
File_2012_Document1 File_2012_Document1


190 Jindal Steel & Power LimitedBusiness Leadership Sustainable Operations Excellent Governance Robust FinancialsAnnual Report 2011-12191ConsolidatedNOTES to the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31st March, 2012 NOTES to the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31st March, 2012h) Expenditure during Trial Run period has been capitalised/decapitaised as Fixed Assets as underDescriptionIncomeCurrent YearTotal(` in Crore)Previous YearSales 30.86 11.72Increase/(decrease) in stock - 0.42Total Income (A) 30.86 12.14Less: ExpenditureRaw materials consumed - 4.55Power & fuel 11.94 6.69Personnel expenses 0.40 0.04Stores & spare parts consumed 1.14 31.56Repairs & maintenance 0.02 1.29Others 0.16 -Total Expenditure (B) 13.66 44.13(A-B) (Profit)/Loss during trial run period during the current financial year (17.20) 31.99Total (17.20) 31.99Capitalised/decapitalise with the cost of fixed assets (17.20) 31.99(` in Crore)As at31st March, 2012As at31st March, 201113 NON-CURRENT INVESTMENTSi) Trade InvestmentsA) Quoted Equity Sharesi) Hwange Colliery0.47 0.47[440,680 (Previous year 440,680) fully paid Ordinary Shares]ii) Rocklands Richfields Limited153.64 82.71[98,289,944 (Previous year 50,915,494) fully paid OrdinaryShares]Total non-current Trade Investment 154.11 83.18ii) Other InvestmentsA) Unquoted Fully Paid-Up Equity Shares of Associate Companiesi) Fully paid up Equity Shares of Angul Sukinda Railway Limited0.03 0.03[25,000 (Previous year 25,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Add/(Less): Share in Profit/(Loss) - Prior years - -Add/(Less): Share in Profit/(Loss) - Current year - -ii) Fully paid up Equity Shares of FB Infra Private Limited0.00 -[4,900 (Previous year NIL) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Add/(Less): Share in Profit/(Loss) - Prior years - -Add/(Less): Share in Profit/(Loss) - Current year (0.20) -iii)Fully paid up Equity Shares of Nalwa Steel & Power Limited[2,000,000 (Previous year 2,000,000) Equity Shares of ` 10each](` in Crore)As atAs at31st March, 2012 31st March, 20112.00 2.00Add/(Less): Share in Profit/(Loss) - Prior years 156.74 140.96Add/(Less): Share in Profit/(Loss) - Current year 20.23 15.78178.80 158.77B) Unquoted Investment in Government and Trust Securities11.50% IDBI-SLR 2011- 1.01[NIL (Previous year 10,000) units of ` 1,000 each]12.00% IDBI-SLR 2012- 0.52[NIL (Previous year 5,000) units of ` 1,000 each]12.00% NHB-SLR 2011- 0.21[NIL (Previous year 20) units of ` 100,000 each]National Saving Certificates*0.06 0.06[` 610,000 (Previous year ` 590,000)]*[Pledged with Government departments ` 0.06 crore (Previousyear ` 0.06 crore)]0.06 1.80C) Investment in Bonds/Mutual Funds8.15% ICICI - 2016 Bond0.50 0.50[5 (Previous year 5) Units of ` 1,000,000 each]SBI Mutual Fund[NIL (Previous year 33,303,594.19) units of ` 10 each]0.50 24.58D) Unquoted Equity SharesAttunli Hydro Electric Power Company Limited0.00 -[1 (Previous year NIL) Equity Shares of ` 10 each ]Brahamputra Capital and Finance Limited19.20 19.20[19,200,000 (Previous year 19,200,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Etalin Hydro Electric Power Company Limited0.00 -[1 (Previous year NIL) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Indian Energy Exchange Limited1.25 1.25[1,250,000 (Previous year 1,250,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Jindal Holding Limited14.48 14.48[2,414,000 (Previous year 2,414,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Jindal Petroleum Limited0.05 0.05[49,400 (Previous year 49,400) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Jindal Rex Exploration Private Limited0.01 0.01[9,800 (Previous year 9,800) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Stainless Investments Limited[1,242,000 (Previous year 1,242,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]6.05 6.05

