Design and Implementation of On-board Electrical Power ... - OUFTI-1

Design and Implementation of On-board Electrical Power ... - OUFTI-1 Design and Implementation of On-board Electrical Power ... - OUFTI-1
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C f =12πf f R 0f,L f = R 2 0f C f .(f f ; R 0f ) pair C f L f Attenuation at 1MHz(10kHz; −18dBΩ) 79.6µF 3.18µH 80dB(20kHz; −20dBΩ) 72.3µF 0.875µH 68dB(30kHz; −22dBΩ) 66.3µF 0.424µH 61dBTable 5.1: Comparison of three possible filters.The filter with f f = 30kHz has the smallest components and offers an attenuation of61dB. This filter was chosen.The values of the real components will be C f = 66µF (three ceramic capacitors of 22µF inparallel), L f = 0.47µH, C fd = 150µF (tantalum capacitor), and R df = 0.1Ω (series resistanceof the tantalum capacitor). The schematics of this filter is shown in figure 5.33 and the Bodediagram of its output impedance is shown in figure 5.34.Figure 5.33: Schematics of the input filtersof the converters of the EPS.Figure 5.34: Output impedance of the inputfilters of the converters of the EPS.5.4 Design of the dissipation system (shunt regulator)The dissipation system must prevent the voltage on the batteries bus to get over 4.2V.5.4.1 Choice of DesignTwo kinds of solution were envisaged: a series regulator or a shunt regulator.Series RegulatorA series regulator is inserted between the solar panels and the batteries bus (figure 5.35).The drawbacks of this solution are:78

Figure 5.35: Series Regulator.• There is always a voltage drop between the base and the emitter of the transistor. Therewill be power losses even if the batteries voltage is under 4.2V.• All the exceeding power must be dissipated in the transistor.Shunt RegulatorA shunt regulator is used in parallel with the solar panels.Figure 5.36: Shunt Regulator.This solution does not suffer the same drawbacks. There is practically no power losseswhen the voltage of the bus is lower than 4.2V. A resistor can be inserted between the emitterand the ground and take a portion of the power to dissipate. This was the chosen solution.5.4.2 First versionA first version of dissipation system was designed in [3]. The transistor was a field effecttransistor. It was controlled by a logical comparator. The voltage on one input of thecomparator was imposed by a reference. The other input was connected to a voltage scaler,measuring the bus voltage (figure 5.37).79

Figure 5.35: Series Regulator.• There is always a voltage drop between the base <strong>and</strong> the emitter <strong>of</strong> the transistor. Therewill be power losses even if the batteries voltage is under 4.2V.• All the exceeding power must be dissipated in the transistor.Shunt RegulatorA shunt regulator is used in parallel with the solar panels.Figure 5.36: Shunt Regulator.This solution does not suffer the same drawbacks. There is practically no power losseswhen the voltage <strong>of</strong> the bus is lower than 4.2V. A resistor can be inserted between the emitter<strong>and</strong> the ground <strong>and</strong> take a portion <strong>of</strong> the power to dissipate. This was the chosen solution.5.4.2 First versionA first version <strong>of</strong> dissipation system was designed in [3]. The transistor was a field effecttransistor. It was controlled by a logical comparator. The voltage on one input <strong>of</strong> thecomparator was imposed by a reference. The other input was connected to a voltage scaler,measuring the bus voltage (figure 5.37).79

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