FERMOL Yeast.pdf

FERMOL Yeast.pdf FERMOL Yeast.pdf

Fermol®Choosing the right yeastto create qualityAEB GROUP meticulously controls every phase of its yeasts’ selection andproduction process, so as to give concrete and suitable answers to the complexrequirements of the œnological world.The selectionThe yeasts offered by AEB Group are the result of rigorousselections made in collaboration with prestigious ResearchInstitutes. The extensive range available is characterized byits ability to generate aromatic precursors, to produce fermentationesters and acetates in variable quantities and proportions,to synthesize glycerine, acids and mannoproteins.All the selected yeast strains are technologically highly characterized,and produce extremely limited quantities of compoundswhich could interfere with wine’s quality.Choosing the ideal yeast<strong>Yeast</strong> plays the most important role in alcoholic fermentation,this being certainly the most important stage of the entirevinification process. The choice of yeast cannot be left tochance, but meticulously undertaken on the base of specificand accurate data.AEB Group has issued a yeast identity card, whichsummarises and compares most of the properties of the availablestrains.The wine maker will be able to make an informed and accuratechoice of the most suitable yeast for his wine and technology,by considering the following data:• organoleptic characteristics: influence over the aromaticnuances and fullness of body;• morphologic characteristics: tendency to foam, modalitiesof development, deposit appearance, colour adsorption;• fermentative characteristics: capacity to generatealcohol, latency, alcohol conversion, sugar yield, SO 2sensitivity.The data displayed in the yeast identity card also containresearch information regarding fermentation in natural andsynthetic musts with different RAN levels. There, maximum andaverage speed and fermentation regularity were tested atthree different temperatures.ADY multiplied on grape juiceEnological yeasts are usually multiplied on a substrateconsisting of molasses from beetroot or sugar cane andspecific nutrients.For some years, AEB Group has been evaluating thepossibility of using concentrated grape must for ADYmultiplication.Such concept stems from the consideration that, after multipliyingon natural must, yeast would be better suited to dealwith the subsequent conditions to be encountered duringwine fermentation.It must also be borne in mind that all enological yeasts areisolated from must according to their favorable enologicalattributes. By multiplying yeast on the same type of substratefrom which it has been isolated, it will retain such specificqualities. In fact, this multiplication cycle in a medium closelyresembling the one to be subsequently encountered, enablesto better preserve the strain’s positive characteristics.<strong>Yeast</strong>s undoubtedly affects the wines’ organoleptic characteristics,thanks mostly to their synthesis of ethyl esters of fattyacids and acetates of higher alcohols, as a result of theenzymatic complex typical of each strain.This complex can display its entire potentiality when yeastmultiplication takes place in grape must.Furthemore, the must pH and acidity conditions modify theyeast walls rendering them more readily adaptable at themoment of inoculation.<strong>Yeast</strong>s multiplied in such conditions, become accustomed tothe nutrients and microelements present in the must beforethe dehydration process is carried out.Consequently, at the moment of adding the biomass to themust after rehydration, the yeasts will need less adapting tothe limitations typical of wine fermentations.Analysis and control of the genetic profile of <strong>FERMOL</strong> yeastsPCR*DNA evaluation following an enzymatic reaction which amplifies itssignal.RFLP*Examination of the mitochondrial and total DNA restriction profile afterhybridization with marking probe.PFGE***Determination of the number and size of the chromosomes that havebeen separated from one another by Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis.* Polymerase Chain Reaction** Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism*** Pulsed Field Gel ElectrophoresisWe suggest the addition of Fermoplus ® Energy to the reactivation waterat the ratio of 1:4 of the yeast. The effected trials show that the additionof Fermoplus ® Energy increases the number of live cells by about 30%6 hours after the reactivation.Rehydrate in 10 parts lukewarm water, to which sugar has been added,max. 38°C for at least 20-30 minutes.Storage period: 24 months at below 20°C, 36 months at a temperaturebelow 5°C.C Saccharomyces cerevisiae r.f. cerevisiaeB Saccharomyces cerevisiae r.f. bayanusU Saccharomyces cerevisiae r.f. uvarum<strong>FERMOL</strong> YEASTS ANDSUBSTRATES UTILISED DURINGTHE MULTIPLICATION PHASE ARENOT DERIVED FROM GMO

