Statement of Community Involvement - Southwark Council Planning ...

Statement of Community Involvement - Southwark Council Planning ...

Statement of Community Involvement - Southwark Council Planning ...


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Executive summaryThe <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Involvement</strong>summarises the process <strong>of</strong> public consultationthat has taken place on the Heygate Masterplan,in preparation for the outline planningapplication.Consultation processSoundings have been appointed by LendLease (Elephant and Castle) Limited (LL) (the“Applicant”), to deliver community consultationand engagement as an impartial member <strong>of</strong> theteam.Formal consultation and engagement on theHeygate Masterplan has been taking place sinceMay 2011. During this time there have been 30public consultation events engaging well over1,000 people in a range <strong>of</strong> ways:7 <strong>Community</strong> Forum meetingsThe <strong>Community</strong> Forum is a consultativeforum formed to ensure that the views andrequirements <strong>of</strong> diverse stakeholder groups inElephant and Castle are represented. Around180 local stakeholders are invited to attend theForum, which is independently chaired by SarahGaventa, a former Director <strong>of</strong> CABE Space.Consultation HubA Consultation Hub has been set up at 182 -184 Walworth Road in what was a vacant shopunit. The venue is being used on a regular basisto host feedback exhibitions, liaison groupmeetings, community outreach, and as a drop-ininformation centre.3 Interactive exhibitionsPublic interactive exhibitions have been held inJuly, October 2011 and February 2012 to discussthe evolving Heygate Masterplan with the localcommunity.AttendanceMasterplan principles 600+ 185Concept masterplan 300+ 82Final masterplan 550+ 138Feedback forms5 Pop-up sessionsThe pop-ups near the shopping centre allowedus to speak to people and to signpost theconsultation events at the Consultation Hub.The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 2012i

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