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Understand<strong>in</strong>g disability: look, then acton whether the problem isfocused on the person orsociety. Both approacheshave totally different roles<strong>in</strong> how to deal with the problem.There are two dist<strong>in</strong>ctvariants of the <strong>in</strong>dividualmodel: the biomedical approachand the functionalapproach. In the same way,the social model can envelopan environmental approachand another moresociopolitical one, based onhuman rights. In both casesit is possible to envisage howit is planned to deal with theproblem, how it can be preventedand what is the levelof social responsibility (readopposite box).Neither approach does morethan partially elucidate thequestion.As far as def<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g the problemis concerned, the functionalmodel describes theperson with disability as adefective be<strong>in</strong>g restricted <strong>in</strong>his ability to carry out hissocial roles. In the socialmodel, the person with disabilityis dependent onspecialists, <strong>in</strong>stitutions andpolicies. In the first case, theproblem lies at <strong>in</strong>dividuallevel and with<strong>in</strong> the frameworkof the theory of personaltragedy. In the second,it rests on environmentalprogrammes <strong>in</strong> a social andpolitical context, with<strong>in</strong> thetheoretical framework ofsocial oppression. The solutionshould be looked for<strong>in</strong> mutual aid, the break<strong>in</strong>gdown of barriers, control byusers rather than with thespecialists. The social role isno longer the role of patientbut of user-consumer. Skillsare no longer the doma<strong>in</strong> ofexperts alone: they <strong>in</strong>tegratethe experience of the peopleconcerned. Unlike under thefunctional model, the anticipatedresult is no longer toacquire the widest possiblephysical or psychic <strong>in</strong>dependence,to reduce the disabilitieswith only employment or<strong>in</strong>stitutionalisation <strong>in</strong> view.Quite the opposite - thesocial model aims at liv<strong>in</strong>g<strong>in</strong>dependence, with employmenta possibility as well asorganised assistance controlledby the user.The compromiseof the handicapcreation processThere are fairly radical differencesbetween the functionaland social models; thesocial model has profoundlyrenewed the way we th<strong>in</strong>kabout disability. The conceptof handicap creation processseeks to reconcile these twotra<strong>in</strong>s of thought us<strong>in</strong>g an<strong>in</strong>teractive approach (readbox page 18). The handicapsituation is def<strong>in</strong>ed asrestrict<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>in</strong>dividual’slife habits ensu<strong>in</strong>g from an<strong>in</strong>teraction between personal(impairment, disability) andenvironmental factors whichact either as facilitators orobstacles. By giv<strong>in</strong>g themfree re<strong>in</strong>, this model is a sortof compromise compatiblewith the perspectives ofpersonal and sociopoliticalchanges.TYPOLOGY OF THE DIFFERENT APPROACHES TO DISABILITYAND THEIR UNDERLYING INTERVENTION METHODS(FROM RIOUX - 1997)DISABILITY viewedas INDIVIDUAL PATHOLOGYBiomedical orig<strong>in</strong> (biomedical approach)TreatmentRecovery through medicalor technological meansPreventionBiological or genetic <strong>in</strong>terventionPrenatal detectionSocial responsibility Elim<strong>in</strong>ate or cure the disabilityFunctional orig<strong>in</strong> (functional approach)TreatmentFunctional rehabilitation servicesPreventionEarly diagnosis and treatmentSocial responsibility Improve and obta<strong>in</strong> comfortDevelopment of environmental services and factors(environmental approach)TreatmentAccessibility, adaptationIncreased <strong>in</strong>dividual controlover services and supportPreventionElim<strong>in</strong>ation of social, economicand physical barriersSocial responsibility Elim<strong>in</strong>ation of obstaclesto <strong>in</strong>tegrationSocial organisation and relationship of the <strong>in</strong>dividualto society (human rights approach)TreatmentReformulation of political,economic and social rulesPreventionAcknowledgement that disabilityis an <strong>in</strong>herent part of societySocial responsibility Reduce <strong>in</strong>equalities of rightsAccess to full citizenshipDISABILITY viewedas SOCIAL PATHOLOGYThe identity questionThe issue <strong>in</strong> the currentdebate - and <strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong>’scommitment - is toavoid all forms of reductionism,be it medical or social.Nor must the subject andthe identity dimension beignored when seek<strong>in</strong>g globalcomprehension of disability.The place of judgementmade by the person on hisimpairments, his restrictedactivities and the role of theenvironment (<strong>in</strong> other wordsthe subjective assessment