Integrated Electronic Warfare Self-Protection Solutions for all ... - terma

Integrated Electronic Warfare Self-Protection Solutions for all ... - terma Integrated Electronic Warfare Self-Protection Solutions for all ... - terma

<strong>Integrated</strong> <strong>Electronic</strong> <strong>Warfare</strong><strong>Self</strong>-<strong>Protection</strong> <strong>Solutions</strong><strong>for</strong> <strong>all</strong> Types of AircraftFLVFOT SYDFLVFOT SYD

Terma EW Control and Integration– In a class of its ownEight good reasons to select the Terma solution:• Terma has over 20 years of experience as leading integrator of EW systems. Terma’sAN/ALQ-213(V) <strong>Electronic</strong> <strong>Warfare</strong> Management System is operational and combatproven on more than 2000 fighters, helicopters and transport aircraft worldwide.• During these years, the ALQ-213 has achieved a position as the only system in themarket that is independent of plat<strong>for</strong>m or subsystems suppliers and is able to controland integrate any combination of sensors and countermeasures systems on any typeof aircraft and make these work as one system.• Terma is the only integrator that includes the structural packaging in the total solution,typic<strong>all</strong>y in the <strong>for</strong>m of Terma designed pods, pylons or other fixtures that <strong>all</strong>ow rotationof systems within the fleet. This approach reduces the cost of aircraft modifications and<strong>all</strong>ows <strong>for</strong> fewer systems over<strong>all</strong>.• Terma provides combat proven, automatic threat response through <strong>Electronic</strong> CombatAdaptive Processing and offers multination<strong>all</strong>y tested Embedded Training so pilots cantruthfully say, “We train as we fight”.• Pilot-Vehicle-Interface is the most advanced in the market, with separate, full colorthreat display or glass cockpit integration, Three Dimensional Audio Warning of attack,Active Noise Reduction and radio channel separation.• Terma has a proven record of developing, qualifying and delivering complete customtailored self-protection inst<strong>all</strong>ations within 3-6 months utilizing our fast respondingorganization and unique modular product portfolio.• All EW suites are offered with advanced Mission Support tools and full organic andlogistic support. Mission Support tools can be operated stand-alone or integrated withcommon mission programming and debriefing system tools <strong>for</strong> multi-player training.• Terma’s EW Controller is the only solution offering commonality and common softwareacross the aircraft fleet.

ALQ-213, the World’s Most WidelyUsed EW Control and Integration SystemThe AN/ALQ-213(V) <strong>Electronic</strong> <strong>Warfare</strong> Management System datesback to 1991, when the first version was inst<strong>all</strong>ed in the DanishF-16 to better coordinate onboard EW self-protection systems andto reduce the pilot’s workload. Since then, it has been continu<strong>all</strong>yimproved and upgraded, so that it has become the most versatilesystem of its kind today, being operational on over 2000 fighters,transport aircraft and helicopters worldwide. During those years,it has proved its value in actual combat such as Bosnia, Iraq,Afghanistan and Libya.This versatility is achieved through a comprehensive set of systemcomponents that can be combined and programmed to meet therequirements of any type of mission or type and size of aircraft.ALQ-213 ComponentsA unique system of its kindCompared to similar systems, the ALQ-213 is unique in the followingways:• It is the only system that is independently based on openarchitecture, and provides a firew<strong>all</strong> between the sensor systemand the aircraft avionics system. This <strong>all</strong>ows <strong>for</strong> addition of subsystemsand sensor updates that are transparent to the aircraft,are less certification intense and less costly.• Unlike many other systems the ALQ-213 is not locked to aspecific plat<strong>for</strong>m or EW subsystem.• The ALQ-213 is the only system that provides flexible integrationof multiple combinations of sensors, and countermeasuressystems: UV, IR, LASER, Acoustic, RF, Chaff/Flare, DIRCM,Towed Decoy, and Jammers.EW Management UnitTactical Data UnitThe combination of EW Management Unit, EWMU and theTactical Data Unit is the most widely used configuration.The EWMU is the cockpit control unit, which feeds data tothe Threat Display, the Three-Dimensional Audio system andfacilitates loading/unloading and recording of mission datathrough a dual PCM cartridge.Defensive Aids ControllerRemote Control PanelThe DAC, Defensive Aids Controller, is well suited <strong>for</strong> largeraircraft and helicopters. It combines the functionalities ofthe EWMU and TDU and also includes a ProgrammableInterference Blanker Unit, PIBU. Since the DAC is placed in theelectronics bay, it requires remote control Panel RCP <strong>for</strong> cockpitcontrol and recording, loading/unloading of mission data. Asm<strong>all</strong>er version, “Mini DAC”, is under development in orderto meet the requirement <strong>for</strong> sm<strong>all</strong>er and medium size aircraftwithout the need <strong>for</strong> blanking and other kinds of expansion.F-16Other A/CLight Aircraft Survivability EquipmentFor very light aircraft and helicopters, where weight is a specialconcern, a LASE controller is under development. This controlleris a derivative of the Advanced Threat Display and it will be ableto control a subset of threat sensors and automatic<strong>all</strong>y dispensecountermeasures payloads.Advanced Threat DisplayFull color multi function display that gives the pilot completein<strong>for</strong>mation about the threat and the status of onboard EWsystems. In glass cockpit aircraft, this in<strong>for</strong>mation can bepresented on existing displays.