White and aromatic-varietal wines®Fermol®FermolAromaticArôme PlusCPB 2540Wines obtained with Fermol ® Aromatic display, alreadyat the end of fermentation, a noticeable fragrance andolfactory liveliness, due to the production of a significantquantity of fermentation aromas, which make it the idealyeast for neutral cultivars and young wines. It is also characterizedby very regular sugar-conversion kinetics, makingit easier to control fermentation temperatures.CPB 2010N. reg. INRA CLIB 2043Fermol ® Arôme Plus produces intensely aromatic wines,in which the varietal nuances of the cultivar harmoniouslycombine with the fermentative aromas produced by the yeast.Fermol ® Arôme Plus highlights the floral notes andproduces wines with an elegant taste supported by goodacidity. It is POF negative, that is, it does not produce volatilephenols which, when found in high quantities, negativelyaffect wine by giving it unpleasant olfactory connotationsreminiscent of paint. This strain is highly resistant to highalcoholic content and sulphur dioxide and is able to startfermentation even at low temperatures.®Fermol Iper R®Fermol BlancCPB 2870Fermol ® Iper R is a yeast studied to satisfythe needs of the most modern production technologiesof white and rosé wines. It is a strainable to release and transform sulphured aromaticprecursors present in grapes and above allpreserved with hyper-reduction. The aromaticoutline of wines fermented with Fermol ® IperR is complex and rich in floral and tropicalfruit nuances, where aromatic notes reminiscentof passion fruit, pineapple, grapefruit, sageand box buds are highlighted.Selected and controlled by Prof. Paolo Giudici and AndreaPulvirenti, Microbiology Laboratory, Agricultural SciencesDepartment at Modena and Reggio Emilia University.BPB 2019This strain develops very well even at low temperatures. Itdoes not produce H2S, except in case of extreme nutritionaldeficiencies; this is why this strain is particularly recommendedfor maturation on the lees. The resulting wines are full bodiedwith very complex aromas which, depending on the cultivar,are reminiscent of flowers, citrus or white-pulped fruit.®FermolBouquetCPB 2004It is a yeast particularly valued for its ability to highlightprimary and floral aromas, since it highlights the terpenicovertones of grapes grown in moderately warm climates.Fermol ® Bouquet is a good glycerine producer and confersa pleasant supple taste to wine.®FermolChardonnayCPB 2585N. reg. INRA CLIB 2048It highlights the nuances of ripe and exotic fruit and, thanksto its high production of mannoproteins, produces wineswith a full and harmonious taste. Being especially cryophilic,it is particularly suitable for the production of prized whitewines, whether obtained by cold macerated or refined inbarriques. The aromatic intensity, already high duringfermentation, increases substantially during the refining andmaturation stage.®FermolCryoaromaeUPB 2007N. reg. INRA CLIB 2028It is a highly cryophilic strain, which highlights the varietalcharacteristics, especially in wines resulting from coldmaceration. Fermol ® Cryoaromae produces a largequantity of secondary compounds: it increases glycerinecontent (40% more compared to the average traditionalyeasts), enhances total wine acidity (25% more succinicacid), produces a large quantity of sought-after aromaticcompounds and highlights the nuances of rose due to the ß-phenyl-ethanol acetate.Controlled by the Vine and Wine University Institute, Enology Laboratory, Universityof Burgund, Dijon (France).®FermolSauvignonCPB 2530It highlights the nuances of aromatic sulphurous compounds(4-mercapto pentanone) highlighting the aromas reminiscentof aromatic herbs, white flowers and nettle. As it produceswines rich in olfactory intensity, it is indicated both for theproduction of Sauvignon wines and for lending complexityto Tocai, Verdicchio, Garganega wines and, more generally,to white wines produced from well ripened grapes, rich inaromatic precursors.Controlled by the Vine and Wine University Institute, EnologyLaboratory, University of Burgund, Dijon (France).Fermol

Young red, nouveau type and rosé winesFermol®FermolCryophile®UPB 2570 N. reg. INRA CLIB 2027The technical innovation of cold pre-maceration brings abouta cooling down of red grapes of up to 5°C. Fermol ®Cryophile was selected under such conditions; this straincan produce high quantities of glycerine and highlight thevarietal aromas of cold macerated red wines.Controlled by the Vine and Wine University Institute, Enology Laboratory, Universityof Burgund, Dijon (France).PB 2033CPB 2033This strain is suitable for the production of intensely colouredrosé and nouveau-type wines with a complex range of floraland fruity aromas. It is able to ferment at a wide temperaturerange (12-34°C) with a regular kinetic activity which enablesto easily control fermentation temperatures.®FermolPrimeursCPB 2015It produces a considerable quantity of pleasant fruity esters,which integrate well with the aromas typical of carbonicmaceration. It has a brief latency phase which easily allowsthe prevalence over the indigenous microflora. The productionof fruity aromas is notably intensified in the presence of agood dose of readily assimilable nitrogen.Fermol MPFAssociation of yeasts with a short latency stage atlow temperatures and with a high alcoholigenouspower, ideal for modern vinification technologiesaimed to the obtainment of wines with intense andlively colours and with a fruity aromatic profile.Fermol ® MPF enhances the primary aromas ofgrapes, in particular the aromas of strawberry, freshfruits of the forest such as blackberries and raspberries,and sensations reminiscent of citrus peels.Fermol ® MPF can be used with no doubt whenfresh and fruity wines should be obtained. It is idealfor vinifications in red carried out at low temperatures,under 16°C.UC®FermolCRougePB 2027 N. reg. INRA CLIB 2033Selected by the Microbiology Laboratory of AEB SpA, Brescia (Italy).Thanks to its vigour and resistance, it rapidly prevails over the indigenous flora found in large quantities in red wine vinification.It is particularly recommended for the production of young wines and wines for medium-term aging, with intense red berriesaromas and good structure. Furthermore, when compared to other selected yeasts, Fermol ® Rouge produces wines withmore intense colour, given its limited ability to fix the colouring substances extracted during maceration.

