Design and Implementation of On-board Electrical Power ... - OUFTI-1

Design and Implementation of On-board Electrical Power ... - OUFTI-1 Design and Implementation of On-board Electrical Power ... - OUFTI-1
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sequently, the k was chosen above 0.4 in our two converters. The more limiting factor wasthe series resistance, which growths quickly when the size of the inductor is decreased (thesection of the wire is reduced).5.3 Design of input filtersAn undesirable feature of switch-mode power converters is their generation of conducted andradiated electromagnetic interference (EMI) on their input at the switching frequency andits harmonics. The power source and other systems supplied by the same power sourcescan be corrupted by EMI currents, if not filtered. Without filtering, EMI will be radiatedby the input line and interference with the operation of near equipments, especially radioequipments.5.3.1 Type of filterThe datasheets of the converters used in section 5.2(TPS63001, TPS61087, and LTC3528)recommend using one 4.7µF to 10µF ceramic capacitor close to the input of the converter.With the resistance of the source and the input line, this makes up a first-order low-pass filter.This may be sufficient in most of the usual applications for these converters, when they aredirectly connected to a battery.In our application, the converters are connected to the batteries bus. The impedanceof the bus seen from a converter is the impedance of the line plus the impedance of all thesystems connected to this bus in parallel (two batteries, five solar panels, two other converters,the EPS2...). As a consequence, the impedance may be quite low and it is difficult to knowthe cut-off frequency of the input filter if it only consists in a capacitor.Therefore, second-order low-pass filters will be used for the converter inputs. Second-orderfilters offer a better attenuation per decade of EMI and their cut-off frequencies can be chosenwith precision.5.3.2 Stability problemAs explained in Chapter 10 of [16], a converter is designed to have an input-to-output transferfunction G vg (s) (the ”audiosusceptibility”) sufficiently small over a wide frequency range. Theoutput voltage is regulated in spite of variations in the input voltage. The introduction of aninput filter will change the dynamics of the converter, often in a manner that degrades theregulator performance. The audiosusceptibility is degraded and there are conditions underwhich the system may even go unstable.The input power of a converter is more or less constant with the input voltage (P in =P out /η), thus one can writeP in = V in I in ⇒ V in = P inI in⇒ dV indI in= −P inI 2 in= −V inI in. (5.35)70

Equation 5.35 is a simplification. In actuality, the control loop impacts the frequencyresponse of the input impedance. As a consequence, the input impedance is not constantwith frequency. The important thing to observe is that the slope of the voltage-current curve,which defines the dynamic impedance of the power supply, is negative (Fig. 5.18).Figure 5.18: V-I curve of a converter input (from [24]).If the source impedance and the dynamic input impedance of the converter have equalvalues but opposite signs at a given frequency, the voltage tends to infinity. The system isthen unstable. The circuit corresponding to this situation is shown in Fig. 5.19.Figure 5.19: The negative impedance can result in oscillations (from [24]).A good solution to have a stable system is to ensure that the magnitude of the outputimpedance of the source is always smaller than the magnitude of the input impedance of theconverter. The impedance of the converter must be considered when it is minimal, i.e. withthe lowest input voltage and the highest load.Details on this stability problem are found in [24] and [16].5.3.3 Middlebrook’s criterionThe Middlebrook’s extra element theorem can be employed to determine how the addition ofan input filter affects the control-to-output transfer function [16]. The modified control-tooutputtransfer function can be expressed as follows1 + Zo(s)ZG 2 = G N (s)11 − Zo(s) ,Z D (s)71

Equation 5.35 is a simplification. In actuality, the control loop impacts the frequencyresponse <strong>of</strong> the input impedance. As a consequence, the input impedance is not constantwith frequency. The important thing to observe is that the slope <strong>of</strong> the voltage-current curve,which defines the dynamic impedance <strong>of</strong> the power supply, is negative (Fig. 5.18).Figure 5.18: V-I curve <strong>of</strong> a converter input (from [24]).If the source impedance <strong>and</strong> the dynamic input impedance <strong>of</strong> the converter have equalvalues but opposite signs at a given frequency, the voltage tends to infinity. The system isthen unstable. The circuit corresponding to this situation is shown in Fig. 5.19.Figure 5.19: The negative impedance can result in oscillations (from [24]).A good solution to have a stable system is to ensure that the magnitude <strong>of</strong> the outputimpedance <strong>of</strong> the source is always smaller than the magnitude <strong>of</strong> the input impedance <strong>of</strong> theconverter. The impedance <strong>of</strong> the converter must be considered when it is minimal, i.e. withthe lowest input voltage <strong>and</strong> the highest load.Details on this stability problem are found in [24] <strong>and</strong> [16].5.3.3 Middlebrook’s criterionThe Middlebrook’s extra element theorem can be employed to determine how the addition <strong>of</strong>an input filter affects the control-to-output transfer function [16]. The modified control-tooutputtransfer function can be expressed as follows1 + Zo(s)ZG 2 = G N (s)11 − Zo(s) ,Z D (s)71

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