RDAF C-130J over Copenhagen Naval BaseRevolution in Cockpit Sound Quality andPilot Situational AwarenessThe quality of sound in the cockpit be it from radios, intercom,warning signals or others sources has been a much neglectedarea <strong>for</strong> a good many years. The following systems, developed andintroduced by Terma can truthfully be described as a revolution incockpit sound quality:• Three-Dimensional Audio Warning which gives the pilot realtime audio warnings from the exact direction of attack. Theresult is a considerable reduction in reaction time and enhancedsituational awareness.• Active Noise Reduction and Electrical Noise Reduction, whichreduce pilot stress and fatigue considerably.• Radio channel separation, which improves intelligibility andover<strong>all</strong> safety because important messages are not lost insimultaneous transmissions.• Directional intercom, which improves communication, mutualunderstanding and awareness among crew members.The improvement of sound quality is largely due to introduction of adigital stereo intercom system supported by an Enhanced IntercomAmplifier, EIA. The systems can be inst<strong>all</strong>ed as stand alone or as anintegral part of the AN/ALQ-213(V) EW Management System on <strong>all</strong>types and sizes of aircraft.

Matured Decision Support and High Fidelity EmbeddedTraining as Part of the AN/ALQ-213(V) System<strong>Electronic</strong> Combat Adaptive Processing, ECAPFor the EW Management Unit, EWMU, to provide meaningfulsemiautomatic and automatic operation, any automation needs tomatch very carefully tactics applicable to the specific type aircraft.Since 2004, Terma together with EW national specialists, hasbeen creating a decision support solution c<strong>all</strong>ed <strong>Electronic</strong> CombatAdaptive Processing, ECAP, as part of the ALQ-213 system. In thesame time frame, new EW Sensor/Countermeasures technologyhas also supported the need <strong>for</strong> enhanced coordination betweensensors and countermeasures. Focus of the capability circles aroundoptimized aircrew awareness of threat picture, optimized operationacross the EW suite throughout <strong>all</strong> mission phases and reduced pilotworkload.Embedded Training, ETWith the new decision support and improved EW subsystemscapabilities, enabling the end-users to familiarize themselves withhow to operate and get the best out of the EW suite, in the contextof “war”, it was clear that this could not be achieved throughtraditional methods. For example, in-flight engagements against realthreats (airborne missiles and full weapon systems), while training,are neither practicable nor possible. There<strong>for</strong>e, Terma can provide“full EW Subsystem Simulation” <strong>for</strong> un-inst<strong>all</strong>ed EW subsystems andprovide “Virtual Weapons Systems” against which Weapon Tacticscan be trained. This capability combination is known as EmbeddedTraining, ET. The in-cockpit experience realism and the ability togather lesson learned experience from the in-flight instrumentationduring Post Mission Training Debrief have been the lead features <strong>for</strong>full