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<strong>FAQ</strong> – <strong>THE</strong> <strong>MILLEMIGLIA</strong> e-<strong>COUPON</strong> <strong>PROMOTION</strong>SECTION 1 – REQUESTING <strong>MILLEMIGLIA</strong> e-<strong>COUPON</strong>S1. I’d like to redeem my miles now to get a MilleMiglia e-Coupon and book and purchase a flightleaving in January 2013. Is this possible?The promotional offer allows you to request your MilleMiglia e-Coupon up until December 31 st2012, and you’ll be able to use your MilleMiglia e-Coupon for purchases starting in January 2013.This means that you can request the MilleMiglia e-Coupon up until December 31 st 2012, but you’llhave to wait until the beginning of next year in order to use it to book your <strong>Alitalia</strong> flights on theweb and finalize your purchases.2. How and where will I receive the MilleMiglia e-Coupon code once I’ve submitted my request?You’ll receive your MilleMiglia e-Coupon code at the e-mail address provided when requesting theaward.3. I do not live in Italy. Can I request a MilleMiglia e-Coupon? What do I have to do?Yes, the MilleMiglia e-Coupon promotion is available to all Members of the Program. TheMilleMiglia e-Coupon is in Euro currency, and can be requested via the website www.alitalia.comas of November 7 th . <strong>Alitalia</strong> Customer Center, in the country in which you live, will be availablefor any support and assistance you may require. Once you’ve received your MilleMiglia e-Coupon,you can use it to purchase <strong>Alitalia</strong> flights from January 1 st through December 31 st 2013 by visitingthe website www.alitalia.com or any one of the <strong>Alitalia</strong> international sites that make use of eurocurrency (www.alitalia.it; www.alitalia.be; www.alitalia.gr; www.alitalia.de; www.alitalia.nl;www.alitalia.fr; www.alitalia.es).4. If I don’t receive or am unable to find my confirmation e-mail, how can I recover the MilleMigliae-Coupon code to be used for purchasing <strong>Alitalia</strong> tickets starting in January 2013?If you don’t receive the confirmation e-mail containing the MilleMiglia e-Coupon code or are nolonger able to find it, you can consult the issued MilleMiglia e-Coupon codes at any time byvisiting the website from which they were requested. After logging in, go to the “My e-Coupons”page and select the MilleMiglia e-Coupon you are interested in. The MilleMiglia e-Coupon codewill be shown in the details pane. The code can be used to purchase <strong>Alitalia</strong> tickets from January 1 stto December 31 st 2013.5. Is the MilleMiglia e-Coupon promotion unlimited? How many e-Coupons can I request?With the MilleMiglia e-Coupon promotion, you can request as many e-Coupons as you want byDecember 31 st 2012 and convert your miles into vouchers for purchasing tickets from <strong>Alitalia</strong>.

It is recommended to act soon, however, as there are only 40,000 MilleMiglia e-Coupon Awardsavailable, including 30,000 MilleMiglia Standard awards (for Basic and Ulisse customers) and10,000 MilleMiglia Premium awards (for Freccia Alata and Freccia Alata Plus customers).The following table shows the maximum number of MilleMiglia e-Coupons available by value:MM E-<strong>COUPON</strong> AWARDVALUE RANGE<strong>MILLEMIGLIA</strong> STANDARD(Basic and Ulisse Members)<strong>MILLEMIGLIA</strong> PREMIUM(Freccia Alata and FrecciaAlata Plus Members)€ 100 - € 250 25,000 MM e-Coupons 5,000 MM e-Coupons€ 300 - € 1,000 4,500 MM e-Coupons 4,000 MM e-Coupons€ 1,500 - € 4,000 500 MM e-Coupons 1,000 MM e-CouponsTOTAL 30,000 MM e-Coupons 10,000 MM e-CouponsSECTION 2 – USING <strong>MILLEMIGLIA</strong> e-<strong>COUPON</strong>S1. I’ve requested a MilleMiglia e-Coupon. How do I use it?You can use your MilleMiglia e-Coupon for your next purchases with <strong>Alitalia</strong> by visiting thewebsite www.alitalia.com. Your <strong>Alitalia</strong> flights must be purchased from January 1 st throughDecember 31 st 2013 by visiting the website www.alitalia.com or any one of the <strong>Alitalia</strong>international sites that make use of euro currency (www.alitalia.it; www.alitalia.be; www.alitalia.gr;www.alitalia.de; www.alitalia.nl; www.alitalia.fr; www.alitalia.es).2. Can MilleMiglia e-Coupons only be used by the members who requested them?No, they can also be used to purchase tickets for third parties. They can even be used to purchasemultiple tickets on the same reservation, for up to a maximum of 7 passengers, provided that all thetickets are paid for in a single transaction on the <strong>Alitalia</strong> website.3. Can I use more than one MilleMiglia e-Coupon for a single ticket or transaction?No, only one MilleMiglia e-Coupon can be used for each payment transaction on the WEB.4. If the value of the MilleMiglia e-Coupon is greater than the cost of the ticket, what happens? WillI receive change for the difference?No, customers will not receive change when using a MilleMiglia e-Coupon that exceeds the amountof the fare purchased.5. Can the MilleMiglia e-Coupon be used to pay sales taxes and surcharges when purchasing aticket?

