Statement of Community Involvement - Southwark Council Planning ...

Statement of Community Involvement - Southwark Council Planning ...

Statement of Community Involvement - Southwark Council Planning ...


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The Heygate MasterplanElephant and CastleOutline <strong>Planning</strong> Application<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Community</strong><strong>Involvement</strong>Prepared for Lend Lease by SoundingsMarch 2012

Application Documents• Parameter Plans• Design Strategy Document• Development Specification• Design and Access <strong>Statement</strong>• Environmental <strong>Statement</strong>o Non-Technical Summaryo Main Text and FiguresChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 EIA MethodologyChapter 3 Existing Land Uses and ActivitiesChapter 4 AlternativesChapter 5 The Proposed DevelopmentChapter 6 Development Programme,Construction and DemolitionChapter 7 TransportationChapter 8 Noise and VibrationChapter 9 Air QualityChapter 10 Ground Conditionsand ContaminationChapter 11 Water Resources and Flood RiskChapter 12 EcologyChapter 13 ArchaeologyChapter 14 WindChapter 15 Daylight, Sunlightand OvershadowingChapter 16 Socio-economicsChapter 17 Cumulative ImpactsChapter 18 Summary <strong>of</strong> Mitigationand Residual Impactso Townscape, Visual and Built Heritage Assessmento Appendices• Vision and Destination <strong>Statement</strong>• Landscape Strategy• Tree Strategy• <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Statement</strong>• Transport Assessment• Travel Plan• Access <strong>Statement</strong>• Housing <strong>Statement</strong>• Retail Assessment• Draft Section 106 Heads <strong>of</strong> Terms• <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Involvement</strong>• Sustainability <strong>Statement</strong>• Energy Strategy• Waste Strategy• Utilities and Services Infrastructure Strategy• Health Impact Assessment• Equalities Impact Assessment• Estate Management Strategy• Glossary <strong>of</strong> TermsThe Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 2012

Masterplan Principles Exhibition, July 2011

Executive summaryThe <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Involvement</strong>summarises the process <strong>of</strong> public consultationthat has taken place on the Heygate Masterplan,in preparation for the outline planningapplication.Consultation processSoundings have been appointed by LendLease (Elephant and Castle) Limited (LL) (the“Applicant”), to deliver community consultationand engagement as an impartial member <strong>of</strong> theteam.Formal consultation and engagement on theHeygate Masterplan has been taking place sinceMay 2011. During this time there have been 30public consultation events engaging well over1,000 people in a range <strong>of</strong> ways:7 <strong>Community</strong> Forum meetingsThe <strong>Community</strong> Forum is a consultativeforum formed to ensure that the views andrequirements <strong>of</strong> diverse stakeholder groups inElephant and Castle are represented. Around180 local stakeholders are invited to attend theForum, which is independently chaired by SarahGaventa, a former Director <strong>of</strong> CABE Space.Consultation HubA Consultation Hub has been set up at 182 -184 Walworth Road in what was a vacant shopunit. The venue is being used on a regular basisto host feedback exhibitions, liaison groupmeetings, community outreach, and as a drop-ininformation centre.3 Interactive exhibitionsPublic interactive exhibitions have been held inJuly, October 2011 and February 2012 to discussthe evolving Heygate Masterplan with the localcommunity.AttendanceMasterplan principles 600+ 185Concept masterplan 300+ 82Final masterplan 550+ 138Feedback forms5 Pop-up sessionsThe pop-ups near the shopping centre allowedus to speak to people and to signpost theconsultation events at the Consultation Hub.The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 2012i

Key themes3 Walk and talk eventsAt these events, local residents guide us aroundtheir neighbourhoods describing areas <strong>of</strong>concern, celebrated assets, relevant precedentsand general thoughts and ideas. These itemshave been collected on maps and pr<strong>of</strong>ormas, andhave been collated and analysed by Soundings,the London-based community engagementexperts.12 Liaison Group meetingsThree separate Liaison Groups have been set upto represent local residents, the wider communityand business interests in the area. Meetings withLiaison Groups are arranged to coincide withthe project work stages and key moments in thewider regeneration. To date, each group has metfour times.OutreachTo ensure that young people and the hard toreach are engaged in the consultation process ina way they feel comfortable, over 70 outreachmeetings have been carried out.TRA meetingsEngage with local residents and raise awarenees<strong>of</strong> the consultation proceess by attendingTenants and Residents Assoociations’ meetings.<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Council</strong>Regular attendance at the <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Council</strong> toprovide updates on the progress <strong>of</strong> the HeygateMasterplan.www.elephantandcastle.org.ukThe website provides information on the projectand can be used to follow the consultationprocess, view presentations, give feedback anddownload this and future reports.The consultation was split into three stages.Feedback was sought throughout, with keythemes emerging at each stage. The key activitiesand themes are summarised below.Stage One: Masterplan PrinciplesA wide range <strong>of</strong> themes emerged at Stage One <strong>of</strong>the project through consultation at an interactiveexhibition, walk and talk events, liaison groupmeetings and outreach. To raise awareness <strong>of</strong>the events, 6,000 flyers were distributed andposters placed in key locations. The eventswere also advertised on the Elephant and Castlewebsite, in the local press and via an email invite.These emerging themes included:• The importance <strong>of</strong> green space andretention <strong>of</strong> trees.• The location <strong>of</strong> green space.• Safety and security within the developmentand the wider area.• The amount and affordability <strong>of</strong> affordablehousing.• The number and type <strong>of</strong> new homes.• Pedestrian and cyclist links.• New shops and the impact they may haveon existing ones.• The type <strong>of</strong> market the area needs.• The need for high quality design.• Local employment and trainingopportunities.• Support for interim uses.ii The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 2012