ofthe disability situation) is illconsideredtoday. Specific toeach <strong>in</strong>dividual accord<strong>in</strong>g tohis background, judgementis based on perceived gapsbetween expectations andachievements. It thereforehas a significant impact onthe quality of life. For example,loss of hear<strong>in</strong>g does nothave the same “value” fora music enthusiast as forsomeone keen on read<strong>in</strong>g.Def<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g handicap as the<strong>in</strong>teraction between disabilitiesand the environmentdoes not satisfactorily <strong>in</strong>corporatethe <strong>in</strong>dividual’s backgroundand the temporalityof his health problems. Thus,an epileptic is <strong>in</strong> a handicap14

situation even outside attacks.Any cyclical illnesscan disturb a person’s lifeeven <strong>in</strong> the good times. Theimmediacy of a model f<strong>in</strong>dsit difficult to account for thisdynamic, which is why it isessential to <strong>in</strong>troduce theidentity question <strong>in</strong>to anyapproach to handicap.It is essential to refer tosocial representations of thehandicap, and the way <strong>in</strong>which people <strong>in</strong>tegrate them,when build<strong>in</strong>g an <strong>in</strong>dividualor collective identity of theperson with disability underan <strong>in</strong>tercultural commitment.ConclusionWe can draw a certa<strong>in</strong>number of lessons from allthis. Firstly, the partnershipbetween users and policiesis <strong>in</strong>stitutionalised. Lobby<strong>in</strong>g3-by the disabled movementhas brought it out of theshadows and allowed it todef<strong>in</strong>e the needs of peoplewith disability and the possibleanswers to them bydraw<strong>in</strong>g on its expertise. In1993, moves by the UnitedNations resulted <strong>in</strong> the adoptionof “Rules on the Equalisationof Opportunities forPersons with Disabilities”and resolution 56/168 adoptedby the United NationsGeneral Assembly on 19 December2001 established aCommittee to draw upa “global and <strong>in</strong>tegrated<strong>in</strong>ternational conventionto protect and promote therights and dignity of personswith disabilities” 5 . Inaddition, the <strong>in</strong>tegration ofpeople with disability bythe European Parliamentand the European Forumformalises their legitimacyand their right to participate<strong>in</strong> draft<strong>in</strong>g recommendationsand resolutions. Secondly,the diffusion of the socialmodel has without doubtbrought essential learn<strong>in</strong>gvalues to understand<strong>in</strong>gdisability. Nevertheless, caremust be taken not to fall <strong>in</strong>toanother rut of deny<strong>in</strong>g personalfactors by abandon<strong>in</strong>gone form of reductionism foranother. Jean-François RavaudENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY MEASURE: PILOT SURVEY IN KOSOVOThe Kosovo question is nolonger at the forefront of thenews. S<strong>in</strong>ce the conflict andNATO (North Atlantic TreatyOrganisation) bomb<strong>in</strong>gs <strong>in</strong>1999, this former prov<strong>in</strong>ce ofthe ex-Yugoslavia has beenunder the protection of theUnited Nations. The end ofthe hostilities brought abouta withdrawal of all State <strong>in</strong>strumentsof the old regime.Nearly all the public servicesstopped function<strong>in</strong>g. Afterthree years of reconstruction,a new local government isbe<strong>in</strong>g set up, even if Kosovo’sofficial status has yetto be def<strong>in</strong>ed. In the area ofdisability, functional rehabilitationor physical and rehabilitationmedical servicesonly covered a very limitedpart of the estimated needsand no social security systemworthy of the name exists forthe moment.A wide rangeof servicesThanks to its actions <strong>in</strong> emergencyaid, m<strong>in</strong>e clearance,establish<strong>in</strong>g a school forphysiotherapists, technicalsupport <strong>in</strong> the equipmentcentre <strong>in</strong> Prist<strong>in</strong>a (renovation,tra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g, equipment, management),assist<strong>in</strong>g a localassociation (identificationof people with disability,distribution of equipment,primary rehabilitation services),<strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong>implements a wide range ofservices. An official work<strong>in</strong>ggroup has at last publisheda document outl<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g policytowards people with disability6 based on the UnitedNations Rules for equalisationof opportunities. For thetime be<strong>in</strong>g this very generalreference framework has notbeen validated by the newgovernment.Given the lack of all reliabledata on the situationof people with disability <strong>in</strong>Kosovo, it was not possibleto present a set of backed-uparguments to def<strong>in</strong>e