Statement of Community Involvement - Southwark Council Planning ...

Statement of Community Involvement - Southwark Council Planning ...

Statement of Community Involvement - Southwark Council Planning ...


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Key themes3 Walk and talk eventsAt these events, local residents guide us aroundtheir neighbourhoods describing areas <strong>of</strong>concern, celebrated assets, relevant precedentsand general thoughts and ideas. These itemshave been collected on maps and pr<strong>of</strong>ormas, andhave been collated and analysed by Soundings,the London-based community engagementexperts.12 Liaison Group meetingsThree separate Liaison Groups have been set upto represent local residents, the wider communityand business interests in the area. Meetings withLiaison Groups are arranged to coincide withthe project work stages and key moments in thewider regeneration. To date, each group has metfour times.OutreachTo ensure that young people and the hard toreach are engaged in the consultation process ina way they feel comfortable, over 70 outreachmeetings have been carried out.TRA meetingsEngage with local residents and raise awarenees<strong>of</strong> the consultation proceess by attendingTenants and Residents Assoociations’ meetings.<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Regular attendance at the <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Council</strong> toprovide updates on the progress <strong>of</strong> the HeygateMasterplan.www.elephantandcastle.org.ukThe website provides information on the projectand can be used to follow the consultationprocess, view presentations, give feedback anddownload this and future reports.The consultation was split into three stages.Feedback was sought throughout, with keythemes emerging at each stage. The key activitiesand themes are summarised below.Stage One: Masterplan PrinciplesA wide range <strong>of</strong> themes emerged at Stage One <strong>of</strong>the project through consultation at an interactiveexhibition, walk and talk events, liaison groupmeetings and outreach. To raise awareness <strong>of</strong>the events, 6,000 flyers were distributed andposters placed in key locations. The eventswere also advertised on the Elephant and Castlewebsite, in the local press and via an email invite.These emerging themes included:• The importance <strong>of</strong> green space andretention <strong>of</strong> trees.• The location <strong>of</strong> green space.• Safety and security within the developmentand the wider area.• The amount and affordability <strong>of</strong> affordablehousing.• The number and type <strong>of</strong> new homes.• Pedestrian and cyclist links.• New shops and the impact they may haveon existing ones.• The type <strong>of</strong> market the area needs.• The need for high quality design.• Local employment and trainingopportunities.• Support for interim uses.ii The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 2012

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