Stage Two: Concept MasterplanThemes at the concept masterplan stage <strong>of</strong>the project were more focused. More detailedinformation on the proposals was available and agreater number <strong>of</strong> consultation events were held,including an exhibition, interactive workshop,liaison group meetings, outreach, and drop-insat the Consultation Hub. As during Stage One,6,000 flyers were distributed to advertise theevents. Posters were produced and notices wereplaced on the website and in local press.The key themes at Stage Two were:• Private courtyards and extent <strong>of</strong> publicaccess to them.• Raised courtyards and the effect on visualgreen amenity.• The amount and affordability <strong>of</strong> affordablehousing.• The amount and location <strong>of</strong> car parking.• The distribution <strong>of</strong> height --- Taller towards the shopping centre.-- Arrangement <strong>of</strong> tall, mid and lowbuildings.-- Tall building at the east end <strong>of</strong> the park.• Phase One density.• Walworth Road street environment.• Loss <strong>of</strong> trees along Walworth Road.• Vehicular through routes.• Viability <strong>of</strong> the parallel shopping street.• The northern edge <strong>of</strong> the new Park.• Cycle connections.Stage Three: Final masterplanStage Three introduced the final IllustrativeMasterplan at an interactive exhibition. This eventwas widely advertised with over 40,000 flyers,posters, press releases and newspaper articles.Key themes at Stage Three were:• Type and location <strong>of</strong> community facilities.• Construction phase for communityfacilities.• Architectural style and quality.• Design <strong>of</strong> the new Park.• The level <strong>of</strong> car parking.• The amount <strong>of</strong> affordable housing.• Public access to open spaces.• The management and maintenance <strong>of</strong> thepublic realm.• Raised courtyards.• The cycle network.• Interim uses.• Timescales.RecommendationsThe consultation process greatly informed theHeygate Masterplan, most significantly throughthe size and location <strong>of</strong> the new Park, as well asthrough attention to movement to and aroundthe proposed Development.The consultation has also laid strong foundationsfor ongoing engagement on detailed proposalsfor individual elements and interim uses.The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 2012iii

Stage One Masterplan Principles interactive exhibition, July 2011

Contents1. Introduction 12. People and Place 53. Consultation Plan 134. Stage 1: Masterplan Principles 275. Stage 2: Concept Masterplan 416. Stage 3: Final Masterplan 597. Liaison Groups 778. Outreach 839. Thematic workshops 9310. <strong>Community</strong> Forum 9711. Key themes 10512. Recommendations 113The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 2012v

Stage One Masterplan Principles interactive exhibition, July 2011

1. Introduction1.1 Purpose <strong>of</strong> documentThe <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Involvement</strong> hasbeen prepared and submitted by Soundings,on behalf <strong>of</strong> Lend Lease (Elephant and Castle)Limited (LL) (the “Applicant”), to support anoutline planning application for The HeygateMasterplan in Elephant and Castle (the “Site”).The aim <strong>of</strong> this document is to provide a record<strong>of</strong> the public consultation and engagementprocess and findings carried out during 2011 andthe first quarter <strong>of</strong> 2012.This document should be read in conjunctionwith the <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>Statement</strong> that details theconsultation and engagement process with thestatutory consultees, such as <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong>,the GLA, TfL and English Heritage.Formal pre-application discussions have beenheld with <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong>; the GLA; and TfLon the evolving scheme since May 2011, andthe evolving Illustrative Masterplan was alsopresented to the <strong>Southwark</strong> Design Review Panel(DRP) on three separate occasions on 10 October2011, 22 November 2011, and 28 February 2012;and to the Mayor <strong>of</strong> London on 17 October 2011.Consultation has also taken place with otherstatutory consultees, such as English Heritageand Westminster City <strong>Council</strong>, including specificbriefing sessions held at the Consultation Hub onWalworth Road.The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 20121

Outreach with Latin American School during the Concept Masterplan interactive exhibition, October 2011

