1980 ET 340T - Vintage Snow

1980 ET 340T - Vintage Snow

1980 ET 340T - Vintage Snow


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--- --~--~<strong>1980</strong> <strong>ET</strong><strong>340T</strong>2. Carburetor(8H5-14101-00 --t 8J6-14101-00)To achieve the precise fitting of themain nozzle, the main nozzle is pressfittedto the mixing chamber body, andaccordingly the main nozzle cannot beremoved.'80 model6To carburetor n-;_~o®Interchangeability:Yes3. Fuel pump_A small-type, lightweight fuel pump ISadopted and therefore, some of theparts are modified,1. Fuel pump ass'v(8J6-24410-00l2. Clip: 8.6 mr:n(90467-09026)3. Fuel pipe: 5 x 9 x 270 mm(90446-09062)4. Pipe protector: 9.5 mrn(8G5-24328-00)5, Joint pipe: 8-6 mm{BJ6-24376-00}6. Fuel,pipe: 240 mm(90445·09466)(Interchangeable as a set of theabove-listed parts)'79 model6To carburetor ~;:::::::w::c\To fuel tan,,::-==1o/11tOIl1lll\ll¥B, DRIVE1. Track(8~4711 0-00 --t 8L1-47110-00)To improve maneuverability on freshsnow, tractive performance andc1imbability, a longer track is employed.<strong>ET</strong>340 ('791<strong>ET</strong><strong>340T</strong> ('801Pitch 64mm 83:6 mmNumber oflinksLength onground44 41760 mm 1.110 mm1. Fuel pump ass'v(8G8-2441 0-0012. Clip: 11 mrn(90467-11.()2813. Fuel pipe: 7 x 11 x 230 mm(90446-11027)4. Pipe protector: 11.5 f!lm(8F3-24326-00J5. Joint pipe: 8-8 mm(878-24379-0016. Fuel pipe: 350 mm(90446-090581As a result of change of the track, thefollowing parts are modified.o Sprocket wheel8F3-47531-00 (7 teeth)--t 8H9-47531-00 (11 teeth)o Sliding frame 18G8-47411-00 --t 8L1-47411-00-2-

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