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114 Jindal Steel & Power Limited Business Leadership Sustainable Operations Excellent Governance Robust FinancialsStandaloneAnnual Report 2011-12115Balance Sheet as at 31st March, <strong>2012</strong>IParticularsIINote No.As at31st March, <strong>2012</strong>(` in Crore)As at31st March, 2011EQUITY AND LIABILITIES(1) Shareholders’ Funds(a) Share Capital 3 93.48 93.43(b) Reserves and Surplus 4 10,751.93 8,595.91(2) Non-Current Liabilities(a) Long-term borrowings 5 8,493.92 7,359.71(b) Deferred tax liabilities (Net) 31 1,067.81 878.33(c) Other Long-term liabilities 6 141.24 140.63(d) Long-term provisions 7 18.72 8.49(3) Current Liabilities(a) Short-term borrowings 8 5,878.54 4,081.99(b) Trade payables 9 998.31 709.00(c) Other current liabilities 10 3,661.53 2,632.13(d) Short-term provisions 11 2,452.63 1,887.85Total 33,558.11 26,387.47ASSETS(1) Non-current assets(a) Fixed assets(i) Tangible assets 12 11,532.30 9,980.88(ii) Intangible assets 12 16.71 19.54(iii) Capital work-in-progress 12 10,479.86 7,077.87(iv) Intangible assets under development 14.10 3.19(b) Non-current investments 13 1,412.17 1,210.01(c) Long term loans and advances 14 997.10 855.21(d) Other non-current assets 15 4.63 6.03(2) Current assets(a) Inventories 16 3,051.31 2,204.12(b) Trade receivables 17 905.06 737.12(c) Cash and bank balances 18 30.94 43.71(d) Short-term loans and advances 19 4,806.29 3,929.92(e) Other current assets 20 307.64 319.87Total 33,558.11 26,387.47Significant Accounting Policies 1 & 2The accompanying notes form an integral part of financial statementsIn terms of our report of even dateFor S.S. Kothari Mehta & Co.Chartered AccountantsFor and on behalf of the BoardArun K. Tulsian Naveen Jindal Anand Goel Sushil K MarooPartnerMembership No. 89907Chairman & Managing Director Joint Managing Director Director &Group Chief Financial OfficerPlace : New DelhiDated : 27th April, <strong>2012</strong>T. K. SadhuCompany SecretaryStatement of Profit & Loss for the year ended 31st March, <strong>2012</strong>ParticularsREVENUENote No.For the year ended31st March, <strong>2012</strong>(` in Crore)For the year ended31st March, 2011Revenue from operations (gross) 21 14,741.81 10,460.97Less: Excise duty 1,407.86 886.80Revenue from operations (net) 13,333.95 9,574.17Other Income 22 184.48 143.16Total Revenue 13,518.43 9,717.33EXPENSESCost of materials consumed 23 4,529.84 2,730.35Purchase of stock-in-trade 24 452.75 176.80Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-process andstock-in-trade25 (379.24) (333.45)Employee benefits expense 26 385.44 277.78Finance costs 27 536.77 285.00Depreciation and amortisation expense 867.19 687.77Other expenses 28 4,282.67 3,140.14Total Expenses 10,675.42 6,964.39Profit before tax 2,843.01 2,752.94Tax expense:(1) Current tax 542.88 525.49(2) Deferred tax 189.48 163.33732.36 688.82Profit for the year 2,110.65 2,064.12Earnings per equity share of face value of ` 1 each 32(1) Basic (in `) 22.58 22.11(2) Diluted (in `) 22.58 22.09Significant Accounting Policies 1 & 2The accompanying notes form an integral part of financial statementsIn terms of our report of even dateFor S.S. Kothari Mehta & Co.Chartered AccountantsFor and on behalf of the BoardArun K. Tulsian Naveen Jindal Anand Goel Sushil K MarooPartnerMembership No. 89907Chairman & Managing Director Joint Managing Director Director &Group Chief Financial OfficerPlace : New DelhiDated : 27th April, <strong>2012</strong>T. K. SadhuCompany Secretary

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