Extending the limits of the selective 1D NOESY experiment with an ...

Extending the limits of the selective 1D NOESY experiment with an ... Extending the limits of the selective 1D NOESY experiment with an ...

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204 Communication / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 171 (2004) 201–206system, provided that it is sufficiently well-resolved fromthe rest of the peaks. In practice, the isotropic mixingperiod is optimized so as to maximize coherence transferto the target spin for the NOESY mixing period.The 1D 1 H spectrum of lasalocid used in this study isshown in Fig. 2 along with its molecular structure and1 H chemical shift assignments. The 1D 1 H spectrumshows substantial overlap, with only a small numberof well-resolved peaks in the region d > 2.4 ppm. Todemonstrate the efficiency of the new ZQF, Fig. 3 comparesthe selective 1D TOCSY spectra of proton H 14 obtainedusing the pulse sequence of Fig. 1B, with andFig. 3. Selective 1D TOCSY spectra of lasalocid-{H 14 } obtained withthe pulse sequence of Fig. 1B, with (lower panel) and without (lowerpanel) the ZQFs in place. A 20 ms Gaussian 180° pulse was used in theDPFGSE for the selective excitation of H 14 . The isotropic mixingperiod was 25 ms using the DIPSI-2 sequence [30] and a 6.25 kHz B 1field, which generated optimal magnetization transfer to H 15 . Whenthe ZQFs are omitted (upper panel), the spectrum shows significantanti-phase distortions due to ZQ interference. These distortions areessentially absent when the ZQFs are included (lower panel). A 30 or50 ms constant-adiabaticity WURST inversion pulse [24] with abandwidth of 20 or 30kHz was used in each of the ZQFs, respectively.The gradients were optimized accordingly as described by Thrippletonand Keeler [22].without the ZQFs. In the case where no ZQ filtrationis applied (upper panel), the anti-phase contributionsby ZQC to the multiplet patterns are evident. Theseanti-phase distortions are largely absent when two ZQFswith appropriately adjusted durations and gradientstrengths are applied (lower panel). The apparentlyhigher resolution exhibited by H 15 in the absence ofZQ filtration (upper panel) is only a deception attributableto anti-phase components introduced by ZQ interference,as can be confirmed by comparison with the 1D1 H spectrum.The spin system consisting of protons H 14 ,H 15 ,H 16 ,H 17a , and H 17b provides an excellent example for theSTEP–NOESY experiment shown in Fig. 1C. In the1D 1 H spectrum (Fig. 2), with the only exception ofH 14 , all of these peaks show at least some degree of overlap,rendering them unsuitable for direct selective excitation.With the additional spectral editing step providedby the STEP function, it is now straightforward to selectivelyexcite each one of the resonances and observe itsNOE correlations.The doubly selective 1D STEP–NOESY spectrum of{H 15 {H 14 }} obtained with the pulse sequence of Fig. 1Cis shown in Fig. 4A, where the shorthand notation{H b {H a }} denotes H a as the target spin for the STEPfunction, and H b for the NOE mixing period. All ofthe NOE correlations can be assigned in a straightforwardmanner. However, there still exist significant distortionsto the multiplets of those spins scalar coupledto H 15 . This is better exemplified in the NOE buildupof H 17a , shown in Fig. 4B. The anti-phase distortionsare evident for shorter mixing times, while for intermediateto longer NOE mixing times, such distortions areseemingly absent. However, the H 17a peak appears tobe a doublet, while all other available evidences (e.g.,its coupling to both H 17b and H 15 ) suggest that it shouldbe a doublet of a doublet.As pointed out by Shaka and co-workers [26,27],such distortions are not the result of ZQC leakagethrough the ZQFs. Instead, their origin is a phenomenonknown as spin-state mixing, which is encounteredin strongly scalar coupled spin systems. Even thoughthese distortions are generally rather small, they pose asignificant problem in the NOE experiment, since thesignals of interests are usually very weak. These authorsfurther demonstrated that, by subtracting a referencespectrum with ‘‘zero’’ mixing time, these distortionscan be largely removed. This results in a double differencespectrum. The same principle can be applied tothe STEP–NOESY experiment. Fig. 4C shows the doubledifference STEP–NOESY spectrum of {H 15 {H 14 }}.Note that there is a slight reduction in the signal-tonoisecompared to the single difference spectrum ofFig. 4A. However, the correct multiplet patterns arenow restored for all of the spins coupled to H 15 . Forcomparison, the distortion-free NOE buildup of H 17a

