
File_2012_Document1 File_2012_Document1


104 Jindal Steel & Power Limited Business Leadership Sustainable Operations Excellent Governance Robust FinancialsManagement Discussion and Analysis ReportAnnual Report 2011-12105CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYThe Company believes that business enterprises impact societyand the environment through their operations, products andservices. With this background the Company has, since inception,made sustained efforts for upliftment of the underprivilegedand backward people. As a responsible corporate citizen, theCompany is committed to community development and believesthat an effective growth policy must also take into account thefulfilment of basic needs of people around its plants. It deploysresources to help improve infrastructure, education, health,water, sanitation and environment, among others, in the areasof its operation. CSR activities undertaken during the year underreport at the Company’s plants and mines are briefly givenhereunder.i) Community HealthGeneral health in India is a cause of concern, more so forthe rural folk. Socio-economic disadvantages like poverty,illiteracy and traditional belief apparently make modernmedical facilities inaccessible to most villagers. The Companyis providing world-class health facilities to the people ofRaigarh at the 100-bed multi-specialty O. P. Jindal Hospital& Research Centre. The facilities include: medicine, surgery,gynaecology, orthopeadics and pediatrics. The hospital hasfour well-equipped operation theatres, a cardiac ICU, aburn ICU and a neo-natal ICU. Mobile Medical Units withqualified medical professionals regularly visited the villagesaround factories and mines and provided essential healthcare services including on the spot diagnostic and curativeclinical facilities and free medicines. Mega health campswere organised to address health issues of the peopleand health checkups were conducted. Corrective surgerycamp for Post Polio deformities followed by Prosthesiswere organised in association with Akhil Bhartiya ViklangChetna Parishad and Lions Club, Raigarh. Immunisationcamps for cholera, dengue, malaria, chickenpox, polio wereheld and voluntary blood donation camps were conducted.Health awareness camps about health of women, infantand child care, family planning, HIV, Malaria, T.B, leprosy,anaemia, hygiene were also conducted. Specific referralcases were also assisted for availing best possible medicalfacilities and financial assistance was provided to theneedy patients. Trauma Centre has started functioning atPunjipathra, Raigarh to handle emergency medical cases.Free ambulance facilities are available round the clock andtakes patients to the hospitals for treatment.ii) EducationEducation can single handedly rid the country of a numberof social evils. Education is pivotal to all round development.Access to quality educational services still remains elusivefor rural and backward people of the country resulting inunemployment, poverty, health hazards etc. To spreadeducation and help transform lives, the Company has setup educational and vocational training institutions underthe banner of O.P. Jindal Institute of Technology & Skills(OPJITS) at Angul, Patratu and Godda. These institutionsimpart competence-based skill-oriented technical andvocational training in multiple trades, such as, electricalwork, welding, carpentry, plumbing, fitting, computeroperations, cutting and tailoring, motor mechanic,masonry etc. O.P. Jindal Community Colleges (OPJCC),established at Angul and Barbil (Odisha), Godda and Patratu(Jharkhand), and Punjipathra (Chhattisgarh), are providingtechnical courses duly recognised by NCVT and IGNOU.OPJCC emphasises employability as well as educationaland economic mobility. Vocational training programmesprepare students for employment, entrepreneurship andfurther studies. Programmes include plumbing, welding,masonry, air conditioning and refrigeration, electronics,electrical wiring (industrial and home), manufacturingand metallurgy. Nursing and paramedical programmesand hospitality courses are new additions. OPJCC alsooperates four Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) that havebeen adopted under the Public Private Partnership (PPP)Scheme of the Government of India. The ITIs are locatedat Sarangarh, Kharsia, Gharghoda (in Chhattisgarh), andBarbil (in Odisha). The Jindal Institute of Technology (JIT),Raigarh is affiliated to the Chhattisgarh Swami VivekanadaTechnical University, Bhilai and is recognised by AICTE.The Institute offers 4-year undergraduate engineeringprogrammes in mechanical, electrical, electronics, civiland metallurgy courses. The curriculum for the courses isdiverse and enriching, which helps students to deliver innew and creative ways. It has opened