Act 2013 - Department of Land Resources

Act 2013 - Department of Land Resources Act 2013 - Department of Land Resources


20 THE GAZE TE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY IP^Rr Il(2) The powers olthe appropriate Govemment under sub-section ( /) shall be restrictedto the minimum area required for the defence oflndia or national security or for any emergenciesarising out ofnatural calamities or any other emergency with the approval ofParliament:Provided that the Collector shall not take possession of any building or part of abuilding under this sub-section without giving to the occupier thereof at least forty-eighthours notice ofhis intention to do so. or such longer notice as may be reasonably sufficientto enable such occupier to remove his movable propeny from such building u,ithoutunnecessary inconvenience.(3) Betbre taking possession ofany land under sub-section ( /) or sub-section (?), theCollector shall tender payment of eighty per cent. of the compensation for such land asestimated by him to the person interested entitled thereto.(J) In the case ofany land to which. in the opinion ofthe appropriate Government, theprovisions ofsub-section ( /), sub-section (2) or sub-section (J) are applicable, the appropriateGovernment ma), direct that any or all ofthe provisions ofChapter I I to Chapter VI shall notapply, and, if it does so direct. a declaration may be made under sect ion I 9 in respect of theland at any time after the date of the publication of the preliminary notification undersub-section ( /) of section ll.(i) An additional compensation ofseventy-llve per cent. ofthe total conlpensation asderernrined under section 27. shall be paid by the Collector in respect of land and propeny foracquisition of rvhich proceedings have been initiated under sub-section (/) ofthis section:Provided that no additional compensation will be required to be paid in case theproiect is one that affects the sovereignty and integrity of lndia, the security and strategicinterests ofthe State or relations with foreign States.SpccialSchcdulcdScheduledInbcs.last resort.41. f/,/ As far as possible, no acquisition ofland shall be made in the Scheduled Areas.(2) Where such acquisition does take place it shall be done only as a demonstrable/J.,) In case of acquisition or alienation ofany land in the Scheduled Areas. the priorconsent ofthe concerned Cram Sabha or the Panchayats or the autonomous District the appropriate level in Scheduled Areas under the Fifth Schedule to the Constitution, asthe case may be, shall be obtained. in all cases of land acquisition in such areas, includingacquisition in case of urgency, before issue of a notification under this Act, or any otherCentral Act or a State Act for the time being in force:Provided that the consent of the Panchayats or the Autonomous Districts Councilsshall be obtained in cases where the Cram Sabha does not exist or has not been constituted./J) ln case ofa project involving land acquisition on behalfofa Requiring Body whichinvolves involuntary displacement ofthe Scheduled Castes or the Scheduled Tribes families,a Development Plan shall be prepared. in such lbrm as may be prescribed. laying down thedetails ofprocedure for senling land righrs due, but not settled and restoring titles oftheScheduled Tribes as well as the Scheduled Castes on the alienated land by undertaking aspecial drive rorether with land acquisition.(5) The Developrnent Plan shall also contain a progrdmme for developnrcnr ofalternalefuel, fodder and non-timber tbrest produce resources on non-forest lands within a period ofliveyean, sulficient to meet the requirements oftribal communities as well as the Scheduled Castes.(6) ln case of land being acquired from tnembers of the Scheduled Castes or theScheduled Tribes, at least one-third of the compensation amount due shall be paid to theaffected families initially as first instalment and the rest shall be paid after taking over ofthepossession of the land.(7) The affected t'amilies ol'the Scheduled Tribes shall be resettled preferably in thesame Scheduled Area in a compact block so that they can retain lheir ethnic, linguistic andcultural identity.

Sec.2lTHE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY2t(8) The resettlement areas predominantly inhabited by the Scheduled Castes and theScheduled Tribes shall get land, to such extent as may be decided by the appropriateGovernment free ofcost for community and social gath€rings.(9) Anv alienation of tribal lands or lands belonging to members of the ScheduledCastes in disregard ofthe laws and regulations for the time being in force shall be treated asnulland void. and in the case ofacquisition ofsuch lands, the rehabilitation and resenlementbenefits shall be made available to the original tribal land owners or land owners belongingto the Scheduled Castes.( /0) The affected Scheduled Tribes. other traditional forest dwellers and the ScheduledCastes having fishing rights in a river or pond or dam in the aflected area shall be givenfishing rights in the reservoir area ofthe inigation or hydel projects.( //) Where the affected families belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the ScheduledTribes are relocated outside ofthe district. then. they shall be paid an additional twenty-fiveper cent. rehabilitation and resettlement benefits to which they are entitled in monetaryterms along with a one-tinle entitlement offifty thousand rupees.42. (l\ All benefits, including the reservation benefits available to the ScheduledTribes and the Scheduled Casres in the affected areas shall continue in the resettlement area.(2) Whenever the affected families belonging to rhe Scheduled Tribes who are residingin the Scheduled Areas referred to in the Fifth Schedule or the tribal areas referred to in theSixth Schedule to the Constitution are relocated outside those areas, than, all the statutorysafeguards. ent itlements and benefits being enjoyed by them under th is Act shall be extendedto the area to which they are resettled regardless ofwhether the resettlment area is a scheduledArea rel'erred to in the said Fifth Schedule. or a tribal area referred to in the said SixthSchedule. or not.Reservalionand olherbenelilsI ,Jl 2(rrr7(J) Where the community rights have been settled under the provisions ofthe Scheduled'tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition ofForest Rights) Act, 2006. thesame shall be quantified in monetary amounr and be paid to the individual concemed rvhohas been displaced due to the acquisition of land in proportion with his share in suchcornnrunity rights.CHAPTER VIPROCEDIjRE AND MANNI:R oF REIIABILITATIoN AND RESET-ILEMENI43. (/) Where the appropriate Govemment is satisfied that there is likely ro beinvoluntary displacement ofpersons due to acquisition ofland, then, the State Governmentshall, by notification. appoint in respect ofthat project. an officer not below the rank ofJointcollector or Additional colleclor or Deputy Collector or equivalenl official of RevenueDepartment ro be the Administrator for Rehabilitation and Resettlement.Ap poin tmen tofAdninistralor.(2) The Administrator shall, with a view ro enable him to function efficiently and romeet the special time-frame, be provided with such powers, duties and responsibilities asrnay be prescribed by the appropriate Government and provided with office infrastructureand be assisted by such ollicers and employees who shall be subordinate to him as theappropriate Govemment may decide.(J) Subjecr to the superintendence, directions and control of the appropriateGovernment and the Commissioner for Rehabilitation and Resenlement, the {ormulation,cxecution and monitoring of the Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme shall vest in theAdminisrrator.4t. (,1) The Stare Govemment shall appoinr an oflicer ofthe rank ofCommissioner orSecrelary ofthat Govemment for rehabilitation and resettlement ofaffected families underthis Act, to be called the Commissioncr for Rehabilitation and Resettlemenr.Commrssion€rforrchabilitationandr€seltlement.

