Amoebas, Monge-Amp`ere measures and triangulations of the ...

Amoebas, Monge-Amp`ere measures and triangulations of the ...

Amoebas, Monge-Amp`ere measures and triangulations of the ...


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Electronic versions <strong>of</strong> this document are available athttp://www.matematik.su.se/reports/2000/10Date <strong>of</strong> publication: June 21, 20001991 Ma<strong>the</strong>matics Subject Classification: Primary 32A07 Secondary 32A05, 26A51,52B20.Postal address:Department <strong>of</strong> Ma<strong>the</strong>maticsStockholm UniversityS-106 91 StockholmSwedenElectronic addresses:http://www.matematik.su.seinfo@matematik.su.se

Pro<strong>of</strong>. The linear function c α +〈α, x〉 coincides with N f on an open set, hencec α + 〈α, x〉 ≤ N f (x) for all x. Taking <strong>the</strong> supremum over all α in A proves part(i). If E α denotes <strong>the</strong> component <strong>of</strong> Ω \ A f <strong>of</strong> order α, <strong>the</strong>nc α + 〈α, x〉 ≤ S(x) = N f (x) = c α + 〈α, x〉, for x ∈ E α ,which shows that E α ⊂ {α} ∗ . Since grad N f = β in E β we have a strictinequality c α + 〈α, x〉 < N f (x) = S(x) for x ∈ E β <strong>and</strong> all β ≠ α, whichimplies that E α = {α} ∗ \ A f . If x ∈ S f <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong>re exist α, β ∈ A such thatx ∈ {α} ∗ ∩ {β} ∗ ⊂ Ω \ ⋃ γ≠α E γ \ ⋃ γ≠β E γ = A f . Finally we note that <strong>the</strong>connected components <strong>of</strong> Ω \ S f are precisely <strong>the</strong> sets {α} ∗ . Let us now turn to <strong>the</strong> question <strong>of</strong> how to compute <strong>the</strong> coefficients c α correspondingto a given Laurent polynomial f. If Γ is a face <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Newton polytope<strong>of</strong> f(z) = ∑ α∈C w αz α , where C denotes a finite subset <strong>of</strong> Z n , let f| Γ denote<strong>the</strong> truncation <strong>of</strong> f to Γ, that is f| Γ (z) = ∑ α∈Γ w αz α . It is well known thatwhen α ∈ Γ ∩ Z n , <strong>the</strong> complement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> amoeba <strong>of</strong> f has a component <strong>of</strong> orderα precisely if <strong>the</strong> complement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> amoeba <strong>of</strong> f| Γ does (see [3] Prop. 2.6 <strong>and</strong>also [4]).Proposition 2. Let f be a Laurent polynomial <strong>and</strong> let Γ be a face <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Newtonpolytope <strong>of</strong> f. If α ∈ Γ <strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> complement <strong>of</strong> A f has a component <strong>of</strong> order α,<strong>the</strong>n c α (f) = c α (f| Γ ). In particular, if α is a vertex <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Newton polytope <strong>of</strong>f, <strong>the</strong>n c α = log |w α |.Pro<strong>of</strong>. Take an outward normal v to <strong>the</strong> Newton polytope at Γ. If α ∈ Γ <strong>and</strong>x is in <strong>the</strong> component <strong>of</strong> R n \ A f <strong>of</strong> order α, it is known that x + tv is also inthat component for all t > 0. Thereforec α (f) − c α (f| Γ ) = 1(2πi)∫Log n logf(z)dz 1 . . . dz n∣−1 (x+tv) f| Γ (z) ∣ .z 1 . . . z n<strong>and</strong> here <strong>the</strong> integr<strong>and</strong> clearly tends to 0 when t → ∞. To fur<strong>the</strong>r describe <strong>the</strong> dependence <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> coefficients c α on <strong>the</strong> polynomialf(z) = ∑ α∈C w αz α it is useful to introduce <strong>the</strong> functionsΦ α (w) = 1log(f(z)/z(2πi)∫Log α ) dz 1 . . . dz nn , (5)−1 (x) z 1 . . . z nwhere x is in <strong>the</strong> component <strong>of</strong> order α. This means that c α = Re Φ α . Noticethat Φ α is a holomorphic function in <strong>the</strong> coefficients w with values in C/2πiZ,defined whenever <strong>the</strong> complement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> amoeba <strong>of</strong> f has a component <strong>of</strong> orderα.Example. Suppose f(z) = (z + a 1 ) . . . (z + a N ) = w 0 + . . . + w N−1 z N−1 + z Nis a polynomial in one variable. Let 0 ≤ k ≤ N <strong>and</strong> assume that 0 < |a 1 |

