
File_2012_Document1 File_2012_Document1


106 Jindal Steel & Power Limited Business Leadership Sustainable Operations Excellent Governance Robust FinancialsManagement Discussion and Analysis ReportAnnual Report 2011-12107foster stronger community bonding.During the year under report, the Company organisedcricket, kabaddi, volleyball tournaments, provided sportsaccessories like cricket kits and uniforms, volleyball kitsand uniforms and uniforms for kabaddis, diet support toplayers, organised summer camps for kids, installed multigymnasium, provided new equipments, coaching facilitiesfor nurturing young talent and assisted in formation ofyouth sports / cultural clubs, provided financial assistancefor organising State level sports competitions and culturalprogrammes, helped in increased participation in kalasangam to promote traditional art and culture, providedsupport to karma (folk dance - cultural) group, providedmusical instruments and support to street plays forawareness about AIDS, hygiene and Rehabilitation and empowerment ofphysically challenged personsThe Company through O.P. Jindal Asha Vocational &Rehabilitation Centre (OPJAVRC), commonly known asASHA-The Hope, is empowering the differently abledpersons to augment their income and live a better life.The Centre is providing the children with special needs, aplatform to access community based rehabilitation servicesinvolving early diagnosis and early intervention apartfrom helping families to understand the special needs ofsuch children.During the year under report, the Company has providedcomprehensive institution based rehabilitation serviceslike physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy,and special education, conducted community basedrehabilitation camps, provided counselling and guidancesessions and distributed calipers and mobility aids,facilitated in seeking disability certificate and railwayconcession from concerned authorities, arrangedparticipation in special sports programme conducted onworld disability day on 03rd December, 2011, providedtraining to people with disabilities including women onvarious livelihood skills through the vocational trainingprogramme initiated this year.vii) LivestockIndia lives in her villages and livestock are part of the ruraldevelopment in as much as it provides farmers a sourceof income. Farmers not only produce food grains butalso manage livestock and are heavily dependent on it.The Company is promoting livestock and working for thedevelopment of livestock in the operating areas. VeterinaryHealth Camps for livestock were organised in the operatingareas and doctors visit regularly in such camps to providetreatment to the animals. Vaccination drives were alsoorganised to prevent poultry birds from Ranikhet diseaseand other ailments.ENVIRONMENTAL PRotectioNThe Company attempts to strike the right balance betweenenvironment and growth. The manufacturing Units are operatedin accordance with sound environment management practicesand utmost care is taken in forwarding the green agenda. TheCompany’s Mission and Vision statement amply expresses itsapproach to environment sustainability. The guiding principlesprescribe that all business decisions should be guided by sensitivitytowards environment, need for sustainable developmentand importance for environmental impact and social welfare,maximising participation of employees, contractors, customers,communities and for that matter all stakeholders in preservingthe ecological balance, optimising use of natural resourcesand striving for continuous improvement through monitoring,regular review and adoption of latest technologies.The environmental impact studies are conducted, necessaryenvironmental clearances are obtained and action plans are putin place for effective compliances of all prescribed conditions,which comprises identification, assessment and managementof environment impact, integration of good environmentmanagement practices, adoption of clean, energy efficientand environment-friendly technologies, promotion of efficientuse of energy and natural resources, ensuring safe and properstorage, use and disposal of materials, enhancing awareness andskill of employees, contractors, suppliers and service providersfor sound environment performance, increasing the greeneryin and around plant and coal mines, making project/ businessUnit heads responsible for the implementation of environmentallaws and regulations, making the head of corporate environmentdepartment responsible for co-ordination with all project/ Unitheads for environmental compliance. The Company is complyingwith all statutory requirements, environmental regulations andin accordance with the guidelines published by the Ministry ofEnvironment and Forest from time to time.The best international practices on environment, occupationalhealth and safety areas are adopted at the Company’s Unitsand mines. The Company has pursued the EnvironmentalManagement System (EMS) ISO 14001 and the OccupationalHealth and Safety Assessment System OHSAS 18001 at itsUnits resulting in improvement in waste