acceptance by the pilot community.Extensive testing in different environmentsECAP and ET development has been an international project withthe European F-16 users as partners, and multi-national evaluationtesting has taken place at Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, Ørlandet,Norway and Edwards Air Force Base, USA. The end result is a newset of In-flight Tools that ensures that pilots will now be able to usethe motto, “We train as we fight” and that in case of attacks duringreal conflicts, they will have the best decision support possible.Although ECAP and ET testing was carried out within the F-16community, results are equ<strong>all</strong>y applicable to other types of aircraftequipped with the ALQ-213. In fact, the capabilities have beendesigned with core processing and mission data strategies, whichmeans that tailoring and re-integration to other aircraft plat<strong>for</strong>ms areminimized. Transfer of these capabilities onto other plat<strong>for</strong>m typeswithin the ALQ-213 user community has already been initiated.Post Mission Pilot debrief with EWMulti-player "Big Picture" integration of Terma's EW in<strong>for</strong>mation (ATDand EW events) into the Common PC Debriefing System training tool.Cockpit inst<strong>all</strong>ationAdvanced Threat Display merges <strong>all</strong> real EW in<strong>for</strong>mation with ECAP'sdecision support in<strong>for</strong>mation along with Embedded Training's VirtualThreats and Simulated Subsystems

Aircraft Equipped with TermaEW <strong>Self</strong>-<strong>Protection</strong> SystemsFightersF-16F-111A-10TornadoHarrier F-16 Blk 60Transports & other Larger A/CC-160C-130JC-130HNimrodFokker 60P-8AHelicoptersMi-24CougarChinook D/FEH-101ApacheMi-17

Inst<strong>all</strong>ation of Sensorsand Countermeasures SystemsHelicoptersCH-47D/F ChinookMi-17CH-47D fuselage mounteddispense magazinesMASE Pod <strong>for</strong> Mi-17. The helicopter carries two pods, eachcontaining three UV Missile Warning sensors and two chaff/flare magazines, plus provisions <strong>for</strong> RWR, LWS and HFI.Chinook Aircraft SurvivabilityEquipment, CHASETwo pods, one on each side of the fuselage, areeach equipped with three UV missile warning sensors andone DIRCM unit. This provides 360 deg spherical coverageagainst incoming IR missiles. Mounting of sensors andDIRCM in the same pod eliminates inaccuracies caused byfuselage torque during maneuvering.FightersF-16AH-64D ApacheFLVFOT SYDF-16 Pylon <strong>Integrated</strong> Dispensing System (PIDS+)with missile warning sensors. Each pylon containsthree UV missile warning sensors and two chaff/flaremagazines. Full weapons carrying capability is retained.TornadoApache Modular Aircraft Survivability Equipment, AMASEEach helicopter has two pods mounted on the stub wings.Each pod holds two chaff/flare magazines and threeUV-based missile warning sensors providing 360 degspherical coverage against incoming threats. Each AMASEpod can host a DIRCM unit, RWR, KWR and HFI.Modular Countermeasures Pod, MCP <strong>for</strong> Tornado aircraft.The pod contains six UV missile warning sensors and eightchaff/flare magazines.