. . . < |a k | < r < |a k+1 | < . . . < |a N |. Then one finds thatΦ k (w) = 1 ∫2πik∑∫==j=1N∑j=k+1|z|=r|z|=rlog(f(z)/z k )dzzlog((z + a j )/z)dzz+log a j = log(a k+1 . . . a N ).N∑j=k+1∫|z|=rlog(z + a j )dzzIn this case, we observe that Φ k (w) may be continued as a finitely branchedholomorphic function, whose branches correspond to various permutations <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> roots <strong>of</strong> f. Incidentally, <strong>the</strong> sum <strong>of</strong> all branches <strong>of</strong> exp Φ k (w) is equal to w k .We now return to <strong>the</strong> general case <strong>and</strong> show that <strong>the</strong> functions Φ α verynearly satisfy a system <strong>of</strong> GKZ hypergeometric equations. We remark that <strong>the</strong>functions Φ α , or ra<strong>the</strong>r ∂Φ α /∂w α were used in [2] in <strong>the</strong> study <strong>of</strong> constant termsin powers <strong>of</strong> Laurent polynomials. The main result was obtained by showing,essentially, that <strong>the</strong> second term in <strong>the</strong> representation (6) is non-constant alongevery complex line parallel to <strong>the</strong> w α axis, provided that α is not a vertex <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> Newton polytope <strong>of</strong> f.Theorem 2. Let f(z) = ∑ γ∈C w γz γ be a Laurent polynomial with C being afixed finite subset <strong>of</strong> Z n . Then <strong>the</strong> holomorphic functions Φ α have <strong>the</strong> powerseries expansionwhereΦ α (w) = log w α + ∑ (−k α − 1)!k∈K α∏β≠α k β! (−1)kα−1 w k , (6)K α = {k ∈ Z C ; k α < 0, k β ≥ 0 if β ≠ α, ∑ γk γ = 0, ∑ γγk γ = 0}. (7)The series converges for example when |w α | > ∑ β≠α |w β|. Moreover, Φ α satisfies<strong>the</strong> differential equations∑∑(∂ u − ∂ v )Φ α = 0 if (u γ − v γ ) = 0 <strong>and</strong> γ(u γ − v γ ) = 0 (8)γγ<strong>and</strong>∑w γ ∂ γ Φ α = 1 (9)γ∑γw γ ∂ γ Φ α = α. (10)γHere we have used <strong>the</strong> notation ∂ γ = ∂/∂w γ <strong>and</strong> ∂ u for u ∈ N C is <strong>the</strong> obviousmultiindex notation for a higher partial derivative.6

Pro<strong>of</strong>.∑Let M be an invertible n×n matrix with integer entries <strong>and</strong> let f(z) =∑α a αz α be any Laurent polynomial. Define a new Laurent polynomial Mf =α a αz Mα where a multiindex α is regarded as a column vector. It is notdifficult to show that <strong>the</strong> linear mapping x ↦→ M T x (where T denotes transpose)takes <strong>the</strong> amoeba <strong>of</strong> Mf onto <strong>the</strong> amoeba <strong>of</strong> f.Now let f be <strong>the</strong> special polynomial in <strong>the</strong> proposition <strong>and</strong> consider M whichmap <strong>the</strong> Newton polytope <strong>of</strong> f onto a translate <strong>of</strong> itself. The set <strong>of</strong> such Mcan be identified with <strong>the</strong> symmetric group S n+1 via its action on <strong>the</strong> vertices.Then Mf coincides with f up to an invertible factor, hence <strong>the</strong>y have <strong>the</strong> sameamoeba. In particular, M T maps <strong>the</strong> component <strong>of</strong> order (1, . . . , 1) in <strong>the</strong>complement <strong>of</strong> A f (if it exists) onto itself. If x is any point in that component,<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> convex hull <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> points M T x, where M ranges over S n+1 , contains<strong>the</strong> origin. Since every component in <strong>the</strong> complement <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> amoeba is convex,it follows that <strong>the</strong> component <strong>of</strong> order (1, . . . , 1) contains <strong>the</strong> origin. Conversely,if some component E contains <strong>the</strong> origin, <strong>the</strong>n M T E also contains <strong>the</strong> origin<strong>and</strong> hence coincides with E. This implies that E has order (1, . . . , 1).Now, <strong>the</strong> amoeba <strong>of</strong> f contains <strong>the</strong> origin precisely ifa = −(1 + z1 n+1 + . . . + znn+1 )/z 1 . . . z nwith |z 1 | = . . . = |z n | = 1, or equivalently,−a ∈ {t 0 + . . . + t n ; |t 0 | = . . . = |t n | = 1, t 0 . . . t n = 1}. We depict <strong>the</strong> sets K n for a few small values <strong>of</strong> n. Note that <strong>the</strong> cusps on <strong>the</strong>boundary correspond to polynomials with singular hypersurfaces.Figure 2: The sets K n for n = 2 <strong>and</strong> 3.Let us in particular consider <strong>the</strong> case n = 2. The coefficients c α are equal to0 when α is a vertex <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Newton polytope whilec (1,1) = log |a| + Re ∑ k>0(3k − 1)!(k!) 3 (−1) k−1 a −3kwhen |a| > 3, by Theorem 2. In fact it can easily be checked that <strong>the</strong> seriesconverges even when |a| = 3. What happens with <strong>the</strong> spine when a approaches<strong>the</strong> boundary <strong>of</strong> K 2 from <strong>the</strong> outside? For example, when a → −3 a numerical8