opportunities forthe students of Raigarh and surrounding villages to availof undergraduate technical qualification and multiplyingtheir chances of getting better remunerative employment.The Company is operating O. P. Jindal School, a 10+2 coeducationalschool with all modern facilities at Raigarh,which has over the years created competitive learningatmosphere amongst students and developed keen interestin them to get higher education.The COMPANy believes that businessENTERPRISES impact society and theENVIRONMENT through their operations,PRODUCTS and services. With thisBACKGROUND the COMPANy has, sinceINCEPTION, made sustained efforts forupliftment of the underprivileged andBACKWARD people.During the year under report, the Company providedscholarships, rewards and recognition to meritoriousstudents, created learning environment throughinfrastructural support such as providing of tables andchairs, electrification, science laboratory, school fee,uniform, books and access to technology through computerlabs, computers and printers, conducted coaching classesfor weaker students, appointed community teachers,provided grants for school development, conducted adulteducation programmes and opened adult education centresin Angul, Patratu and Raigarh, organised quiz competitionamong school students, undertook repair and renovationof school / college buildings, opened pre-nursery schoolsin rehabilitation colonies and crèche for workers’ children,provided transportation facility to students etc. which hasincreased attendance of students in the schools.iii) Community Infrastructure DevelopmentOne of the most important measures of an improved qualityof life is the reduction of the rural-urban divide. Easy accessto modern amenities and improved surroundings will helpin reducing this divide. Company is making efforts to createstrong infrastructure that will meet the requirements ofrural communities around works, projects, mines whichwill enable them to live in clean and improved surroundingscomplete with the basic amenities.The Company has installed/ repaired borewells,submersible pumps, hand pumps including PVC pipes forproviding clean drinking water, constructed boundary wallsin schools, renovated classrooms, deepened/ cleaned andconstructed ponds and covered them with barbed wirefencing, constructed drains, chabutaras, vocational trainingcentre buildings, community halls, bus stops and placesof worship for the community, provided electrificationand transformers in the villages, promoted communityparticipation in the form of ‘shramdaan’, upgraded civicamenities, provided forward and backward linkages foreconomic activities, constructed roads, community halls,cultural stages, box culverts, gym halls, veterinary hospitalbuildings and toilets etc.iv) Sustainable LivelihoodThe Company interventions in this area focus on institutionbuilding at the grassroots to promote entrepreneurialcapacities. This is done through organising communitiesinto Self Help Groups and training them on basics ofmicro-enterprise. The other part relates to imparting amultitude of vocational skills for better employability atindividual level. Aimed to generate additional income, suchinterventions also serve the crucial purpose of developingcommunity goodwill, which manifests in the rising numbersof men and women coming together to work for a commoncause.During the year under report, the Company organised skillupgradation of youth and women and promoted incomegeneration activities through training in apparel makingand designing, stitching, cutting and tailoring, embroidery,readymade garments, uniform making, mushroomcultivation, mixture making , potato chips / papad making,mobile phones/ refrigerator/ air-condition repairing andgave financial support for running these business activities.The Company also provided financial assistance in otherincome generation activities like jute product making,vegetable, poultry units and herbal products, organicherbal body care products, low cost sanitary napkin,phenyl making, agarbatti making, leaf-cup making andpaper cup making, production of shoppers bags, bottlebags and decorative items, promoted food preservationunits like pickles, sauces, chutneys, snacks, assisted in flyashbrick making by village women and initiation of vermicompostingunits etc. In partnership with the districtfisheries department in Barbil, the Company is promotingscientific pisciculture among the communities.v) Sports, Art and CultureYouth form a significant part of country’s population andthe Company is channelising their energy and directingit towards development of communities. Company hascollaborated with various village level youth clubs inorganising various sports and cultural events throughoutthe year to identify and nurture exceptional talent and