management, waterand energy conservation, noise reduction, control of stack andfugitive emissions with improved housekeeping, improved workzone environment have been certified for ISO 14001 & OHSAS18001 by reputed national and international certifying agencies.The COMPANy attempts to strike the rightBALANCE between environment and growth.The manufacturing Units are operatedin accordance with sound environmentMANAGEMENT practices and utmost care isTAKEN in forwarding the green agenda.Environmental risk through air emission, noise and waterpollution, solid waste generation are identified throughenvironmental impact assessment studies and accordinglyenvironment management plans and programmes are adoptedto eliminate and or minimise each adverse impact. The Companyhas built up a strong Environment Management Department(EMD) having multidisciplinary team of professional andtechnical staff at each of Unit/mine reporting to Unit Head.EMD has established a modern environmental laboratory havingsophisticated instruments to monitor environmental quality toassess the environmental risk.The technology selection for new equipments is based on theirenvironment friendliness and the state of art pollution controldevices are installed to manage the terminal discharges. Highefficiency Pulsejet bag filters, Electro Static Precipitators,scrubbers & dust suppression systems etc are installed atrequired locations to control air pollution. The Company hasinstalled online ambient air quality monitoring stations aroundthe factories to monitor air quality. Waste minimisation andits utilisation are integral to the environment managementefforts. The Waste gases from DRI and Coke Ovens are utilisedfor generation of power. The flu gas from Blast Furnace andProducer Gas Plant is used as fuel for running turbines.Water conservation is done to the maximum and close circuitarrangement exists to maintain zero discharge. The sewage fromtownships and office areas are completely treated in Sewagetreatment plants and the treated sewage water is fully utilisedfor gardening and horticulture activities. Rainwater harvesting isdone through injection wells and water reservoirs. The Companyis expanding its rainwater-harvesting project to larger areasincluding adjoining villages.The Company, through extensive R & D activities, has identifiedvarious solid wastes that could be used as productive inputs. TheCompany pursues the policy of three R’s -- Recycle, Reduce andReuse – to manage its waste. Many innovative projects under“Wealth from Waste” have been implemented for solid wasteutilisation. Fly ash utlilistaion avenues includes cement products& concrete manufacturing, land development, road embankmentconstruction, ash dyke raising, building products such as bricks/blocks/ tiles, reclamation of coal mine and as a soil amender andsource of micro and macro-nutrients in agriculture. Power isgenerated from coal rejects, fines and middlings in AFBC boilers.Blast furnace slag is 100% reused in cement manufacturing andalong with ash in brick manufacturing.A total of about 12.5 million bricks were produced in the yearunder report and are used in various construction activities.Tailor made Sinter Plant will utilise mill scale and flu dustgenerated in Blast Furnace. SMS slag is used for road making.The vermi-compost plant allows conversion of organic waste tomanure by using earthworms and the resultant manure is usedfor the purpose of gardening.To promote a green and clean environment, the Companycontinuously implements the concept of Green Productivity andtakes preventive measures in and around its factories and mines.Conservation of natural resources and pollution control initiativesfeature as a part of its operation module. Environment planningand preservation is an integral part of its project activities. TheCompany undertakes afforestation programmes covering vasttracts of land in and around factories and mines in a concertedbid to counter the growing ecological threat.Tree plantation is integral to the environment managementplan of the Company. Mass tree plantation programmes areregularly organised in consultation with the Forest Departmentcovering vast tracts of land in and around factories and minesin a concerted bid to increase green cover of the area. Greenbelts are properly maintained. More than 2.1 lacs saplingswere planted in the year under report. Till date the Companyhas planted more than 45 lacs trees. Saplings are also given tovillagers free of cost to encourage greenery.Training is imparted to employees for environment protectionand recognition through awards like ‘Green Department’.Programmes are also conducted for environment awarenessby conducting seminars, annual flower and vegetable shows,observing World Environment Day etc.INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND HUMANRESOURCE MANAGEMENTThe Company is fast emerging as a global company with strongfundamentals. This has been possible due to strong leadershipat the top and very capable and dynamic leadership teamsbuilt across the organisation. The key of success has been the

