Extending the limits of the selective 1D NOESY experiment with an ...

Extending the limits of the selective 1D NOESY experiment with an ... Extending the limits of the selective 1D NOESY experiment with an ...

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206 Communication / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 171 (2004) 201–206[6] K. Stott, J. Stonehouse, J. Keeler, T.-L. Hwang, A.J. Shaka,Excitation sculpting in high-resolution nuclear magnetic resonancespectroscopy: application to selective NOE experiments, J.Am. Chem. Soc. 117 (1995) 4199–4200.[7] K. Stott, J. Keeler, Q.N. Van, A.J. Shaka, One-dimensional NOEexperiments using pulsed field gradients, J. Magn. Reson. 125(1997) 302–324.[8] J. Stonehouse, P. Adell, J. Keeler, A.J. Shaka, Ultrahigh-qualityNOE spectra, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116 (1994) 6037–6038.[9] R.E. Hurd, Gradient-enhanced spectroscopy, J. Magn. Reson. 87(1990) 422–428.[10] A.A. Maudsley, A. Wokaun, R.R. Ernst, Coherence transferechoes, Chem. Phys. Lett. 55 (1978) 9–14.[11] T.-L. Hwang, A.J. Shaka, Water suppression that works. Excitationsculpting using arbitrary waveforms and pulsed fieldgradients, J. Magn. Reson. A 112 (1995) 275–279.[12] L. Braunschweiler, R.R. Ernst, Coherence transfer by isotropicmixing: application to proton correlation spectroscopy, J. Magn.Reson. 53 (1983) 521–528.[13] P. Adell, T. Parella, F. Sanchez-Ferrando, A. Virgili, Gradientselection in pseudo-3D experiments, J. Magn. Reson. A 113 (1995)124–127.[14] M.J. Gradwell, H. Kogelberg, T.A. Frenkiel, Applying excitationsculpting to construct singly and doubly selective 1D NMRexperiments, J. Magn. Reson. 124 (1997) 267–270.[15] D. Uhrin, P.N. Barlow, Gradient-enhanced one-dimensionalproton chemical-shift correlation with full sensitivity, J. Magn.Reson. 126 (1997) 248–255.[16] L. Poppe, H. van Halbeek, NOE measurements on carbohydratesin aqueous solution by double-selective pseudo-3D TOCSY-ROESY and TOCSY–NOESY. Application to Gentiobiose, J.Magn. Reson. 96 (1992) 185–190.[17] S. Macura, Y. Huang, D. Suter, R.R. Ernst, Two-dimensionalchemical exchange and cross-relaxation spectroscopy of couplednuclear spins, J. Magn. Reson. 43 (1981) 259–281.[18] S. Macura, K. Wuthrich, R.R. Ernst, Separation and suppressionof coherent transfer effects in two-dimensional NOE and chemicalexchange spectroscopy, J. Magn. Reson. 46 (1982) 269–282.[19] M. Rance, G. Bodenhausen, G. Wagner, K. Wuthrich, R.R.Ernst, A systematic approach to the suppression of J cross peaksin 2D exchange and 2D NOE spectroscopy, J. Magn. Reson. 62(1985) 497–510.[20] A.L. Davis, G. Estcourt, J. Keeler, E.D. Laue, J.J. Titman,Improvement of z filters and purging pulses by the use of zeroquantumdephasing in inhomogeneous B 1 or B 0 fields, J. Magn.Reson. A 105 (1993) 167–183.[21] G. Estcourt, A.L. Davis, J. Keeler, Suppression of zero-quantuminterference in two-dimensional z-COSY spectra, J. Magn. Reson.96 (1992) 191–198.[22] M.J. Thrippleton, J. Keeler, Elimination of zero-quantum interferencein two-dimensional NMR spectra, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Engl. 42 (2003) 3938–3941.[23] K.E. Cano, M.J. Thrippleton, J. Keeler, A.J. Shaka, Cascaded z-filters for efficient single-scan suppression of zero-quantumcoherence, J. Magn. Reson. 