1.2 Project teamLend Lease is recognised as a world leader increating sustainable communities with theexpertise and capacity to deliver a wide array<strong>of</strong> complex mixed-use development projects.<strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong> selected Lend Lease as itspreferred master development partner for theregeneration <strong>of</strong> the Elephant and Castle in 2007,and signed a Regeneration Agreement in July2010.Since signing the Regeneration Agreement,Lend Lease has been busy carrying out technicalsurveys and appointing a full and comprehensivedesign team.Soundings was appointed as part <strong>of</strong> this teamin Spring 2011 to co-ordinate and deliverformal consultation and engagement on thedevelopment <strong>of</strong> an outline Heygate Masterplan.Soundings was introduced to the community atthe <strong>Community</strong> Forum in May 2011.1.3 SoundingsSoundings delivers exemplary public andstakeholder consultation and engagement thatfeeds directly into emerging masterplans andcity strategies. Acting as a neutral voice in thedevelopment process, communities are engagedcreatively to seed change, inform design andempower local groups committed to the longtermsuccess <strong>of</strong> a place.1.4 Heygate MasterplanThis document forms part <strong>of</strong> the Outline <strong>Planning</strong>Application for the Heygate Masterplan. Keyelements that the regeneration will deliverinclude:• Up to 2,462 homes or residential units.• A new Park.• A vibrant mix <strong>of</strong> uses including residential,shops, bars, restaurants and cafes, business,community and culture and leisure uses.Phase One <strong>of</strong> the regeneration is the site definedby Rodney Road, Victory Place and Balfour Street.A Detailed <strong>Planning</strong> Application for approximately250 new homes to be submitted in Summer2012. This site is currently being developed byLend Lease and architects de Rijke, Marsh Morgan(dRMM).Consultation on the Heygate Masterplan andPhase One has overlapped. As a result, somereferences to Phase One are made within thisdocument. A separate <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Community</strong><strong>Involvement</strong> will be submitted as part <strong>of</strong> thedetailed planning application for Phase One.The Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application for the HeygateMasterplan excludes Phase One.Soundings creates tailored processes workingclosely with architects, developers, agencies, localauthorities and local people. The Soundings teamdraws on extensive experience gained duringpublic consultations in well over half <strong>of</strong> London’sboroughs and across the UK, including King’sCross Central, the 2012 Olympic, Paralympic andLegacy Masterplans, and Chelsea Barracks.Soundings has been appointed to act as animpartial member <strong>of</strong> the team to ensure thatthe thoughts and views <strong>of</strong> local people andstakeholders are recorded and considered in anopen and rigorous way.The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 20123

Stage Two outreach, December 2011

2. People and Place2.1 Project backgroundThe regeneration <strong>of</strong> Elephant and Castle has beenwidely discussed for over 12 years. Over this timethere have been many changes to the deliverymodel, design and site boundary. Key stages inthe past 12 years include:• <strong>Southwark</strong> Land Regeneration Partnership(1999)• Elephant Links (1990s)• Elephant and Castle Framework forDevelopment Supplementary <strong>Planning</strong>Guidance (2004)• Regeneration Agreement (2010)• Draft Elephant and Castle Supplementary<strong>Planning</strong> Document (2012)*In July 2007, <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong> selected LendLease as its preferred master developmentpartner for the regeneration <strong>of</strong> the HeygateEstate.Following selection, the <strong>Council</strong> and Lend Leaseentered into negotiations to finalise a commercialagreement to enable the regeneration tohappen. However, the ensuing global recessionimpacted heavily on the property market andcaused a significant delay in the discussions toreach a commercial agreement.The <strong>Council</strong> and Lend Lease continueddiscussions throughout this time. In July 2010 aRegeneration Agreement was signed between<strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong> and Lend Lease. Theagreement is the legal document that forms thebasis <strong>of</strong> a long-term relationship between the<strong>Council</strong> and Lend Lease for the regeneration <strong>of</strong> asignificant part <strong>of</strong> the Elephant and Castle on thesite <strong>of</strong> the Heygate Estate.* Any references to the SPD being a draft document in thisapplication should be disregarded once the document isformally adopted by <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong>.The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 20125

Rockingham Estate TRAStrataDraper House TRAWansey Street TRABalfour Street ResidentsHenshaw Street TRASalisbury Estate TRARodney Road TRAGarland Court TRAAlberta TRAPullens Estate TRAMap showing approximate locations <strong>of</strong> key local tenants andresident’s associations or residents groups

2.2 The local communityElephant and Castle is home to a diverse residentand business community that contribute tomake it a truly unique place. Following is somekey baseline information based on the figurespresented in <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s Scoping Reportfor the Elephant and Castle SPD/OAPF.• The Opportunity Area includes significantportions <strong>of</strong> Cathedrals, Chaucer, EastWalworth and Newington wards, and smallsections <strong>of</strong> Faraday and Camberwell Greenwards.• Elephant and Castle has a very highproportion <strong>of</strong> people between the ages <strong>of</strong>16-24 (an average <strong>of</strong> 16.6%), significantlyhigher than the borough, London ornational averages.• The area also has below the averagenumber <strong>of</strong> older people for <strong>Southwark</strong> atjust 9.6%.• There is a large knowledge quarterpopulated by in excess <strong>of</strong> 30,000 students.th• <strong>Southwark</strong> is ranked as the 26 mostdeprived local authority area in England,with Elephant and Castle in particularsuffering very high levels <strong>of</strong> poverty.• East Walworth ward was ranked as themost deprived ward in <strong>Southwark</strong> in 2007.• White British, White Other and Black orBlack British (African) account for themajority <strong>of</strong> people residing in the fourwards within the Opportunity Area.• There are significantly high levels <strong>of</strong> Blackor Black British (African) residents withinthe wards <strong>of</strong> East Walworth (20.9%) andChaucer (20.4%).• The majority <strong>of</strong> residents within theOpportunity Area are <strong>of</strong> Christian faith withMuslims comprising the second largestfaith, an average <strong>of</strong> about 10%.Key local tenants and residents associations orresidents groups include:• Alberta TRA• Balfour Street Residents Group• Draper House TRA• Garland Court TRA• Henshaw Street TRA• Pullens TRA• Rodney Road TRA• Rockingham Estate TRA• Salisbury Estate TRA• Strata residents• Wansey Street TRAActive local community groups that we haveidentified include:• Cooltan Arts• Elephant and Castle Urban Forest• Elephant Amenity Network• Latin American UK Forum• People’s Republic <strong>of</strong> <strong>Southwark</strong>• <strong>Southwark</strong> Cyclists• <strong>Southwark</strong> Living Streets• Superarts• Victory <strong>Community</strong> Park Committee• Walworth SocietyThe Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 20127