106 Jindal Steel & Power Limited Business Leadership Sustainable Operations Excellent Governance Robust FinancialsManagement Discussion and Analysis ReportAnnual Report 2011-12107foster stronger community bonding.During the year under report, the Company organisedcricket, kabaddi, volleyball tournaments, provided sportsaccessories like cricket kits and uniforms, volleyball kitsand uniforms and uniforms for kabaddis, diet support toplayers, organised summer camps for kids, installed multigymnasium, provided new equipments, coaching facilitiesfor nurturing young talent and assisted in formation ofyouth sports / cultural clubs, provided financial assistancefor organising State level sports competitions and culturalprogrammes, helped in increased participation in kalasangam to promote traditional art and culture, providedsupport to karma (folk dance - cultural) group, providedmusical instruments and support to street plays forawareness about AIDS, hygiene and Rehabilitation and empowerment ofphysically challenged personsThe Company through O.P. Jindal Asha Vocational &Rehabilitation Centre (OPJAVRC), commonly known asASHA-The Hope, is empowering the differently abledpersons to augment their income and live a better life.The Centre is providing the children with special needs, aplatform to access community based rehabilitation servicesinvolving early diagnosis and early intervention apartfrom helping families to understand the special needs ofsuch children.During the year under report, the Company has providedcomprehensive institution based rehabilitation serviceslike physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy,and special education, conducted community basedrehabilitation camps, provided counselling and guidancesessions and distributed calipers and mobility aids,facilitated in seeking disability certificate and railwayconcession from concerned authorities, arrangedparticipation in special sports programme conducted onworld disability day on 03rd December, 2011, providedtraining to people with disabilities including women onvarious livelihood skills through the vocational trainingprogramme initiated this year.vii) LivestockIndia lives in her villages and livestock are part of the ruraldevelopment in as much as it provides farmers a sourceof income. Farmers not only produce food grains butalso manage livestock and are heavily dependent on it.The Company is promoting livestock and working for thedevelopment of livestock in the operating areas. VeterinaryHealth Camps for livestock were organised in the operatingareas and doctors visit regularly in such camps to providetreatment to the animals. Vaccination drives were alsoorganised to prevent poultry birds from Ranikhet diseaseand other ailments.ENVIRONMENTAL PRotectioNThe Company attempts to strike the right balance betweenenvironment and growth. The manufacturing Units are operatedin accordance with sound environment management practicesand utmost care is taken in forwarding the green agenda. TheCompany’s Mission and Vision statement amply expresses itsapproach to environment sustainability. The guiding principlesprescribe that all business decisions should be guided by sensitivitytowards environment, need for sustainable developmentand importance for environmental impact and social welfare,maximising participation of employees, contractors, customers,communities and for that matter all stakeholders in preservingthe ecological balance, optimising use of natural resourcesand striving for continuous improvement through monitoring,regular review and adoption of latest technologies.The environmental impact studies are conducted, necessaryenvironmental clearances are obtained and action plans are putin place for effective compliances of all prescribed conditions,which comprises identification, assessment and managementof environment impact, integration of good environmentmanagement practices, adoption of clean, energy efficientand environment-friendly technologies, promotion of efficientuse of energy and natural resources, ensuring safe and properstorage, use and disposal of materials, enhancing awareness andskill of employees, contractors, suppliers and service providersfor sound environment performance, increasing the greeneryin and around plant and coal mines, making project/ businessUnit heads responsible for the implementation of environmentallaws and regulations, making the head of corporate environmentdepartment responsible for co-ordination with all project/ Unitheads for environmental compliance. The Company is complyingwith all statutory requirements, environmental regulations andin accordance with the guidelines published by the Ministry ofEnvironment and Forest from time to time.The best international practices on environment, occupationalhealth and safety areas are adopted at the Company’s Unitsand mines. The Company has pursued the EnvironmentalManagement System (EMS) ISO 14001 and the OccupationalHealth and Safety Assessment System OHSAS 18001 at itsUnits resulting in improvement in waste management, waterand energy conservation, noise reduction, control