167 (2004) 291–297.[24] E. Kupce, R. Freeman, Adiabatic pulses for wideband inversionand broadband decoupling, J. Magn. Reson. A 115 (1995) 273–276.[25] G. Xu, J.S. Evans, The application of excitation sculpting in theconstruction of selective one-dimensional homonuclear coherencetransferexperiments, J. Magn. Reson. B 111 (1996) 183–185.[26] A.J. Shaka, European Small Molecule Meeting, MSD TerlingsPark, UK, 2001.[27] K.E. Cano, M.J. Thrippleton, J. Keeler, A.J. Shaka, Improvedtransient NOE buildups in coupled spin systems, in: 45thExperimental NMR Conference, Pacific Grove, USA, 2004.[28] E. Kupce, R. Freeman, Techniques for multisite excitation, J.Magn. Reson. A 105 (1993) 234–238.[29] G. Bodenhausen, R. Freeman, D.L. Turner, Suppression ofartifacts in two-dimensional J spectroscopy, J. Magn. Reson. 27(1977).[30] S.P. Rucker, A.J. Shaka, Broadband homonuclear cross polarizationin 2D NMR using DIPSI-2, Mol. Phys. 68 (1989) 509–517.[31] K.F. Morris, C.S. Johnson Jr., Diffusion-ordered two dimensionalnuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114(1992) 3139–3141.

206 Communication / Journal <strong>of</strong> Magnetic Reson<strong>an</strong>ce 171 (2004) 201–206[6] K. Stott, J. Stonehouse, J. Keeler, T.-L. Hw<strong>an</strong>g, A.J. Shaka,Excitation sculpting in high-resolution nuclear magnetic reson<strong>an</strong>cespectroscopy: application to <strong>selective</strong> NOE <strong>experiment</strong>s, J.Am. Chem. Soc. 117 (1995) 4199–4200.[7] K. Stott, J. Keeler, Q.N. V<strong>an</strong>, A.J. Shaka, One-dimensional NOE<strong>experiment</strong>s using pulsed field gradients, J. Magn. Reson. 125(1997) 302–324.[8] J. Stonehouse, P. Adell, J. Keeler, A.J. Shaka, Ultrahigh-qualityNOE spectra, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116 (1994) 6037–6038.[9] R.E. Hurd, Gradient-enh<strong>an</strong>ced spectroscopy, J. Magn. Reson. 87(1990) 422–428.[10] A.A. Maudsley, A. Wokaun, R.R. Ernst, Coherence tr<strong>an</strong>sferechoes, Chem. Phys. Lett. 55 (1978) 9–14.[11] T.-L. Hw<strong>an</strong>g, A.J. Shaka, Water suppression that works. Excitationsculpting using arbitrary waveforms <strong>an</strong>d pulsed fieldgradients, J. Magn. Reson. A 112 (1995) 275–279.[12] L. Braunschweiler, R.R. Ernst, Coherence tr<strong>an</strong>sfer by isotropicmixing: application to proton correlation spectroscopy, J. Magn.Reson. 53 (1983) 521–528.[13] P. Adell, T. Parella, F. S<strong>an</strong>chez-Ferr<strong>an</strong>do, A. Virgili, Gradientselection in pseudo-3D <strong>experiment</strong>s, J. Magn. Reson. A 113 (1995)124–127.[14] M.J. Gradwell, H. Kogelberg, T.A. Frenkiel, Applying excitationsculpting to construct singly <strong>an</strong>d doubly <strong>selective</strong> <strong>1D</strong> NMR<strong>experiment</strong>s, J. Magn. Reson. 124 (1997) 267–270.[15] D. Uhrin, P.N. Barlow, Gradient-enh<strong>an</strong>ced one-dimensionalproton chemical-shift correlation <strong>with</strong> full sensitivity, J. Magn.Reson. 126 (1997) 248–255.[16] L. Poppe, H. v<strong>an</strong> Halbeek, NOE measurements on carbohydratesin aqueous solution by double-<strong>selective</strong> pseudo-3D TOCSY-ROESY <strong>an</strong>d TOCSY–<strong>NOESY</strong>. Application to Gentiobiose, J.Magn. Reson. 