2.3 <strong>Community</strong> studies and reportsImagining the ElephantVisioning Workshop 4 th June 2011Summary ReportElephant Amenity NetworkJune 2011http://elephantamenity.wordpress.com/Elephant & Castle Urban ForestInterim Use StrategyElephant Amenity Network 24 November 2011Front covers <strong>of</strong> reports produced by the ElephantAmenity NetworkThe local area has some highly active communitygroups who have been proactive in producingstudies, reports and events on the existing place,potential uses, and aspirations. These documentshave been shared with and reviewed by thedeveloper and design team.They include:• Imagining the Elephant: VisioningWorkshop 4th June 2011, event and report• Tree Valuation “People’s CAVAT”• Elephant Amenity Network Interim UseStrategy• Is the Elephant your neighbourhood?workshop and report• Better Elephant exhibition (February 2012)It is also worth noting the number <strong>of</strong> furthereducation students who are basing project workon the regeneration, including:• London School <strong>of</strong> Economics• King’s College London• London Metropolitan University• Welsh School <strong>of</strong> Architecture• University <strong>of</strong> Brighton• University College London• Goldsmiths, University <strong>of</strong> London8 The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 2012

2.4 Consultation policy context<strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong> adopted the <strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong><strong>Community</strong> <strong>Involvement</strong> (SCI), which formspart <strong>of</strong> the Local Development Framework. Thisdocument provides advice on pre-applicationconsultation to ensure there is effectivecommunity involvement in the planning process.This guidance has helped inform the consultationand engagement plan.Please refer to the table in chapter 3,Consultation Plan, that responds to the <strong>Council</strong>’sapplicable recommended consultation methodsin Appendix C <strong>of</strong> the adopted SCI.<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> community involvementJanuary 2008www.southwark.gov.uk2.5 Physical contextThe Heygate Estate, the site for this Outline<strong>Planning</strong> Application, comprises 9.1 hectares(23 acres) in central London. The estate wasdeveloped during the 1970’s and providedapproximately 1,100 socially rented homes,community rooms and a small number <strong>of</strong> shopunits. The Right To Buy initiative <strong>of</strong> the 1980’sled to a number <strong>of</strong> homes entering into privateownership.The design <strong>of</strong> the Heygate Estate created fivelarge slab blocks, nine terraces <strong>of</strong> maisonettes,a block <strong>of</strong> community and commercial units, acomplex arrangement <strong>of</strong> elevated walkways anda large number <strong>of</strong> now mature trees.The Heygate Estate was initially a success withmany local residents speaking fondly <strong>of</strong> thesense <strong>of</strong> community and the high-quality homes.However, over time the estate became run-downand suffered from a large number <strong>of</strong> designissues including a lack <strong>of</strong> permeability, inactivityat ground level, design / construction faults, highlevels <strong>of</strong> fear <strong>of</strong> crime, and a bad reputation.In 2002, <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong> made the decision,informed by consultation, that wholesaledemolition and regeneration was the only optionavailable to improve the Heygate Estate. Thereare a few remaining maisonettes still occupied onthe estate, while the five slab blocks have beensecured with metal shuttering.Approximately 140 residents <strong>of</strong> the HeygateEstate expressed their Right to Return and havebeen regularly written to with invitations toattend the interactive exhibitions.Front cover <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong> adopted<strong>Statement</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Involvement</strong>The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 20129

Eileen HouseNeobrand NewingtonCausewaySt George’s RoadMetro Central HeightsSt George’s RoadNorthern RoundaboutArch StreetNew Kent RoadLeisure Centre redevelopmentand St Mary’s ResidentialShopping centreOakmayne Plaza(Tribeca Square)360StrataHeygate EstateNewington ButtsSt Mary’s Churchyard andSouthern roundaboutDashwood StudiosHampton StreetHeygate StreetWalworth RoadSouth CentralGarland CourtJohn Smith HouseCrampton StreetPrintworksChatelaine HousePlan showing recent and emerging local developments10 The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 2012