190 Jindal Steel & Power LimitedBusiness Leadership Sustainable Operations Excellent Governance Robust FinancialsAnnual Report 2011-12191ConsolidatedNOTES to the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31st March, <strong>2012</strong> NOTES to the consolidated financial statements as at and for the year ended 31st March, <strong>2012</strong>h) Expenditure during Trial Run period has been capitalised/decapitaised as Fixed Assets as underDescriptionIncomeCurrent YearTotal(` in Crore)Previous YearSales 30.86 11.72Increase/(decrease) in stock - 0.42Total Income (A) 30.86 12.14Less: ExpenditureRaw materials consumed - 4.55Power & fuel 11.94 6.69Personnel expenses 0.40 0.04Stores & spare parts consumed 1.14 31.56Repairs & maintenance 0.02 1.29Others 0.16 -Total Expenditure (B) 13.66 44.13(A-B) (Profit)/Loss during trial run period during the current financial year (17.20) 31.99Total (17.20) 31.99Capitalised/decapitalise with the cost of fixed assets (17.20) 31.99(` in Crore)As at31st March, <strong>2012</strong>As at31st March, 201113 NON-CURRENT INVESTMENTSi) Trade InvestmentsA) Quoted Equity Sharesi) Hwange Colliery0.47 0.47[440,680 (Previous year 440,680) fully paid Ordinary Shares]ii) Rocklands Richfields Limited153.64 82.71[98,289,944 (Previous year 50,915,494) fully paid OrdinaryShares]Total non-current Trade Investment 154.11 83.18ii) Other InvestmentsA) Unquoted Fully Paid-Up Equity Shares of Associate Companiesi) Fully paid up Equity Shares of Angul Sukinda Railway Limited0.03 0.03[25,000 (Previous year 25,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Add/(Less): Share in Profit/(Loss) - Prior years - -Add/(Less): Share in Profit/(Loss) - Current year - -ii) Fully paid up Equity Shares of FB Infra Private Limited0.00 -[4,900 (Previous year NIL) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Add/(Less): Share in Profit/(Loss) - Prior years - -Add/(Less): Share in Profit/(Loss) - Current year (0.20) -iii)Fully paid up Equity Shares of Nalwa Steel & Power Limited[2,000,000 (Previous year 2,000,000) Equity Shares of ` 10each](` in Crore)As atAs at31st March, <strong>2012</strong> 31st March, 20112.00 2.00Add/(Less): Share in Profit/(Loss) - Prior years 156.74 140.96Add/(Less): Share in Profit/(Loss) - Current year 20.23 15.78178.80 158.77B) Unquoted Investment in Government and Trust Securities11.50% IDBI-SLR 2011- 1.01[NIL (Previous year 10,000) units of ` 1,000 each]12.00% IDBI-SLR <strong>2012</strong>- 0.52[NIL (Previous year 5,000) units of ` 1,000 each]12.00% NHB-SLR 2011- 0.21[NIL (Previous year 20) units of ` 100,000 each]National Saving Certificates*0.06 0.06[` 610,000 (Previous year ` 590,000)]*[Pledged with Government departments ` 0.06 crore (Previousyear ` 0.06 crore)]0.06 1.80C) Investment in Bonds/Mutual Funds8.15% ICICI - 2016 Bond0.50 0.50[5 (Previous year 5) Units of ` 1,000,000 each]SBI Mutual Fund[NIL (Previous year 33,303,594.19) units of ` 10 each]0.50 24.58D) Unquoted Equity SharesAttunli Hydro Electric Power Company Limited0.00 -[1 (Previous year NIL) Equity Shares of ` 10 each ]Brahamputra Capital and Finance Limited19.20 19.20[19,200,000 (Previous year 19,200,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Etalin Hydro Electric Power Company Limited0.00 -[1 (Previous year NIL) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Indian Energy Exchange Limited1.25 1.25[1,250,000 (Previous year 1,250,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Jindal Holding Limited14.48 14.48[2,414,000 (Previous year 2,414,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Jindal Petroleum Limited0.05 0.05[49,400 (Previous year 49,400) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Jindal Rex Exploration Private Limited0.01 0.01[9,800 (Previous year 9,800) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]Stainless Investments Limited[1,242,000 (Previous year 1,242,000) Equity Shares of ` 10 each]6.05 6.05

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