Integrated Electronic Warfare Self-Protection Solutions for all ... - terma

Integrated Electronic Warfare Self-Protection Solutions for all ... - terma Integrated Electronic Warfare Self-Protection Solutions for all ... - terma


ALQ-213, the World’s Most WidelyUsed EW Control and Integration SystemThe AN/ALQ-213(V) Electronic Warfare Management System datesback to 1991, when the first version was installed in the DanishF-16 to better coordinate onboard EW self-protection systems andto reduce the pilot’s workload. Since then, it has been continuallyimproved and upgraded, so that it has become the most versatilesystem of its kind today, being operational on over 2000 fighters,transport aircraft and helicopters worldwide. During those years,it has proved its value in actual combat such as Bosnia, Iraq,Afghanistan and Libya.This versatility is achieved through a comprehensive set of systemcomponents that can be combined and programmed to meet therequirements of any type of mission or type and size of aircraft.ALQ-213 ComponentsA unique system of its kindCompared to similar systems, the ALQ-213 is unique in the followingways:• It is the only system that is independently based on openarchitecture, and provides a firewall between the sensor systemand the aircraft avionics system. This allows for addition of subsystemsand sensor updates that are transparent to the aircraft,are less certification intense and less costly.• Unlike many other systems the ALQ-213 is not locked to aspecific platform or EW subsystem.• The ALQ-213 is the only system that provides flexible integrationof multiple combinations of sensors, and countermeasuressystems: UV, IR, LASER, Acoustic, RF, Chaff/Flare, DIRCM,Towed Decoy, and Jammers.EW Management UnitTactical Data UnitThe combination of EW Management Unit, EWMU and theTactical Data Unit is the most widely used configuration.The EWMU is the cockpit control unit, which feeds data tothe Threat Display, the Three-Dimensional Audio system andfacilitates loading/unloading and recording of mission datathrough a dual PCM cartridge.Defensive Aids ControllerRemote Control PanelThe DAC, Defensive Aids Controller, is well suited for largeraircraft and helicopters. It combines the functionalities ofthe EWMU and TDU and also includes a ProgrammableInterference Blanker Unit, PIBU. Since the DAC is placed in theelectronics bay, it requires remote control Panel RCP for cockpitcontrol and recording, loading/unloading of mission data. Asmaller version, “Mini DAC”, is under development in orderto meet the requirement for smaller and medium size aircraftwithout the need for blanking and other kinds of expansion.F-16Other A/CLight Aircraft Survivability EquipmentFor very light aircraft and helicopters, where weight is a specialconcern, a LASE controller is under development. This controlleris a derivative of the Advanced Threat Display and it will be ableto control a subset of threat sensors and automatically dispensecountermeasures payloads.Advanced Threat DisplayFull color multi function display that gives the pilot completeinformation about the threat and the status of onboard EWsystems. In glass cockpit aircraft, this information can bepresented on existing displays.

RDAF C-130J over Copenhagen Naval BaseRevolution in Cockpit Sound Quality andPilot Situational AwarenessThe quality of sound in the cockpit be it from radios, intercom,warning signals or others sources has been a much neglectedarea for a good many years. The following systems, developed andintroduced by Terma can truthfully be described as a revolution incockpit sound quality:• Three-Dimensional Audio Warning which gives the pilot realtime audio warnings from the exact direction of attack. Theresult is a considerable reduction in reaction time and enhancedsituational awareness.• Active Noise Reduction and Electrical Noise Reduction, whichreduce pilot stress and fatigue considerably.• Radio channel separation, which improves intelligibility andoverall safety because important messages are not lost insimultaneous transmissions.• Directional intercom, which improves communication, mutualunderstanding and awareness among crew members.The improvement of sound quality is largely due to introduction of adigital stereo intercom system supported by an Enhanced IntercomAmplifier, EIA. The systems can be installed as stand alone or as anintegral part of the AN/ALQ-213(V) EW Management System on alltypes and sizes of aircraft.

ALQ-213, the World’s Most WidelyUsed EW Control and Integration SystemThe AN/ALQ-213(V) <strong>Electronic</strong> <strong>Warfare</strong> Management System datesback to 1991, when the first version was inst<strong>all</strong>ed in the DanishF-16 to better coordinate onboard EW self-protection systems andto reduce the pilot’s workload. Since then, it has been continu<strong>all</strong>yimproved and upgraded, so that it has become the most versatilesystem of its kind today, being operational on over 2000 fighters,transport aircraft and helicopters worldwide. During those years,it has proved its value in actual combat such as Bosnia, Iraq,Afghanistan and Libya.This versatility is achieved through a comprehensive set of systemcomponents that can be combined and programmed to meet therequirements of any type of mission or type and size of aircraft.ALQ-213 ComponentsA unique system of its kindCompared to similar systems, the ALQ-213 is unique in the followingways:• It is the only system that is independently based on openarchitecture, and provides a firew<strong>all</strong> between the sensor systemand the aircraft avionics system. This <strong>all</strong>ows <strong>for</strong> addition of subsystemsand sensor updates that are transparent to the aircraft,are less certification intense and less costly.• Unlike many other systems the ALQ-213 is not locked to aspecific plat<strong>for</strong>m or EW subsystem.• The ALQ-213 is the only system that provides flexible integrationof multiple combinations of sensors, and countermeasuressystems: UV, IR, LASER, Acoustic, RF, Chaff/Flare, DIRCM,Towed Decoy, and Jammers.EW Management UnitTactical Data UnitThe combination of EW Management Unit, EWMU and theTactical Data Unit is the most widely used configuration.The EWMU is the cockpit control unit, which feeds data tothe Threat Display, the Three-Dimensional Audio system andfacilitates loading/unloading and recording of mission datathrough a dual PCM cartridge.Defensive Aids ControllerRemote Control PanelThe DAC, Defensive Aids Controller, is well suited <strong>for</strong> largeraircraft and helicopters. It combines the functionalities ofthe EWMU and TDU and also includes a ProgrammableInterference Blanker Unit, PIBU. Since the DAC is placed in theelectronics bay, it requires remote control Panel RCP <strong>for</strong> cockpitcontrol and recording, loading/unloading of mission data. Asm<strong>all</strong>er version, “Mini DAC”, is under development in orderto meet the requirement <strong>for</strong> sm<strong>all</strong>er and medium size aircraftwithout the need <strong>for</strong> blanking and other kinds of expansion.F-16Other A/CLight Aircraft Survivability EquipmentFor very light aircraft and helicopters, where weight is a specialconcern, a LASE controller is under development. This controlleris a derivative of the Advanced Threat Display and it will be ableto control a subset of threat sensors and automatic<strong>all</strong>y dispensecountermeasures payloads.Advanced Threat DisplayFull color multi function display that gives the pilot completein<strong>for</strong>mation about the threat and the status of onboard EWsystems. In glass cockpit aircraft, this in<strong>for</strong>mation can bepresented on existing displays.

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