of stack andfugitive emissions with improved housekeeping, improved workzone environment have been certified for ISO 14001 & OHSAS18001 by reputed national and international certifying agencies.The COMPANy attempts to strike the rightBALANCE between environment and growth.The manufacturing Units are operatedin accordance with sound environmentMANAGEMENT practices and utmost care isTAKEN in forwarding the green agenda.Environmental risk through air emission, noise and waterpollution, solid waste generation are identified throughenvironmental impact assessment studies and accordinglyenvironment management plans and programmes are adoptedto eliminate and or minimise each adverse impact. The Companyhas built up a strong Environment Management Department(EMD) having multidisciplinary team of professional andtechnical staff at each of Unit/mine reporting to Unit Head.EMD has established a modern environmental laboratory havingsophisticated instruments to monitor environmental quality toassess the environmental risk.The technology selection for new equipments is based on theirenvironment friendliness and the state of art pollution controldevices are installed to manage the terminal discharges. Highefficiency Pulsejet bag filters, Electro Static Precipitators,scrubbers & dust suppression systems etc are installed atrequired locations to control air pollution. The Company hasinstalled online ambient air quality monitoring stations aroundthe factories to monitor air quality. Waste minimisation andits utilisation are integral to the environment managementefforts. The Waste gases from DRI and Coke Ovens are utilisedfor generation of power. The flu gas from Blast Furnace andProducer Gas Plant is used as fuel for running turbines.Water conservation is done to the maximum and close circuitarrangement exists to maintain zero discharge. The sewage fromtownships and office areas are completely treated in Sewagetreatment plants and the treated sewage water is fully utilisedfor gardening and horticulture activities. Rainwater harvesting isdone through injection wells and water reservoirs. The Companyis expanding its rainwater-harvesting project to larger areasincluding adjoining villages.The Company, through extensive R & D activities, has identifiedvarious solid wastes that could be used as productive inputs. TheCompany pursues the policy of three R’s -- Recycle, Reduce andReuse – to manage its waste. Many innovative projects under“Wealth from Waste” have been implemented for solid wasteutilisation. Fly ash utlilistaion avenues includes cement products& concrete manufacturing, land development, road embankmentconstruction, ash dyke raising, building products such as bricks/blocks/ tiles, reclamation of coal mine and as a soil amender andsource of micro and macro-nutrients in agriculture. Power isgenerated from coal rejects, fines and middlings in AFBC boilers.Blast furnace slag is 100% reused in cement manufacturing andalong with ash in brick manufacturing.A total of about 12.5 million bricks were produced in the yearunder report and are used in various construction activities.Tailor made Sinter Plant will utilise mill scale and flu dustgenerated in Blast Furnace. SMS slag is used for road making.The vermi-compost plant allows conversion of organic waste tomanure by using earthworms and the resultant manure is usedfor the purpose of gardening.To promote a green and clean environment, the Companycontinuously implements the concept of Green Productivity andtakes preventive measures in and around its factories and mines.Conservation of natural resources and pollution control initiativesfeature as a part of its operation module. Environment planningand preservation is an integral part of its project activities. TheCompany undertakes afforestation programmes covering vasttracts of land in and around factories and mines in a concertedbid to counter the growing ecological threat.Tree plantation is integral to the environment managementplan of the Company. Mass tree plantation programmes areregularly organised in consultation with the Forest Departmentcovering vast tracts of land in and around factories and minesin a concerted bid to increase green cover of the area. Greenbelts are properly maintained. More than 2.1 lacs saplingswere planted in the year under report. Till date the Companyhas planted more than 45 lacs trees. Saplings are also given tovillagers free of cost to encourage greenery.Training is imparted to employees for environment protectionand recognition through awards like ‘Green Department’.Programmes are also conducted for environment awarenessby conducting seminars, annual flower and vegetable shows,observing World Environment Day etc.INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS AND HUMANRESOURCE MANAGEMENTThe Company is fast emerging as a global company with strongfundamentals. This has been possible due to strong leadershipat the top and very capable and dynamic leadership teamsbuilt across the organisation. The key of success has been the

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