2.6 Recent and emerging localdevelopmentsThe Site accounts for the largest singledevelopment site within the Elephant and CastleOpportunity Area.Harper SquareThe Elephant and Castle Opportunity Area hasbeen and will continue to undergo massivechange. A number <strong>of</strong> new residential, mixeduse and public realm improvement schemeshave been completed, are on site, or are beingdeveloped.Please refer to the adjacent map for projects andtheir current status.Metropolis126 New KentRoadKeyHeygate MasterplanCompleted projectsProjects with planningconsentProjects expected to comeforwardProjects in deliveryPhase OneBrandon StreetRodney RoadStead StreetThe Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 201211

Resident Liaison Group meeting three, November 2011

3. Consultation Plan3.1 AimsThe aims <strong>of</strong> the consultation and engagementwere to:• Raise awareness <strong>of</strong> the regeneration.• Involve local people and stakeholders in thedesign development <strong>of</strong> an outline HeygateMasterplan.• Understand and document the aspirations,and levels <strong>of</strong> support and areas <strong>of</strong> concern<strong>of</strong> the local community.• Be inclusive and engage all sections <strong>of</strong> thelocal community.• Be flexible and able to adapt theconsultation plan in response to unforeseenissues, concerns or developments.3.2 Work stagesA three-stage process <strong>of</strong> consultation andengagement was developed to inform the keystages <strong>of</strong> design development from establishingclear principles through to defining a finalHeygate Masterplan. This process was developedin collaboration with Lend Lease and the designteam. The three stages are described in moredetail in later chapters <strong>of</strong> this document andwere:Masterplan principles July to SeptemberConcept masterplan October to JanuaryFinal masterplan February to MarchThe consultation and engagement during thesestages included interactive exhibitions, drop-inevents, pop-ups, design workshops, outreachwith community groups, the establishment <strong>of</strong>and dialogue with three Liaison Groups, andregular meetings <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Community</strong> Forum.The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 201213

2011 2012Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb MarCommunicationsEvent publicityWebsite launchConsultation newslettersEventsPop upExhibitionsDrop inLiaison groupsForumOutreachStage 1 Stage 2 SPD consultationStage 3Indicative consultation programme3.3 Raising awarenessThe consultation plan was also assembled takinginto consideration other developments andconsultations taking place in the OpportunityArea. Key consultations included:• Phase 1 <strong>of</strong> the Heygate Regeneration, ona site bounded by Rodney Road, VictoryPlace, Balfour Street. (Lend Lease)• Elephant and Castle Supplementary<strong>Planning</strong> Document (<strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong>)• Redevelopment <strong>of</strong> the existing leisureCentre Site including St Mary’s Residential(Lend Lease) and the Leisure Centre(<strong>Southwark</strong>)Raising awareness <strong>of</strong> a project and theconsultation process is essential for goodrepresentation and engagement. To achievegood awareness, a variety <strong>of</strong> different medianeed to be used to ensure exposure to allsections <strong>of</strong> the community.For all interactive exhibitions, the following wereused:• Flyers distributed to homes and businessesin the area, and left at key busy locations.Interactive exhibition Posted Pop-up*Masterplan Principles 7,000 150Concept Masterplan 7,000 400Final Masterplan 40,000 100* Pop-ups are explained in the next section• Two Newsletters, summarising consultationfindings, advertising events and invitingpeople to get involved have beendistributed to over 7,000 homes andbusinesses in the area, left at key busylocation. A digital version has beencirculated to the project database.14 The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 2012

• Posters displayed in the local area.• Adverts in <strong>Southwark</strong> News and <strong>Southwark</strong>Weekender.• Press releases to local, regional andnational newspapers, trade publicationsand websites, which have included thefollowing over the duration <strong>of</strong> the project:----------------------<strong>Southwark</strong> NewsSouth London PressArchitects JournalBuilding DesignBuildingLondon-SE1.co.ukEvening StandardCo-StarOut-Law.comEstates GazetteThe Times-- Property Week• Articles and news items on the projectwebsite (www.elephantandcastle.org.uk).• Articles on www.southwark.gov.uk• Email invitations to the project contactdatabase.WebsiteIn July 2011, at the same time that Lend Leaselaunched its public consultation process, LendLease and <strong>Southwark</strong> jointly established awebsite to act as a central point <strong>of</strong> referencefor all regeneration in the Opportunity Area,signposting those looking for information as wellas providing background to the regenerationproposals.The site has a ‘Consultation and Dialogue’ sectionwhich is managed by Soundings to collate andprovide public access to all presentations andminutes given to the <strong>Community</strong> Forum andLiaison Group meetings, all newsletters, reportsand exhibition material. It also announcesforthcoming events and provides consultationupdates. Other areas <strong>of</strong> the website provide adescription <strong>of</strong> the history, culture and recent andplanned changes in the Opportunity Area.The site can be found at:www.elephantandcastle.org.ukEffective publicity has also be carried out byattending existing events and making informationavailable to key members <strong>of</strong> the community, suchas:• <strong>Council</strong> member briefings.• Requests to community representatives tocommunicate to their networks.• Attending Walworth <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Council</strong>and Borough and Bankside <strong>Community</strong><strong>Council</strong> meetings.• Making announcements at all consultationevents.Screenshot <strong>of</strong> www.elephantandcastle.org.ukThe Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 201215

