Act 2013 - Department of Land Resources

Act 2013 - Department of Land Resources Act 2013 - Department of Land Resources


42 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY [Penr II-(l)a)7. Cattle shed/petty shops cost8. One-time grant to artisan,small traders and certain others9. Fishing rights10. One-time ResettlementAllowanceI l.Stamp duty and registrationfee(3)Each affected family havingcattle or having a petty shopshall get one-time financialassistance ofsuch amount as theappropriate Govemment may, bynotification, specifu subject to aminimum of twenty-fivethousand rupees forconstruction of cattle shed orpefy shop as the case may be.Each affected family ofan artisan,small trader or self-employedperson or an affected familywhich owned non-agriculturalland or commercial, industrial orinstitutional structure in theaffected area, and which hasbeen involuntarily displacedfrom the affected area due to landacquisition, shall get one-timefinancial assistance of suchamount as the appropriateGovemment may, by notification.specify subject to a minimum oftwenty-five thousand rupees.In cases of irrigation or hydelprojects, the affected familiesmay be allowed fishing rights inthe reservoirs. in such manneras may be prescribed by theappropriate Govemmeni.Each affected family shall begiven a one-time "ResettlementAllowance" of fifty thousandrupees only.(l) The stamp duty and otherfees payable for registration ofthe land or house allotted to theaffected families shall be borneby the Requiring Body.(2) The land for house allottedto the affected farnilies shall befree fiom all encumbrances.(3) The land or house alloftedmay be in the joint names ofwifeand husband of the affectedfamily.(4)ii(aI(

Src.2lTHE CAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY43THE THIRD SCHEDULE[See sections 32,38(l)and 105(3)]PRovrsroN or.' INFRASTRUCTURAL AMENTTTESFor resettlement of populations, the following infrastructural facilities and basic rninimumamenities are to be provided at the cost of the Requisitioning Authority to ensure that theresettled population in the new village or colony can secure for themselves a reasonablestandard of community life and can attempt to minimise the trauma involved in displacement.A reasonably habitable and planned settlement would have, as a minimum, the followingfacilities and resources, as appropriate:rSerialNo.Component of infrastructure amenities provided/proposedto be provided by the acquirer of landDetails ofinfrastructureamenitiesprovidedby the acquirer ofland(t)(2)(3)1. Roads within the resettled villages and an all-weather roadlink to the nearest pucca road, passages and easement rightsfor all the resettled families be adequately arranged." drainage as well as sanitation plans executed beforephysical resettlement.One or more assured sources of safe drinking water for eachfamily as per the nolrns prescribed by the Government ofIndia.Provision of drinking water for cattle.Grazing land as per proportion acceptable in the State'A reasonable number of Fair Price Shops.Panchayat Ghars, as appropriate.Village level Post Offices, as appropriate. with facilities foropening saving accounts.Appropriate seed-cum-fertilizer storage facility if needed.Efforts must be made to provide basic irrigation facilities tothe agricultural land allocated to the resettled families if notfrom the irrigation project, then by developing a cooperativeor under some Government scheme or special assistance'All new villages established for resettlentent ofthe displacedpersons shall be provided with suitable transport facilitywhich must include public transport facilities through localbus services with the nearby growth centres/urbanlocalities.Burial or cremation ground. depending on the castecommunitiesat the site and their practices.Facilities for sanitation, including individual toilet points.

Src.2lTHE CAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY43THE THIRD SCHEDULE[See sections 32,38(l)and 105(3)]PRovrsroN or.' INFRASTRUCTURAL AMENTTTESFor resettlement <strong>of</strong> populations, the following infrastructural facilities and basic rninimumamenities are to be provided at the cost <strong>of</strong> the Requisitioning Authority to ensure that theresettled population in the new village or colony can secure for themselves a reasonablestandard <strong>of</strong> community life and can attempt to minimise the trauma involved in displacement.A reasonably habitable and planned settlement would have, as a minimum, the followingfacilities and resources, as appropriate:rSerialNo.Component <strong>of</strong> infrastructure amenities provided/proposedto be provided by the acquirer <strong>of</strong> landDetails <strong>of</strong>infrastructureamenitiesprovidedby the acquirer <strong>of</strong>land(t)(2)(3)1. Roads within the resettled villages and an all-weather roadlink to the nearest pucca road, passages and easement rightsfor all the resettled families be adequately arranged." drainage as well as sanitation plans executed beforephysical resettlement.One or more assured sources <strong>of</strong> safe drinking water for eachfamily as per the nolrns prescribed by the Government <strong>of</strong>India.Provision <strong>of</strong> drinking water for cattle.Grazing land as per proportion acceptable in the State'A reasonable number <strong>of</strong> Fair Price Shops.Panchayat Ghars, as appropriate.Village level Post Offices, as appropriate. with facilities foropening saving accounts.Appropriate seed-cum-fertilizer storage facility if needed.Efforts must be made to provide basic irrigation facilities tothe agricultural land allocated to the resettled families if notfrom the irrigation project, then by developing a cooperativeor under some Government scheme or special assistance'All new villages established for resettlentent <strong>of</strong>the displacedpersons shall be provided with suitable transport facilitywhich must include public transport facilities through localbus services with the nearby growth centres/urbanlocalities.Burial or cremation ground. depending on the castecommunitiesat the site and their practices.Facilities for sanitation, including individual toilet points.

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