Yes, the MilleMiglia e-Coupon applies to the entire price of the ticket, including all taxes andsurcharges, for single transactions carried out on the <strong>Alitalia</strong> website.6. I have a MilleMiglia e-Coupon worth € 1,000. I’d like to purchase a ticket from Rome to LasVegas on your website. Is this possible?MilleMiglia e-Coupons can only be used to purchase flights operated by <strong>Alitalia</strong>, and are not validfor purchasing flights operated by our partner airlines.The best solution for your itinerary is to purchase a ticket to New York or another <strong>Alitalia</strong>destination in the United States using your MilleMiglia e-Coupon, and to request a connectingdomestic flight separately.7. I have a second e-Coupon to be used by March 2013. Can I combine my two coupons and usethem to purchase a ticket?No, MilleMiglia e-Coupons can not be used in combination with other promotional codes or otherMilleMiglia e-Coupons.8. Which websites accept MilleMiglia e-Coupons?You can use your MilleMiglia e-Coupon to purchase <strong>Alitalia</strong> flights from January 1 st throughDecember 31 st 2013 by visiting the website www.alitalia.it or, if you live abroad, by visiting anyone of the <strong>Alitalia</strong> international sites that make use of euro currency (www.alitalia.com;www.alitalia.be; www.alitalia.gr; www.alitalia.de; www.alitalia.nl; www.alitalia.fr;www.alitalia.es).SECTION 3 – CHANGES AND REFUNDS WITH <strong>MILLEMIGLIA</strong> e-<strong>COUPON</strong>S1. Can I make changes to a ticket I purchased using a MilleMiglia e-Coupon?Yes, tickets purchased using MilleMiglia e-Coupons can be changed and/or refunded in accordancewith the rules published and foreseen by the fare at the time of the purchase. If the purchased fareallows for a full or partial refund on the ticket, this can be done by contacting our Customer Center.In this case, you will be charged a penalty of € 55 for the operation and will be sent a newMilleMiglia e-Coupon of the same value to replace the original. The new e-Coupon will be valid forpurchasing additional <strong>Alitalia</strong> tickets up until and no later than December 31 st 2013. The miles usedto request MilleMiglia e-Coupons will not be refunded under any circumstances.2. I requested 2 MilleMiglia e-Coupons worth € 100 each. Can I exchange them for a single e-Coupon worth € 200?Once issued, MilleMiglia e-Coupons can not be changed or cancelled.

3. Can I request a full refund for a ticket purchased using a MilleMiglia e-Coupon?If the purchased fare allows for a full refund on the ticket, this can be done by contacting ourCustomer Center. In this case, you will be charged a penalty of € 55 for the operation and will besent a new MilleMiglia e-Coupon of the same value to replace the original. The new e-Coupon willbe valid for purchasing additional <strong>Alitalia</strong> tickets up until and no later than December 31 st 2013.The miles used to request MilleMiglia e-Coupons will not be refunded under any circumstances.4. If <strong>Alitalia</strong> cancels my flight and I am unable to depart, will I be reimbursed for the value of theMilleMiglia e-Coupon?You will be issued and sent a new MilleMiglia e-Coupon of equal value or for the value of theunused portion. The MilleMiglia e-Coupon issued to replace the original will be valid forpurchasing <strong>Alitalia</strong> tickets up until and no later than December 31 st 2013.SECTION 4 – EARNING MILES WITH <strong>MILLEMIGLIA</strong> e-<strong>COUPON</strong>S1. Can I earn miles on tickets purchased using MilleMiglia e-Coupons?Yes, the miles earned will correspond to those foreseen by the MilleMiglia Program rules andregulations.

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