actionpriorities. <strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong>suggested a qualitativesurvey with the support ofpartners <strong>in</strong> the field 7 .The objectiveand the <strong>in</strong>strumentThe survey aimed to producequality <strong>in</strong>formation on theneeds of people with disability<strong>in</strong> Kosovo, which wouldthen serve to prepare recommendationsfor an <strong>in</strong>tegrationpolicy. The Belgian researchgroup, Gravir, and the <strong>Handicap</strong><strong>International</strong> officerresponsible for the surveydecided to use the analysis<strong>in</strong>strument “Measure of thequality of the environment”start<strong>in</strong>g from the handicapcreation process (read boxpage 18), which has alreadyproven itself <strong>in</strong> Canada andBelgium. This <strong>in</strong>vestigation<strong>in</strong>strument reveals the ma<strong>in</strong>obstacles hamper<strong>in</strong>g the dailylife of people with disability,and also environmentalfactors likely to make iteasier to achieve their lifehabits.Field surveyThe data was collected bymeans of a survey of somefour hundred people withdisability chosen at randomthroughout Kosovo. At theend of the first pilot survey,which brought the <strong>in</strong>strument<strong>in</strong> l<strong>in</strong>e with socioculturalreality <strong>in</strong> Kosovo,sixteen <strong>in</strong>terviewers visitedthe people selected to obta<strong>in</strong>their op<strong>in</strong>ion on environmentalfactors <strong>in</strong> the follow<strong>in</strong>gareas: social network,5G. Qu<strong>in</strong>n and T. Degener, 2002.6Comprehensible Disability Policy Framework for Kosovo - Disability Task Force, 2001.7Oxfam, F<strong>in</strong>nish Government, Handikos and Gravir.15L’<strong>in</strong>teractif no. 10 - December 2002

Understand<strong>in</strong>g disability: look, then actattitude of their family circle,employment market, <strong>in</strong>come,commercial services, legalservices, medical and socialservices, <strong>in</strong>frastructures, naturalenvironment, communityservices and the politicalsystem.There was tremendous contrastbetween the impressionscollected dur<strong>in</strong>g thethree-week survey. In thisharsh country which is stillmarked by the effects ofwar, the environment is aIn Kosovo, despite poverty, family support isvery present. Just like this father,who has managed to <strong>in</strong>stallan <strong>in</strong>cl<strong>in</strong>ed plane for his son’s wheelchair.© R. de Riedmatten / <strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong>© R. de Riedmatten / <strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong>significant obstacle. Roadsare very precarious, someof them still look<strong>in</strong>g like realquagmires - when they havenot become simply impassable<strong>in</strong> w<strong>in</strong>ter. Poverty sometimesleaps at the throat. Isolation<strong>in</strong> the relative comfort- and control - of the familycircle is unquestioned. As issupport.The analysisThe “Measure of the qualityof the environment” <strong>in</strong>strument’sstrength lies <strong>in</strong> its differentanalysis levels. Generaltrends can be picked out andused to skim rapidly throughthe results. This method alsohas the advantage of tak<strong>in</strong>gthe op<strong>in</strong>ions of the peoplewith disability directly <strong>in</strong>toaccount and <strong>in</strong>tegrat<strong>in</strong>g theidentity dimension. On anotherlevel, detailed <strong>in</strong>terpretationaccord<strong>in</strong>g to differentcriteria is possible, the mostsignificant probably be<strong>in</strong>gvulnerability. This qualify<strong>in</strong>gterm applies to people <strong>in</strong> aprecarious economic situation.For example, this groupof people considers materialsupport by the family as anobstacle, whereas the majorityof people <strong>in</strong>terviewedconsidered it a facilitator. Across-discipl<strong>in</strong>ary analysis ofthis population confirms thatthe most vulnerable peoplefrequently do not benefitfrom the support networksestablished, as known andfeared by all professionalswork<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> social action.Advice on actionThe conceptual diagramused for the analysis suggestsa priority selection l<strong>in</strong>ebetween micro- and macroenvironments(see diagrampage 17) via the follow<strong>in</strong>gdimensions.1. The person:all the human, material and<strong>in</strong>stitutional resources provid<strong>in</strong>gtherapeutic or rehabilitationaction for the person).Adjust<strong>in</strong>g a patient’s prosthesesat Prist<strong>in</strong>a hospital’s orthopaediccentre, a centre supportedby <strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong>.In Kosovo, access to rehabilitationservices was seenas an obstacle by 42% ofpeople <strong>in</strong>terviewed. However,41% of people withhigher <strong>in</strong>comes gave afavourable op<strong>in</strong>ion.2. Assistive technologies:all technical means for aperson to act on his environment<strong>in</strong> spite of his impairment(wheelchair, walk<strong>in</strong>gsticks, etc.). 