˜M(u 1 , . . . , u n ) is a positive measure which depends multilinearly on <strong>the</strong> argumentsu j . We call ˜M <strong>the</strong> mixed real <strong>Monge</strong>-Ampère operator.The real <strong>Monge</strong>-Ampère operator is related to its complex counterpart asfollows. Suppose u 1 , . . . , u n are smooth convex functions on <strong>the</strong> domain Ω.Let U 1 , . . . , U n be plurisubharmonic functions on Log −1 (Ω) defined by U j (z) =u j (Log z). Then∫∫n! ˜M(u 1 , . . . , u n ) = dd c U 1 ∧ . . . ∧ dd c U n (12)ELog −1 (E)where d c = (∂ − ¯∂)/2πi. This remains true if one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> functions U j , say U 1 , isallowed to be an arbitrary smooth plurisubharmonic function in Log −1 (Ω), u 1being defined byu 1 (x) = 1U 1 (z)dz 1 . . . dz n(2πi)∫Log n .−1 (x) z 1 . . . z nMore generally, if U 1 , . . . , U n are arbitrary smooth plurisubharmonic functionson Log −1 (Ω), <strong>and</strong><strong>the</strong>n∫n!E˜M(u 1 , . . . , u n ) =u j (x) = 1U j (z)dz 1 . . . dz n(2πi)∫Log n (13)−1 (x) z 1 . . . z n∫T n2 ∫dd c U 1 (t (1) z) ∧ . . . ∧ dd c U n (t (n) z)dλ(t).Log −1 (E)(14)Here T n2 denotes <strong>the</strong> real n 2 -dimensional torus {t = (t (k)j ); |t (k)j | = 1, j, k =1, . . . n} equipped with <strong>the</strong> usual normalized Haar measure λ, <strong>and</strong> each t (k) =(t (k)1 , . . . , t(k) n ) acts on C n by componentwise multiplication. These formulascan be checked by direct computation. A pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> (12) when u 1 = . . . =u n can be found in [6]. The general case follows by polarization since bothsides are multilinear. Formula (14) follows by reversing <strong>the</strong> order <strong>of</strong> integrationon <strong>the</strong> right. Since <strong>the</strong> inner integral is constant along certain n dimensionalsubmanifolds <strong>of</strong> T n2 it is actually possible to omit some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> variables in <strong>the</strong>outer integration. This also proves <strong>the</strong> generalised version <strong>of</strong> (12) with U 1 anarbitrary smooth plurisubharmonic function.Theorem 4. Let E be any Borel set in Ω, <strong>and</strong> let ∆ denote <strong>the</strong> Laplace operator.Then∫ ∫(n − 1)! ∆N f =ω n−1ELog −1 (E)∩f −1 (0)where ω = (|z 1 | −2 d¯z 1 ∧ dz 1 + . . . + |z n | −2 d¯z n ∧ dz n )/2πi.Pro<strong>of</strong>. If u is any convex function, <strong>the</strong>n ∆u = n ˜M(u, |x| 2 , . . . , |x| 2 ) <strong>and</strong> ω =dd c | Log z| 2 . Since dd c log |f| is equal to <strong>the</strong> current <strong>of</strong> integration along f −1 (0)it follows from (12) that∫∫n! ∆N f = n dd c log |f| ∧ ω n−1E∫= nLog −1 (E)Log −1 (E)∩f −1 (0)ω n−1 .10

