Fall/Winter 2006 - Mendocino Art Center

Fall/Winter 2006 - Mendocino Art Center

Fall/Winter 2006 - Mendocino Art Center


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"The RedTomSash"Zephyrs:A Painter’sHigh"Cityscape"The painting process itself is the excitingpart of painting to me. Hundreds ofdecisions and adjustments are beingmade while painting and the process uses parts ofthe brain (the so-called "right brain") that I otherwisegenerally don't use. I imagine it must be likethe "runner's high" a long-distance runner experienceswell into a run. There is no other event thatbrings me to that particular state of mind.I look for my "painter's high" while workingeither on location or in the studio. Outside ("enplein air") there is the joy of being in the elementsand the intensity of full-on-focused painting withthe demands of changing light and weather. In thestudio, there is a delving into a different, sometimesdeeper aesthetic because changing light isn't an elementof the studio experience. In the studio there istime to ponder, reflect, and return day after day tothe work in progress, developing the painting in avery different way than en plein air. Also, whenworking with a model, there is the presence ofanother person/personality.As well as studying plein air methods of paintingwith artists Kevin Macpherson, Charles Sovek,Scott Christensen, Ovanes Berberian, RichardMcDaniels, Alvaro Castagnet and Kim English, andstudio model work with Carolyn Anderson, I havehad training in purely-creative methods of paintingwith Michele Cassou. Depending on my mood, Ibring both sides of my training to the work.In <strong>Mendocino</strong> County, Tom Zephyrs’ work isexhibited at the Blue Sky Gallery in Willits. The artistcan be contacted at (707) 984-6780, via email attomzephyrs@prodigy.net or his website atwww.tomzephyrs.com."The Red Sash" was one of only forty-nineaccepted entries, out of over five hundred, for theCalifornia State Fair, the only fine art entry in thisdivision from <strong>Mendocino</strong> County. It received anAward of Merit."Cityscape" was awarded the "Mayor's Award"at "Jewel by the Bay," a recent event in the Bay Areaparticipated in by forty artists selected from entrantsalong the West Coast. The "Mayor's Award" includeda substantial cash prize.13

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