104 Jindal Steel & Power Limited Business Leadership Sustainable Operations Excellent Governance Robust FinancialsManagement Discussion and Analysis ReportAnnual Report 2011-12105CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYThe Company believes that business enterprises impact societyand the environment through their operations, products andservices. With this background the Company has, since inception,made sustained efforts for upliftment of the underprivilegedand backward people. As a responsible corporate citizen, theCompany is committed to community development and believesthat an effective growth policy must also take into account thefulfilment of basic needs of people around its plants. It deploysresources to help improve infrastructure, education, health,water, sanitation and environment, among others, in the areasof its operation. CSR activities undertaken during the year underreport at the Company’s plants and mines are briefly givenhereunder.i) Community HealthGeneral health in India is a cause of concern, more so forthe rural folk. Socio-economic disadvantages like poverty,illiteracy and traditional belief apparently make modernmedical facilities inaccessible to most villagers. The Companyis providing world-class health facilities to the people ofRaigarh at the 100-bed multi-specialty O. P. Jindal Hospital& Research Centre. The facilities include: medicine, surgery,gynaecology, orthopeadics and pediatrics. The hospital hasfour well-equipped operation theatres, a cardiac ICU, aburn ICU and a neo-natal ICU. Mobile Medical Units withqualified medical professionals regularly visited the villagesaround factories and mines and provided essential healthcare services including on the spot diagnostic and curativeclinical facilities and free medicines. Mega health campswere organised to address health issues of the peopleand health checkups were conducted. Corrective surgerycamp for Post Polio deformities followed by Prosthesiswere organised in association with Akhil Bhartiya ViklangChetna Parishad and Lions Club, Raigarh. Immunisationcamps for cholera, dengue, malaria, chickenpox, polio wereheld and voluntary blood donation camps were conducted.Health awareness camps about health of women, infantand child care, family planning, HIV, Malaria, T.B, leprosy,anaemia, hygiene were also conducted. Specific referralcases were also assisted for availing best possible medicalfacilities and financial assistance was provided to theneedy patients. Trauma Centre has started functioning atPunjipathra, Raigarh to handle emergency medical cases.Free ambulance facilities are available round the clock andtakes patients to the hospitals for treatment.ii) EducationEducation can single handedly rid the country of a numberof social evils. Education is pivotal to all round development.Access to quality educational services still remains elusivefor rural and backward people of the country resulting inunemployment, poverty, health hazards etc. To spreadeducation and help transform lives, the Company has setup educational and vocational training institutions underthe banner of O.P. Jindal Institute of Technology & Skills(OPJITS) at Angul, Patratu and Godda. These institutionsimpart competence-based skill-oriented technical andvocational training in multiple trades, such as, electricalwork, welding, carpentry, plumbing, fitting, computeroperations, cutting and tailoring, motor mechanic,masonry etc. O.P. Jindal Community Colleges (OPJCC),established at Angul and Barbil (Odisha), Godda and Patratu(Jharkhand), and Punjipathra (Chhattisgarh), are providingtechnical courses duly recognised by NCVT and IGNOU.OPJCC emphasises employability as well as educationaland economic mobility. Vocational training programmesprepare students for employment, entrepreneurship andfurther studies. Programmes include plumbing, welding,masonry, air conditioning and refrigeration, electronics,electrical wiring (industrial and home), manufacturingand metallurgy. Nursing and paramedical programmesand hospitality courses are new additions. OPJCC alsooperates four Industrial Training Institutes (ITIs) that havebeen adopted under the Public Private Partnership (PPP)Scheme of the Government of India. The ITIs are locatedat Sarangarh, Kharsia, Gharghoda (in Chhattisgarh), andBarbil (in Odisha). The Jindal Institute of Technology (JIT),Raigarh is affiliated to the Chhattisgarh Swami VivekanadaTechnical University, Bhilai and is recognised by AICTE.The Institute offers 4-year undergraduate engineeringprogrammes in mechanical, electrical, electronics, civiland metallurgy courses. The curriculum for the courses isdiverse and enriching, which helps students to deliver innew and creative ways. It has opened opportunities forthe students of Raigarh and surrounding