56% of peoplegave a favourable op<strong>in</strong>ionon the availability of assistivetechnologies. 63% ofso-called vulnerable peoplegave a negative op<strong>in</strong>ion(obstacle).3. The human environment:the person with disability’sfamily circle. These peoplecan sometimes offer practicalor psychological support.One of the most strik<strong>in</strong>gresults was l<strong>in</strong>ked to the attitude(80% positive replies)and support (68% positivereplies) of the family circle,both seen as significant facilitators.4. The physical environment:all equipment and ecologicalconditions form<strong>in</strong>g the personwith disability’s environment(the home and its equipment,the public highway, climate,pollution, etc.). 56% viewedaccessibility to their place ofresidence as an obstacle.5. Education:education is one of thepillars of the socialisationprocess. Generally speak<strong>in</strong>g,the level of education waslow and frequently went nofurther than primary school.6. Employment market:employment is a very importantmeans of social <strong>in</strong>tegrationfor a person with disability.Very few employmentpossibilities existed (majorobstacle).7. Leisure activities:leisure activities representa means of socialisationwhich guards aga<strong>in</strong>st therisk of social marg<strong>in</strong>alisationof people with disability,© R. de Riedmatten / <strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong>16

frequently excluded fromemployment and learn<strong>in</strong>g.Leisure activities were nonexistent(34% confirmedthis) or were considered<strong>in</strong>accessible (34% confirmedthis also).8. Social policies:the aim is to ensure theoperation of human rights,regardless of the differences,<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g those associatedwith impaiment, sex,age or ethnic orig<strong>in</strong>, andto <strong>in</strong>troduce the necessarypolitical gestures to contributeto the equalisation ofopportunities. Suitable servicesshould be established,measures encourag<strong>in</strong>g scholastic<strong>in</strong>tegration be takenand a social security systemdeveloped to fight aga<strong>in</strong>stthe social exclusion creationprocess. The newpolitical framework maywell have been seen as afacilitator, but policy implementationwas consideredto be a major obstacle.An analysis of the resultstends towards validat<strong>in</strong>g thepriority actions chosen by<strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong> <strong>in</strong>all its programmes, <strong>in</strong> fullrecognition of the magnitudeof the needs to be covered,and therefore the fundamentalrequirement to networkwith all the other agents <strong>in</strong>the field (mutual aid groups,public services, NGOs, etc.)able to support our action.ProspectsIn Kosovo we are endeavour<strong>in</strong>gto produce relevantand accessible <strong>in</strong>formation.Defend<strong>in</strong>g the <strong>in</strong>terests ofpeople with disability anddef<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g a suitable legal frameworkis the work of localagents. A long road awaitsthe civil society agentsbetween the idealism of<strong>in</strong>ternational standards andthe reality of Kosovo today.SHOPSMACROWORKFAMILYProspects for use and ref<strong>in</strong>ementof the <strong>in</strong>strumentare promis<strong>in</strong>g for <strong>Handicap</strong><strong>International</strong>. A disabilitymonitor<strong>in</strong>g project is be<strong>in</strong>gestablished for South-EasternEurope. The survey <strong>in</strong>Kosovo could be extended toother countries <strong>in</strong> the regioncurrently undergo<strong>in</strong>g a politicalreform process. Raphaël de Riedmatten,<strong>in</strong> conjunctionwith Gravir.Analysis conceptual diagramMESOLEISURERULESEQUIPMENTPERSONMICROENVIRONMENTTECHNICAL ASSISTANCERESIDENCEFRIENDSANALYSIS SENSEEDUCATIONEQUAL OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAMSPUBLICUTILITIESSource: Gravir17 L’<strong>in</strong>teractif no. 10 - December 2002