The following <strong>the</strong>orem can be thought <strong>of</strong> as a local analog <strong>of</strong> Bernstein’s<strong>the</strong>orem [1] relating <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> solutions to a system <strong>of</strong> polynomial equationsto <strong>the</strong> mixed volume <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>ir Newton polytopes.Theorem 5. Let f 1 , . . . , f n be holomorphic functions in Log −1 (Ω) <strong>and</strong> let E ⊂Ω be a Borel set. Then n! ˜M(N f1 , . . . , N fn )(E) is equal to <strong>the</strong> average number<strong>of</strong> solutions in Log −1 (E) to <strong>the</strong> system <strong>of</strong> equationsas t = (t (j)kf j (t (j)1 z 1, . . . , t (j)n z n ) = 0 j = 1, . . . , n (15)) ranges over <strong>the</strong> torus {t; |t(j) | = 1, j, k = 1, . . . , n}.kPro<strong>of</strong>. If U j are smooth plurisubharmonic functions which converge to log |f j |,<strong>the</strong>n u j defined by (13) converge to N fj . By <strong>the</strong> general properties <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> real<strong>Monge</strong>-Ampère operator this implies that ˜M(u1 , . . . , u n ) converges weakly to˜M(N f1 , . . . , N fn ). Also dd c U 1 (t (1) z) ∧ . . . ∧ dd c U n (t (n) z) converges weakly to<strong>the</strong> sum <strong>of</strong> point masses at <strong>the</strong> solutions <strong>of</strong> f 1 (t (1) z) = . . . = f n (t (n) z) = 0.Hence <strong>the</strong> <strong>the</strong>orem follows by passing to <strong>the</strong> limit in (14) if we only show that∫dd c U 1 (t (1) z) ∧ . . . ∧ dd c U n (t (n) z)Log −1 (E)remains uniformly bounded as U j → log |f j |. Here we may assume that E iscompact <strong>and</strong> that U j is <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> form U j = ψ(|f j |) where ψ will converge to log.Let f t (z) = (f 1 (t (1) z), . . . , f n (t (n) z)). Then f t (z) is a holomorphic functionin z <strong>and</strong> t defined for z in a neighbourhood <strong>of</strong> Log −1 (E) <strong>and</strong> t in a complexneighbourhood <strong>of</strong> T n2 . Using compactness arguments it is not difficult to showthat <strong>the</strong>re exists a constant C such that <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> solutions in Log −1 (E)to <strong>the</strong> equation f t (z) = w is bounded above by C for almost all t ∈ T n2 <strong>and</strong>w ∈ C n . Since η = dd c ψ(|w 1 |) ∧ . . . ∧ ψ(|w n |) induces a positive measure on C nwith total mass 1, it follows that∫0 ≤ ft ∗ η ≤ C<strong>and</strong> this completes <strong>the</strong> pro<strong>of</strong>. EIf E is a compact component <strong>of</strong> A f1 ∩ . . . ∩ A fn , <strong>the</strong>n for topological reasons,<strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> solutions to (15) in Log −1 (E) does not depend on t. Hence weobtain <strong>the</strong> following corollary.Corollary 1. Suppose K is a compact component <strong>of</strong> A f1 ∩ . . . ∩ A fn . Thenn! ˜M(N f1 , . . . , N fn )(K) is a positive integer, which is equal to <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong>solutions <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> system f 1 (z) = . . . = f n (z) = 0 in Log −1 (K).Let us now see what <strong>the</strong> measure µ f looks like in some specific cases. First, ifn = 1, <strong>the</strong> amoeba is a discrete point set <strong>and</strong> µ f is a sum <strong>of</strong> point masses. Moreprecisely, µ f ({x}) is equal to <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> zeros <strong>of</strong> f on <strong>the</strong> circle log |z| = x. In<strong>the</strong> case <strong>of</strong> two variables <strong>the</strong>re is an interesting estimate on <strong>the</strong> <strong>Monge</strong>-Ampèremeasure.Theorem 6. Let f be a holomorphic function in two variables defined on acircular domain Log −1 (Ω). Then µ f is greater than or equal to π −2 timesLebesgue measure on <strong>the</strong> amoeba <strong>of</strong> f.11