Structured red wines suitable for aging®FermolClarifiantCPB 2023CNCM I-1431This strain possesses a strong pectolytic action, which promotes the release into the wine of thevarietal aromas, anthocyanins and skin tannins. Wines obtained during industrial tests hadhigher colour intensity, up to 17% more, and 14% more anthocyanins when compared to theuntreated samples. Fermol ® Clarifiant produces full bodied red wines, rich in volume andwith an imposing structure. This varietal strain enables the extraction of typical cultivar aromasand highlights the great aromatic complexity of prized wines.®FermolMediterranéeCPB 2590This strain produces warm, full bodied wines, suitable for aging, but already very pleasant atthe end of fermentation. Fermol ® Mediterranée is distinguished by its capacity to producea high quantity of polysaccharides and mannoproteins, which, besides harmonizing wine taste,rapidly induce stability in colour and tannic structure. From an aromatic point of view, it highlightsvarietal complexity and amplifies the sweet nuances reminiscent of jams of ripe figs and smallred berries, such as red currant and cherry.®FermolPremier CruCPB 2031N. reg. INRA CLIB 2044It is a yeast selected for the production of structured and complex wines, suitable for aging.It develops intense and clean aromatic nuances, due to the extremely limited production of H 2 S.It highlights the complexity and typicality of the cultivars, harmoniously integrating a wide rangeof aromatic overtones reminiscent of forest fruits, spices, aromatic herbs and small red berries.It confers good weight on the palate, thanks to its ability to produce relevant quantities ofglycerine and polysaccharides. Fermol ® Premier Cru facilitates the development of malolacticfermentation (minimal sulphur dioxide production) and, because of its overall characteristics,must be regarded as the benchmark strain for the production of high-quality red wines.Controlled by the Vine and Wine University Institute, Enology Laboratory, University of Burgund, Dijon (France).®FermolGrand RougeCPB 2705This strain possesses excellent technological characteristics:short latency period, minimal nutritional requirements, verygood resistance to alcoholic degree and high temperatures.It is the ideal yeast to use when the indigenous flora needsto be minimized, as it naturally prevails over the indigenousyeasts; it allows limiting the use of SO 2 .Fermol ® Grand Rouge produces wines with good tannicstructure and extremely clean aromas where the varietalnuances are easily identified. Due to its characteristics, itcan be used for refermentation and when sweet must isadded.Isolated by the Navarra Enological Research Institute (Spain) and selected by theAgricultural Sciences Department of Modena and Reggio Emilia University (Italy).

Sparkling, perlé wines and refermentations®FermolCharmatBPB 2051It has excellent fermentation speed and does not hidethe varietal aroma. Its low nutritional requirements,high alcoholigenous power and considerable cryophilicpropensity, make Fermol ® Charmat particularlysuitable for the sparkling method in pressure tanks orin the bottle. Excellent results have been obtainedeven in the correction of stuck fermentations.®Fermol PerlageBPB 2565This is a result of a recent selection carried out in theChampagne region, and directed at identifying a yeastcapable of highlighting the complexity of sparkling wines,without concealing the softness and freshness of their primaryaromatic components. Fermol ® Perlage, produces wineswith a pleasant aroma, completely free of heavy or oxidizedovertones, with a fine persistent “perlage” and harmoniousaftertaste.®ReimsFermol ChampagneBPB 2002Selected for “champenoise” method fermentations; alsosuitable for refermentations. It highlights the fruity-floralnuances, has a good ability to produce glycerine andacetates, is cryophilic and has very good flocculating andagglomerating properties which greatly facilitate riddlingoperations.®RougeBBayanus PB 2870It is a Saccharomyces cerevisiae ph.v. bayanus selected onred grapes’ must; this strain was chosen because of itsexcellent performance during alcoholic fermentation: Fermol ®Rouge Bayanus guarantees, even at threshold conditions,the complete depletion of sugars. Consequently, it is idealalso for red grapes fermentations where the temperaturemust be kept below 18°C.A comparison between fermentation lees, also shows thatFermol ® Rouge Bayanus absorbs less colour whencompared to other Saccharomyces cerevisiae ph.v. bayanus.When fermenting with Fermol ® Rouge Bayanus it ispossible to obtain fine and elegant wines, which fully reflectvarietal characteristics by highlighting the red fruit connotations.When used at low temperature, the aromatic overtonestypical of small red fruits are considerably increased.