Communication / Journal of Magnetic Resonance 171 (2004) 201–206 205Fig. 4. Comparison of the single (A and B) and double difference (C and D) 1D STEP–NOESY spectra of lasalocid-{H 15 {H 14 }} recorded with thepulse sequence of Fig. 1C. Each FID was acquired with 1024 transients. Selective excitation of both H 14 and H 15 was achieved with the DPFGSEsequence using a 20 ms Gaussian 180° pulse. The isotropic mixing period for the STEP function was 25 ms, which was optimized using the pulsesequence of Fig. 1B to yield maximum magnetization transfer to H 15 . The two ZQFs in the STEP function were identical to those described in Fig. 3.The ZQF at the end of the NOE mixing time used a 50 ms constant-adiabaticity WURST sweep with a 30 kHz bandwidth. Two 1.5 ms hyperbolicsecant 180° pulses were used for the ‘‘nulling’’ pulses. (A) The single difference 1D STEP–NOESY spectrum of {H 15 {H 14 }} using a NOE mixing timeof 500 ms. Note the anti-phase distortions for the multiplets of H 14 ,H 16 ,H 17a , and H 17b . (B) The NOE buildup of H 17a {H 15 {H 14 }} obtained fromthe single difference spectra. The NOE mixing time was increased systematically from 100 to 1000 ms in 100 ms steps. The target intensity in eachspectrum was normalized, therefore the differences in the signal-to-noise. (C) The double difference 1D STEP–NOESY spectrum of {H 15 {H 14 }} usinga NOE mixing time of 500 ms. It was obtained by taking the spectral difference between the single difference spectrum of (A) and the nominally‘‘zero’’ mixing time spectrum, which is recorded by setting the NOE mixing delays to zero, but leaving the ZQF, the two nulling 180° pulses, and theassociated gradient pulses intact. (D) The distortion-free NOE buildup of H 17a {H 15 {H 14 }} obtained from the double difference spectra. The NOEmixing times were the same as in (B).obtained using the double difference methodology isshown in Fig. 4D.3. ConclusionsWe have demonstrated the application of an improvedselective TOCSY edited preparation functionto the doubly selective 1D TOCSY–NOESY experiment.The incorporation of a novel ZQF into the STEPfunction as well as the NOE mixing period permitshighly efficient ZQ suppression within a single scan.Additional anti-phase distortions due to spin state mixingcan be conveniently removed using the double differencemethodology introduced by Shaka et al. [27]. Thecombined use of these methods allows one to obtainvery high quality NOE spectra for the reliable identificationof weak NOE enhancements, which would otherwisebe hindered by the presence of anti-phasecomponents due to ZQ interference. Moreover, theSTEP function described here affords a general strategyfor spectral simplification and can be applied to a widerange of experiments. One such example is to incorporatethe STEP function into the 2D DOSY experiment[31] as a spectral editing period, which would greatlysimplify the analysis of complex mixtures of drugmetabolites. A detailed description of applications alongthis line will be presented elsewhere.References[1] J. Jeener, B.H. Meier, P. Bachmann, R.R. Ernst, Investigation ofexchange processes by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy, J.Chem. Phys. 71 (1979) 4546–4553.[2] P. Adell, T. Parella, F. Sanchez-Ferrando, A. Virgili, Cleanselective spin-locking spectra using pulsed field gradients, J.Magn. Reson. B 108 (1995) 77–80.[3] C. Dalvit, New one-dimensional selective NMR experiments inaqueous solutions recorded with pulsed field gradients, J. Magn.Reson. A 113 (1995) 120–123.[4] H. Kessler, H. Oschkinat, C. Griesinger, W. Bermel, Transformationof homonuclear two-dimensional NMR techniques intoone-dimensional techniques using Gaussian pulses, J. Magn.Reson. 70 (1986) 106–133.[5] H. Kessler, U. Anders, G. Gemmecker, S. Steuernagel, Improvementof NMR experiments by employing semiselective half-Gaussian-shaped pulses, J. Magn. Reson. 85 (1989) 1–14.