Stage Two Concept Masterplan interactive workshop, October 2011

3.4 EventsDifferent consultation events are required tounderstand the local area, engage differentsections <strong>of</strong> the local community, discuss theproposals in more detail and gather information.Interactive exhibitionsInteractive exhibitions have been hosted at each<strong>of</strong> the three project stages. These events havebeen held at the Consultation Hub and staffedby Soundings, Lend Lease and the design team.Members <strong>of</strong> staff are on hand to guide peoplethrough the information and answer questions.Attendance at the event is measured via a simpletally on the door.Existing and proposed models <strong>of</strong> the HeygateEstate and wider area have helped local peopleto engage with the proposals, whilst A1 andA0 information boards provide more detailin diagrams, sketches, plan drawings andaccompanying commentary.Information on other projects being developedor constructed in the area close to the proposedDevelopment is also available and helps to providecontext for the regeneration.The primary consultation tool at the interactiveexhibitions is a detailed feedback form. Theseforms are used to seek feedback on specificaspects that the design team would like inputon, and <strong>of</strong>fer open areas for people to expresstheir thoughts. An additional detachable sheetcollected demographic information, based upon<strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong> monitoring forms.Interactive workshopAn interactive workshop was hosted in StageTwo to give local people the chance to creativelycontribute towards the development <strong>of</strong> theconcept masterplan. The event took place ona Saturday and at an easily accessible localconference venue to ensure as many local peoplecould attend as possible.The day was structured to allow small groups todevelop their thinking and ideas on a variety <strong>of</strong>themes, before feeding back to a wider audience.Themes included detailed consideration <strong>of</strong> thepublic realm, location <strong>of</strong> facilities, the height<strong>of</strong> buildings, the movement network andlandscaping.Sufficient materials and resources were providedto support the participants in producing a widerange <strong>of</strong> outputs.Pop-up events‘Pop-up’ events are used to support theinteractive exhibitions by sign-posting peopleto the Consultation Hub. They use a small streetmarquee to stage consultation in locations <strong>of</strong>high footfall in the area such as next to theshopping centre and transport interchange.Information on the exhibition and a simplifiedfeedback form are used to quickly canvassfeedback on general issues and desires for themasterplanning project.The feedback forms are available as a hard copy atthe event and as a PDF file on the project websitetogether with all exhibition material. Completedfeedback forms are accepted for one week afterthe end <strong>of</strong> each exhibition.The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 201217

Liaison Group MeetingsThree Liaison Groups were formed to exploremore detailed aspects <strong>of</strong> the masterplan.Members were recruited by advertising theprocess at the Masterplan Principles exhibitionand by invitation to all engaged residents andstakeholders. These groups are open to all andcontinued to grow throughout the consultationprocess. They meet on weekday evenings at theConsultation Hub between 6:30pm and 9pm.The three groups are:• Residents Liaison Group (RLG), looking atthe needs <strong>of</strong> existing and new residents.• Employment, Business and Retail LiaisonGroup (ELG) which will focus on maximisinglocal economic benefits.• <strong>Community</strong> Liaison Group (CLG) whichwill consider the wider interests <strong>of</strong> thecommunity including the public realm,public open space, and communityfacilities.Each Liaison Group has between 30 and 40members representing a diverse range <strong>of</strong>individuals and groups with a special interest inone or more <strong>of</strong> the areas covered by the LiaisonGroups.The outcomes <strong>of</strong> discussions and deliberationsheld by the Liaison Groups are recorded inmeeting minutes that are published on thewebsite and in consultation reports. LiaisonGroup members have also given presentations tothe <strong>Community</strong> Forum to help ensure all groupsare aware <strong>of</strong> the efforts <strong>of</strong> their fellow groups.RLG members represent the following groups ororganisations:• Pullens TRA• Garland Court TRA• Wansey Street TRA• Balfour Street Resident Group• Perronet House• Tabard Gardens North TRA• Salisbury TRA• Rodney TRA• Elephant Amenity Network• <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong> (regeneration)• Aylesbury TRAELG members represent the following groups ororganisations:• Business Extra• <strong>Southwark</strong> Works• <strong>Southwark</strong> College• <strong>Southwark</strong> Disability Forum• BeOnsite• Rodney Road Traders Association• <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong> (economicdevelopment)• Latin American UK ForumCLG members represent the following groups ororganisations:• Superarts• <strong>Southwark</strong> Living Streets• Victory <strong>Community</strong> Park Committee• Elephant Amenity Network• Friends <strong>of</strong> Nursery Row Park• Elephant and Castle Urban Forest• People’s Republic <strong>of</strong> <strong>Southwark</strong>18 The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 2012