Transport AircraftC-160 Trans<strong>all</strong>Modular Countermeasures Pod, MCP-10On the C-160 Trans<strong>all</strong>, sensors are inst<strong>all</strong>ed in thefuselage. The chaff/flare capacity has been increasedto a total of 36 magazines. Two underwing ModularCountermeasures Pods, MCP-10 each contains tenmagazines and two 'scab-on' mounted units eachcontaining four magazines. The original eight fuselagemounted magazines are retained.‘Scab-on’ mounted dispense unit<strong>for</strong> the C-160. Each aircraftcarries two units.TERMA EW SystemsReference ListFightersF-16A/B, F-16C/DF-16 MLU, F-16 Blk 60A-10 ThunderboltTornadoHarrierF-111C/GHelicoptersCH-47D, CH-47FAS-532HH-60GEH-101AH-64DAS-550Mi-17, Mi-24NH-90Transports/Larger aircraftC-160, Trans<strong>all</strong>C-130H-30, C-130H, C-130JFokker 27Fokker 60P-8A PoseidonNimrodE-737AEWEW SubsystemsCurrently Controlled by ALQ-213RFJammerLaser WarningSensorsDirected InfraredCountermeasuresMissile WarningSensorsAN/ALQ-213(V)<strong>Electronic</strong> <strong>Warfare</strong>Management SystemEWMSHostile FireIndicatorTowedDecoyChaff/FlareDispensersRadar WarningReceivers · 5484 · 08.11TERMATerma develops and markets high-tech solutions, systems andproducts <strong>for</strong> defense and non-defense applications. Our productsare developed and designed <strong>for</strong> use in extreme mission-criticalenvironments and situations, where human lives and valuablematerial assets are at stake.Terma’s Business Areas cover:- Aerostructures: Development and production of advancedstructures <strong>for</strong> defense and non-defense aircraft and helicopters- <strong>Integrated</strong> Defense and Security Systems: Network andtactical systems, airborne and naval self-protection systems andelectronics manufacturing services <strong>for</strong> mission-critical defenseand security applicationsTerma A/SHovmarken 48520 LystrupDenmarkT +45 8743 6000F +45 8743 6001Reg. no. 41881828Vasekær 122730 HerlevDenmarkT +45 8743 6000F +45 8743 6001Fabrikvej 18500 GrenaaDenmarkT +45 8779 5200F +45 8779 5201Terma B.V.Schuttersveld 92316 XG LeidenThe NetherlandsT +31 71 524 0800F +31 71 514 3277Reg. no. 28083640Vliegbasis WoensdrechtKooiweg 40-41Building 1014631 SZ HoogerheideThe NetherlandsT +31 71 524 0800F +31 71 514 3277Terma GmbHEuropahausEuropaplatz 564293 DarmstadtGermanyT +49 6151 86005-0F +49 6151 86005-99Reg. no. HRB 7411Terma North America Inc.2461 South Clark StreetCentury Two, Suite 810Arlington, VA 22202USAT +1 (703) 412 9410F +1 (703) 412 9415Reg. no. 3797996 (Delaware)- Radar Systems: Advanced radar systems <strong>for</strong> coastalsurveillance, naval surveillance, vessel traffic surveillance,perimeter surveillance and surface movement surveillance atairports- Space: Mission-critical products, software, and services <strong>for</strong>space applicationsTerma A/S was established in 1949, is headquartered in Denmarkand maintains international subsidiaries in a number of Europeancountries, the US and Singapore.For many years, Terma has worked closely with the Defense,public authorities, and international organizations around theworld. Extensive dialog and meaningful relationships with ourbusiness partners give us an in-depth understanding andappreciation of their strategic, functional and management needs.www.<strong>terma</strong>.comParkway Commons601 A Russell ParkwayWarner Robins, GA 31088USAT +1 (478) 923 7233F +1 (478) 923 7360University Center I1300 South University Drive3rd floor, Suite 306Fort Worth, TX 76107USAT +1 (817) 332 7770F +1 (817) 332 7773510 Independence Pkwy, Suite 600Chesapeake, VA 23320USAT +1 (757) 395 0215F +1 (757) 436 3867Terma Singapore Pte. Ltd.3 International Business Park#03-05 Nordic European CentreSingapore 609927T +65 6561 0060F +65 6562 0060Reg. no. 200806753DImages: Jan Kjær, FLVFOT SYD

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