villages to availof undergraduate technical qualification and multiplyingtheir chances of getting better remunerative employment.The Company is operating O. P. Jindal School, a 10+2 coeducationalschool with all modern facilities at Raigarh,which has over the years created competitive learningatmosphere amongst students and developed keen interestin them to get higher education.The COMPANy believes that businessENTERPRISES impact society and theENVIRONMENT through their operations,PRODUCTS and services. With thisBACKGROUND the COMPANy has, sinceINCEPTION, made sustained efforts forupliftment of the underprivileged andBACKWARD people.During the year under report, the Company providedscholarships, rewards and recognition to meritoriousstudents, created learning environment throughinfrastructural support such as providing of tables andchairs, electrification, science laboratory, school fee,uniform, books and access to technology through computerlabs, computers and printers, conducted coaching classesfor weaker students, appointed community teachers,provided grants for school development, conducted adulteducation programmes and opened adult education centresin Angul, Patratu and Raigarh, organised quiz competitionamong school students, undertook repair and renovationof school / college buildings, opened pre-nursery schoolsin rehabilitation colonies and crèche for workers’ children,provided transportation facility to students etc. which hasincreased attendance of students in the schools.iii) Community Infrastructure DevelopmentOne of the most important measures of an improved qualityof life is the reduction of the rural-urban divide. Easy accessto modern amenities and improved surroundings will helpin reducing this divide. Company is making efforts to createstrong infrastructure that will meet the requirements ofrural communities around works, projects, mines whichwill enable them to live in clean and improved surroundingscomplete with the basic amenities.The Company has installed/ repaired borewells,submersible pumps, hand pumps including PVC pipes forproviding clean drinking water, constructed boundary wallsin schools, renovated classrooms, deepened/ cleaned andconstructed ponds and covered them with barbed wirefencing, constructed drains, chabutaras, vocational trainingcentre buildings, community halls, bus stops and placesof worship for the community, provided electrificationand transformers in the villages, promoted communityparticipation in the form of ‘shramdaan’, upgraded civicamenities, provided forward and backward linkages foreconomic activities, constructed roads, community halls,cultural stages, box culverts, gym halls, veterinary hospitalbuildings and toilets etc.iv) Sustainable LivelihoodThe Company interventions in this area focus on institutionbuilding at the grassroots to promote entrepreneurialcapacities. This is done through organising communitiesinto Self Help Groups and training them on basics ofmicro-enterprise. The other part relates to imparting amultitude of vocational skills for better employability atindividual level. Aimed to generate additional income, suchinterventions also serve the crucial purpose of developingcommunity goodwill, which manifests in the rising numbersof men and women coming together to work for a commoncause.During the year under report, the Company organised skillupgradation of youth and women and promoted incomegeneration activities through training in apparel makingand designing, stitching, cutting and tailoring, embroidery,readymade garments, uniform making, mushroomcultivation, mixture making , potato chips / papad making,mobile phones/ refrigerator/ air-condition repairing andgave financial support for running these business activities.The Company also provided financial assistance in otherincome generation activities like jute product making,vegetable, poultry units and herbal products, organicherbal body care products, low cost sanitary napkin,phenyl making, agarbatti making, leaf-cup making andpaper cup making, production of shoppers bags, bottlebags and decorative items, promoted food preservationunits like pickles, sauces, chutneys, snacks, assisted in flyashbrick making by village women and initiation of vermicompostingunits etc. In partnership with the districtfisheries department in Barbil, the Company is promotingscientific pisciculture among the communities.v) Sports, Art and CultureYouth form a significant part of country’s population andthe Company is channelising their energy and directingit towards development of communities. Company hascollaborated with various village level youth clubs inorganising various sports and cultural events throughoutthe year to identify and nurture exceptional talent and

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