204 Communication / Journal <strong>of</strong> Magnetic Reson<strong>an</strong>ce 171 (2004) 201–206system, provided that it is sufficiently well-resolved from<strong>the</strong> rest <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> peaks. In practice, <strong>the</strong> isotropic mixingperiod is optimized so as to maximize coherence tr<strong>an</strong>sferto <strong>the</strong> target spin for <strong>the</strong> <strong>NOESY</strong> mixing period.The <strong>1D</strong> 1 H spectrum <strong>of</strong> lasalocid used in this study isshown in Fig. 2 along <strong>with</strong> its molecular structure <strong>an</strong>d1 H chemical shift assignments. The <strong>1D</strong> 1 H spectrumshows subst<strong>an</strong>tial overlap, <strong>with</strong> only a small number<strong>of</strong> well-resolved peaks in <strong>the</strong> region d > 2.4 ppm. Todemonstrate <strong>the</strong> efficiency <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> new ZQF, Fig. 3 compares<strong>the</strong> <strong>selective</strong> <strong>1D</strong> TOCSY spectra <strong>of</strong> proton H 14 obtainedusing <strong>the</strong> pulse sequence <strong>of</strong> Fig. 1B, <strong>with</strong> <strong>an</strong>dFig. 3. Selective <strong>1D</strong> TOCSY spectra <strong>of</strong> lasalocid-{H 14 } obtained <strong>with</strong><strong>the</strong> pulse sequence <strong>of</strong> Fig. 1B, <strong>with</strong> (lower p<strong>an</strong>el) <strong>an</strong>d <strong>with</strong>out (lowerp<strong>an</strong>el) <strong>the</strong> ZQFs in place. A 20 ms Gaussi<strong>an</strong> 180° pulse was used in <strong>the</strong>DPFGSE for <strong>the</strong> <strong>selective</strong> excitation <strong>of</strong> H 14 . The isotropic mixingperiod was 25 ms using <strong>the</strong> DIPSI-2 sequence [30] <strong>an</strong>d a 6.25 kHz B 1field, which generated optimal magnetization tr<strong>an</strong>sfer to H 15 . When<strong>the</strong> ZQFs are omitted (upper p<strong>an</strong>el), <strong>the</strong> spectrum shows signific<strong>an</strong>t<strong>an</strong>ti-phase distortions due to ZQ interference. These distortions areessentially absent when <strong>the</strong> ZQFs are included (lower p<strong>an</strong>el). A 30 or50 ms const<strong>an</strong>t-adiabaticity WURST inversion pulse [24] <strong>with</strong> ab<strong>an</strong>dwidth <strong>of</strong> 20 or 30kHz was used in each <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> ZQFs, respectively.The gradients were optimized accordingly as described by Thrippleton<strong>an</strong>d Keeler [22].<strong>with</strong>out <strong>the</strong> ZQFs. In <strong>the</strong> case where no ZQ filtrationis applied (upper p<strong>an</strong>el), <strong>the</strong> <strong>an</strong>ti-phase contributionsby ZQC to <strong>the</strong> multiplet patterns are evident. These<strong>an</strong>ti-phase distortions are largely absent when two ZQFs<strong>with</strong> appropriately adjusted durations <strong>an</strong>d gradientstrengths are applied (lower p<strong>an</strong>el). The apparentlyhigher resolution exhibited by H 15 in <strong>the</strong> absence <strong>of</strong>ZQ filtration (upper p<strong>an</strong>el) is only a deception attributableto <strong>an</strong>ti-phase components introduced by ZQ interference,as c<strong>an</strong> be confirmed by comparison <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>1D</strong>1 H spectrum.The spin system consisting <strong>of</strong> protons H 14 ,H 15 ,H 16 ,H 17a , <strong>an</strong>d H 17b provides <strong>an</strong> excellent example for <strong>the</strong>STEP–<strong>NOESY</strong> <strong>experiment</strong> shown in Fig. 1C. In <strong>the</strong><strong>1D</strong> 1 H spectrum (Fig. 2), <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> only exception <strong>of</strong>H 14 , all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se peaks show at least some degree <strong>of</strong> overlap,rendering <strong>the</strong>m unsuitable for direct <strong>selective</strong> excitation.With <strong>the</strong> additional spectral editing step providedby <strong>the</strong> STEP function, it is now straightforward to <strong>selective</strong>lyexcite each one <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> reson<strong>an</strong>ces <strong>an</strong>d observe itsNOE correlations.The doubly <strong>selective</strong> <strong>1D</strong> STEP–<strong>NOESY</strong> spectrum <strong>of</strong>{H 15 {H 14 }} obtained <strong>with</strong> <strong>the</strong> pulse sequence <strong>of</strong> Fig. 1Cis shown in Fig. 4A, where <strong>the</strong> shorth<strong>an</strong>d notation{H b {H a }} denotes H a as <strong>the</strong> target spin for <strong>the</strong> STEPfunction, <strong>an</strong>d H b for <strong>the</strong> NOE mixing period. All <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> NOE correlations c<strong>an</strong> be assigned in a straightforwardm<strong>an</strong>ner. However, <strong>the</strong>re still exist signific<strong>an</strong>t distortionsto <strong>the</strong> multiplets <strong>of</strong> those spins scalar coupledto H 15 . This is better exemplified in <strong>the</strong> NOE buildup<strong>of</strong> H 17a , shown in Fig. 4B. The <strong>an</strong>ti-phase distortionsare evident for shorter mixing times, while for intermediateto longer NOE mixing times, such distortions areseemingly absent. However, <strong>the</strong> H 17a peak appears tobe a doublet, while all o<strong>the</strong>r available evidences (e.g.,its coupling to both H 17b <strong>an</strong>d H 15 ) suggest that it shouldbe a doublet <strong>of</strong> a doublet.As pointed out by Shaka <strong>an</strong>d co-workers [26,27],such distortions are not <strong>the</strong> result <strong>of</strong> ZQC leakagethrough <strong>the</strong> ZQFs. Instead, <strong>the</strong>ir origin is a phenomenonknown as spin-state mixing, which is encounteredin strongly scalar coupled spin systems. Even though<strong>the</strong>se distortions are generally ra<strong>the</strong>r small, <strong>the</strong>y pose asignific<strong>an</strong>t problem in <strong>the</strong> NOE <strong>experiment</strong>, since <strong>the</strong>signals <strong>of</strong> interests are usually very weak. These authorsfur<strong>the</strong>r demonstrated that, by subtracting a referencespectrum <strong>with</strong> ‘‘zero’’ mixing time, <strong>the</strong>se distortionsc<strong>an</strong> be largely removed. This results in a double differencespectrum. The same principle c<strong>an</strong> be applied to<strong>the</strong> STEP–<strong>NOESY</strong> <strong>experiment</strong>. Fig. 4C shows <strong>the</strong> doubledifference STEP–<strong>NOESY</strong> spectrum <strong>of</strong> {H 15 {H 14 }}.Note that <strong>the</strong>re is a slight reduction in <strong>the</strong> signal-tonoisecompared to <strong>the</strong> single difference spectrum <strong>of</strong>Fig. 4A. However, <strong>the</strong> correct multiplet patterns arenow restored for all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> spins coupled to H 15 . Forcomparison, <strong>the</strong> distortion-free NOE buildup <strong>of</strong> H 17a

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