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18 Jindal Steel & Power Limited Business Leadership Sustainable Operations Excellent Governance Robust FinancialsGroup BusinessesAnnual Report 2011-1219Confluence ofvalue streamsJindal Power LimitedJindal Power Limited (JPL) is India’s leadingpower generation company. JPL has set upthe country’s first mega power project of1,000 MW (4 x 250 MW) in the private sectorat Tamnar, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh. The plant hasbeen ranked second in India for highest PLF byCentral Electricity Authority (CEA) in 2011-12.JPL has a project portfolio of over 15,000 MW inthe next 10-15 years, with a vision to establishenvironment-friendly renewable energy sourceslike hydroelectric, solar and wind energyprojects.JPL is adding a 2,400 MW (4 x 600 MW) thermalpower plant to the existing 1,000 MW thermalpower plant at Tamnar at an estimated cost of` 13,410 crore. The Company has alreadyplaced an order with Bharat Heavy ElectricalsLimited (BHEL) for supply, erection andcommissioning of 4 X 600 MW Boiler TurbineGenerator (BTG) package. The existing1,000 MW power plant was set up with fourTurbine Generators of 250 MW each, alsosupplied by BHEL. The first two units of theproject are expected to be commissionedin 2013-14.Against the backdrop of coal shortages, focuson hydro electricity would help strengthenIndia’s energy security. Hence, JPL hassigned agreements for 6,100 MW projects inArunachal Pradesh in a joint venture with theHydro Power Development Corporation ofArunachal Pradesh Limited (HPDCAPL) on abuild, own, operate and transfer basis. Theseprojects are environment-friendly and haveminimal carbon footprints.Performance2011-12 2010-11Turnover (` crore) 3,040 3,394PAT (` crore) 1,765 2,002Plant Load Factor (%) 97.78 98.14Power Generated (MU) 8,589 8,597Aerial view of 1000 MW O. P. Jindal Super Thermal Power Plant at Tamnar, Chhattisgarh

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