Design and Implementation of On-board Electrical Power ... - OUFTI-1

Design and Implementation of On-board Electrical Power ... - OUFTI-1

Design and Implementation of On-board Electrical Power ... - OUFTI-1


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endi = vi(k);dii = (d_i - i);co = 0;for j = 1:(length(dii)-1)if ((dii(j) 0))co = j;endend% linear interpolationif (co == 0)elsea = (i - d_i(co+1)) / (d_i(co) - d_i(co+1));v = d_v(co)*a + d_v(co+1)*(1-a);endvv(k) = v;The following code gives an exemple <strong>of</strong> the use <strong>of</strong> the above functions to plot to I-V <strong>and</strong>P-V curves <strong>of</strong> a solar cell under full insolation <strong>and</strong> at a temperature <strong>of</strong> 28 ◦ C.v = [0:0.05:vmax];ia = Cell_GaAs(v, 1, 25);da = v_diode(ia);va = 2*v-da;figure;plot(va,ia)AXIS([0 2*vmax 0 0.6])GRID ONXLABEL(’Voltage [V]’)YLABEL(’Current [A]’)figure;pa = ia.*va;plot(va,pa)AXIS([0 2*vmax 0 3])GRID ONXLABEL(’Voltage [V]’)YLABEL(’<strong>Power</strong> [W]’)105

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