strong>to</strong>mersand opinion leaders. This – alongwith the successful launch of the new<strong>Nobel</strong>Active implant – helped <strong>Nobel</strong><strong>Biocare</strong> <strong>to</strong> consolidate its cus<strong>to</strong>mer baseacross all regions, even though this isnot immediately apparent in the salesfigures for 2008.In North America, improving salesmo mentum was negatively impactedwhen the escalating financial crisis hitwith full force at the end of the thirdquarter. We pointed out over a year agothat developments in the financial andhousing markets might impact our ownbusiness. We <strong>to</strong>o were surprised byits pace and intensity. In Europe, wherecorrective measures are beginning <strong>to</strong>take hold, revenues for 2008 nonethelesscame in below expectations. Asia continued<strong>to</strong> achieve revenue growth in 2008,yet could not entirely escape the downwardeconomic trend <strong>to</strong>ward the end ofthe year. Emerging markets like Russia,India and China continued <strong>to</strong> achievegrowth rates in double digits.We are confident that the initiatives ofthe past year will bring results in 2009.<strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> tackled the realignmentbroadly, energetically, and resolutely.Implementation progressed well: in thefirst half of the year we acquired Alpha-Bio Tec, an Israeli company. We strengthenedmanagement and sales force, andprofessionalized processes. In themedium term, this acquisition also se curesour access <strong>to</strong> some of the fastestgrowingsegments of the implant market,like orthodontic mini-screws and smalldiameterimplants. This acquisition alsosubstantially strengthens our marketpresence in Israel and various countriesin Eastern Europe and Latin America. Inthe second half we turned our attention<strong>to</strong> advancing the product offering and

optimizing cost structure. We acquiredBioCad, the leader in prosthetic software,and joined in partnerships with technologyleaders like Optimet and ISI. Thus,in the spring of 2009, <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong>will be in position <strong>to</strong> provide cus<strong>to</strong>merswith the broadest offering of implants,prosthetic products and materials, leadingscanner technology, prosthetic anddiagnostic software, treatment planningand guided surgery applications.Also key in 2008 was the continuousand open dialog with cus<strong>to</strong>mers,regula<strong>to</strong>rs and medical associations.Improving our reputation in all marketsand strengthening cus<strong>to</strong>mer relationshipsis a core concern of management.The change of style at <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong>has been appreciated by cus<strong>to</strong>mers anddental associations.<strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> formulated its scientificand clinical standards with further clarity,<strong>to</strong> meet the highest standards. The standardsthat new products must achievein tests and clinical studies were sethigher. The launch of <strong>Nobel</strong> Active in thefirst half of 2008 <strong>to</strong>ok place followingnew standards. With more than 130’000implants sold so far, the product hasexceeded our expectations and is alreadythe most successful product launch <strong>to</strong>date by <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong>. The innovativetechnology in <strong>Nobel</strong> Active comes fromAlpha-Bio Tec.Three experienced executives joined the<strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> management team, all ofthem highly qualified and experienced:Dirk W. Kirsten (Chief Financial Officer),Hans Schmotzer (Executive Vice PresidentResearch and Development), andAlexander Ochsner (Vice President andGeneral Manager EMEA). Additionalpersonnel was also recruited furtherdown the management hierarchy, andthe sales organization was substantiallystrengthened. Overall, headcountgrew by 13 percent, or 299 employees.It is satisfying <strong>to</strong> see how effective<strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> is at attracting leadingindustry experts and good salespeople– these people are convinced thatthe company is on the right track.<strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> again conducted a focusedhiring program in 2008; we wish <strong>to</strong>emerge from the current economic crisisas a stronger company. That sameobjective drives our continued improvemen<strong>to</strong>f our product portfolio. We aim<strong>to</strong> advance our <strong>to</strong>p position in implantsand use <strong>Nobel</strong> Procera <strong>to</strong> extend ourleading offering in prosthetic solutions.We also want <strong>to</strong> be a pioneer and shapethe trend of digital dentistry. Of course,the current focus is also on cost-efficiency,improving our competitiveness andprofitability. All that requires endurance.We have already achieved some majormiles<strong>to</strong>nes, and are confident of graduallyputting <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> back on trackin 2009 for sustained future growth.There is substantial growth potential inthe markets for dental implants as wellas all-ceramic prosthetic solutions likecrowns, bridges and laminates, andnot least in the increasing digitalizationof dentistry. <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> has leadingproducts and innovative solutions ineach of these promising areas. The companyoperates in one of the most attrac -tive segments in healthcare: in themarket for res<strong>to</strong>rative and esthetic dentalreplacement. <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> remainsthe worldwide number 1 and has thepotential <strong>to</strong> strengthen this position.