Employment, Business and Retail Liaison Group meeting one, August 2011Thematic workshopsAs the consultation process progressed, itbecame clear that there was a need for specificthematic workshops to cover key topics thatwere not covered in the either <strong>of</strong> the threeLiaison Groups, <strong>of</strong> cross group interest, or aretoo large a topic to cover within a Liaison Groupmeeting.The themes <strong>of</strong> these workshops were identifiedas:• Interim uses• Sustainability• Housing – affordable housing and designstandardsMore details about the outcomes <strong>of</strong> theseworkshops can be found in Chapter 9 <strong>of</strong> thisreport.Walk and talk‘Walk and talk’ are events where local residents,community members and businesses take thedesign team around their neighbourhood,describing what works and what does not,aspects they value or don’t value and expressingideas that they think may be <strong>of</strong> use to themasterplanning approach. Feedback can includesuggestions for good design ideas or precedentsacross a range <strong>of</strong> elements such as openspace, transport, architecture, horticulture orbiodiversity.The information helps to build up a strongsense <strong>of</strong> a place in use, highlighting all elementsrelevant to quality <strong>of</strong> life, from the serviceprovision standards and location <strong>of</strong> health centresand schools to traffic and personal safety, frompublic transport accessibility to parking standardsand from environmental pollution to aspects <strong>of</strong>local history. A thorough understanding <strong>of</strong> theseissues is essential to any masterplanning processthat hopes to address wider social benefits andregeneration opportunities.Information is collected at ‘walk and talk’ eventsthrough the use <strong>of</strong> preprinted maps and pr<strong>of</strong>ormasfor note taking. The maps set out a basicroute to follow, but the group can and do takedetours to visit places <strong>of</strong> particular interest toany <strong>of</strong> the participants. The event is documentedusing photographs and note taking.The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 201219

Stage One Masterplan Principles walk and talk, July 2011

3.5 <strong>Community</strong> ForumSince May 2011, Lend Lease has been hosting the<strong>Community</strong> Forum, a consultative body formedto ensure that the views and requirements <strong>of</strong>diverse stakeholder groups in the Elephant andCastle are taken into account. It considers issuesrelated to the entire Opportunity Area, as well asdetailed matters on the individual projects. It is apublic meeting, open to all.Sarah Gaventa, a former Director <strong>of</strong> CABE Space,independently chairs the <strong>Community</strong> Forum.Lend Lease and Soundings provide support forthe Chair and coordinate presentations andhandouts.More detail on attendees, discussion topics andoutcomes <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Community</strong> Forum can be foundin Chapter 10 <strong>of</strong> this document.3.6 The Consultation HubIn order to promote the widest possible exchangeand dialogue the Consultation Hub at 182–184Walworth Road was opened in July 2011. Thelocation is a few minutes walk from the site andimmediately next to a busy bus stop. The doublefrontage is great for attracting passers-by intoevents and works well as a shop window forinformation.The Consultation Hub includes a large openspace at the front <strong>of</strong> the unit for meetings andexhibitions with direct access to a separatemeeting room. A second <strong>of</strong>fice / meeting roomis to the rear <strong>of</strong> the unit. Other facilities includea small kitchenette, storerooms, unisex anddisabled toilets.The meeting room was set up as a documentlibrary in October 2011 at the request <strong>of</strong> theLiaison Groups. It holds all relevant local andnational planning policy documents, reportsand studies produced by the community andthe design team, and a record <strong>of</strong> all exhibitionmaterial used on the project.The Consultation Hub has been open between1pm and 5pm on Friday afternoons since October2011 for people to drop in, talk to the team,view exhibition material and access relevantdocuments.The Consultation Hub has been provided to localcommunity groups and <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong>’s<strong>Planning</strong> Policy team free <strong>of</strong> charge for meetingsand consultation events. Flyers and informationleaflets for local groups or facilities are also madeavailable.3.7 Document libraryA direct result <strong>of</strong> consultation and engagementthrough the Liaison Groups was the creation <strong>of</strong>a document library in the rear meeting roomat the Consultation Hub. The aim <strong>of</strong> this facilityis to provide local people with better accessto planning policy related to the project anddocuments produced by the community andconsultants. People are able to browse thesedocuments and borrow them on short loans.The documents currently held at the libraryinclude:<strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong>• Affordable Housing SPD• Design and Access statements SPD• Residential Design Standards SPD• Section 106 <strong>Planning</strong> Obligations SPD• Sustainability Assessment SPD• Supplementary <strong>Planning</strong> Document:Walworth Road• Supplementary <strong>Planning</strong> Document: Theenterprise quarter• Sustainable Design and Construction SPD• Sustainable Transport SPD• OAPF Walworth Road SPD• Elephant Castle Trust Report December2011The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 201221

Stage Three interactive exhibition, February 2012

Mayor <strong>of</strong> London• The London Plan• The London Housing StrategyNational Policy• Code for Sustainable Homes - Technicalguide• Draft National <strong>Planning</strong> Policy Framework• <strong>Planning</strong> Policy <strong>Statement</strong> 3: Housing• <strong>Planning</strong> Policy <strong>Statement</strong> 4: <strong>Planning</strong> <strong>of</strong>Sustainable Economic Growth.• <strong>Planning</strong> Policy <strong>Statement</strong> 9: Biodiversityand Geological Conservation.• <strong>Planning</strong> Policy Guidance 17: <strong>Planning</strong> foropen space, sport and recreation• Sustainable Communities PlanLend Lease and consultants• EIA Scoping Report: Heygate Phase• EIA Scoping Report: Rodney Road Phase• Evaluation <strong>of</strong> Trees (CAVAT)• Stage One Consultation Report• Masterplan Principles Comments• Phase One Feedback Form Comments• Anabat survey• Phase 1 Habitat Survey ReportLocal community• Imagining the Elephant: VisioningWorkshop 4th June 2011. Summary Report• Elephant Amenity Network Interim UseStrategy3.8 OutreachOutreach is an effective engagement tool toensure inclusion <strong>of</strong> all sections <strong>of</strong> the communityin the consultation process. Regular review <strong>of</strong>the demographic <strong>of</strong> the consultees is used totarget specific sections <strong>of</strong> the community thatare considered to be under represented. Thesegroups <strong>of</strong>ten include young people, the elderlyand minority ethnic communities, but can changeduring the course <strong>of</strong> the project.Outreach events are arranged by directlycontacting community groups and/or communityrepresentatives. Events will take place at themost convenient location and time for the group,with exhibition material transported, whererequired, to the event to support the discussion.More information about the outreach activitiesand findings can be found in Chapter 8 <strong>of</strong> thisreport.The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 201223