96 (1992) 185–190.[17] S. Macura, Y. Hu<strong>an</strong>g, D. Suter, R.R. Ernst, Two-dimensionalchemical exch<strong>an</strong>ge <strong>an</strong>d cross-relaxation spectroscopy <strong>of</strong> couplednuclear spins, J. Magn. Reson. 43 (1981) 259–281.[18] S. Macura, K. Wuthrich, R.R. Ernst, Separation <strong>an</strong>d suppression<strong>of</strong> coherent tr<strong>an</strong>sfer effects in two-dimensional NOE <strong>an</strong>d chemicalexch<strong>an</strong>ge spectroscopy, J. Magn. Reson. 46 (1982) 269–282.[19] M. R<strong>an</strong>ce, G. Bodenhausen, G. Wagner, K. Wuthrich, R.R.Ernst, A systematic approach to <strong>the</strong> suppression <strong>of</strong> J cross peaksin 2D exch<strong>an</strong>ge <strong>an</strong>d 2D NOE spectroscopy, J. Magn. Reson. 62(1985) 497–510.[20] A.L. Davis, G. Estcourt, J. Keeler, E.D. Laue, J.J. Titm<strong>an</strong>,Improvement <strong>of</strong> z filters <strong>an</strong>d purging pulses by <strong>the</strong> use <strong>of</strong> zeroqu<strong>an</strong>tumdephasing in inhomogeneous B 1 or B 0 fields, J. Magn.Reson. A 105 (1993) 167–183.[21] G. Estcourt, A.L. Davis, J. Keeler, Suppression <strong>of</strong> zero-qu<strong>an</strong>tuminterference in two-dimensional z-COSY spectra, J. Magn. Reson.96 (1992) 191–198.[22] M.J. Thrippleton, J. Keeler, Elimination <strong>of</strong> zero-qu<strong>an</strong>tum interferencein two-dimensional NMR spectra, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Engl. 42 (2003) 3938–3941.[23] K.E. C<strong>an</strong>o, M.J. Thrippleton, J. Keeler, A.J. Shaka, Cascaded z-filters for efficient single-sc<strong>an</strong> suppression <strong>of</strong> zero-qu<strong>an</strong>tumcoherence, J. Magn. Reson. 167 (2004) 291–297.[24] E. Kupce, R. Freem<strong>an</strong>, Adiabatic pulses for wideb<strong>an</strong>d inversion<strong>an</strong>d broadb<strong>an</strong>d decoupling, J. Magn. Reson. A 115 (1995) 273–276.[25] G. Xu, J.S. Ev<strong>an</strong>s, The application <strong>of</strong> excitation sculpting in <strong>the</strong>construction <strong>of</strong> <strong>selective</strong> one-dimensional homonuclear coherencetr<strong>an</strong>sfer<strong>experiment</strong>s, J. Magn. Reson. B 111 (1996) 183–185.[26] A.J. Shaka, Europe<strong>an</strong> Small Molecule Meeting, MSD TerlingsPark, UK, 2001.[27] K.E. C<strong>an</strong>o, M.J. Thrippleton, J. Keeler, A.J. Shaka, Improvedtr<strong>an</strong>sient NOE buildups in coupled spin systems, in: 45thExperimental NMR Conference, Pacific Grove, USA, 2004.[28] E. Kupce, R. Freem<strong>an</strong>, Techniques for multisite excitation, J.Magn. Reson. A 105 (1993) 234–238.[29] G. Bodenhausen, R. Freem<strong>an</strong>, D.L. Turner, Suppression <strong>of</strong>artifacts in two-dimensional J spectroscopy, J. Magn. Reson. 27(1977).[30] S.P. Rucker, A.J. Shaka, Broadb<strong>an</strong>d homonuclear cross polarizationin 2D NMR using DIPSI-2, Mol. Phys. 68 (1989) 509–517.[31] K.F. Morris, C.S. Johnson Jr., Diffusion-ordered two dimensionalnuclear magnetic reson<strong>an</strong>ce spectroscopy, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114(1992) 3139–3141.

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