Furthermore, <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> is leadingin its commitment <strong>to</strong> research anddevelopment. We also protect our innovationswith the most comprehensivepatent portfolio in the industry. No othercompany in the industry has morecus<strong>to</strong>mers, wider geographic coverage,or a more comprehensive productrange. All this will become apparentwhen the measures already implementeddevelop their full effect. At that pointwe will witness a return of confidencethat <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> is definitely a goodinvestment.We thank you, our <strong>shareholders</strong>, foryour loyalty throughout a particularlydifficult year. We appreciate that this isnot <strong>to</strong> be taken for granted, and weare doing everything in our power <strong>to</strong>justify your loyalty by advancing andstrengthening our company. On behalfof the Board of Direc<strong>to</strong>rs and themanagement team, special thanks go<strong>to</strong> all our employees whose majorcommitment, loyalty and convictiondrive the realignment. Our thanks alsogo <strong>to</strong> cus<strong>to</strong>mers for their partnership,and <strong>to</strong> patients for their trust.The value of a company is the sum ofthe quality of its products and their benefit<strong>to</strong> cus<strong>to</strong>mers, the knowledge and commitmen<strong>to</strong>f its employees, and the trustvested in it. In this respect we achievedmuch in 2008. Yet this was not reflectedin the development of <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong>’sshare price. The extent <strong>to</strong> which ourmarket capitalization suffered over theprevious year bears no relation <strong>to</strong> ourmarket leadership, our potential, or<strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong>’s strong balance sheet.For all that and particularly for the initiativeslaunched in 2008, <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong>continues <strong>to</strong> be the clear leader in thislong-term attractive market.Rolf SoironChairman of the BoardDomenico ScalaChief Executive Officer

Selected financialsin EUR million Full year 2008 Full year 2007 Growthin %Revenue 619.2 665.9 -7.0Revenue growth in local currencies at CER (%) –4.2 15.4Gross margin (%) 79.7 84.0Operating expenses in % of revenue 58.3 51.4Return on equity (%) 41.6 49.8Gross profit 493.6 559.3 -11.7Profit from operations (EBIT) 132.9 216.7 -38.7Operating (EBIT) margin (%) 21.5 32.5Profit before tax 159.4 212.0 -24.8Profit margin (%) 17.7 25.0Basic earnings per share, EUR 0.90 1.35 -33.3Non-current assets 275.1 195.8 40.5Current assets 422.4 460.0 -8.2Total equity 267.6 267.9 -0.1Total assets 697.5 655.8 6.4Cash and cash equivalents incl. bank overdraft 163.4 186.2 -12.2Net cash from operating activities 169.0 134.1 26.0Investments in property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 30.4 24.9 22.1Employees at end of period 2’541 2’242 13.3Regional revenue splitin EUR millionFull year2008Full year2007CERGrowth2007–2008Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)* 289.4 314.9 –6.8%Proportion of <strong>to</strong>tal revenue 47% 47%North America 200.0 227.7 –6.3%Proportion of <strong>to</strong>tal revenue 32% 34%Asia/Pacific 109.5 99.2 9.4%Proportion of <strong>to</strong>tal revenue 18% 15%Latin America/Rest of the world* 20.3 24.1 –10.5%Proportion of <strong>to</strong>tal revenue 3% 4%Total 619.2 665.9 –4.2%*2007 restated <strong>to</strong> reflect management structureThe complete full year 2008 financial report can be downloaded at the <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> website:http://inves<strong>to</strong>r.nobelbiocare.com/

<strong>Corporate</strong><strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> Holding AGP.O. Box, 8058 Zurich-FlughafenSwitzerlandPhone +41 43 211 42 00Fax +41 43 211 42 42Inves<strong>to</strong>r RelationsSüha DemokanHead of Inves<strong>to</strong>r RelationsPhone +41 43 211 42 30suha.demokan@nobelbiocare.comMedia RelationsNicolas WeidmannVP Global CommunicationsPhone +41 43 211 42 80nicolas.weidmann@nobelbiocare.comThis letter <strong>to</strong> <strong>shareholders</strong> contains forward-looking statementsbased on beliefs of <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong>‘s management.When used in this document, words such as “anticipate”,“believe”, “estimate”, “expect”, “intend”, “plan” and “project”are intended <strong>to</strong> identify forward-looking statements.They may involve risks and uncertainties, including technologicaladvances in the medical field, product demandand market acceptance, the effect of economic conditions,the impact of competitive products and pricing, foreigncurrency exchange rates and other risks. These forwardlookingstatements reflect the views of <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> as ofthe date made with respect <strong>to</strong> future events and are subject<strong>to</strong> risks and uncertainties. All of these forward-lookingstatements are based on estimates and assumptions madeby management of the company and are believed <strong>to</strong> bereasonable, though are inherently uncertain and difficult <strong>to</strong>predict. Actual results or experience could differ materiallyfrom the forward-looking statements. <strong>Nobel</strong> <strong>Biocare</strong> disclaimsany intention or obligation <strong>to</strong> update these forwardlookingstatements.www.nobelbiocare.com

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