3.9 Reporting backKey to the success <strong>of</strong> any consultation andengagement exercise is the ability to feedinformation back to the client, design team, localcouncil and residents. We have engaged througha variety <strong>of</strong> different methods such as:• Weekly update meetings with Lend Lease• Frequent presentations to the design team(primarily Make, Grant Associates and Arup)• Presentations to <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong> at keystages <strong>of</strong> the consultation• Presentations at the <strong>Community</strong> Forum• Discussions at the Liaison Group meetings• Consultation Newsletters to the entireOpportunity Area• Stage reports on the consultation availableon the website and at the Consultation HubThe first two items on this list are processed bySoundings using a purpose-designed database forthe project, authored in Filemaker Pro.All written comments (not tick box) are recordedas provided and then categorised into subjectsand the type <strong>of</strong> response (positive, negative,neutral, suggestion, statement, reference orclarification).The content <strong>of</strong> these reports is based upon thefeedback provided at consultation events in avariety <strong>of</strong> different forms including:• Response to questions on feedback forms• Additional remarks appended to feedbackforms• Email correspondences and writtendeputations• Records <strong>of</strong> conversations with individualsor groups at public events• Minutes and meeting notes for LiaisonGroups, Thematic Workshops, andOutreach eventsElephant and CastleConsultation Report OneOctober 2011Cover <strong>of</strong> Stage 1 report, October 20113.10 Working within the adoptedSCIThe following refers to the guidance table inAppendix C <strong>of</strong> the adopted SCI for consultationtools and events. It lists the <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong>recommended method and how the consultationprocess described in this document meets this.24 The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 2012

Consultation method Consultation type Our approachDisplaying planning policydocuments at council <strong>of</strong>ficesInformationDocument library at the Consultation HubWebsite information on planning Information Online documents at www.elephantandcastle.org.ukSpecific assistance on policy andapplications<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Council</strong>sInformationConsultationParticipationInformationConsultationAttendance at meetings by <strong>Southwark</strong> <strong>Council</strong> <strong>of</strong>ficersTeam attendance and presentations at numerous Walworth<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Council</strong> meetings and several Borough andBankside <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Council</strong> meetings.Ward councillors Information Local ward councillors are invited to briefings and consultationevents. Specific briefings <strong>of</strong> local ward councillors are alsoundertaken.List <strong>of</strong> current planning applications Information Have information available at events on other neighbouringdevelopmentsPosters / flyers Information Flyers sent to all addresses in the Opportunity Area andemailed to the project database. Event posters displayed in keylocationsMail outs to general <strong>Planning</strong> Policymailing list and statutory consulteesDirect mailing to all properties inthe specified areaArticles in <strong>Southwark</strong> Life orcommunity publications<strong>Planning</strong> application noticesRadio<strong>Planning</strong> by design and visioningdays<strong>Community</strong> street surveysSending out information explainingand asking questions aboutplanning issuesFocus groups / workshopsCitizen panelsPublic exhibitions / displays / stalls atcommunity events and prominentcommunity locationsInformationConsultationInformationConsultationInformationConsultationInformationConsultationInformationConsultationInformationConsultationParticipationInformationConsultationParticipationInformationConsultationInformationConsultationParticipationInformationConsultationParticipationInformationConsultationRegular project updates and publicity is sent via email to theentire project database and by post upon request.Flyers and newsletters are sent to all addresses in theOpportunity AreaPress releases and project updates / events publicity are sentout to <strong>Southwark</strong> Life and through local community networkssuch as the Latin American communityApplication notices will be used at the time <strong>of</strong> submission.Not usedDesign and thematic based workshops, Liaison Groupmeetings, and Interactive WorkshopPop-up events and drop in exhibitions and session at theConsultation HubMarketLink street survey (600)Not considered as effective or appropriate as other methodsincluding information on the project website and Fridayafternoon drop-in sessions at the Consultation HubInteractive workshop, thematic workshops and Liaison GroupmeetingsMarketLink Focus Groups and one to One interviews<strong>Community</strong> Forum and Liaison GroupsExhibitions at the Consultation Hub and attendance at localevents such as EAN visioning workshop and the Walworth<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Council</strong>The Heygate Masterplan Elephant and Castle Outline <strong>Planning</strong> Application March 201225

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