Pro<strong>of</strong>. We prove <strong>the</strong> inequality in a neighbourhood <strong>of</strong> a point x ∈ A f whereLog −1 (x) intersects f −1 (0) transversely in a finite number <strong>of</strong> points. Since thisis true for almost all x it will establish <strong>the</strong> inequality.Write log z j = x j + iy j for j = 1, 2 <strong>and</strong> assume that <strong>the</strong> hypersurface f −1 (0)is given locally as <strong>the</strong> union <strong>of</strong> graphs y = φ k (x). We shall express <strong>the</strong> Hessian<strong>of</strong> N f in terms <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> functions φ k .Differentiating <strong>the</strong> integral (1) defining N f with respect to x 1 we obtain∂N f∂x 11∂f/∂z 1 dz 1 dz 2= Re(2πi)∫Log 2 −1 (x) f(z)z 2= 1 ∫n(f(·, z 2 ), x 1 ) dz 22πi log |z 2|=x 2z 2= 12π∫ 2π0n(f(·, e x2+iy2 ), x 1 )dy 2 .Here n(f(·, z 2 ), x 1 ) is <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> zeros minus <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> poles <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>function z 1 ↦→ f(z 1 , z 2 ) inside <strong>the</strong> disc {log |z 1 | < x 1 } provided that it is meromorphicin that domain. In general, n(f(·, z 2 ), x 1 ) − n(f(·, z 2 , x ′ 1) is equal to<strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> zeros in <strong>the</strong> annulus {x ′ 1 < log |z 1| < x 1 } when x ′ 1 < x 1. Theintegr<strong>and</strong> in <strong>the</strong> last integral is a piecewise constant function with a jump <strong>of</strong>magnitude 1 at y 2 = φ k,2 (x). It follows that <strong>the</strong> gradient <strong>of</strong> ∂N f /∂x 1 is given bya sum <strong>of</strong> terms ±(2π) −1 grad φ k,2 . The correct sign <strong>of</strong> each term can be foundby observing that n(f(·, e x2+iy2 ), x 1 ) is increasing as a function <strong>of</strong> x 1 , hence all<strong>the</strong> terms contributing to ∂ 2 N f /∂x 2 1 should be positive. A similar computationapplies to ∂N f /∂x 2 .Assume now that f −1 (0) is given locally by an equationa log z 1 + b log z 2 + higher terms = constant.Solving for y in this equation yields that( )∂φ k∂x = 1 Re(a¯b) |b|2Im(a¯b) −|a| 2.− Re(a¯b)The crucial observation here is that( )∂φk,2 /∂x±1 ∂φ k,2 /∂x 2−∂φ k,1 /∂x 1 −∂φ k,1 /∂x 2(16)is a positive definite matrix with determinant 1, <strong>and</strong> that 2π Hess(N f ) is a sum<strong>of</strong> such matrices.The inequality now follows from <strong>the</strong> following lemma since Log −1 (x) intersectsf −1 (0) in at least two points for generic x in A f . Lemma. If A 1 , A 2 are 2 × 2 positive definite matrices, <strong>the</strong>n det(A 1 + A 2 ) ≥det A 1 + det A 2 + 2 √ det A 1 det A 2 . Equality holds if <strong>and</strong> only if A 1 <strong>and</strong> A 2 arereal multiples <strong>of</strong> one ano<strong>the</strong>r.Pro<strong>of</strong>. To see this, write A j = ( a j b j)b j c j<strong>and</strong> apply <strong>the</strong> Cauchy-Schwarz inequalityto <strong>the</strong> vectors (b j , a j c j − b 2 j ) to obtain b 1b 2 + √ det A 1 det A 2 ≤ √ a 1 a 2 c 1 c 2√.12

