Statement of Community Involvement - Southwark Council Planning ...

Statement of Community Involvement - Southwark Council Planning ...

Statement of Community Involvement - Southwark Council Planning ...


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Mayor <strong>of</strong> London• The London Plan• The London Housing StrategyNational Policy• Code for Sustainable Homes - Technicalguide• Draft National <strong>Planning</strong> Policy Framework• <strong>Planning</strong> Policy <strong>Statement</strong> 3: Housing• <strong>Planning</strong> Policy <strong>Statement</strong> 4: <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>of</strong>Sustainable Economic Growth.• <strong>Planning</strong> Policy <strong>Statement</strong> 9: Biodiversityand Geological Conservation.• <strong>Planning</strong> Policy Guidance 17: <strong>Planning</strong> foropen space, sport and recreation• Sustainable Communities PlanLend Lease and consultants• EIA Scoping Report: Heygate Phase• EIA Scoping Report: Rodney Road Phase• Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Trees (CAVAT)• Stage One Consultation Report• Masterplan Principles Comments• Phase One Feedback Form Comments• Anabat survey• Phase 1 Habitat Survey ReportLocal community• Imagining the Elephant: VisioningWorkshop 4th June 2011. Summary Report• Elephant Amenity Network Interim UseStrategy3.8 OutreachOutreach is an effective engagement tool toensure inclusion <strong>of</strong> all sections <strong>of</strong> the communityin the consultation process. Regular review <strong>of</strong>the demographic <strong>of</strong> the consultees is used totarget specific sections <strong>of</strong> the community thatare considered to be under represented. Thesegroups <strong>of</strong>ten include young people, the elderlyand minority ethnic communities, but can changeduring the course <strong>of</strong> the project.Outreach events are arranged by directlycontacting community groups and/or communityrepresentatives. Events will take place at themost convenient location and time for the group,with exhibition material transported, whererequired, to the event to support the discussion.More information about the outreach activitiesand findings can be found in Chapter 8 <strong>of</strong> thisreport.The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 201223

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