Multi-purpose yeasts (white, red wines and refermentations)FermolIt can withstand high levels of alcohol and produces winesrich of aromas reminiscent of ripe fruit.Since it displays a high fermentative activity even underdifficult conditions (34ºC and 17% vol), it is ideal for obtainingstructured red wines with low volatile acidity even in theabsence of temperature control. It gives excellent results inthe fermentation of sugar-rich musts such as those derivedfrom dried grapes.Fermol®®CSuper 16 PB 3084CDavis 522 UCD 522N. reg. INRA CLIB 2032It is an extremely versatile strain suitable for the productionof both white and red wines. Selected for its ability to rapidlymultiply, it soon prevails over the indigenous microflora andcompletes the fermentation in a short period of time. It isresistant to high levels of sulphur dioxide and, given anequal initial sugar content, it produces more alcohol thantraditional strains. It does not interfere with the aromaticconnotations of the cultivar.Selected by the Viticulture and Enology Department, University of California, Davis.®Fermol®FermolAssociéesMulti-strain for regular and complete fermentations evenunder difficult circumstances. The simultaneous use of a S.cerevisiae ph.v. cerevisiae strain (Fermol ® Primeurs) witha brief latency period and of a S. cerevisiae ph.v. bayanusstrain (Fermol ® Complet Killer) which multiplies stronglyeven with a high content of alcohol, allows a very regularfermentation run. Sugar consumption is complete even inthe event of sudden changes in temperature or if the mustis cooled down with external heat exchangers, since theph.v. bayanus strain keeps fermenting even at high or verylow temperatures. The wines obtained with Fermol ® Associèesdisplay a complex and intense bouquet, thanks tothe capacity of the two strains, when associated, to releasea range of aromatic precursors wider than the one generatedby a single yeast strain.Complet KillerC BPB 2003BPB 2305It is an extremely versatile yeast, suitable for primaryfermentation and also for reactivating stuck fermentationsor adjusting the alcoholic degree. Of particular interest isits ability to rapidly consume the fructose, normally foundin larger residual quantities in wine which has experiencedstuck fermentation. It is indicated for the primary fermentationof white wines with a tendency toward neutrality, where itintensifies the grapes’ aromatic characteristics, resulting inpleasant floral and fruity nuances that are also very stablein time.®CPB 2810It is a strain selected for its capacity to produce wines witha higher total acidity in order to highlight the varietal andfermentative overtones, which guarantee freshness andaromas; the resulting wines are fuller and more pleasant tothe palate. Malic and succinic are the acids mostly affectedby the action of this yeast, with increases of up to 0,8 g/hLmore than for other strains.Such increase is made possible by the fact that Fermol ®A3B does not break down the malic acid in order to producealcohol. Fermol ® A3B guarantees a quick start of thealcoholic fermentation since it is a strain characterized byexcellent starter characteristics.Selected and controlled by Prof. P. Giudici and A. Pulvirenti, Microbiology Laboratory ofAgricultural Sciences Department at Modena and Reggio Emilia University.®Fermol KillerCPB 2307Having a short latency period, this strain is the best remedyfor musts that cannot be sufficiently cleaned. Its very goodresistance to sulphur dioxide and high temperatures ensuresgood results under any conditions. Furthermore, thanks toits good synthesis of esters and acetates and low productionof higher alcohols, it yields wines characterised by a freshand lively bouquet.

OrganolepticdescriptorsofCitrusfruitWhiteflowersFloralWhitepulp fruitSummerfruitTropicalfruitFruit ofthe forestSmall redberriesSweetaromasDriedfruitAromaticherbsSpicesFermol ®AromaticArôme PlusBlancBouquetChardonnayCryoaromaeSauvignonIper RCCBCCUCCWhite and aromatic varietal winesYoung red, nouveau type and rosé winesCryophilePB 2033PrimeursRougeUCCCMPFClarifiantMediterranéePremier CruU CCCCStructured red wines suitable for agingGrandRougeA3BAssociéesCompletKillerDavis 522KillerSuper 16CharmatPerlageReimsChampagneRougeBayanusCCCBBCCCBBBBMulti-purpose (for white wines, red wines and for refermentations)Sparkling, perlé wines and for refermentations71274AEB SPA25134 BRESCIA (Italia)Via Vittorio Arici, 104 - S. PoloTel. +39.030.2307.1 Fax +39.030.2307.281E-mail: info@aeb-group.com www.aeb-group.com

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