Understand<strong>in</strong>g disability: look, then actHCP: A GLOBAL APPROACH 8The handicap creation process(HCP) is a global approachwhich considersdisability not as a fixed“state” but as a processwhich limits the person’sactivities. <strong>Handicap</strong> is considereda disturbance <strong>in</strong>a person’s life habits as aresult of personal factors,impairment or disability,or environmental factors(obstacles). It is therefore arelative “situation” whichvaries accord<strong>in</strong>g to thecontext and the environment,but which can alsobe modified as much byreduc<strong>in</strong>g the impairmentand develop<strong>in</strong>g capabilitiesas by adapt<strong>in</strong>g theenvironment.A risk factor is an elementlikely to cause disease,trauma or any other disruptionto a person’s <strong>in</strong>tegrityor development.<strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong>deals with risk factorsby its m<strong>in</strong>e clearanceoperations, awarenessrais<strong>in</strong>gto the danger oflandm<strong>in</strong>es and AIDS orfilariasis prevention.A personal factor is acharacteristic belong<strong>in</strong>gto a person (age, sex,sociocultural identity, etc.).Through its support programmesfor functionalrehabilitation services,<strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong>reduces the effect ofimpairment and re<strong>in</strong>forcescapabilities.An environmental factoris a social or physicaldimension which determ<strong>in</strong>esthe organisationand context of a society: a facilitator contributesto achiev<strong>in</strong>g life habits.Information for a change<strong>in</strong> attitude towards difference,handicap policies,accessible <strong>in</strong>frastructuresare facilitator environmentalfactors; an obstacle h<strong>in</strong>dersachiev<strong>in</strong>g life habits. Discrim<strong>in</strong>atoryattitudes, thestate of roads or staircases,atmospheric pollution canall be obstacles.A life habit is a currentactivity or a social rolepromoted by the person orhis sociocultural context.It guarantees the person’ssurvival and blossom<strong>in</strong>gthroughout his life. Asocial participation situationmeans the full achievementof life habits. Onthe other hand, a handicapsituation is the partialor non-achievement oflife habits result<strong>in</strong>g fromthe <strong>in</strong>teraction betweenpersonal and environmentalfactors.RISK FACTORSCauseMODELOrganic systemPERSONAL FACTORSCapabilitiesENVIRONMENTALFACTORSIntegrityImpairmentAbilityDisabilityFacilitatorObstacleInteractionLIFE HABITSParticipation<strong>Handicap</strong> situation8RIPPH18

B I B L I O G R A P H YFile based on:• “Une nouvelle approche de la différence. Commentrepenser le handicap”, Cahiers médico-sociaux,edited by Raphaël de Riedmatten, Ed. Médec<strong>in</strong>e etHygiène, Geneva, 2001.and particularly contributions by:• Ravaud J.-F., “Vers un modèle social du handicap.L’<strong>in</strong>fluence des organisations <strong>in</strong>ternationales et desmouvements de personnes handicapées”, p. 55-68;• Fougeyrollas P., “Le processus de production du handicap: l’expérience québécoise”, p. 101-122;• Situation Analysis of People with Disability <strong>in</strong> Kosovo,Gravir and <strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>International</strong>, Brussels-Lyon,2002.References <strong>in</strong> FrenchDéclic, le magaz<strong>in</strong>e de la famille et du handicap, <strong>Handicap</strong><strong>International</strong>.Fougeyrollas P., Noreau L. and St Michel G., “La mesurede la qualité de l’environnement”, Réseau <strong>in</strong>ternationalCIDIH et facteurs environnementaux, 9, 1997.Fougeyrollas P., Le processus de production culturelledu handicap. Contextes sociohistoriques du développementdes connaissances dans le champ des différencescorporelles et fonctionnelles, CQCIDIH-SCCIDIH,Quebec, 1995 (RIPPH).References <strong>in</strong> <strong>English</strong>Fougeyrollas P., “Document<strong>in</strong>g environmental factorsfor prevent<strong>in</strong>g the handicap creation process: Quebeccontributions relat<strong>in</strong>g to ICIDH and social participationof people with functional differences”, Disabilityand Rehabilitation, 17, 1995, p. 145-153.Note on the Agenda: Human Rights of Peoplewith Mental Disability <strong>in</strong> Kosovo, Mental DisabilityRight <strong>International</strong>, Wash<strong>in</strong>gton DC, August 2002.Kreft<strong>in</strong>g D., Understand<strong>in</strong>g Community Approachesto <strong>Handicap</strong> <strong>in</strong> Development (CAHD), <strong>Handicap</strong><strong>International</strong>, March 2001.Qu<strong>in</strong>n G. and Degener T., Human Rights and Disability.The Current Use and Future Potentional of UnitedNation Human Rights Instruments <strong>in</strong> the Context ofDisability, United Nations, February 2002.Ravaud J.-F. and Stiker H.-J.,“Inclusion/Exclusion:an analysis of historical and cultural mean<strong>in</strong>gs”, <strong>in</strong>Albrecht G.-L., Seelman K.-D. and Bury M. (éds), Handbookof Disability Studies, Sage Publications, ThousandOaks (California, United States), London (GreatBrita<strong>in</strong>), 2001, 490-512.Sausse S., Le miroir brisé. L’enfant handicapé, safamille et le psychanalyste, Calmann-Lévy, Paris, 1996.Stiker H.-J., Corps <strong>in</strong>firmes et sociétés, Aubier, Paris,1982 (new edition by Dunod, Paris, 1997).Albrecht G.-L., Ravaud J.-F., Stiker H.-J., “L’émergencedes disability studies : état des lieux et perspectives”,Sciences sociales et Santé, 2001, 19(4):43-73.19L’<strong>in</strong>teractif no. 10 - December 2002

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