Sec.2lTHE GAZETTE OF INDIA EXTRAORDINARY2t(8) The resettlement areas predominantly inhabited by the Scheduled Castes and theScheduled Tribes shall get land, to such extent as may be decided by the appropriateGovernment free <strong>of</strong>cost for community and social gath€rings.(9) Anv alienation <strong>of</strong> tribal lands or lands belonging to members <strong>of</strong> the ScheduledCastes in disregard <strong>of</strong>the laws and regulations for the time being in force shall be treated asnulland void. and in the case <strong>of</strong>acquisition <strong>of</strong>such lands, the rehabilitation and resenlementbenefits shall be made available to the original tribal land owners or land owners belongingto the Scheduled Castes.( /0) The affected Scheduled Tribes. other traditional forest dwellers and the ScheduledCastes having fishing rights in a river or pond or dam in the aflected area shall be givenfishing rights in the reservoir area <strong>of</strong>the inigation or hydel projects.( //) Where the affected families belonging to the Scheduled Castes and the ScheduledTribes are relocated outside <strong>of</strong>the district. then. they shall be paid an additional twenty-fiveper cent. rehabilitation and resettlement benefits to which they are entitled in monetaryterms along with a one-tinle entitlement <strong>of</strong>fifty thousand rupees.42. (l\ All benefits, including the reservation benefits available to the ScheduledTribes and the Scheduled Casres in the affected areas shall continue in the resettlement area.(2) Whenever the affected families belonging to rhe Scheduled Tribes who are residingin the Scheduled Areas referred to in the Fifth Schedule or the tribal areas referred to in theSixth Schedule to the Constitution are relocated outside those areas, than, all the statutorysafeguards. ent itlements and benefits being enjoyed by them under th is <strong>Act</strong> shall be extendedto the area to which they are resettled regardless <strong>of</strong>whether the resettlment area is a scheduledArea rel'erred to in the said Fifth Schedule. or a tribal area referred to in the said SixthSchedule. or not.Reservalionand olherbenelilsI ,Jl 2(rrr7(J) Where the community rights have been settled under the provisions <strong>of</strong>the Scheduled'tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition <strong>of</strong>Forest Rights) <strong>Act</strong>, 2006. thesame shall be quantified in monetary amounr and be paid to the individual concemed rvhohas been displaced due to the acquisition <strong>of</strong> land in proportion with his share in suchcornnrunity rights.CHAPTER VIPROCEDIjRE AND MANNI:R oF REIIABILITATIoN AND RESET-ILEMENI43. (/) Where the appropriate Govemment is satisfied that there is likely ro beinvoluntary displacement <strong>of</strong>persons due to acquisition <strong>of</strong>land, then, the State Governmentshall, by notification. appoint in respect <strong>of</strong>that project. an <strong>of</strong>ficer not below the rank <strong>of</strong>Jointcollector or Additional colleclor or Deputy Collector or equivalenl <strong>of</strong>ficial <strong>of</strong> Revenue<strong>Department</strong> ro be the Administrator for Rehabilitation and Resettlement.Ap poin tmen t<strong>of</strong>Adninistralor.(2) The Administrator shall, with a view ro enable him to function efficiently and romeet the special time-frame, be provided with such powers, duties and responsibilities asrnay be prescribed by the appropriate Government and provided with <strong>of</strong>fice infrastructureand be assisted by such ollicers and employees who shall be subordinate to him as theappropriate Govemment may decide.(J) Subjecr to the superintendence, directions and control <strong>of</strong> the appropriateGovernment and the Commissioner for Rehabilitation and Resenlement, the {ormulation,cxecution and monitoring <strong>of</strong> the Rehabilitation and Resettlement Scheme shall vest in theAdminisrrator.4t. (,1) The Stare Govemment shall appoinr an <strong>of</strong>licer <strong>of</strong>the rank <strong>of</strong>Commissioner orSecrelary <strong>of</strong>that Govemment for rehabilitation and resettlement <strong>of</strong>affected families underthis <strong>Act</strong>, to be called the Commissioncr for Rehabilitation and Resettlemenr.Commrssion€rforrchabilitationandr€seltlement.

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