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2 Jindal Steel & Power Limited Business Leadership Sustainable Operations Excellent Governance Robust FinancialsFounder Chairman’s Vision | Inspiration from Chairperson EmeritusAnnual Report 2011-123VALUE REPRESENTS THE COREOF ALL CONSTRUCTIVE HUMANACTIVITY, WHICH HAS DRIVEN SOCIALTRANSFORMATION AND ECONOMICPROGRESS ACROSS TIME. FORDEVELOPING NATIONS LIKE INDIA,THE POTENTIAL FOR VALUE CREATIONIS STILL LARGELY UNEXPLORED.AT JSPL, WE ARE INSPIRED BYHER HUMANE APPROACH TOENTREPRENEURSHIP, VISIBLE IN HEREFFORTS TO PROVIDE HEALTHCAREFACILITIES, EDUCATION ANDEMPLOYABILITY TO THOSE IN NEED.Shri O.P. JindalFounding ChairmanSowing the seedsof value leadershipThis was the conviction of Shri O.P. Jindalwho founded one of India’s largest businessconglomerates, the O.P. Jindal Group.He had foreseen the tremendous potentialof indigenous entrepreneurship, at a timewhen ‘value creation’ had not become acorporate buzzword. He felt the objective ofentrepreneurship is to create enduring valuefor society, which in turn, will help create a newbreed of entrepreneurs.Over the years, the Group with its diversebusiness interests has spread its footprintsnationally and internationally, creating valueacross geographies, cultures and nationalities.Moreover, the Group has played a significantrole in helping drive India’s economic growthand social wellbeing.Shri O.P. Jindal had always tried to alignbusiness priorities with social commitmentslike supporting healthcare, education, ruralinfrastructure, sports, culture and otherpursuits among the marginalised sections ofthe population. The Group as a whole and JSPLin particular, remains the torchbearer of hisinspiring vision.Smt. Savitri JindalChairperson EmeritusEnriching a legacyof value creationOur Chairperson Emeritus, Smt. Savitri Jindalis giving shape to the vision of Shri O.P. Jindalthrough numerous business initiatives andcommunity outreach programmes. She believesin aligning business priorities with meaningfulsocial intervention, creating a framework forenduring value creation.At JSPL, we are inspired by her humaneapproach to entrepreneurship, visible inher efforts to provide healthcare facilities,education and employability to those in need.In addition, she supports our environmentalprotection initiatives.Smt. Savitri Jindal remains the driving forcebehind JSPL’s global pre-eminence in valuecreation, not just for shareowners, but thelarger stakeholder community.

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