Design and Implementation of On-board Electrical Power ... - OUFTI-1

Design and Implementation of On-board Electrical Power ... - OUFTI-1 Design and Implementation of On-board Electrical Power ... - OUFTI-1
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supplied in 5V. The circuit will be located on the batteries card.component since it will not be used in space.This is not a critical3.8 Power conditioning unitMost subsystems have to be supplied with a regulated voltage. The power conditioning unitprovides the required voltages by converting power from the batteries bus. The list of requiredvoltages and corresponding maximum currents is given in chapter 2.Output 1 Output 2 Output 3Voltage [V] 3.3 5 7.2Max. Current[mA] 200 200 420Max. Power [mW] 660 1,000 3,024Table 3.6: Specifications for the power conditioning unit in term of output voltage,max.current, and max. power.Early in the project [3], it was decided to use three DC/DC converters to produce thedesired voltages. The batteries bus voltage will be converted to 5V and 7.2V by two ”boost”DC/DC converters, and to 3.3V by one ”buck/boost” converter.3.9 Protection circuitsThe protection of subsystems against over-current was in the initial objectives of the EPS. Acurrent-limiting circuit was chosen in [3]. This circuit prevents the current at its output toget over a chosen threshold. The circuit has a “FAULT” logical output that will be used toindicate to the OBC when a protection circuit detected an over-current. It also has a ON/OFFinput, that allows to turn on and off the power on the output of the current-limiting circuit.If such a circuit is located on the EPS, it can protect each power bus (3.3V, 5V, and7.2V), but not each subsystem individually (there is a limited number of power busses in thePC104 port). With the OUFTI-1 team, we took the decision to use a current-limiting circuiton each subsystem. The protection circuit will be located on the user’s cards. Doing so, alot of space is saved on the EPS card. There will be only one protection circuit on the EPScard: the protection circuit of the measurement circuits. Another advantage of this structureis that the OBC can turn the power on and off for each subsystem individually.3.10 Measurement system (Housekeeping parameters measurements)There are several measurement circuits on the EPS. Current sense IC’s, temperature probe,and voltage scalers (two resistors) are connected to analogic-to-digital converters. All the correspondingcircuits must be supplied with 3.3V. Like other subsystems, measurement circuitshave to be protected against over-current. The corresponding protection circuit is placed38

on the EPS. The protected 3.3V bus will be connected to a pin of the PC104 port.measurement circuits in the satellite will be supplied from this bus.All3.11 Antennas deployment circuitThe antennas deployment circuit is a switch controlling whether the current flows or not in athermo-cutter. It is used only one time, around 30 minutes after the insertion into orbit. Theamount of current was unknown when the architecture of the EPS was designed. It was thendecided to design a circuit able to deliver up to 10W of power in the resistor. Since then,the required power was determined. The thermo-cutter will have a resistance of around 10Ω,which corresponds to a maximum power of 1.76W if the batteries voltage is 4.2V.There is no DC/DC converter able to deliver 10W on the EPS. Therefore, the circuit willbe supplied directly from the batteries bus. Even if a converter was able to deliver enoughpower, there would be no real convenience to supply the antennas deployment circuit bymeans of this converter. A failure of the converter would cause the antennas not to deploy,and as a consequence the failure of the whole mission.3.12 About the experimental EPSThe Experimental Electrical Power Supply, or EPS2, is a digitally controlled flyback converter.Its power input is connected to the batteries bus and it provides a stabilized 3.3V output.The EPS2 is designed to be able to supply the 3.3V bus of the CubeSat.The EPS2 will be connected in parallel with the 3.3V converter of the EPS. A switch willallow the OBC to chose whether the output of EPS2 is connected to the 3.3V bus or to a testload. The exact means of connecting the output of the EPS2 with the output of the 3.3Vregulator of the main EPS remains to be determined. A Schottky rectifier can be inserted onthe output of the 3.3V converter (before the feed-back loop) if needed. The behaviour of thisparallel connection will need to be investigated in tests.We chose to let the EPS2 supply the 3.3V most of time. The 3.3V converter of the EPSwill be a back-up solution. Since the efficiency of the EPS2 is very low compared to the 3.3Vconverter, this must be taken into account in the power budget.39

on the EPS. The protected 3.3V bus will be connected to a pin <strong>of</strong> the PC104 port.measurement circuits in the satellite will be supplied from this bus.All3.11 Antennas deployment circuitThe antennas deployment circuit is a switch controlling whether the current flows or not in athermo-cutter. It is used only one time, around 30 minutes after the insertion into orbit. Theamount <strong>of</strong> current was unknown when the architecture <strong>of</strong> the EPS was designed. It was thendecided to design a circuit able to deliver up to 10W <strong>of</strong> power in the resistor. Since then,the required power was determined. The thermo-cutter will have a resistance <strong>of</strong> around 10Ω,which corresponds to a maximum power <strong>of</strong> 1.76W if the batteries voltage is 4.2V.There is no DC/DC converter able to deliver 10W on the EPS. Therefore, the circuit willbe supplied directly from the batteries bus. Even if a converter was able to deliver enoughpower, there would be no real convenience to supply the antennas deployment circuit bymeans <strong>of</strong> this converter. A failure <strong>of</strong> the converter would cause the antennas not to deploy,<strong>and</strong> as a consequence the failure <strong>of</strong> the whole mission.3.12 About the experimental EPSThe Experimental <strong>Electrical</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Supply, or EPS2, is a digitally controlled flyback converter.Its power input is connected to the batteries bus <strong>and</strong> it provides a stabilized 3.3V output.The EPS2 is designed to be able to supply the 3.3V bus <strong>of</strong> the CubeSat.The EPS2 will be connected in parallel with the 3.3V converter <strong>of</strong> the EPS. A switch willallow the OBC to chose whether the output <strong>of</strong> EPS2 is connected to the 3.3V bus or to a testload. The exact means <strong>of</strong> connecting the output <strong>of</strong> the EPS2 with the output <strong>of</strong> the 3.3Vregulator <strong>of</strong> the main EPS remains to be determined. A Schottky rectifier can be inserted onthe output <strong>of</strong> the 3.3V converter (before the feed-back loop) if needed. The behaviour <strong>of</strong> thisparallel connection will need to be investigated in tests.We chose to let the EPS2 supply the 3.3V most <strong>of</strong> time. The 3.3V converter <strong>of</strong> the EPSwill be a back-up solution. Since the efficiency <strong>of</strong> the EPS2 is very low compared to the 3.3Vconverter, this must be taken into account in the power budget.39

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