Then it follows that det(A 1 + A 2 ) − det A 1 − det A 2 = a 1 c 2 + c 1 a 2 − 2b 1 b 2 ≥2 √ a 1 a 2 c 1 c 2 − 2b 1 b 2 ≥ 2 √ det A 1 det A 2 . The conditions for equality are that(b 2 1, a 1 c 1 − b 2 1) is proportional to (b 2 2, a 2 c 2 − b 2 2) <strong>and</strong> that (a 1 , c 1 ) is proportionalto (a 2 , c 2 ) which clearly is equaivalent to A 1 being proportional to A 2 . As an immediate consequence <strong>of</strong> Theorem 3 <strong>and</strong> Theorem 6 we have <strong>the</strong>following estimate.Corollary 2. Let f be a Laurent polynomial in two variables. Then <strong>the</strong> area <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> amoeba <strong>of</strong> f is not greater than π 2 times <strong>the</strong> area <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Newton polytope <strong>of</strong>f.On <strong>the</strong> contrary, when n ≥ 3 <strong>the</strong> volume <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> amoeba <strong>of</strong> a polynomial isalmost always infinite.Example. As an illustration <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> last <strong>the</strong>orem we consider <strong>the</strong> polynomialsf(z 1 , z 2 ) = f a (z 1 , z 2 ) = a + z 1 + z 2 + z 1 z 2 where a is assumed to be a realnumber.We want to compute <strong>the</strong> number <strong>of</strong> points in Log −1 (x) ∩ f −1 (0) for a givenpoint x ∈ R n . For points z in this set it must hold that |a + z 1 | = |1 + z 1 |e x2 .Conversely, if this equation holds, <strong>the</strong>n (z 1 , (a + z 1 )/(1 + z 1 )) is in this set. Ifθ = arg z 1 , <strong>the</strong> equation can be rewritten 2e x 1 (e2x2 −a) cos θ = a 2 +e 2x1 −e 2x2 −e 2x1+2x2 . From this it follows immediately that <strong>the</strong> amoeba <strong>of</strong> f is defined by<strong>the</strong> inequality 4e 2x1 (e 2x2 − a) 2 ≥ (a 2 + e 2x1 − e 2x2 − e 2x1+2x2 ) 2 . Moreover, <strong>the</strong>following can be deduced when we assume that a ≠ 1. If x is in <strong>the</strong> interior<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> amoeba, <strong>the</strong>n Log −1 (x) ∩ f −1 (0) has precisely two points. If x is in <strong>the</strong>boundary <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> amoeba, <strong>and</strong> not equal to (log a, log a)/2 when a is positive,<strong>the</strong>n Log −1 (x) ∩ f −1 (0) has exactly one point. If a > 0 <strong>and</strong> x = (log a, log a)/2,<strong>the</strong>n Log −1 (x) ∩ f −1 (0) contains a real curve.By <strong>the</strong> preceding <strong>the</strong>orem, µ f is greater than or equal to π −2 times <strong>the</strong>Lebesgue measure on <strong>the</strong> amoeba <strong>of</strong> f. Assume now that a < 0. For x in <strong>the</strong>interior <strong>of</strong> A f , 2π Hess(N f ) is a sum <strong>of</strong> two matrices <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> form (16). Since fhas real coefficients it follows that φ 1 = −φ 2 , hence <strong>the</strong> two matrices are equal.This means that all inequalities in <strong>the</strong> pro<strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong> Theorem 6 actually becomeequalities. It follows also from Theorem 5 that µ f has no mass on <strong>the</strong> boundary<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> amoeba. Hence <strong>the</strong> area <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> amoeba is equal to π 2 .When a is positive <strong>and</strong> not equal to 1, <strong>the</strong> same conciderations hold awayfrom <strong>the</strong> special point (log a, log a)/2. On <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r h<strong>and</strong>, <strong>the</strong> amoeba <strong>of</strong> f ais strictly smaller than <strong>the</strong> amoeba <strong>of</strong> f −a . The remaining mass <strong>of</strong> µ fa , whichmust have <strong>the</strong> same total mass as µ f−a resides as a point mass at (log a, log a)/2.In <strong>the</strong> particular case a = 1, <strong>the</strong>re is a factorization f(z) = (z 1 + 1)(z 2 + 1)<strong>and</strong> <strong>the</strong> amoeba consists <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> two lines {x 1 = 0} <strong>and</strong> {x 2 = 0}. The <strong>Monge</strong>-Ampère measure µ f <strong>the</strong>n degenerates into a single point mass at <strong>the</strong> intersectionpoint <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> two lines.References[1] David Bernstein: The number <strong>of</strong> roots <strong>of</strong> a system <strong>of</strong> equations, FunctionalAnal. Appl. 9 (1975), 183 - 185.13

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